Transcript for:
Wisdom and Wealth: A Lecture on Proverbs and Trees

two one a lot of people are looking for uh the easy way to wealth um and I'm here to let you know that I've only found one easy way to wealth and that is wisdom wisdom is the easy way to easy way to wealth and what does that even mean I I I literally believe that the world of wealth or the road that leads to the world of wealth is paved with wisdom I'm going to read something to you um I I I like I didn't even know what to call this I was should I call it wisdom is the easy way to wealth uh should I call it wisdom is the way to wealth should I call it um um oh I you know what I should have called it that's who does that right you're you're in the middle of a video oh this is what I should have called it right um the tree of wisdom and the garden of wealth here's what it says Proverbs chapter 3 verse 13 it says happy is the man that findeth wisdom and the man that GTH understanding for the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver and the gain thereof then find gold so the the merchandise of gaining wisdom and understanding is better than the merchandise of silver why because you can get silver and not have the wisdom in the understanding but what it's showing us is you can't get the wisdom in the understanding without having wisdom I mean you can't get the wisdom and the understand you can't get um the wisdom and understanding without getting wealth wealth is the natural byproduct and guess what the scripture also says wisdom is what better than gold why is wisdom better than gold because if you get wisdom they can take your wi I mean if you get wealth they can take your wealth if you don't believe me ask the government right but if you get wisdom they can't take your wisdom and so it says it says for her the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver verse 14 the gain thereof than find gold she is more precious than rubies and all the things that can that thou cast desire cannot be compared unto her who we're going to call her the wisdom tree that's who we're going to call her okay and then it says Length of days is in her right hand in her left hand riches and honor long life wealth and honor oh this is almost too good to be true is it her ways are the ways of pleasantness her paths are peace here's the part I never saw before she is a tree of life to them that lay hold on her what how did I miss that I been reading the like I I did not I was cognitive cognitively unaware of the fact that that was in the Bible and I've read that chapter hundreds of times and it says it says maybe it's my new fascination with trees that made me see it this time I don't know she is the Tree of Life to them that lay hold upon her and happy is everyone that retaineth her her who the wisdom tree this is so good okay so let's unpack this for a second did you ever stop to think about how much the Bible talks about trees like the whole Bible no like the whole Bible like you get three like you get three chapters in and a a snake a woman a man and a tree set the whole thing on its heels a tree there were three types of trees in the garden there there were there were the trees that had food on them that God said of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat right there's a tree of knowledge of Good and Evil the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil Thou shalt not eat it for the day thou eatest thereof Thou shalt surely die and then there's the Tree of Life these are the trees that are in the garden Jesus when he died he was was crucified on a tree like this whole tree thing is a thing why I believe because oh before I even show you that let me show you something in Deuteronomy chapter 20 what this Bible is so jammed packed with so good um what verse is it first no matter okay verse 19 here's what it says Deuteronomy 20119 says when thou shalt besiege the city a long time in making war against it to take it Thou shalt not destroy the trees thereof by forcing an axe against them for thou mayest eat of them and thou shalt not cut them down for the tree of the field is man's life to employ them in the seege don't what is he saying don't bite the hand that feeds you so the interesting thing about trees and we think about we think about the tree of wisdom we think about the tree of wisdom being like it's like a tree of it's It's a tree of life wisdom and understanding are the tree of life so here's what's here's what's interesting to me about that you got the ground you plant a seed in the ground the seed grows in two directions at the same time it starts out by growing down we we'll call we'll call the soil we're going to call this the ground we're going to call the soil potential because that's that's really all it is did you ever notice did you ever notice that land in different places is valued at different prices why because the value of the land is determined by the potential of the prophets of the land that's why land in New York City is is more expensive than land in Paduka Kentucky okay so it's potential so you plant the seed in the ground this this it goes down and when it goes down this is called what What's this called down here it's called what Roots this these are the roots and then it grows up this is the trunk why did I do that in white why didn't I do that in green trees are green right okay that's brown the trunk of the tree is brown oh okay I thought well the leaves are green can y'all let me do this They're laughing at me because I'm colorblind but but it's not it's not it's not it's not nice to make fun of colorblind people okay just saying okay trees are brown okay okay who knew okay okay so I'm going to I'm going to do something that you can only do on a digital whiteboard really quickly just so I can like finish well no I'm not I'm not going to do it that way so um so this tree so we have we have the roots and the roots are ignorance we don't know anything and then we have knowledge I'm just going to put in there and then we have understanding we could put discern over here right we can we right but this is wisdom that's wisdom the trunk of the tree is the wisdom what is this the fruit the fruit on the tree it told us what the fruits are and see everybody wants the fruit if you're writing if you're taking notes I'm about to say one of the most profound things I've ever said in my life the root determines the fruit H yeah yeah the root determines the fruit I I ask people sometimes so what does a tree have to do to Bear apples oh what does a tree have to do to be apples oh it needs has water Sunshine oh yeah it needs to be planted yeah but it needs to be an apple tree needs to be an apple tree right and so the root determines the fruit and so the scripture says the scripture says that the um that the that this wisdom and understanding is the tree of life and then it says riches are one of the fruits oh it says honor is one of the fruits it says long life is one of the fruits it says pleasantness and see we all of these things are things we desire to have right but if we desire to have these things we have to cultivate this we don't this this is not cultivated these are byproducts of the beingness of the whole tree oops these fruit the fruit the fruits are the byproduct of being the tree the scripture says scripture says when desire cometh it is the Tree of Life but he that witness Souls is Wise by the way that's not talking about witnessing to people either it's talking about making friends okay talking about like winning people like having a winning personality that's what it's talking about it's talking about it's talking about acquiring friends okay so the Bible tells us clearly that that wisdom is like this tree of life that produces all the things and see what happens is because we've been programmed to think like consumers are y'all tracking because we've been programmed to think like consumers we want to consume the fruit without cultivating the roots and that's not how God designed it well where where do I get this wisdom well James chapter 1 if any of you lack wisdom let him askk of God who give to all men Liv now in the context of that Passage in the context of James chapter 1 when it's saying if any of you lack wisdom that's not talking about General wisdom it's not I mean I believe that if you ask God for General wisdom he can give it to you and he will give it to you but that's not what that verse is talking about the that verse is talking about all the things that came before it he's saying hey uh my breth encountered all joy when you fall into diverse Temptations knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience he's saying he's saying when you have trials let that Tri let those trials bring you Joy because when those trials bring you Joy then you are being who God has called you to be because as a follower of Christ you are to live in a state of Perpetual joyfulness and he's saying if any of you lack wisdom on how to count it all joy let him ask of God and God will give you the wisdom to count it Joy when you're going through trials in the context that's what it's talking about but in the I think it's in the Book of Proverbs it says the lord giveth wisdom and out of out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding so so how do I cultivate the root of my Wisdom Tree the Tree of Life how do I cultivate the roots of my Wisdom Tree so that I can eventually like benefit from the fruits of my wisdom tree that's so good and the answer is you have to water it there are so many passages that talk okay the ultimate wisdom is God's wisdom and God didn't just have his wisdom but he put his wisdom on display in his word and it says blessed is the in Psalms chapter 1 blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsil of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of Sinners nor sth in the seat of the scornful but his Delight is in the law of the Lord in his law do he meditate day and night he shall be like a tree oh there's that tree again what planted by the rivers of waters that does what bringeth forth his fruit in his season his Leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper he said he shall be like a tree planted you want to be planted like a tree what does planted mean it means you're foundational it means you've got it means you you you're sturdy you're strong you're standing on something that's stronger than yourself you want to be planted like a tree how do you do that by delighting yourself in the word of God but he's not just planted but he's also pliable because of where he's planted where's he planted by a river of water and a tree that's planted by the river of water when the storm comes the tree is pliable it's not brittle so therefore when the wind blows it doesn't break it just bends and so because you're planted by the rivers of waters the same storm that breaks the Fool's tree only bends your tree well I wish I had some help in here oh Lord and it says he planted by the rivers wat bringing forth his fruit in his season guess what that means that means you can be productive like a tree amen now here's what's cool about the production of a tree because we've all heard the phrase you reap what you sow you do reap what you sow but you reap later than you sow so you have to understand that when the scripture says when the scripture says you're going to be like a tree that doesn't mean you're going to plant the seed today and have the fruit tomorrow you reap later than you sow and so if you're going to be a gardener and a garden full of w wisdom trees you have to have some patience and guess what your inputs will contribute to your outputs but God owns the timing well and see a part of the problem a lot of people have is they're sitting around wishing it was Harvest time while they're in Winter instead of preparing for spring when it's winter there are a lot of people who didn't plant anything in the spring and so they want to come and take with those of us who have planted when we harvest in the fall that's right called government okay sorry I couldn't resist I couldn't resist they're called politicians okay so and so so we have to understand that God controls the timing and it doesn't make sense to attempt to rush the seasons let the seasons do what only the seasons can do and be thankful that you get to experience what the seasons do when the seasons are doing what they do because you can pay attention to the seasons and then you can learn something from the season so the next time you're in the same season again that you're in now you know exactly what to do so he say planted like a tree by the rivers of water pliable like a tree productive like a tree bringing forth his fruit in the season his Leaf also shall not wither you can be pretty and protective like a tree cuz leaves make trees pretty and protective that's right oh wait there's more Isaiah chapter 55 my ways are not your ways sayeth the Lord neither are my thoughts your thoughts as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts as the rain cometh down and the snow from heaven and it WTH the Earth and maketh it bring forth in bud so when the rain and the snow come down from heaven and water the earth the earth which is the potential has no choice but to bring forth fruit and so when the rain cometh down in snow from Heaven it WTH the Earth and maketh it bring forth in Bud why that it may give seed to the Sewer what is that production to the producer and bread to the eater what's that consumption to the consumer Watch What God Says so shall my word be which goeth forth out of my mouth what does that mean his God's word's going to be like the rain and the snow that comes down from heaven and Waters the Earth and makes it bring forth in blood okay okay I'm picking up what you're putting down but watch this God doesn't change and in Genesis chapter 1 God said let us make man in our image and the image of God created him male and female created he them Genesis chapter 5 wait and God blessed them and S on them be fruitful and multiply replenish the Earth and subdue it and the Lord God planted a garden East W in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed formed where do he form him Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 and the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground I don't know if you can see as clearly as I can that God's ideal environment for man men and women boys and girls is a garden we were talking about I want my piece of the economic pie well the problem is there's no such thing there's no economic pie God wanted an economic pie wouldn't have put man in a garden he would have put him in a bakery but he put him in a garden why because in a bakery consumption creates lack but in a garden consumption creates production because when I eat an apple it's got six seeds so every one apple has the potential to produce six more trees do you do you realize do you realize how many billions of dollars businesses have made by selling their sawdust by fig stuff they used to throw away they said I'm not going to throw this away anymore I'm going to do something else with it so somebody somebody got this idea you know I'm going to go buy all this sawdust from these companies I'm going to glue it together press it make it look like laws logs and then I'm going to create artificial logs that light up easier and burn longer and then I'm going to put them in a package and sell them to people I call it selling the sawd desk production in the life of a wise person I'm sorry consumption in the life of a wise person produces consumption produces production consumption in the life of a wise person produces consumption Peter Piper picked the peack of pickled peppers okay and so it says as the rain cometh down in the snow from heaven and WTH the Earth the scripture says the word of God is like the water that comes down well guess what God made man from the dust of the ground and then he put the man in the garden so God takes dirt from the ground and makes a man and says now go cultivate the dirt of the ground so man is watering the Earth is is well he's not watering he's cultivating the Earth cuz God watered the Earth back then but we have to water our stuff now you better water your grass in Florida especially in the winter time CU it ain't going to rain right it a rain when's it going to rain again oh next June um so so but but the scripture is teaching me that my my physical experience of life is made from the dirt that the trees grow out of and so God is showing me that when I water the soil that is me with the water of the word of God and then I get go to the word of God and I eliminate my Ignorance by adding knowledge and understanding and discernment and discretion and all these roots and then it grows up into wisdom because ignorance is the absence of Truth knowledge is the accumulation of Truth understanding is the assimilation of Truth wisdom is the application of truth I actually go do something about these things that I've learned like people are so get so excited when a preacher gets excited and he starts preaching then they go home and do nothing about it well what you so excited about you ain't doing nothing see now you got some knowledge but you don't have any wisdom to go with it because you didn't apply it and so the scripture says that the tree like this like this wisdom and understanding is the tree of life and so if we will saturate the soil that is us with the word of God and plant the seed of the word of God in us our life will produce a wisdom tree that is the tree of life and guess what it won't just provide life for us it'll provide life for us and those around us why because that's how God set it up I'm GNA read this to you one more time let me let me see if it hits different now let's see if it hits different okay here we go Proverbs chapter 3 and verse number 13 Proverbs 3 and verse number 13 see if it see if it hits different happy is the man that findeth wisdom and the man that GTH understanding for the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver and the gain thereof than fine gold she is more precious than rubies and all the things that thou cast desire cannot be compared unto her so let me ask you a question all the things that you can desire cannot be compared to wisdom and understanding let me ask you a question do you desire wisdom and understanding more than you desire anything else because the scripture says if you desire something else more than you desire those your priorities are off like do you have a level of curiosity for how things work so that you are so obset I got I don't know I just got to figure it out I just got to figure it out I got to figure it out I got to figure it out I just got to figure it out are you obsessed with learning so that you can get and especially learning the principles of God so that you can see how every aspect of life relates to the principles are you obsessed with this because until you become obsessed with this your priorities are out of whack it says I didn't say this this is the wisest wealthiest person who ever Liv he said he says and all the things um verse 15 and all the things that thou cast desire are not to be compared unto her Length of days is in her right hand in her left hand riches and honor her ways are the um ways of pleasantness in her paths are peace she's the Tree of Life to them that lay hold upon her and happy is everyone that retaineth her her The Wisdom Tree okay y'all Y y'all missed it y y y'all missed it I a't I'm clearly talking way too fast today but that's okay that's okay watch this in case you missed it by the way what do I believe is the seed that we what is the seed what is the seed of this Wisdom Tree I believe the seed of this Wisdom Tree is seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you I believe that seeking the kingdom of God what does that mean seeking for God to be the Sovereign ruler of your life and then seeking to rule over your assignment with sovereignty and then using the assignment that you rule over to serve other people that is the seed so you've probably you may have heard me say this before but the story of King Solomon in chapter 3 and in First Kings chapter 3 to me is a perfect illustration of what it means to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things be added on you it's like the Old Testament illustration for Matthew 6:33 what is it watch this here's what it says in it says um in verse five in gibian the Lord appeared unto Solomon in a Dream by night and asked what shall I give thee and Solomon said thou shown showed unto thy servant David my father great Mercy according as he walked before thee in truth and in righteousness uprightness of heart with thee and thou has kept for him this great kindness that thou has given him a son to sit on his throne as it is this day and now oh Lord my God thou has made thy servant King instead of David my father and I am but a little child and I know not how to go out or come in by the way he said I know not how to go out or come in which means King Solomon now has a job to do that he does not know how to do now most of us would think well that's a disqualifying Factor but awareness of our lack of qualification is actually a pre-qualification so good he's like I'm a little child I know not how to go out or come in and thy servant is in the midst of thy people which thou has chosen a great people that cannot be numbered notice who Solomon is talking about Sol is not talking about Solomon is talking about God he talking about the people you chose me you chose my father and you've got these people that you chose and now I'm supposed to rule over them but I don't know how to do it and then he said verse um n give therefore thy servant understanding to discern judgment that I may discern between good and bad for who is able to judge this thy so great people because the king's job was to was to try cases and was to determine who's lying and who's telling the truth so he had to be able to discern judgment he had to be able to tell the difference between who's right and who's wrong that's what he's saying okay y'all track him and then it says it says I just I don't know how to do that give therefore thy servant understanding heart but see we could all say that about every aspect of Our Lives couldn't we we could say Lord you've made me a father but I don't know how to be a father like like I don't know how to be a father I I don't know so give me the wisdom oh I'm I'm sorry I I'm getting ahead of myself compose yourself my breathe breathe okay give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people that may discern between good and bad for who is able to judge the I so great people and the speech pleased the Lord that Solomon asked this thing and God said unto him because thou has asked this thing and Hast not asked for thyself long life neither hast thou asked riches for thyself this is so good see how much see how much better the Bible is when you read it slow nor hast thou asked for the life of thine enemies but thou has asked for thyself understanding to discern judgment in other words you ask for yourself the ability to do the thing I put you here to do God said behold I have done according to thy words and lo I've have given thee a wise and understanding heart so there was none like thee before thee neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee and I also have given thee that which thou has not asked both riches and honor so that there shall be none among none there shall not be any among the Kings uh like unto thee all thy days and if thou walk in my ways and keep my statutes and my Commandments as th Father David did walk then will I lengthen thy days doesn't that sound almost identical to what we just read over there in Proverbs Chapter three oh that's amazing God said I'm gonna you didn't ask he said the riches and the honor the long life the life of your enemies that's all a bonus I'm going to give you that because you understand that the purpose of your life is to please me and serve these people I put you to rule over what that's why the ultimate Kingdom prayers Lord give me the wisdom to do the thing you put me on this Earth to do so I can serve the people you put me here to serve in a way that pleases you that's the like give me the wisdom to do the thing you put me on this Earth to do in a way that pleases you and serves the people you put me to serve that's that's the like that is the ultimate win okay did it work let's find out did it work it says in Proverbs Chapter I mean second king First Kings chapter 4 here's what happened to Solomon in verse verse 30 CH uh 1 Kings chapter 4: 30 and Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of the children of the East country and the wisdom of Egypt for he was wiser than all men than Ethan the ezrahite and Haman andal and Darda and the sons of Mahal and his Fame went in all nations roundabout and he spake a thousand Proverbs and his songs were 35 and he spake of trees I love this whole this thing keeps coming back don't it he said he spake of trees from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even the hsip that springeth out of the wall and he spake of Beast and of foul and of creeping things what is what is it saying Solomon became so wise that he was able to teach uncommon lessons from commonplace things okay this is the last part I'm going to read to you because y'all looking at me like y'all brain sweating too much First Kings chap 10:23 so King Solomon exceeded all the kings of the Earth for riches and for wisdom and all the Earth sought to Solomon to hear his wisdom that God had put in his heart and they brought every man his present vessels of silver and vessels of gold and garments and armor and spices and horses and mules a rate year by year grow your wisdom tree grow your Wisdom Tree it will produce for you things that you cannot produce for yourself I hope this video blesses you I'll look forward to seeing you on the next video in the meantime in between time stay blessed by the best and we'll see you next Thursday bye for now [Applause]