Understanding God's Importance at Conference

Jul 31, 2024

Conference Opening Remarks: Why is God Important?

Welcome and Introduction

  • Welcome from an elder of Breathe Reform Baptist Church.
  • Gratitude for attendee participation in the conference.
  • Event topic: Why is God Important?

Importance of God

  • A vital question for both skeptics and believers is understanding why God is essential.
  • Purpose of the event:
    • To evangelize and introduce the importance of God to those who may not understand it.
    • To encourage believers in understanding God’s importance and value.

Conference Schedule

  • First block: Debate on important aspects of God.
  • Break for lunch from 12:30 PM to 2 PM.
  • Afternoon session: Various talks on God’s importance.
  • Dr. White to speak at the end of the session.


  • Thanking panelists and volunteers for their support.
  • Acknowledgment of Inferno Miken for co-sponsoring the event.

Debate Introduction

  • Moderated by Mike Dill.
  • Debate topic: The Bible teaches Catholic authority, not sola scriptura.
  • Importance of understanding differing beliefs to maintain charity, truth, and unity.

Debate Format

  • Each speaker has:
    • 17-minute opening statement.
    • Two rounds of rebuttals (7 minutes each).
    • Cross-examination (10 minutes each).
    • Audience Q&A with selected questions.

Speaker Introductions

  • Alex: Lifelong Catholic, known as the Voice of Reason on social media.
  • Dr. James White: Author, theologian, director of Alpha and Omega ministries, and professor.

Opening Statement Highlights

Alex's Opening Statement

  • Focused on authority in the church and the understanding of scripture.
  • Key Points Raised:
    • Agreement on God as ultimate infallible authority.
    • Scripture alone vs. Scripture with tradition and Church authority.
    • Issues with sola scriptura:
      1. Incomplete writings of apostles.
      2. Missing letters referenced in the New Testament.
      3. The church as the infallible interpreter of scripture.
    • Apostolic succession ensures preservation of the faith.

Dr. White's Opening Statement

  • Discussed presuppositional apologetics and authority.
  • Key Points Raised:
    • Importance of sola scriptura as the ultimate authority.
    • Historical examples of church authority and interpretation.
    • Challenges against the premise of Catholic authority and tradition.

Q&A Session

Key Questions Discussed:

  1. Approach to Pope's Infallibility:

    • Alex: If the Pope contradicts Church teaching, it would indicate a false Church.
    • Dr. White: Scripture is the ultimate authority.
  2. Existence of Canon and Authority:

    • Alex: The canon does not self-authenticate; it is affirmed through tradition and the Church's teaching.
    • Dr. White: The existence of scripture should be sufficient for authority without needing an outside interpreter.
  3. Moral Teachings:

    • Alex: If the Church taught something contrary to scripture, it would be false.
    • Dr. White criticized the evolving nature of Catholic teachings on morality.
  4. Interpretation and Understanding:

    • Both debated the role of the Church and how tradition informs understanding of scripture.

Closing Statements

Alex's Closing Remarks

  • Thanked everyone for their participation.
  • Emphasized the need for apostolic succession for authority and understanding of scripture.
  • Affirmed the Church's role in guiding believers to understand truth.

Dr. White's Closing Remarks

  • Stressed the importance of sola scriptura in understanding doctrine and authority.
  • Encouraged the audience to recognize the scriptural basis for beliefs without reliance on external authority.


  • Ended with a prayer and a reflection on unity, knowledge, and truth within the Christian community.
  • Acknowledgments to all participating, including the church and sponsors.