Transcript for:
Productivity Principles from Genesis 1

productivity hack in life I could call this how to be more productive than you ever thought about being in your life I could call this automatic success principles for every entrepreneur but whatever you call it the reality is you're about to learn some productivity hacks that will change your life for the rest of your life so one of the best ways to figure out how to do anything better is to find somebody who's really really good at it and then model them right well so as I started to think about productivity and the best way to be productive I thought like who had more productivity in a short period of time than anybody else in human history in world history and like the first first person came to my mind was Nehemiah right Nehemiah like you want to study productivity go to the book of Nehemiah this dude rebuilt the walls around the city of Jerusalem with his team in 52 days and he wasn't even a builder he was a cup Bearer right but he knew how to get things done but that's not the most that's not the most productive anybody's ever been the most productive anybody's been in world history is God when he created everything out of nothing in seven six days and rested on the seventh day so if you want to find the ultimate productivity hack you have to go back to Genesis chapter one and you've heard me say this many times in the past like my favorite book in the Bible is Genesis my favorite chapter in Genesis is Genesis chapter one there are so many success principles in Genesis chapter one it's almost like God gave us a wink and said in case you don't get the chapter two I want you to be okay so now I'm going to share with you productivity hacks that I use in my life and in my business that you can use in your life in your business that God used in Genesis chapter one now the first thing I want to say is this and I want you all to give me an answer those of you who are alive those of you who are on YouTube you can type it in God is great good come on y'all acting like y'all don't know like yeah yeah it got all quiet like like God God who no no that ain't it y'all that ain't the answer okay so so I'm gonna do it again God is great okay and God is good and then somebody says all the time and then we can say God is love and we can say God is awesome we can say God is omnipotent we can say God is Omni Mission God is our name present God is Holy but here's what's really fascinating about God when he introduced himself to us in Genesis chapter one tell us any of those things about him first the first thing when you meet somebody first thing you tell them about you is the most important thing you want them to know about you what's the first thing God told us about God in the beginning God created the Heaven and the heavens and the earth now I don't know what you do when you read that but I started scratching my head now why would he do that and then some people say well they're going to get really spiritual and you're going to say well Heaven is God's throne and Earth is God's footstool cool was he tired did he need to sit down did he where his feet hurt no so why would he create the heavens and the Earth and if you've never wondered about that I don't know maybe I'm the weird one okay you don't have to answer that okay so so I wonder and then I realized oh God created the heavens and the Earth because he is creative and therefore it is his nature to create so God created the heavens and the Earth as an expression of his I amness as an expression of his creativity so the first thing God tells about God is that he's creative why is that important it's important because he also told us the first thing he told us about us is that he made us in His image and he created us after his likeness which means he made us to make stuff and he created us to create stuff that's why human beings cannot feel fulfilled unless they're creating something and you might you might like God put a different aspect he infused he downloaded he programmed a different aspect of his creativity inside of all of us but he didn't download or install the same aspect of his creativity in any of us that's why some people he installed music and your creative abilities come out musically some of you they come out engineerally they come out by and Building Things some of you they come out and drawing things some of you they come out and speaking some of them you they come out in teaching but he put a different aspect of his creativity inside of all of us and that's why unless we that's why people who have who are what they call dead-end jobs the reason they feel like they're a dead end because you're doing a task that doesn't utilize your creativity and so you feel like you're wasting your life see God created human beings to be creative and God created three categories in creation he created he created creation the Sun the moon the stars the trees the grass the water he created creatures the dogs the cats the fish the birds the alligators and then he created creators men and women wow so that's why it's stupid I won't say it's stupid I'll say it's stupid I can't think of another word um that's why it doesn't make sense to pray to the universe it doesn't make sense to pray to the universe because you are greater than the universe God created the universe's creation he created you as a creator God created creatures that's why doesn't make sense to worship animals God created animals as creatures in fact the Hebrew word for animal is behema in it is what it is a horse is a horse is a horse of course what and for some of you who are a little older you'll know what that means right um have you ever heard of a talking horse well listen to this I am Mr Ed well that was fun to watch why because human beings like to personify animals and things that's why when we make cartoons animals can talk that's why when like we had when I was a kid they had a cartoon of a talking car right human beings love to create things in our image why because we're creating an image of God he created us in His image so we like to create things in our image right and so we have to make sure that when we're activating the creativity that's inside of us we're not creating something that goes against the purpose for which he created us are y'all tracking Okay so so I've always thought well not always but for a long time I've thought you know Genesis chapter one in the beginning God created heaven the Earth you know Genesis chapter 1 could have ended right there right in the beginning God created heaven the Earth they started going in all this detail why because he created us to be like him therefore he didn't just create the Heaven and the Earth he after he told us he did it he went back and showed us all the steps because he knew we were going to have to apply these same principles to the things we create are y'all tracking so in seven in six days God created everything out of nothing well we don't have the ability to create anything out of nothing and I know people say you can speak things into existence they've been wrong before they'll be wrong again and I I don't I like I'm not trying to be controversial or argumentative but the reality is if you could speak something into existence you would have already spoken something different into existence than what you got in existence right now can I get a witness where are my people but what you can do is you can speak God's word into your life and God's word spoken creates faith in a space in your life where doubt used to exist and when faith is installed in the space where doubt used to exist you can take an action in faith that you could not take in doubt so therefore you do something you didn't do when you were doubting you think you spoke the thing into existence and all you did was let yourself hear the word of God because Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God so in the beginning God created the Heavenly Earth then it says and the Earth was without form now do this on your own time but do it go look up the word was it's not the word used to be in Genesis chapter two it's not the word the Earth that used to be without forming void no no no God created the Heaven the Earth the Earth was without form that word was is the word became it became without form and void and darkness was on the face Earth so the first principle of productivity is this intention God's intention was to create so the very foundational principle of all productivity is intention you must set your intention to do the thing are y'all tracking wave at me my people okay so so if if you are if you are your your intention is to build a thing then you have to understand based on the laws of the universe the laws of physics like the law of energy everything is energy energies neither created or destroyed it just changes form right by the way can y'all tell by how long it's taken me to get to this this is going to be a series right okay so but everything is energy energies neither created or destroyed it just changes form right so um a tree is growing in the forest we go out chop down the tree we take the tree we throw it in the fireplace and the energy of the wood becomes the energy of Fire and the energy of fire turns the energy of the wood into the energy of Ash and we can take that out and plant it into our garden it becomes the energy of fertilizer for our garden and so it doesn't cease to exist it just turns into something else well if you understand that that like thoughts are even energy thoughts are they're an electric impulse so thoughts are energy and so we have this energy in our head and what we do is we convert that energy that thought into an intention and then that intention turns into an action and that action turns into a production right so it's really interesting you have the law of energy then you have the law of entropy anything left to itself tends to move more and more towards disorder what do we have after that we have the law of polarity for for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction for every positive there's a negative for every negative there's a there's a positive which shows us that there are always going to be two sides for energy there's entropy for in polarity for negative there's positive in in day in in Seasons there's winter and summer and there's spring and fall they're opposites of each other with like you have to have opposites or the thing can exist right like like opposite like opposites are existential to the nature of everything there can be no good if there were no evil there could be no love if there were no hate like everything requires an opposite to exist are y'all tracking okay so so we see intention here's why intention is so important I have I've interacted with hundreds of millionaires interacted with hundreds of millionaires and I've had conversations and coached people who were not millionaires to become a millionaires here's what I found out is the number one common denominator of people who are hyper successful not just in money but in any Arena it doesn't matter if it's Sports it doesn't matter if it's music it doesn't matter if it's money the number one common denominator you all ready here it is everybody say I'm ready okay here it is the number one common denominator for people who are hyper successful is they focus on intention and ignore distraction the number one common denominator of average people is they focus on distraction and ignore intention and people who focus on distraction and ignore intention they think they're balanced and they think you are obsessive and they think that you are obsessed and they think that you're out of balance because you're focused and folk balance is not the objective of Life balances a season in life it's never winter and summer in the same place at the same time and you're never in focus and balance at the same time when you're in Focus you're out of balance when you're in Balance you're out of focus and if you're broke you have not yet earned a season of balance so you need to focus and have intention now I know that you should say my money's not the most important thing in the world I know but it's what you ask for when you don't have none and you can't feed your children you'll lie about that you'll lie about us so you working eight hours a day for something you don't care about 16 hours a day for something you don't care about nobody believes that lie except you and you don't really believe it but you you feel like you have to say it because here's what's really Fascinating People who are successful and make a lot of money they feel like they have to make an excuse to people who are just watching a basketball game that has nothing to do with their life I'm not going to make an excuse to anybody like I'm not gonna apologize I I am not going to apologize for being rich I'm knocking back in the door with it I'm not I'm like I'm I'm not gonna show I'm not I mean I'm not gonna brag about it either any good thing in my life is a gift even the intelligence to be able to create a fortune and the intention and the intensity to be able to create a fortune as a gift like I get that and I'm grateful for so I have nothing in my life to be proud of and everything to be thankful for but guess what I'm not going to apologize to somebody who sits around watch football games basketball games golf tournaments and baseball games all day and their life ain't working and now they want me to feel bad because my life is man ciao please you better go ask somebody Okay so so focus on intention and ignore distraction I'm going to Define intention and distraction so you know I'm not just throwing words around what's my what's the definition of intention my definition of intention is anything that moves the needle in your favor in your life if it does not move the needle in your favor it's a distraction so that's why I I remember being I remember being in elementary school and I remember kids in elementary school having all the stats of their favorite baseball players and football players memorized I'm I'm thinking to myself why would you know that like I can remember thinking this in elementary school why would you know that these people don't even know you exist and you know everything about their life they know nothing about yours and not only that not know anything about you they don't care about yours they don't care they're living large and taking charge why because they focused on intention while you're focusing on distraction their intention has become your distraction oh snap so the first productivity hack that'll make you rich in 2023 is intention you need to become more intentional and I submit to you that if you are broke one of the last things you should be seeking is balance I was out of balance when I was broke I was so focused I'm sure the people around me thought I was a lunatic all he cares about is money no it ain't all I care about it's just the thing I care about the most when I don't have none now that I got plenty I don't focus on money at all it's just it's just money right but when I didn't have any oh I couldn't think about no why because people kept reminding me every time I went to the store they remind me you got any money every month they send me electric bill they didn't want an excuse they didn't even want a reason they just wanted some money so focus on intention things that move the needle in your favor anything that doesn't move the needle in your favor is a distraction so in the beginning God created Heavenly Earth that's his intention his intention was set well here's what happens next in the beginning in the beginning God created the Heavenly Earth and the Earth was without form that word was became so in productivity if you're not aware of this you will get derailed and never get back on track and what is that disruption always follows intention if you set out to do something good the first thing that shows up is something hard it is so hot in here if somebody can hook me up with some temperature that'd be great I'm cooking okay thank you like okay so the Earth was without form and void and darkness upon the faces deep the Earth became without form and void and darkness upon the pace of thee here's what disruption looks like it looks like um deformity it looks like emptiness it looks like Darkness that's what disruption feels like like in our studio right now we've got tape on the wall baseboards missing taped up plastic the men's room is all taped up you can't get in there we got dehumidifiers running why we were doing our challenge last month and our building flooded right while we were in the middle of it right we're in the middle of channels like the rain didn't even care we was in the middle of something right disruption always follows intention when you say if you decide if you're out of shape and you decide I'm going to get in shape I promise you the first couple of days maybe the first couple of weeks after you start exercising for the first time in a long time you ain't gonna feel stronger nah baby that ain't how this works you're gonna feel weaker you like you thought you had pain when you were just sitting around now you're gonna have some pain that follows you everywhere can I get a witness right and so you don't feel better first when you start a business you don't make money first you spend money first it's just how it works disruption always follows intention and if you don't know that you'll think something's going wrong but in essence in reality it's showing you that you're headed in the right direction the disruption that follows your intention is a sign that you are on the right Road Hallelujah then it says and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters so after disruption follows Our intention because we start with intention and when disruption follows Our intention here's what we have to do we have to seek a source of inspiration I need to I need something to happen I need to observe something feel something learn something that makes me feel like it can get better but not only it can get better it's going to get better so for me my inspiration is books like I love books I am there's you will never you will never see me on a day where I have not either read or listened to or I'm reading and listening to an audiobook of some kind ever like ever in the words of my brother Jeff you cannot draw water from an empty well you can't see see I I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna tell you because somebody I'm gonna be I'm a member of them faithful wounds of friends we talked about last week I'm gonna give you some of them right now Myron I don't understand why I don't have any followers I don't understand why I don't have any subscribers subscribers because you're not good yet they ain't gonna follow you because you want followers they ain't gonna subscribe because you want subscribers you got to actually say something that matters to them see here's what happens we show up in the marketplace and we want to say something that matters to us we want everybody to care I got news for you they don't like you that much they don't like me that much if I wasn't talking to you about stuff you can do you wouldn't even listen to me right now you ain't listening to me because I'm talking to you about me you listen to me because I'm talking to you about you and see some people are unwilling to get good to take the time that's necessary to be good at a thing and so what they do is they show up in the marketplace and they show everybody hey I'm not good yet and so they've created a reputation that says I'm not good and so now you all you've done is given people a reason to ignore you in the future I wish I had some help in here hola so inspiration you need to learn something you don't know you need to learn to believe something that you used to doubt you need to pursue something that's worthwhile that's what you like it's really interesting to me it's interesting because I'm interested in everything I'm that geeky person Jeff my brother Jeff's here my brother Rob's here they'll tell you when I was a kid I was most excited when I got a chemistry set for Christmas so I could make my own toothpaste you can go buy toothpaste at the store I wanted to make toothpaste why because they can make it I can make it right okay anyway I've always been that same dude y'all okay so what's really fascinating is is a tree doesn't grow in One Direction A Tree Grows in two directions but we only see the One Direction in which it grows but here's what here's here's the important part a tree has to grow down before it grows up the roots of a tree if you could see under the ground the roots of the tree would would mirror the branches of the tree a tree can only grow as tall successfully over time as its roots go deep the deeper the roots go the taller tree can grow here's the problem you're trying to grow tall you don't have no roots see trees have a gravotropic nature which means they grow away from light towards gravity that's called gravotropic nature of a tree but they also have a phototropic nature of a tree what's that it grows towards light and away from Gravity guess what you're the same way maybe that's why it says in the Book of Psalms he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters that bringeth forth this fruit in the season the leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever you do it shall prosper you have to have the gravitropic nature of a tree you have to grow your roots deep in the truth into principle so that you can grow your branches High into the sky towards the sun are y'all tracking is what I'm saying making sense okay so so we see first of all intention we see disruption that follows intention we see inspiration that we need to find after the disruption follows Our intention and then it says and God said let there be light and there was light the next thing that happens is illumination what's illumination illumination is when you learn something you didn't know before here's the problem most people think that they see with their eyes but the scripture says a wise man's eyes are in his head hmm what does that tell me well I see with my mind my eyes are only one of the things my mind uses to see that's why somebody like Helen Keller even though her eyes couldn't see she had more Vision than you and me Helen Keller said security does not exist in all of nature neither do the sons of men as a whole experience it life is either a daring Adventure or Nothing at All let me ask you a question are you allowing your life to be the daring Adventure that God ordained that it should be are you protecting yourself from that so that your life becomes nothing at all start using your mind to see truth not just your eyes to see what's in front of you maybe that's why the scripture says we're supposed to walk by faith and not by sight why I can't believe my eyes because my eyes tell lies see doubt is created in the eyes but faith is created in the ears and so the after I need illumination I need to learn some okay I need to learn something I don't know here's why the difference between where you are right now and what you can do and who you are and who you could be and what you have and what you could have is exactly the same as the difference between what you know and what you haven't learned and implemented yet that's where the Gap lies see if you knew better you can do better can I get a witness let me hear so y'all say if I knew better I could do better so here's here's my advice go learn better or should I look everywhere everywhere you find a Voice of Truth look there illumination and God said let there be light and guess what there was light imagine that see I and I know I y'all heard me tell the story before but when I was working on this car with my dad when he was a little kid and I we were going to lunch I said Dad the boat's not coming we were trying to get this Rusty boat out I said Dad's not coming out it's not coming out he said what's coming out it's coming out yeah like I've never like y'all think I'm a matter of fact I got it from my dad I've never met anybody more matter of fact in my life right he's a oh it's coming out you know why it's coming out boy no sir cause we got a brand that don't have a brain we have a brain that doesn't have a brain and that's why it has to come out oh okay and sure enough brand for lunch we went out and got the boat out I have a picture that my brother Rob took on in my office of my dad and Jarvis her family friend working under the hood of a car my name for that picture is we have a brain God said sebby light and there was light what happens after you learn the thing you didn't know see a lack of knowledge is a form of Darkness when you learn the thing you didn't know now something happens that couldn't happen before so we see intention we see disruption follows in tension we see inspiration and then we see illumination but it gets more better this is this is amazing watch this it says and God said let it be light there was light and God saw the light that it was good recognition is a part of productivity see some of y'all ain't doing better because when you did good you didn't stop and celebrate I remember we used to live in Gary Indiana when I first got married I was I was pitiful poor you say Myron what's pitiful poor that's when you're so poor poor people feel sorry for you like people broke as a joke ready Joker said man that joke I thought I would pull that joke about right and uh yeah he he ain't poor he Poe he's so Poe he can't afford the other oh or the r right he Po and and and and and I remember like I used to buy old raggedy cars and sell them actually actually I would sell them first and then buy them like like you talk about tapping into creativity I go knock on somebody's door they got a car sitting in their yard it's been sitting there for months hey you want to sell that car um sure tell you what how much you want for it uh 300 I give you 500 for it if you let me pay you for it after I sell it okay but it needs a transmission that's okay I know how to put transmission so I'm gonna take the karma tow it to my house I'll put a transmission in it I'm gonna sell it for a thousand I'm gonna pay that person 500 we're gonna go get the title signed over to the person when they buying it I put the card in the paper and the classified ads that's something I had before y'all had before they had the internet they have these things called newspapers classified ads so I put in classify that and I remember every time we sold a car me and my wife would celebrate by going to AMVETS and going shopping Amvets is like Salvation Army Goodwill I know some of y'all like what's ambits young people these days just pray just pray for them y'all just pray for them don't judge them okay so so but here's what you got to do when you have a win take time to celebrate the win and God said let there be light and there was light and what God saw that it was good like my friend Josh and Ashley and their wonderful children are back there they're here today from Texas by I mean from from Michigan by way of Texas where they live now and um and I love the fact that they work together as a family I work together as a family with my kids when they were young that's why my son and my daughter now that they're adults in their 30s they still work with me they have their own stuff but they work with me too why we have a family business so we celebrated by taking Great Vacations we celebrated by doing things together like when you have a win make sure all the people on your team win with you so okay um and God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that was good have you taken the time to celebrate the winds you've that you had in 2022 you want to have more wins in 2023 and you haven't even celebrated the wins you had in 2022. why are you tripping you know I'm telling the truth right like take time to step back be grateful celebrate the wins like go out to eat do something celebrate with the people who helped you win okay here we go then it says and I love this part and God divided the light from the darkness what's that God created distinction God is a god of Distinction there's there's not anything that's everything because everything is something what does that mean God separated the light from the darkness which that which means what they're different they're different light ain't the same as Darkness love ain't the same as hate up being the same as down what ain't the same as dry hot ain't the same as cold only ain't the same as young God created a concept called distinction Guess what at least for you I know people are going to disagree with me but this new stuff they just made up a man is not a woman and a woman is not a man there's distinction some people say well Martin why do you grow have that beard on your face it makes you look older older than what I am I am older what do you want me to do look 16 35 man I ain't been 35 in so long I don't even remember what it felt like you look 20 years older I am 20 years older baby here's what the scripture says the glory of young men is their strength but the beauty of old men is their gray head this is my distinction this tells the world that I know something I didn't know when I couldn't do this right here I have a beard on my face you know what that tells people I am not a woman and I am not a child I didn't always have a beard I was reading the Bible one day and God's interesting because some of the stuff he says doesn't like it doesn't resonate right away like what's that about right and one of the things he told the Israelites that was a law in Israel in the Old Testament he said Thou shalt not round the corners of thy beard why who cares right God cares and I don't know that he cares now I don't I don't know he cared then he probably hasn't changed since he doesn't change but he said thou shall not rhyme according to Siberia I'm not saying there's I'm not saying it's sitting around the corners of your beard that's not what I'm saying that's not my point but I asked myself the question why did he say that well first of all if he said Thou shalt not around the corners of thy beard it acknowledges that God likes the idea of there being a distinction between a man and a woman why because he made us different didn't make men better than women and he didn't make women better than men he made men different from women and women different from men and we can call something different but it don't change it right if I call the sky the ground the sky is not the ground just saying by the way let me say this some people may you may disagree with me and that's fine I celebrate your right to do so okay and I may disagree with you and you may or may not celebrate my right to do so but here's what I'm going to tell you give yourself a test to see if you really believe the things you say they believe you believe whether it be things about the Bible or things about anything else things culturally things that political correctness whatever whatever you want to believe give yourself this test ask yourself this question about the things you claim to believe can you believe it by yourself because if I believe something if I really believe something I can believe it all by myself see I don't need you to believe that Jesus is the savior Believe it or don't believe that's between you and God I don't need you to believe that I believe it anyway I I don't need you to believe the Bible's the word of God believe it or don't believe it I believe it I don't need you to believe it I'm not gonna try to get you you may be a race you may think all black people are like less than human do your thing I'm not even gonna have an argument with you about that because Mark Twain warned me again about that he said if you argue with an idiot he gonna bring you down to his level and beat you with experience right I'm not gonna argue with you about that but I'm gonna let you believe it I believe that I'm as good as any human being that God has ever made and I'm better than any human being God has ever made to fulfill my assignment and I don't need you to believe that I don't need you to believe anything I just said because if you can believe something you can believe it all by yourself and if you have to recruit other people and force them to go along with you it's because you know it ain't true in the first place anyway it's just a little test just a little test not a big test okay so God said God divided the light from the darkness why because light ain't darkness and darkness ain't light here's what has to happen y'all we have to understand nothing is everything and everything is something that's why people say well my business is good for everybody there's no such thing if it's good for everybody it's good for nobody how do you people how do you become more productive uh by having distinction what separates you from every other business that does something remotely similar is that a good question I think that's I think that's the question it's so fascinating so I like I know bible-believing Christian people who think that um I I don't admiring all he cares about is money all he was up like I don't even have time to have that conversation because people who come to that conclusion they come to that conclusion because they don't know me period so I'm not I'm not I'm not gonna I'm not gonna contend with it I'm not gonna have the conversation I'm not gonna have an argument about it do what works for you right um but here's what's here's what's here's what's one of one of the many things that's fascinating to me is um I've had people like churches that I used to speak at they would invite me to come speak one Church said One Pastor came to me one time he said he's a good dear friend of mine different he passed away recently but he still was a dear friend he said he said brother man when you come do you mind not talking about the business and stuff we just want our people to be content with their jobs okay well no no there's no judgment there's no judgment I just knew I didn't need to go there anymore I'm cool with that if that's what you want your people to believe I can't help you help them believe that because I don't believe it I celebrate your right to believe that and your right to lead those people to believe that but I can't help you believe it okay so distinction and I'm going to do one or two or three or four or five more because there's a whole bunch like this chapter is Chuck full of these principles of productivity and can you imagine if you started applying these things to your life into your business how much better your business would be like what if you had when people ask you what you do you actually gave them an answer that set you apart from everybody else see because when people ask you what you do they're not really asking you what you do what are they asking you they're asking you what can you do for me and when you give them an answer it cannot be a word salad well what we do is we set up distribution for the Arbitrage of the information that we collate from the organization to disseminate that out into society by various means repetition and replication like what here's what we have to do when you tell people what you do don't just tell them what you do tell them what you can do for them make sure that when you tell them make sure that first and foremost whatever you tell them is measurable people will not pay you for something they cannot measure there needs to be a clear before and a clear after before me you could only do this but after me you can do this I'm going to show you what I mean in a minute it needs to be measurable it needs to be a clear before and a clear after it needs to be desirable not desirable for you to sell it to them desirable for them to have that transformation whatever transformation you provide for money needs to be something the marketplace desires so it needs to be measurable it needs to be desirable some an outcome they desire to have are y'all tracking and then lastly it needs to be stateable preferably in a sound bite what does that look like Myron what do you do I help author speakers coaches agency owners and other high-level entrepreneurs create convey and convert premium value offers faster and better than any coach in the business space in fact while other coaches are doing their best to help their clients have six and seven figure years I'm actually helping my clients have six and seven figure days now you may not believe that I can do that but at least you know what I could do so you can know whether you believe it or not and either I can do that and I'm telling the truth I am like a sociopath Psychopathic liar who would be willing to say something like that that can't be proven but I can like we got the receipts baby we can line up we can line up dozens of people who've made a hundred thousand dollars in a day because of stuff I taught them we can line up dozens of people who made a million dollars in a day because of stuff I taught people who never had a million dollar year before within a couple of months have a million dollar a day why am I telling you that I'm telling you because there has to be distinction whatever you say about what you're going to do for them has to be measurable desirable and stable and if it's not those things it's word salad it doesn't even have any dressing okay sorry okay and then it says and God called the light day in the darkness he called night God divided light from the darkness and God called the light day and the Darkness he called night and the evening and the morning were the first day so the first principle we get from that verse what verse is that evening in the morning before that's only verse number five wow okay evening morning first day the first one we see is preparation for execution notice it didn't say the morning and the evening were the first day what did it say the evening and the morning were the first day the Roman Calendar starts with the Sun the Jewish calendar starts with the moon the Roman Calendar starts during the day the Jewish calendar starts at night what do we see one of the things that God is showing us I believe in this is the best time to prepare for today was last night your evening should be preparation for your morning and then you will have a great day yesterday should be preparation for today last week should be preparation for this week last month's gonna be preparation for this month last month last year should be preparation for this year last decade should be preparation for next year next decade the evening and the morning or the first day not the morning and the evening or the second first day but then it says the evening in the morning were the first day in verse 5. so the second thing we see in that is we see segmentation to completion because the next day God's going to do something else he's going to say the evening in the morning where the second day what do we see we see segmentation to completion what does that tell us God didn't save any of today's work for tomorrow he got today's work done today and tomorrow's work done tomorrow one of the reasons you don't get today's work done today is because you have too many to Do's on your today list did I say that too fast you know too many to Do's on your today list and so you don't get all of them done and you feel overwhelmed and some days you don't get any of them done so have a couple of things that you've prepared the day before that you absolutely must get done if you get anything else done it's a bonus by the way we're just getting started we'll pick up where we left off next week on more productivity hacks for 2023 that can make you rich but this is this is I'm talking about automatic success principles from Genesis chapter one because God didn't just tell us that he's creative he told us he created us to be like him which means he created us to create stuff he made us to make stuff and is if that in itself is not good enough he gave us a blueprint for everything he created so we go out to create the things he created us to create we can be as productive as possible following his blueprint I hope this blesses you beyond measure share this YouTube channel with somebody like it comment on it subscribe share it with your friends and Neighbors hit the notification Bell so you get notified when we come go live or come up with another YouTube video we have another short that's coming out tomorrow another long form video that coming out on Friday um the next segment in Bishop Wayne Malcolm's uh series is coming out on Friday guys I appreciate you all guys and girls more than you know um do all the YouTube stuff I forgot to say and in the meantime in between time I look forward to seeing you all next Wednesday by the grace of God peace out Cub Scouts all right let it run for a few minutes Larry the Bible amazing all right what's that