Transcript for:
Advanced Concepts in Thermodynamics II

hello everyone and welcome to thermodynamics to mac351 in this course we'll be mostly applying the concepts we learned in thermodynamics one okay this course includes the following chapters so we'll start with the review of the material we covered in thermodynamics one followed by a big chapter regarding steam power cycles we'll spend roughly one third of our semester on this chapter then we'll move on to gas power cycles so we'll be introducing or revisiting otto cycle brighton cycle and we'll add also diesel cycle and jet engines at the end of this second large part which will take us also one third of the semester we will combine the two chapters by creating combined cycles meaning that we will be combining rankine cycle with the brighton cycle after this we will have several chapters that are dedicated to applications of thermodynamics we will start with refrigeration cycles followed by a chapter regarding gas mixtures so in this chapter we'll try to understand if we mix different gases what are the new properties we did this actually with air for example when we were saying that for air k is equal 1.4 so the question is that from where this 1.4 is coming from actually it was mixing the properties of nitrogen and oxygen then we'll have a specific application to water vapor air mixture and more specifically air conditioning okay after this our last chapter will be combustion and chemical reactions if you remember well in thermodynamics ii we were dealing with for example combustion chambers in the brighton cycle and we were typically given the heat in in this part we will learn how to go from the mixture between the fuel and the air and get what are the products through a chemical reaction and also getting what is the heat we can get from this chemical reaction and combustion at the same time this in this chapter will be able to get the maximal temperature we can get thanks to a combustion chamber and we'll be calling this adiabatic flame temperature so let's go