Transcript for:
Nootropic Stacks for ADHD Management

hey everybody Dr LaGrange here and today we are going to be talking about the best HC nootropic Stacks that I currently use now the best way I could actually I think break this down for you is give you actually some case studies of actually patients that I do work with and looking at the different testing and I try to look at a good like three different breakdowns of the common different Stacks that I usually do based off of testing so I'm gonna do some case studies so this way it could be more visual for you and make a little more sense now if you have any questions during this definitely you know put in the comments if you need any more clarification but let's go ahead on the very first case is what I call is the classic ADHD presentation so this patient of mine um you know she came in with very classic ADHD symptoms you know dealing with poor concentration she was having trouble at work she was on Ritalin as well as having challenges with even just getting up in the morning her poor she had very poor quality sleep um and at the same time um just didn't have very much motivation and drive so a very classic easy presentation with both focus and intensive issues and when we ran her um neurotransmitter testing this is you know I want to kind of kind of show you guys my thought process when we do these testings for our patients and clients to kind of give you an idea of kind of the best um definitely Stacks that we do with our patients and clients so with her when I run these tests you can kind of see here first off is her PA level so funeral levels were elevated now that isn't actually very typical for HD but all these other things I will show you um are very classic easy presentations so if we look at the neurotransmitter pathway these levels were elevated now why were they elevated typically when I do see this elevated it's going to mean that her digestive system isn't working very properly so what we did typically add to this to kind of combat this and also has a lot to do with also stress levels too but it's definitely doing a probiotic because a probiotic can be really helpful especially when we do see elevated levels of PA because the body's not processing and utilizing it now the other things things that were very classic here low tyrosy levels are a very classic uh ADC presentation as well as low dopamine levels we know that's very classic uh dopac is also low as well as norepinephrine so definitely dopamine and epinephrine and it's very classic ADHD presentation and then also her epinephrine levels were low along with her metanephrine which is a breakdown of epinephrine I'll show you again on the near transmitter pathway where this all presents also her serotonin levels are low which we do see a lot of times with classic ADHD as well as glycine levels were low Gaba levels were elevated and then taurine levels were also low which is an important amino acid for building specific neurotransmitter so let's look at the neurotransmitter pathway just to understand this presentation of the this patient of mine so remember her dopamine levels were low norepinephrine epinephrine metanephrine all three of those levels Royal as well as tyrosine and also serotonin Gaba levels were elevated okay so just to kind of give you guys a visual what's going on here with the neurotransmitter pathway this is very classic because when you see all these levels low tyrosine dopamine norepinephrine epinephrine and even serotonin it will present of having lack of motivation lack of Drive lack of focus all the things that we do you know have Classic HD symptoms showed up on these test results so what were the things that I did recommend with this type of presentation of a good neotropic stack with this so for her definitely um and I'll see the tire scene um okay acetyl I'm not even spelling that right tyrosine because to help with the low tyrosine levels okay and then dopamine taking in another level mukuna peroons man my spelling is the worst but you get the picture so and also the entire scene mikuna perons to help with the dopamine low dopamine levels that we already talked about there the norepinephrine and low epinephrine a great one that I like to implement is l-theanine so in this case we added l-theanine okay taking another level down here serotonin levels were also low so uh l-theanine can help with this but I also added 5-HTP so when we see low serotonin levels we now the reason why I did fire hdb instead of trip uh tryptophan because her trip to mean levels were just fine so um that's when I'll usually add something like 5htp when I do see low serotonin levels okay taking another level down her Gaba levels were elevated so usually again the feeling l-theanine levels will help with that but I also added Rhodiola extract which can help combat both the elevated Gaba levels but also it is really good for helping with increasing norepinephrine and epinephrine levels and then sure low uh taurine levels so I added just the actual straight up taurine um amino acids if I can actually spell and that's another thing we did okay so that was the stack now the other thing that I did actually test for because it isn't always present presented with just looking at just the amino acid balances and adding just nootropics we also had a test for things such as looking at because she was also dealing with low energy which is very classic with people with adults with ADHD so we ran her cortisol levels and you could see here anything in the blue is definitely going to be low so both in the afternoon evening and even at night her Corsa levels were shut and this is why she couldn't get very good quality of sleep she couldn't have enough energy and focus and motivation and focus throughout the day so in this case the nootropic that I like to just you know call is adrenal desiccated except I think that's two C's and One S um added adrenal dust cake because this actually helps bring up the Corsa levels and help with energy and as as well as managing with stress and then also ran her hormone levels her progesterone levels were definitely low and so we added a natural progesterone cream okay so natural progesterone cream which has like yam other different things um I get it from a protocol of life it's called natural progesterone cream um and it's just more of a natural way of actually increasing progesterone levels but once actually implementing these things to her it was like a night and day difference now remember she was actually on Ritalin and she was still having these symptoms and once we added these things she felt like you know she was able to get she told me she got better sleep she was able to have more uh motivation and drive and focus and energy and in fact she actually got to a point where she only was using the Ritalin on the weekends and then to eventually to a point where she wasn't using the brilliant at all and she was able to use this and so like a night and day difference and this is why it's so critical when you're one look for the best type of nootropic stacks this is why testing can be really really important so you can actually really pinpoint it for you of your imbalances in your body chemistry so that's that's presentation one now the second presentation here is the non-classical ADHD so what is the non-classical energy that I classify it means that the dopamine levels are just fine so there's no issues in the dopamine but the PA levels are low which we do see a lot of times with ADHD and then her noprene levels I mean him sorry this is the he um that had this presentation so his just his presentation um he still was having Focus issues he actually was having trouble at work his boss was getting on his case all the time and getting to a point where he could actually end up getting fired and also he was doing school at the same time so he'd also work and also school and he was absolutely struggling in school um couldn't focus couldn't pay attention and also had some issues of just um having the energy throughout the day so with this you know his dopamine levels were fine in fact he was Finding when he was on the medication he was feeling more agitated and irritated with that and that might explain it because his dopamine levels were just fine and when he was on the medication it probably brought it up to in the Red Zone which when you have high levels of dopamine can make you feel more agitated and irritated and stressed um his epinephrine levels were low and so and then his histamine levels were low and his Gaba levels were elevated so in this case uh I added dlphenaline phenylalanine um penal owl uh goodness I cannot spell today Neen there we go and then two obviously combats for the Pea levels and then um since this dopamine was fine we didn't add anything for that but both as norepinephrine epinephrine that's where we added l-theanine goodness gracious I just cannot spell today and then also to help with the norepinephrine epinephrine at a B complex and then for the Gaba again that was l-theanine and then rhodiola was another one I added and then histamine this one when we see the histamine levels in fact histamine is really important for um with the production of neurotransmitters so we added l histidine and that also helped there too so and then there was of course we do run a lot of several testing but I just want to focus on just the neotropics that's what the topic is today we do run digestive panels we run other different panels too but these were the ones that we implemented based off of this test and for him like even his boss reported back that he was performing better at work um his boss noticed a huge difference just within his uh how he presented his mood and his attitude as well as just his um his productivity and his focus and he also saw a big difference within also with school so that is the third that is the second presentation now moving on to the last presentation here is more what I call the agitated ADHD presentation so for this one this gal actually was stressed out so maybe a lot of you feel stressed out all the time um and maybe you're taking a medication that you feel like it is causing you more anxiety and stress and you're not understanding why and so when we ran this test for her everything was quite on the the opposite side versus it being low we were finding things more elevated such as her PA levels her dopamine levels were elevated um as well as her metanephrine levels were elevated which is a breakdown of epinephrine as well as her serotonin levels were elevated and her Gaba levels were elevated so all these the dopamine serotonin and Gaba and also the breakdown epinephrine those were all elevated and that explains why her medication wasn't really working for her because she was taking a medication that increased her dopamine and she already had elevated dopamine levels to begin with and that will make you feel more agitated and stressed when that is the wrong thing now obviously here um things that were low were the epinephrine and a taurine so in this case again we added a probiotic and then uh for the dopamine that one one I do like using is a combo of l-theanine B complex as well as uh the other one I do typically like to run with that one too is um what is it I'll tell my head I'm trying to remember oh yes Sammy and then I did later on did edit Rhodiola okay then uh with the um High serotonin levels again l-theanine helps with that and then another thing that we do typically like to add along with that is usually the B complex is going to help with that along with samine so that's a good combo to help with also combat the elevated levels of Serotonin same with Gaba l-thenia is going to be helpful oh goodness gracious l-theania is going to help with that as well so that breakdown was there as soon as we implemented that that definitely helped us significantly with her stress levels she felt more at peace and because she was at more peace she had more of that Clarity of mind and she was able to finally Focus again and be more attentive because her elves she didn't have we're able to bring those levels down um and this is why it's so important to understand what is going on in your own brain chemistry in your own body chemistry to really make it the best type of neurotropic stack for you but these are the common ones I typically do recommend and see over and over again but there's always different variances not one HD person is the same and that's why it's so important and so like if for you like it does require like if you're wanting to get the best type of nootropic stack or best treatment plan for you to help with your ADHD that definitely does require further investigation so we can understand what's going on and that's what I do with my patients and clients and so like if you're really wanting to seek more further help you know for me it took it was a long journey like I had to go with medical school do continue education I spent over 500 000 just trying to figure that out but it doesn't require that not everyone needs to go to medical school to figure that out you could seek someone who's actually done it gone through a path such as myself and most people actually don't realize this but there's some staggering studies that showed In Our Lifetime with not effective treated ADHD on a treated ADHD we will spend over a million dollars in our lifetime with medical expenses poor choices losing jobs exact functioning issues all these different things that actually cost us more that's what they've found in a lot of these studies when it's not treated ADHD when it's untreated so that's huge just understanding that alone makes a big difference of why it's important to address Rd our ADHD Health then so obviously you know you don't need to do that obviously you don't need to have to waste the money on that and so what you could do is you could book a consultation with me it's a 750 value it's a 45 minute one-on-one where we I break down and look at your full medical history your health history you actually submit any previous Labs that you've done um you know standard Labs that I can look over so that way we can create a customized plan of action for you to be able to actually finally tackle your ADHD and on top of that when you do book today you get access to our HD Health course this is a 297 value so full 1494 value but today you could actually get it for just 197 so just for 97 you know less than what you probably pay for you know if you drink cuff coffee every single day you are able to get that by actually finally tackling your ADHD and all you got to do is click on the link in the description below it's right there and then once you click on the link in the description below it'll take you to this page you purchase then you schedule your time date and time if there's a time that doesn't work definitely email me but I have morning afternoon and later afternoon evening times for you depending on your time zone and then obviously putting your information and then what's really important you want to make sure you check your email once you've booked your appointment to get your confirmation email as well as you'll get an email from practice better that's our online client portal that is where you'll actually submit your fill out your client questionnaire so I can look at that beforehand as well as upload any previous Labs that you do have and then make sure to block out about 45 minutes to an hour because I will spend about an hour if I need to if you have additional questions but that's all you gotta do is just click on the link description below take advantage of this if you really want to tackle your HD Health thank you guys so much for attending and I'll see you guys in the next one thanks bye