Okay, no more way. No more way. Not good. You are slain an enemy. Ah, fuck, jungle gap. Guys, he missed so much on mid, though. I can just walk back. Don't have to TP. Okay, no flash on mid. Let's torture him, Zin. Let's torture him, buddy. Why are we not ganking mid here? Reported. Look at his wave. Like, come on, man. Why didn't you just come to I could carry this game so hard Okay just gonna like drop a hint On my jungler on which lane we should play around Gonna drop some information here Mid no flash Wave is good to gank Again Oh their jungler is here again Like, legal? Their jungler's smart. Their jungler's Prima covering it. Oh shit, they're still going? What? I wave. Oh, you wasted your poly. You wasted your poly! But it's fine. I don't know! You guys can't fucking do anything right! It's pissing me off! But we got the kills. Nice job, everyone. Nice, we got the kills. Dude, I think the hitbox changes were so bad for Acel, actually. Like, his hitbox is just fucking huge now. Like, he's just fucked. Relax, guys. Ace holes level 5. We don't need to be rage pinging each other. Wait, my bot lane is also getting mega cooked. They're all here. They're all here. They're all here. Oh my god, you're still going in? My Q hit the wrong guy. Oh he has TP. Oh, kinda overstayed then. Oh right, I held my TP earlier. Coming. Oh he just, he didn't. Go go go go go. Go go go go go. I missed, I'm sorry. I mean would this are really die again like that would actually be crazy Like would she actually die again Pinky fucked my e hit her plant I think WHAT IS POLYMORPHED?! Holy shit. He's fucking hooking me while he's polymorphed, Riot. Nice, my kitten. Nice kitten. Wow, that stuns me? my reaction when bot lane is still losing 2v2 after i ganked bot five times in a row how is that possible we lost top turret too Okay. Oh, fuck. That looked really interactive. That looked interactive. You know, if he flashes one of my distortions, he probably lives there. Actually, I mean, I would probably die there. Isn't that crazy? That's the sort of Champa the Blank is. Where did this pike go? Where did he go? Oh my god. I has been slain. An enemy has been slain. The hell? The hell? They're hella confusing me. What the hell? I mean, I prepared it quite. What? Your story didn't hurt him. I mean, what could go wrong? What? What Try and come around from the flank. Enemy triple kill? The fuck? Shouldn't you recall? Hello? I just know what the fuck to do. I don't know. I guess I'll just buy this. I can afford it. Yo guys like. Guys? Okay, okay. We're good. We're good. We're good. Yo, how is this game still going on? Holy fuck, am I dead? That's all from a plant, is it not? Fly away. Into the afterlife. Gornash, Gornash. I think they're all chasing me. I still have no MR. I'll solve this for Crypt Bloom later if necessary. Ow! Damage. Someone will come here, right? Wow, I think someone was actually going to go there. I should have just waited. It seemed trolled to let Pura push bot wave, but she didn't even push bot wave. I can't believe this game is going on so long. Oh shit, I'm dead. Damn, I got CC'd through my banshees. Fuck. I mean, no way we lose because I died once, right? Damn. I should have just WR'd. I should have just WR'd. And played for chunk. I was playing for the kill on Wukong. But if I chunk, it's good enough. Pull it, pull it, pull it. Are they pulling it? I died again. Wow. Okay, no way we lose because I died twice, right? That's not pretty. Hmm, not good. I was the one making all the plays for our team and I died twice. Guess it's losable. Holy fuck. So weak. Gross. This is really not good. I feel like no one else is doing anything. I don't think I can carry the whole game anymore. An enemy has been slain. An ally has been slain. Double kill. Enemy is missing. An ally has been slain. You have slain an enemy. Just useless compared to this guy in split. Six items, he's three and a half. And he's just unstoppable in side lane. I keep looking for picks. Hold a Snowflash. Not even gonna go for waves, I mean I'm capped out. I'm gonna sweep her up, this could be risky. Also I hope they aren't ghosting. I don't think they should be warded. Damn, it is so hard to push against Soul Zyra actually. I really think we need Trind and Jinx to step up a bit here. Am I... I'm not super useful anymore. Okay, they know I'm here. I'm just gonna slam bot wave actually. I want HP recall we're getting shit on Wow what a game give me some good news friend give me some good news bro okay you I think he has parry otherwise I'd flash on him. TP mid? Why did they TP mid? Can't I just go? Yep. We should fight here, I'll in on this. I'm just gonna run at them. Wow this is so AIDS, I feel like I'm the only threat. I'm a bit outskilled. I'm sweeper. What? My trin just died to a plant! Okay, we have to drop Baron. Okay, let's just play for Sol. All we want to have is a charged ult. Damn, couldn't get him. Oh, man. Sell this for what? It's only just more damage, to be honest. Fiora can rat top what I'm concerned about. I don't think she has TP, though. Her TP is matched with mine. No way our top laner DCs right here. Okay, I'm tilted. What the actual fuck? How hard is it to win a game of solo queue? We lose Elder here. Like, am I being win traded? The timing to DC literally right as Elder Dragon spawns. I can't believe it. Wow, really unlucky timing. Stalling their Elder. I mean, to win this game, we need to go until next Elder. Well, get there. Hold on this Elder. It's almost out actually. My targets are Zyra and Pyke. Those are the guys I can one-shot. Gotta get the one-shots. I think that guy inted. Can we chase it off? I don't know how easy it is to chase, honestly. Delayed their backs. Trend is pushing. That's good. Thank you. I'm just going to clear it. Why didn't we Jinx ulti it? I'm so confused. Why didn't we ulti it and cancel his face? Okay, got it anyway. Can you guys push? I mean, I have TP. I can't get anything even though I flashed for Zyra? I don't know. My head fucking hurts, bro. What is this game? Like, what? How do we get nothing? It's 5v4 on the map. I swear, I swear, like, everyone on my team is just like... Ascender Syndrome. They just want me to literally do everything. They want me to pick everyone, then win the teamfight, and then push all the turrets, and then secure Baron and Elder by myself. And they just sit there and watch. But I can't do all that. Let me try and cut him off. Sinhood is not too meaningful. Fuck. I mean can we end is it possible? No they have soul's ire maybe? Oh shit I almost died there if I got hit by the root. Dude, Trind are you serious? I swear this guy is win trading. What the actual fuck? Every time something big is about to happen, he just makes like a baffling mistake. There he used 1 HP and walked into literally Zyra E, the slowest moving skill shot in the game. And now he's dead for Elder? Like is it really on purpose? Ridiculous, I feel like I can't do anything to him when we win. Oh. He's won, he's won. Nice, he died. He died again, this time without ulting. Just gonna keep pushing. Close TPing. Maybe I can TP in? There's no where to TP, there's no where to TP, where's our wards, where's our wards, where's our wards, we didn't use a single ward, ward ward ward ward ward ward, please, please, please? What? We didn't use a single ward, what? There's no where to TP, there's zero wards, it's elder, you placed zero wards Can we, can we take elder? I'll try to burst it at, I think, 1.5k. Okay, we got Elder. We have Elder Baron. Do I want to sell anything? Mm-hmm. Like, honestly, I feel like this guy DCD'd again. Wow, it's actually win trade, no? I'm actually being win traded. I'm convinced. That's, like, way too obvious, no? Need to wait for our waves. God, each plant auto hurts so much. Taking the most random damage for 1 HP. Get the TP back. Like, what the fuck is this, man? I have Banshees, too. Okay, we have to end here. We have six megas coming in. Dude. Can we actually not end the game? They're instantly nuking our super-creep. Rin died again, of course. Win trader. We plus Pike auto dealt 500 damage to me. One HP, have to back. Okay, he's dead for 70. That should be Free Baron in a 5v4. And then with Baron! And all three inhibs down, I think we can end. I can't believe we couldn't end with Elder Baron. Dude, I have to watch out for the plants. The plants are just lethal. Thank Holy fuck, it's finally over. Oh my god, bro. What was this game? Dude, like, we had Elder Baron and we couldn't end. We had Elder Baron, they had triple inhibs down, and we could not end the game. Because they have Aesol Zyra. I'm literally getting soloed by plants. Aizzle has so many stacks, this guy legit was 0-7 in lane, by the end of the game he had so many stacks, his E is covering their entire base. It's Elder, my Lulu isn't dropping any wards, oh my god my-ahhhh. Imagine if we lost this game, I think that actually might have been like my origin story. like the fucking footnote in the wikipedia entry that says like when eugene park turned to a life of evil their zyra dealt a hundred and seven thousand damage i haven't i don't think i've ever seen anyone break a hundred thousand damage in a game of league what the fuck and like i swear my top laner was literally win trading not even in like a i really don't like the way he played and i think he played bad i think he was actually paid to lose this game but guess what we won you