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Why do elements in the same group have similar chemical properties?
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Elements in the same group have the same number of valence electrons.
Which group contains the Alkali metals, and what is their valence electron count?
Group 1 contains the Alkali metals, which all have 1 valence electron.
Which groups are referred to as the elements of the Boron and Carbon families?
Group 13 is referred to as the Boron family, and Group 14 is referred to as the Carbon family.
What defines the atomic number of an element?
The atomic number is the number of protons in an element's nucleus.
How is the modern periodic table structured in terms of rows and columns?
The periodic table has rows called periods numbered 1 to 7 and columns called groups numbered 1 to 18.
What was Moseley's significant contribution to the modern periodic table?
Moseley proved that atomic number, rather than atomic mass, is the fundamental property that determines the chemical properties of elements.
Which elements are in Group 2 and what common trait do they share?
Group 2 elements include Beryllium, Magnesium, and Calcium, and they all have 2 valence electrons.
What are the elements labeled from 57-71 and 89-103 called, respectively?
Elements 57-71 are Lanthanides, and elements 89-103 are Actinides.
List the first five elements in the modern periodic table along with their atomic numbers.
Hydrogen (1), Helium (2), Lithium (3), Beryllium (4), Boron (5)
How does the number of electron shells relate to the period number of an element?
The period number is equal to the number of electron shells in an atom.
What special positioning does Hydrogen have in the periodic table and why?
Hydrogen shows properties similar to both Group 1 (Alkali metals) and Group 17 (Halogens), so its position can be unique.
What are the four broad categories of elements in the modern periodic table?
Metals, Non-metals, Metalloids, Noble gases.
What issues did the modern periodic table correct from Mendeleev's table?
It corrected the arrangement of elements and properly placed isotopes due to their identical atomic numbers.
Describe the difference in group numbering between the old and new schemes.
The new scheme uses numbers from 1 to 18. The old scheme used Roman numerals and letters: Group 1 was 1A, Group 2 was 2A, Groups 13-18 were 3A to 0, and Groups 3-12 were B groups (3B to 2B).
Give the electron configuration for Calcium.
Calcium has an electron configuration of 2, 8, 8, 2.