Hey loves and welcome to Heart to Heart Love Messages. My name is Crystal. If you're new here, welcome to the channel.
If you are already subscribed here, welcome back. So tonight I have an urgent message for the Divine Feminine. Please keep in mind that these messages may or may not resonate with everyone. So just take the messages that resonate and leave the ones that do not, okay? Divine Feminine, this lunar eclipse energy that we're currently under is about to change your life forever.
A lot of you even woke up this morning feeling like a totally different person and it's because you are. The messages that your guides have been sending you have been leading you in the direction of forgiveness because there are a lot of you that owe yourselves an apology. An apology for giving away your power, for focusing so much of your energy outside of yourself while also neglecting your own inner needs, your emotions, your own healing, your journey. The feminine energy that I'm tapping into has great spiritual power. You are a healer.
You are a seer. And there are so many nudges that you have received along your journey that you second-guess. And you know that you second-guess them because you have this ability to tap into truth by way of your emotional body. If something doesn't feel right to you, your energy will feel constricted.
Your energy will feel small. You will begin to feel uncomfortable. around certain people, places, and things.
But when you're in an environment that you are supposed to be in, when you're in the right place at the right time with the right people doing the right thing, your energy is expansive. For some of you, your personalities even change. There's just this radiance that comes through you that really puts you on the vibration of the divine.
And people all around you can see this. This lunar eclipse energy is so powerful because a lot of you will be coming face to face with your higher selves. A lot of you will be coming face to face with the version of yourself that has been inside of you since day one that for whatever reason you have been suppressing. If this is by way of your environment, by the company that you keep, Whatever this is, is the energy that's going to confront you at this time. But it's very, very important to do this with the energy of love.
It really feels like this eclipse is a huge apology from yourself to yourself. This is not about anyone else. Of course, this energy is about closing chapters. It's literally about the divine stepping into your life, stepping in on your path, and moving things out of the way that can no longer go with you.
Things that are too heavy for you to carry. Things that have been weighing you down on your journey and keeping you out of alignment with your highest vibration. And the way this energy is coming through, it's almost as if your guides want you to know that you owe yourself an apology. for not believing that you are who you really think you are, that you are divine, that you are powerful, that you have spiritual gifts, that you deserve every single thing that God told you that you deserve.
Whether this be a certain vibration or level of love, whether this be a certain career or opportunity, all of these seeds that have been planted in your heart space were put there by the Most High. And somewhere along your journey, you begin to doubt yourself. This is coming to a complete end. A lot of you will be waking up, and I'm talking about quick transformation.
I'm talking about being snapped back into reality and being placed on the proper timeline that you deserve to be on. Because when it comes to just the overall energy of the feminine collective, You have no idea how powerful you are. Some of you are walking around with the secrets to the universe embedded in your cells.
A lot of you have the capacity to not only heal yourselves but to heal so many other people just by opening your throat chakra and being in alignment with your true authentic self. This energy is so powerful. Because collectively, the feminine energy is rising.
Especially those of you who feel that you've had to suppress your power for whatever reason. You will no longer be in this reality. is going to change the trajectory of your life in ways like it has never changed before.
A lot of you will begin to see things that you couldn't see in the past. Your spiritual gifts will be sharpened. Your outlook on life life just the way that you see people places and things is going to shift in such a major way because it's like the veil is being lifted anything that's not in alignment with truth will no longer be able to exist on your timeline so pay attention to the things that are leaving at this time more importantly pay attention to how you feel because for a lot of you your emotions are your first line of defense When you step into a place and you feel the energy is off, believe that. The fact that you are even in this place and you have such a powerful connection to the divine lets you know who you are already. To be in a connection with God means to have access to information by way of your dream state, by way of your emotional body.
information that you receive, whether it be positive information, whether it be negative information, some of you pick up on things that you don't even want to know. And you have to ask yourself, sometimes you have to ask your higher power, what am I to do with this information? How does this apply to me?
How does this apply to my life? Believe that any information that you receive is given to you for your benefit so that once you you have new information, you're able to make new choices. This is about sovereignty.
This is about self-mastery and you really stepping into alignment with the person that God created you to be. There is no more playing small. If you're resonating with this message, your guides really, really love you.
Okay. You have so much protection around you. So there could have been situations in your life that you look back and you don't even understand how you made it through the situation.
It's because that's how loved you are. That's how protected you are. So if you're resonating with this message, you have no idea how powerful you are, but you are about to find out. The way that you view your life, the way that you look back at your story, and you begin to identify your strengths, identify how protected you are, you are. Identify how although you may feel lonely at times, you have never been alone.
You are always in the right place at the right time. All of this is about to be confirmed for you and this is going to give you such a boost of energy. It's like you are reclaiming your time and you are reclaiming your power in such a significant way.
So if you're at this place where you feel as if you've given away fragments of your being. You have given away fragments of your vitality. For some of you, you feel like you've given away your best years, your time, your energy, your information.
All of this is returning to you and it's returning to you cleansed. It's returning to you elevated because it's yours. Anything that has your name on it will never pass you by.
There's a lot of systems put in place that are specifically aimed at targeting the divine feminine's pace, the cadence to which you are supposed to live your life, your vibe, your flow. And this really sets off and dysregulates your nervous system. It makes you confused.
It makes you question your God-given intuition in situations where you can feel in your body what's going on around you. All of this is strategic. And it's because...
you're coming into your power. Your energy is rising. So this is really a time for you to get very, very quiet and to get very, very clear because instructions are being handed out. You'll know exactly which area of your life that needs to be recalibrated during this lunar eclipse because it's going to be made known to you.
And it really feels like all of this is aligning in this way because you're finally at the place of radical acceptance. So this is ushering in authenticity on the highest level. where you look yourself in the mirror and you're proud of every single thing that you have went through on your journey, despite how things unfolded for you. For a lot of you, this awakening will be swift and it will be powerful because it's like you wake up and you realize how much of your energy you've been pouring out instead of using it for yourself. So this is really a time, no matter where you are on your journey, to really honor yourself as a feminine, to honor yourself as the vessel that God created to be this bridge between the spiritual and the physical, to honor that you have powerful ancestry, you have a powerful spiritual team that is guiding you on your journey.
This is also a time for you to put yourself first. For some of you, this may be very, very hard because you have a big heart. because you're able to sympathize with the human experience because you are a feminine because you feel on an intense level but in order for you to align with your destiny in order for you to stay on your path and for you to utilize your energy that you need to fulfill your life you're going to have to leave certain things in the past this is what this energy is all about It's like a sacred pause before stepping into a very, very powerful timeline where you get to decide how you want to live your life, who gets to be there with you, who gets to share your energy. This is a powerful time where you actually honor the sacred information that God shares with you and you only. A lot of you are seers.
A lot of you have so many powerful spiritual gifts. where you're able to have prophetic dreams and you walk into situations and your body just tells you what's going on. This can manifest in many many different ways but whatever that is for you, whatever that sacred language or that secret language that you have with the divine, it's time for you to honor it and to believe that you are who you think you are.
That keeps coming through. It doesn't matter what you've been through in this realm. This is an inverted experience.
So things have to first take place in the spiritual realm before they even come down to the physical. And the way this energy is coming through, you're definitely going to be unlocking some powerful, powerful gifts that are going to help you navigate this next stage of your journey. It's going to help you sift through a lot of the BS that's been holding you back, that's been pulling you down, that's been stifling your progress. And this is going to show itself in its own unique way.
But definitely pay attention to the signs that unfold over these next couple of months. Because it's going to be so much information. You may even want to journal. For a lot of you, I'm getting that it's really, really imperative for you to keep a journal. And to keep communication between you and your spiritual team.
To write down all of the signs that you see. the way that you feel every morning, the things that are happening in your life. It's time to purge that energy because you being a feminine, your energy is cyclical. You will notice how you feel at certain moments and you will notice through writing that your energy changes and your moods change and you shift. So this is a really, really creative way for you to get in tune with your own natural flow.
how you feel on certain days, when the synchronicities and the signs make themselves known to you. This is about your personal journey. So even though there are so many moving parts in your life, this is about you. And I feel like this eclipse season is really about to remind you of who you truly are.
Because for a lot of you, the shift will be very, very simple. It really boils down to your ability to act on the information that God gives you, to pay attention to the people that are not supposed to be there. to be there, the people that you receive signs about, to pay attention to the opportunities that make you feel small, to pay attention to how your body reacts in the presence of certain people. And even though you can't find physical evidence, your gut, your soul, your higher self is telling you that something is up.
This is your power as a feminine. And so many of you are taking this power back. It really feels like there's going to be a mass throat chakra opening when all of this energy clears because I truly believe that the divine feminine is the one who is holding the secrets of the universe. There's so much that you pick up on.
There's so much that you know and your ability to be authentic and to honor your information and to act on it is going to completely change your life. Believe that you are who you are. Believe that God is in communication with you because you are who you are. And the minute that you begin to own this and really call back your power, your life is going to completely change.
I keep getting overnight. So for a lot of you, you're going to wake up assuming a totally different vibration. And a lot of people around you will be shocked. There's a lot of energy that's taking place with this eclipse.
We also have this full moon in Pisces, which is all about the 12th house energy. It's all about the subconscious mind. And the subconscious mind holds so much energy.
It holds so much information. Why you are the way you are. Why you do things or move in a certain way without even understanding why.
It's almost like a lot of you are understanding or releasing certain parts of your identity. that were given to you. Certain parts of your identity that you've been doing or you've been acting out without even understanding why.
This is why this energy feels like a giant apology from you to your higher self for staying in places way past the expiration date, for giving people access to you who shouldn't even be on the same timeline. Lots of you are light years ahead. And all of this information is just embedded in you.
You know it. It's coming through clearly. If you're resonating with this message, you are very, very intelligent. You have loads of information.
And now it's the time in your life to act on that information and to be very, very confident in what it is that you know. A lot of times on this journey, when you do have spiritual gifts, You'll come into information and the information will be shocking. It will be scary sometimes. Like I said earlier, you may even ask yourself, why is God giving me access to this type of information? It's because it's imperative for you to know.
And when it's time for you to utilize whatever it is that's been given to you, you'll know when the time is right. But understand that you are always in communication with the divine. Even if it's just a feeling, even if it's just a certain tightness in your aura or an expansion or an openness in your heart space, that is your power as the feminine.
And it's time for you to start utilizing it because this is really going to change the trajectory of your life. A lot of you are stepping into brand new storylines. The stories that you were telling yourself about who you are, what you deserve are false. You have no idea how much energy is being sent to you at this time in order for you to start a new beginning. But it's all dependent upon your ability to let go of this older version of you, to step out of this timeline that no longer serves you.
And the energy is so intense. right now. A lot of you can feel this anticipation building because this is happening collectively. It really feels like the world is shifting from the 3D to the 5D for everyone who is feeling this really, really intense energy.
So definitely allow things to flow at this time. If anything is leaving, this is not the time to cling to it because this is coming from the most high. Anything that's leaving right now, it's not a part of your story. It's not a part of your identity. You may even have to grieve a certain version of yourself.
For a lot of you, you've been purging. You may just feel bouts of emotion. They begin to cry. You're grieving. You're grieving a certain version of yourself that you know can no longer come with you.
And because you've walked this life for so long, assuming this role or having this ideology or loving in a certain way or relating in a certain way, it just feels like grief. So if you're in this place, allow yourself to grieve. Give yourself some type of healthy outlet to release that version of yourself and do it with love.
of, thanking yourself for getting you through certain stages of your life. For some of you, you've had to assume a certain energy, personality, or mindset in order to survive. And that's okay. But this next chapter in your life is about thriving. It's about you owning your power and about you really co-creating this next stage of your life with the divine, with your spiritual team.
so much love and support and protection around you. Because the more you really lean into the fact that you are supported, you are loved, you are always where you are supposed to be, the more that your physical reality begins to unfold and mimic that of the spiritual. So if you're still listening to this message at this time, your life is about to get very, very good.
And for some of you, you that may be a change of pace but learn to accept that learn to accept that you are here to have a full experience you're not here to suffer you're here to take up space and you're here to have a full experience and live life according to who you are what your interests are what your loves are what really moves your soul and if you're at this place where all of this energy just feels so new and you don't even have an idea of who you are becoming, this is the perfect time for you to get clear on that. This is the perfect time for you to sample energy, for you to go out and try new things and be around different people, try different hobbies, try on different looks with your hair, with your clothing, with your makeup. You are a creator and it's time for you to create life.
on your terms and it's going to be so much easier and so much more fun to do when you don't have this heavy murky energy in your field that's been holding you back or holding you to a certain version that's really really not who you are so definitely embrace this time and allow whatever energies that are leaving your world to leave with love because when you look at this from a spiritual level it served you it served you at some point of your life it got you from point a to point b whether you were in protective mode whether you had to be in certain places and do things that really really didn't serve you you came out of that situation with information and now it's time for you to put that information in your arsenal for your next level because even if your physical reality still looks the same you are not the same. You have new information and now you can live your life from a higher perspective. So this is a really, really beautiful time where a lot of information is going to help you literally build your dream life.
And there's so much support around you. There are so many people who are going to be a part of your story. There are people that you haven't even met yet that are going to align with you to help things. come into fruition. So just keep your heart open, especially in those moments where you feel like you're being challenged.
Because the way this energy is coming through, you are exactly who you think you are. And that's about to become very, very evident in your life. Okay, so I'm going to go ahead and end the reading here.
I hope this message finds the divine feminine that it was intended for. If you resonated with this message, please... please be sure to hit the like button on the way out.
If you haven't already, be sure to subscribe to the channel and I will see you all in the next video. Bye.