The Importance of Salah

Jul 16, 2024

The Importance of Salah


  • Salah: The second most important pillar of Islam.
  • Three referred verses:
    • Verse 1 and 2: Believers who are humble in prayer have attained success.
    • Verse 9, 10, and 11: Those who guard their prayers will inherit Paradise and live eternally.

Meaning of Salah

  • Salah: Not just prayer, but a combination of seclusion with Allah and connecting with Allah.
  • Everything else is temporary; true connection is with Allah.

Humbleness in Salah

  • Background: This Ayah responded to disbelievers who valued material possessions.
  • Believers' Success: True success is belief in Allah, following His guidance, Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Sunnah.

Mental and Spiritual Health

  • Certainty in Faith (Yaqin): Leading to better mental health and serenity.
  • Secular Studies: Show those with certainty in their beliefs have better mental states.

Humbleness in Prayer

  • Types of Humbleness:
    • Khushu: Loosely translated as humbleness, tranquility, presence, and focus.
    • Scholars agree that khushu is not a strict condition for prayer’s validity but should be aimed for.
  • Practical Tips:
    • Take time and focus on each movement.
    • Avoid rushing.

Story of a Sahabi

  • Hadith: A man learned to pray properly by taking time and being careful with each step and movement.

Salah Movements

  • Movement Details:
    • Stand straight and face the Qibla.
    • Take time in each position and recite with tranquility.
    • Bowing and prostration (Bowing: Ruku, Prostration: Sujud) should not be rushed.

Adjustments in Salah

  • Tips:
    • Change the Surahs recited in prayer.
    • Use different Tasbih words in bowing and prostration.
  • In Field or Park: Angels pray with those who make the Adhan.

Women and Salah

  • Congregation: Best place for women to pray is at home, but they can also achieve great rewards by praying in the Masjid if they desire the reward with sincere intention.

Guarding Prayers (Verse 9)

  • Daily Prayers: Obligation to pray five daily prayers, considered a major sin to leave them.
  • Timing:
    • Fajr: From Dawn till Sunrise.
    • Dhuhr: Post-sunrise till late afternoon.
    • Asr: Mid-afternoon till Sunset.
    • Maghrib: Post-sunset till early night.
    • Isha: Early night till Fajr.
  • Not Delaying Prayer: Best to pray at its appointed time; delaying within the prayer window is still acceptable.
  • Prayer in Congregation: 27 times more rewarding.

Stealing from Prayers

  • Hadith: Thieves of prayer are those who rush and do not complete the actions fully.

Day of Judgment

  • First Question: Salah is the first thing asked about.
  • Voluntary Prayers: Completing any gaps in obligatory prayers with voluntary ones.


  • Impact of Salah: Vital for success in this world and the Hereafter.
  • Encouragement: Importance of making Salah a daily habit, teaching children, and striving for sincerity and tranquility in prayer.

May Allah make us among the successful believers who truly connect with Him.