Wireless Transmission Media

Jul 14, 2024

Wireless Transmission Media in Communication Systems

Methods of Wireless Transmission

  1. **Microwave
  2. Satellite
  3. Radio
  4. Infrared


  • High-frequency signals sent from large towers (transponders)
  • Transponders placed 40-50 km apart
  • Signal sent directly via line-of-sight from one tower to another
  • Uses: Telephone networks, ISPs, remote monitoring and management


  • Eliminates line-of-sight barriers (e.g., buildings)
  • Transponders are spaced out, and data is sent to a satellite
  • Satellite rotates with the Earth, maintaining its geographical position
  • Uplink: Data sent to satellite
  • Downlink: Data returned to Earth
  • Allows for the greatest distance communication

Radio Waves

  • Used for wireless technologies (home Wi-Fi, RFID, NFC, Bluetooth)
  • Example: Router sends signals to PC, printer, TV, etc.
  • Used in public hotspots (e.g., cafes)
  • No cabling required, enables local wireless networks


  • Simplest form of communication via low-frequency light
  • Direct line-of-sight required (e.g., TV remotes)
  • Short-range communication, signal easily blocked
  • Uses: Home entertainment, intrusion detectors, fire detectors, medical diagnostics


  • Overview of wireless communication mediums: microwave, satellite, radio, and infrared
  • Each method has specific applications and limitations in communication systems