this book has made $22,000 I'm going to show you today how to make it from start to finish I am ready for you now some of you might be thinking who's this Renee girl and why should I listen to her yeah how did you know you know what you're right I am not famous on KDP I do have not made hundreds of thousand dollars selling books on KD P but you know what I am good at teaching I love teaching I love learning new things that's why I love finding what you need to make your job successful to make your side hustle successful yes I've sold some KDP books oh my gosh I sold seven this week I know it's not much but it was so much fun when I wake up in the morning and I see that seven books sold and it's about the experience for me about learning something new so really my joy in this is learning how to make KDP books what's popular what's selling figuring out the process and then teaching you I was an educator for 20 years and so this is really where my passion is so thank you for letting me go through this process with you today I'm going to really walk you through step by step uh finding the materials and the items the item I'm going through today is actually a PDF workbook I actually purchased the rates to this workbook I paid like5 or $6 it's a $10,000 page document and I'll talk more about that later but it doesn't matter what you want to make um if you want to watch today's video more about the process so uh I'm going to show you how I found what to make uh then I'm going to go ahead and walk through making it every detail uploading to book bolt formatting everything exporting everything uh what I filled out on KDP what the categories look like subcategories everything so you may want to skip around in this video right um maybe come back to it later as you practice or you know go through your own process I'm excited to get started so let's dive in first here in book bolt I typed in ABC workbook I knew that workbooks had been trending online I'd seen a lot of really successful ones so I wanted to make my own but I wanted to make it without the help of canva was concerned about all the copyright issues so I knew there had to be a way around it I found here this ABC letter tracing book this one has made about $22,000 in its lifetime as you can see there are a lot this one is more recent uh still doing well this one is also doing well it just really seemed like we wanted to be in that a workbook Arena another option that I could have gone into is homeschool so as I type in here homeschool wow there's a lot of options here to support homeschool families and that's where I got that workbook idea I don't have the time to create a 100 page workbook that would take a lot of time and I don't want to we be worried about the copyright issues within canva so I'm going to purchase the rights to someone else's workbook this is actually pretty common and let me show you how to do that so here as I scroll through I can see that there's a lot of workbooks that focus on homeschool and preschool or prek education I'm going to type in here resell rights okay obviously this is a thing a lot of people are doing this let's go ahead and look through allur and see um what some of the stats are on these of all time it's made $73,000 okay number one that tells me that this content is highly sought after and number two I'm going to start selling some of this on Etsy also but let's focus on KDP for now so I'm going to buy the rights to this particular content and make my book okay what I ended up purchasing is called Master resell rights educational bundle and here as you can see I have a lot of options so I'm going to focus down really narrow down what I'm going to sell I've decided to focus on ABC tracing just like that other workbook that I saw here I have the dot marker ABC I also have um this letter tracing that looks great and then here's the same but with different items fabulous I'm going to download this pause here really quickly don't forget I have all of this written down for you on my website at Rene Clancy tocom head on over there uh you can follow things step by step I really detailed this one out so that when you have questions about formatting or uploading you don't have to rewatch the video video that would be great if you did um you can go over there and look on my website all the details are over there for you do you notice that each of these particular um set of pages is all in one PDF I'm going to download this set so now it's in a zip folder I open it up and here are my three documents now over here in book bolt let me show you what I'm going to do first go to Project new project I'm going to call this ABC workbook for prek I want this to be 8 1/2 by 11 that's what that other book was selling at black and white interior paper now I'm actually going to make a really big book and I want it to be just on one side so I'm going to make this 300 pages so that's actually going to be about 150 pages that they're writing on and I need that second page to be blank I'm going to choose no bleed this particular page is that first inside page I like doing a my name is um this is my workbook option page two is actually the back side of page one so I'm not going to put anything on that one we're going to start on page three over here I'm going to click on images cuz I'm actually going to upload the PDF now let's get organized as you can see here I haven't really organized in the past and I just upload everything and it's kind of a hot mess so I'm going to work on being more organized as you can see here I've created folders now and it's actually working pretty well so I'm going to I've already created a Kinder workbooks folder and in here are all of my PDFs so I'm going to make a second one create folder let's call this ABC workbook click okay and let's go into it now what's going to happen is when I upload the PDF it's going to create another folder for each particular set of PDFs so I'd go to upload PDF choose [Music] PDF let's go ahead and select the first one now remember I said in the original book I didn't want any margins so I'm keeping that this is just asking how I want things to be named I'm just going to go ahead and keep it as is I want all 52 pages to be uploaded and submit takes a minute maybe we have slow Wi-Fi here this next step is super important I'm going to go back to my workbook now watch what I do I'm going to rightclick on this folder and I'm going to use the folder as a page template okay now this is now asking me where do you want these Pages placed within the book you just created so I want every other page but within a certain range I know that there are 52 so I'm actually going to 52 PDFs so I'm actually going to select 104 Pages how's my math there not too bad you know I'd also really appreciate it if you subscribed it means a lot to me and to the growth of my channel thanks I wish I could put in here select Pages you know 3 through 107 only the odd but I can't so this is what I'm going to do I am going to actually select the odd first half okay deselect page one click continue to options this is where I wanted to follow Amazon KDP guidelines and I'm actually going to resize to fill the whole paper but it's going to stay within the guidelines that I have designated if I choose constrain aspect ratio it is going to be centered on the page but it may not reach the exact edges that are needed so it resize to fill the whole paper let's see what it looks like go to Book View cover first page and then that's on the right page good perfect as it comes down here to Z it just started over from the beginning because I just said select the first half that's not a problem I can overwrite this and then place my new pages on after so let's go ahead and do the next section of workbook that I want okay in my bundle I need to determine what else now you're not going to want to do a cursive handwriting one because because the first one was ABC for preschool this is not preschool so even though I have lots of pages to choose from I'm going to be able to make multiple workbooks I want to focus on um consistent learning within that item within that workbook so I'm going to select scissor skills now you'll notice in this situation they gave me a canva link to what they created I'm not finding this on canva and downloading it they've sold me the rights to their particular product so here it is I'm going to go ahead and download it as PDF now this one is 100 Pages because it allows for that second page to be the back of the first page that they're cutting here's my interior let's go ahead and upload it to book bolt now remember I want to back out I want to go to my workbook folder because this is what has that other folder in it that I just uploaded let's upload PDF again choose PDF file and here's my scissor practice again leave no margins I'm going to leave the pages as is and click submit so now I'm going to place these pages in my workbook come back here to the overall folder rightclick use folder as page template now let's find the find the Z I want to keep that next page blank there's the zebra so here I'm going to start with a that's page 107 now I'm going to select from page 107 to page 208 that should be 100 Pages good I don't want to skip any Pages click continue and remember you can see here that every other page is blank that's because that backside needs to be empty so that they can cut out this item and practice scissor cutting that's cutting that's that fine motor skill that kids need to practice during those prek years and this particular book warranted for that so it included kind of a clear SE page as you can see I added two pages too many so I'm going to go ahead on my next page or item that I upload I'm going to start on page 207 let's exit out of this and what else should we add to our book we've got a little less than 100 Pages I've decided to stay with our ABC idea but it's also going to add coloring as an option to color those ABCs I'm going to download this particular PDF it's okay that there's a little bit of color on the front but it'll be black and white in the book come here to book Boldt and go back to my main workbook folder upload PDF and submit go back one step right click use folder as page template now let's scroll down i' gotten all the way to page 207 that's right now this is 27 pages I actually need it to be every other page because they're coloring and the odd page is always going to be on that right hand side so I'm going to click so I need to actually select 54 Pages there really is no fast way to do it now that I'm at this ending part of the book If you know a faster way to do this let me know oh I just lost you okay let's scroll down to the bottom remember I needed to delete this page but you can see because I clicked resize to fill the entire Page look it's exactly in the middle and I don't have to go through and adjust each page we're deleting that one click save and of course I miscounted a bit more work to do let's keep going I'm at a point where I only have a handful left so I'm just going to delete these final Pages hey let's talk about the cover um the cover can be very stressful for some people I don't think you should stress about it I don't think that there is one right way to make a cover there definitely are some things that you probably want to have on there like title name you want it to be appeasing to kids and parents alike you want all the required information on there but don't let someone tell you that there's only one right way to make a cover here I typed in kids book okay I've got some really cute things it looks like it's concentrating mostly on bookmark so let me go ahead and typee in book cover remember look at the overall picture um I can change any text move things around as needed oh this one's cute The Adventures of little Leo we can always change the text on that perfect this is the one I like um I've gone ahead and changed some of the details for example I added my name this previously was like the great the great Animal book so I changed it to the great ABC workbook I left all the fonts as is I did add this part right down here at the bottom with the just giving more details I saw that on Amazon that other book on the front page had these details so I just wanted it to be very clear what someone was getting and I have a lot of animals on the inside so it makes sense that there would be animals on the cover to be consistent this is for the spine of the book and then over here on the back I removed some things because I wanted to be able to post examples within book Bol so people could see what the back was going to look like I'm going to download this I'm going to download this as a JPEG make sure I choose the highest DPI possible and optimize quality and download now remember we're keeping everything organized so I'm going to stay within this particular workbook folder upload the image and place it so here we are we have my main front page I've stretched it so that when it's cut it doesn't leave a little bit of white around the edges and make sure it goes beyond the bleed as you can see here on this back side I have added examples of the book and all I did for this you see you can move them around was I came over here again I selected one of the items placed it over here made it smaller and lined it up and that way people can get a good idea of what's on the inside of the book now let's go ahead and download the whole thing click create and I'm going to choose paperback let's talk about the book title this is a giant ABC workbook you need to write really what it is or else the book will get blocked uh Amazon will identify if your title is not consistent with what's on the book now subtitle is where I can really give details about what's in this book and let's be sure to address key words so here they used for their subtitle learning to write alphabet numbers and line tracing handwriting activity book for preschoolers and kindergarteners I'm going to use a lot of those key words but not copy exactly what they have you can see here on the right hand side book bolt gives me what that keyword count is ABC letter tracing practice for Pre K and kindergarten shap practice for fine motor skills learn to write basic words perfect okay I don't need to add it to a series I could actually create a series because I have so many pages to work with I've never done that before though so I'll have to look into that a little bit more now the description is really what people tend to get hung up about I would say don't worry about it let's go to chat GPT and it'll help me out okay I'm going to write exactly what's what my book is and ask chat GPT to help me pasted my subtitle all the keywords are in there now I'm going to tell it to create the description for me make sure you tell it that you're making it for Amazon KDP and chat jpt will be sure to pull in those keywords good it's talking about comprehensive learning boost confidence just make sure that everything in here is correct says how many pages oh I do want to add in there and identify that the back side of every page is blank to allow for coloring let's copy this um I own the copyright nothing explicit it'll be on Amazon let's talk about categories okay this is an educational book but let's see if I have that option first of all I want to start within Children's Books it's a great category to be in I'm going to go with activities and click General now we can add another subcategory I'm going to identify it as educational studying and workbooks it is a workbook and workbook save category now let's talk about keywords here when I look in book bolt it tells me over here the top words that were typed in but I want to make what's called longtail keywords and what that is is I am adding multiple words into one phrase because people just don't type in workbook they type in preschool workbook so I'm going to start adding these particular related keywords in their completion okay I'll leave all of this and click save and continue we're going to assign an ISBN the inside is going to be black and white I need to make sure I change the size to 8 1/2 by 11 keeping it no bleed cuz I've preset everything to no bleed so I need to tell ktie P that that that's what it is now I actually want the cover to be glossy I think that would be fun for a kids workbook now let's upload the manuscript the manuscript is what's the inside part the guts of the book here's something I always forget to do and I forgot to do it again on this one but I'm getting better and I've got to go back and enter what about that very first page on the inside that identifies the kids name so I actually found this also on KD it was something I downloaded I typed in Fr page of book and it was really easy to uh adjust what I wanted it to say so here I exported it as an image and placed it just like all of the others titling my big ABC book I always forget this first inside page and unfortunately now I have to go back down redownload everything and then re-upload it so I'm going to upload the cover that I created there it is okay I didn't use any AI tools for this I know you were thinking I did have it create description for me but if you read the details in this particular AI what it's asking is anything within the book is anything in there Crea with AI like the images or the book itself let's launch the previewer okay great it's going to tell me over here underneath quality check if there's an issue or if anything in the book is off let's look at the inside okay things look good always go through every single page now let's talk about the price of the book this is showing me how much it's cost ing to print this book this is on the high side but there's a lot of pages how much do you want to make on this book this is totally up to you if you I like to make about a dollar on each book but if you're going for volume you might want to price it a little bit lower uh if you're only making 50 cents or 75 cents on each book but you sell 10,000 that's not bad over time especially that's not bad if you would prefer to make $2 or $3 on each book go for it that is totally up to you so if I say I want to price this at $7.99 it's going to calculate it for me and tell me nope not high enough it's telling me my minimum is $149 I'm going to make this 1245 feel like I'm on the prices right here yep $120 that's about what I'm happy making and it's around that $12 range and I click publish paperback now we're not done I know you may feel like you want to be done but you need to promote your book it's up to you how you want to promote your book you can run Amazon ads you can promote it on social media you can go to a local store and ask if they'll sell their sell your book actually today I'm going into the store that I dropped off books at last week and I'm going to find out if they say yes they're going to uh have my books in their store so we'll see how that goes but there are so many options for me the most successful one has been promoting it through here through social media I've started to do Tik TOS about it and also Distributing in my community when I shared it with people in my community and then sharing that experience that's also led to some sales of the books that I've made so there's a lot of different things you can do let me know how you how you do how your journey is and I'm happy to help thank you so much for letting me do this