Discovering Your Purpose in Christ

Aug 22, 2024

Lecture on Ephesians 2:10 - "What on Earth Am I Here For"

Key Scripture

  • Ephesians 2:10: "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."


  • Two critical days in life:
    • The day you were born.
    • The day you find out why.
  • Many people never discover their true purpose and go through life attempting to be someone else.

God's Unique Creation

  • Everyone is unique, similar to having unique fingerprints.
  • God's intention is for you to be yourself; there's authenticity in that.
  • "You are the best you in Houston." God made each person authentically who they are.

Wonders of God

  • Various natural wonders (Aurora Borealis, Grand Canyon, Mount Everest) are not God's greatest wonder.
  • God's Greatest Wonder: The transformation of a soul through grace.
    • Transformation of sinners to believers is seen as a miracle and God's greatest wonder.

God's Workmanship

  • We are described as God's workmanship (Greek: poema), similar to a literary masterpiece.
  • Believers are God's love letters to the world, showcasing His ability to redeem and save.

Purpose and Identity

  • Everyone is born with a purpose, even if it seems unintended by parents.
  • Every individual is God's masterpiece, meant to be displayed to showcase His glory.

Life's Significance

  • Life is represented by a dash (-) between birth and death. It’s significant how you use that dash.
  • Importance of making the most out of life, living purposefully, and rightly using time.

Good Works

  • Good works are not the cause but the consequence of salvation.
  • Believers are created for good works, which reflect God's glory.

Walking in Christ

  • Believers are called to walk in specific ways:
    • Walk in Love: Love one another as evidence of discipleship.
    • Walk in Obedience: Align life with God's desires.
    • Walk in Faithfulness: Persevere in doing good.
    • Walk in Holiness: Reflect God's holy nature.


  • God has prepared specific works for each believer.
  • Importance of living authentically and following the path God has set - "walk in the light."
  • Personal stories and anecdotes illustrate the importance of living out one's faith authentically and setting examples for others.