alhamdulillah alhamd alhamdulillah alhamd the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said in a sound Hadith that Abu relates in relate this Hadith the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam said that whoever seeks a path Desiring knowledge so you set out on a path sadic is one of the names that you find especially in North Africa sadic the idea of the Seeker somebody to go down a path the musl whoever seeks a Path of Knowledge seeking knowledge Allah will make easy for them a path to Jenna in other words seeking knowledge itself will facilitate your path to Paradise and then he said s wasam the angels will actually place down their wings to the Seeker of knowledge because they're so pleased with what that individual is doing and then the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that every anything in the heavens and the Earth ask forgiveness for somebody who's a scholar somebody who knows not a scholar in an academic sense but somebody who knows the dean of Allah who understands why they're created and has in the dean so even the and in a it's the whales that ask forgiveness even even the ant in the Ant Hill makes for the Seeker of knowledge for the scholar and then he said that the scholars are the inheritors of the prophets is what you gain when somebody dies so when the prophets die what did they leave behind they left behind the treasures of knowledge and that those Treasures of knowledge have inheritors but the inheritors don't simply get it by just being in some line of lineage like a person whose father dies and they inherit their wealth this inheritance takes effort you don't get it by simply sitting around it takes effort and the prophet said in a that relates those who Allah subhah waala wants good for Allah gives them understanding of the dean and this is the students of Arabic here in the Intensive this so when the prophet alai wasallam said the condition whoever Allah wants good for Allah gives understanding of the religion not like knowing the of and and that's part of but that's not the meaning of theith the S of understood the was the one in the in pre-islamic Arabic the J Arabic the was the one who could see a pregnant sheep amidst the flock before others recognized it you they saw what was inside that's the it's somebody who understands deeply it's not somebody who has a superficial knowledge and this is why the are the according to the the people that know how to do this these he called them they're the generals the General in Greek the Greek word for General is Stratos which is where we get our word strategy from theis have they look what's down the road they look what's going on down the road they make their decisions based not simply on what's exper expedient at the moment or at the time these aren't ad hoc decisions they think about what is going what is going to happen down the road that's thei scholar but the important thing is this inheritance that the prophet Sall alaih wasam gave and this a famous Hadith of Abu Hur went into the marketplace and said uh the the prophet's inheritance is being distributed in the Masid all the merchants ran from their shops cuz they thought it was something that he had left behind from material things when they got there they didn't find anything other than Circles of learning and they said where's the inheritance they said he said this is the inheritance this is the inheritance and one of the great blessings is for you to have the time to study many people are preoccupied there are people in most Muslim countries many people start working when they're 11 12 years old many places they don't have this extended adolesence where they get a chance to study there's people we we know every year in Egypt in India in these places there are people that commit suicide because their grades were not good enough to get into higher education because there's a limited number of spaces so just the privilege of being able to study is an immense thing so this inheritance which is it lies in the books waiting for people like the nabash the one who who goes into the graves to get what was buried with the dead people there's people that get up at night that's when The nabash Works they work at night they don't work in the daytime because people will see them in the graveyard they sneak out at night right that's when they do it right if you if you think that you can get this without effort you you you you you're wasting your time seeking what's impossible you have to there has to be effort when when I returned to Muran many many years later I had left a a chest of all the books that I had but I had written and I'd forgotten this I had written on the uh on the uh the chest and taped it onto the chest so every time I opened it to get a book I saw this it was from IM he said you won't get this knowledge with laziness whether it's acquired through effort or whether it's given by God it's there has to be kid there has to be effort and that's how you get this inheritance it's there for whoever wants it and whoever gets it will be honored by Allah subhana wa taala on the day of judgment if you get the real inheritance not the arrogance that goes often with having knowledge uh thinking yourself better than other people because you're not seeing the of Allah Allah gave it to you Allah gave it to you yes your effort was from yourself and you'll be rewarded for that but the privilege of studying the time to study the ability the intelligence all those things are from Allah and that's why the prophet if he ever saw anybody in and one of the greatest is to waste time this is one of the greatest is to waste time so whenever he saw anybody in in Tribulation what did he say praise be to the one who has made me safe has given me a has given me well-being and not Afflicted me or tried me or tested me with what he has tested you with you don't say it out loud you say it quietly and what when this this is a Dua that I repeat constantly when I'm if I go anywhere outside you know and see the things you see outside you you have to you you have to say this Dua because there's so many tribulations and has Preferred me so much over so much of his creation like privilege is real privilege is real there's all these people that are resentful of privil you're privilege the prophet was from qur you don't think qur had privilege being a qur they were law the Arabs all the Arabs respected them the qur had a special status even in Jah they were seen as you didn't mess with qur in fact even the name qur they were called qur because the most fearful animal in the sea is the shark so so privilege is something from Allah he has privileged you some over you others why as a test it's a test one for the people that don't have that privilege not to be resentful for they don't have it and two for the others to use it for good if you have wealth it's privilege what do you use your wealth for if you have intelligence it's privilege what do you use your intelligence for these are all gifts from Allah we made some of you a tribulation for others says the ignorant one is a tribulation for the educated one the educated one is a tribulation for the ignorant one the rich is a trial for the poor the poor are a trial for the rich the black is a trial for the white the white is a trial for the black this is the reality of D what are you going to do with it just being an America you're privileged just being in this country your passport you can go places people live in country they can't get out of those countries they're just trapped the definition of a free man in Arabic that's the definition of in Arabic the definition of freedom is the ability to go wherever you want don't be deluded by the fact that the KU can go whatever they want this is just temporary this is like the mortanian who asked me if there were flies in America and I said you know we rarely suffer flies in Mor they suffer flies constantly and he said he saw it as a negative thing he said no they're getting Jenna in this world one of the the said he was asked what's the wisdom of the creation of the theab it's the the to bother the tyrants what's the name of in English we say Lord of the fight it's one of the names of el so you're here seeking knowledge IM it's attributed to IM shaf IM mentions it many of the books mention this he says or or oh my brother or listen up oh my brother you will never achieve knowledge except with six things you need six things to achieve knowledge let me explain and clarify what these things are so he says the first is what is in Arabic is related to fire so the Arab they say the the fire like lit up ignited so is a type of fire in the intelligence and that's why they say it's like he has a a fire that ignites so you a thicky person something they get it right away like fire when you light a fire it starts the the Arabs call the sun the sun is you see it in poetry the the the is the son of the the the the the child of the sun because the morning it's the Sun that produces the morning so Thea is a type of fire in the intelligence it's something that and that's why the K the K the Arabs when they when they if you kill an animal you say the the why because you're taking the fire of life out of it you remove the fire of life and it becomes is one of the words for dead which also means the fire is out so this Thea that Allah has put into your heads into your hearts this Thea is a gift from Allah but it's it lasts so long it's a fire that's burning and if you don't use it it burns you you either burn with it or it burns you it will consume you if you don't guide that fire and and the thing about see is made out of fire because elbl is unstable Nar and see Nar it has Nar so the you know it's that's the arrogance fire is unstable when you become arrogant you're unstable right the wow is written the head is over the line but the rest of it's under the line it's a humble letter so is a stable phenomena fire is not stable and that's why the is unstable if you don't use it properly and it becomes it will become craftiness that's what Aristotle said said excessive intelligence becomes craftiness because it's not Guided by light the light of on the light of the intellect so what is Covetous solicitous for you is to be concerned to have aspiration to have desire you have to have desire you can't gain knowledge without desire for knowledge you have to love knowledge and this love can grow in your hearts it's not something that it y it grows there's there's something there's a delight in knowledge in fact the Delight sometimes is so great you have to share it with somebody just because it's so amazing you can find something that you didn't know that you know you want to immediately go share it with somebody because it's so amazing so you have to have if you don't have you have to have is one of the interesting words of the Arabic language is the the back you know like you can break somebody's back has four meanings according to one of them is just intense needs right another is having no material possessions like the and so the is somebody who has no material possession and then is also it's like it's like a disease in the heart where you're just you you never feel satisfied but that's about this is the that the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam said Allah oh Allah empowers Me by making me imp uh enrich Me by making me impoverished before you and don't impoverish Me by making me feel independent of you that's real and that's why which means that you're content with what Allah gives you that's why uh when when M he said that he was from his Lord to be impoverished that's and then in a you have to have is enough to get you somewhere this is why IMA said if I had to worry about how much onions cost I would have never learned anything and that's why it's a great gift to be feel uh economically free from concern while you study it's a great gift if you don't use that gift it's a tragedy and in the means to be a way to leave your home because one of the things that will bring you down in your studies is family and friends is family and friends if you if you uh are always engaged and and you can socialize but the time will dissipate and then you'll find out your four years are over and what have you learned what did you gain and that's why it's important to use that time it's good to have and to be with people to study but if you look where if you look how they study in Seuss or in moritan in these places they're studying constantly and partly because a lot of it is memorizing because this culture doesn't have any consideration for memory and yet memory the word in Arabic I studied knowledge it means like what remains you know D when you visit a place where people used to live the what remains are the durus like it's just leftovers it's the remnants so knowledge is what Remains the D because there's a lot of knowledge given to you but what do you actually get out of that knowledge you can read the AL ofb Malik the whole thing but what remains is what that's what remains and hopefully the most important things remain because knowledge you you'll never achieve all of knowledge even if you have a thousand years you won't gain all the knowledge so that's very important and then he says teachers some knowledges you can learn if you're if you're educated and much of learning is autodidactic is a fact much of learning comes from books and from what you study and read and all the but you have to have the tools to study if you don't have the tools to study and then there's certain that are very difficult that you have to have a teacher with that's why he said he's saying you know the the the naive person thinks that books are enough and he doesn't know that in those and he thinks his intellect is going to guide him in the books and he doesn't know that in those books are obscure things obfuscations difficulties that you need a a scholar to open them that they're the keys uh to knowledge so that's very important to have good teachers and in the end of the day like I Jam said to when he asked to study from him he said he said I I'll only sit with you under one condition he said we're both students and Allah is our teacher this is another level because the prophet said be aware of tyrannical Scholars humility is one of the most important qualities of a scholar so what does that mean for a student of knowledge if you're only a student of knowledge like we are we're students of knowledge all of us in fact L is out one of you will continue to learn until he says I know and then he becomes ignorant and that's the last of the six a lot of time may Allah give us the time that we need to learn what we need to learn and act on that knowledge whoever acts according to his knowledge Allah will give him knowledge that he did not know ald alhamdulillah these are hot days the fire is much uh hotter we ask Allah subhana in to make it easy for our brothers and sisters in Palestine there's a lot of suffering that's been going on and the the the clear the that even people that were blinded before can now see uh is is uh it can't it can't continue indefinitely Allah brings an end to by its very nature and uh Allah subhana tal we we believe in Allah and we believe that this Dy is a temporal thing it doesn't last forever the people that uh are gone from this conflict are inshallah in a much better place and uh and then the people all the people that have been left behind may Allah make it easy for them may Allah subhana wa tal give us whatever capacities we have to do something there are a lot of places right now in the Muslim World we're we have more refugees than any other community on the planet for whatever reasons you know the afflictions of this time are amazing for this the prophet said that my um is a um that theah of Allah is on it he said whatever punishment they get they get it in this world so when you when you understand that you might see these things in a different perspective because the sins of our um are great you know people get upset if you bring these up if you man you know it's don't get angry at the doctor if he tells you you're not feeling well because you have diabetes or you're eating too much sugar you know don't get angry at the doctor if he tells you you're fat and you need to lose some weight you know and if the scholars aren't doctors then what are they they're supposed to be Healers of the society they don't they shouldn't be telling people what they want to hear they should be telling people what they need to hear so it's but it's important that we we remember these people in our Dua and also to study the issue like understand it so many of our community they they don't know anything about they don't know the history they don't they how do you defend something if you don't have knowledge to defend it just to study it to learn it to learn these issues it's important may Allah make it easy inshallah may Allah subhana wa tal forgive us all of our sins all of our shortcomings all of our stupidities all of our uh uh inabilities in this time time the prophet s Ali wasallam said that in these latter days the Believers would be like you know helpless people know a strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than a weak believer but in both is good so even if we're weak we have to ask insh for that good but that good comes from learning and study and I want to finish this uh last about this for and this particularly for the students that are coming in this incoming class use your time people have come through this program and at the end of the program you know they got through the program but uh not always uh did they take advantage of what was here so that's up to you there's nobody in here that doesn't have those six things everybody here you all have Thea there's nobody here you you couldn't have gotten into the program if you didn't have some level of D and D is something that grows also in fact in Arabic the the the horse you know the Arab say you know the uh the horse is seven years old so that's when they're the strongest at five they have all their teeth at seven they're the strongest they race better than any horses so the the the the race of the M they're they're the best ones so grows and that's why an old person they say like from from so much life experience they've become intelligent so just recognize that that you'll have will give you Allah Allah Allah for for