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What symptoms indicate Liver Yang Rising?
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Temporal headaches, red eyes, nighttime waking (1-3 AM), feeling warmer, irritability, rapid wiry pulse, and red tongue sides.
What herbal formulas are recommended for managing Liver Qi stagnation?
Chai Hu Shu Gan San (soothes liver and relieves stress) and Xiao Yao San (for Liver Qi stagnation overacting on spleen, creating spleen deficiency).
How can Liver Qi stagnation affect the spleen and stomach?
Spleen Qi deficiency leads to loss of appetite, loose stools, and fatigue. Stomach Qi rebelling causes nausea and acid reflux.
Why is patient education important in managing Liver Qi stagnation?
To encourage stress management activities such as yoga, Tai Chi, exercise, and meditation, and to emphasize the importance of lifestyle changes for long-term health.
What are the advanced symptoms of Liver Fire?
High blood pressure, red bloodshot eyes, constipation, bitter taste, dry yellow tongue coat.
What are the primary and secondary root causes of Liver Qi stagnation?
Primary root cause is stress; secondary is lack of movement or poor exercise habits.
What are the symptoms of Liver Blood Stasis?
Fixed pain (e.g., dysmenorrhea, shoulder knots, stabbing headaches), purple tongue, wiry and choppy pulse.
What are the primary functions of the Liver system in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?
Ensures the smooth flow of Qi, stores blood, reflects in the eyes, provides health clues through nails, and governs vision and planning.
Which acupuncture points also aid in stress relief when treating Liver Qi stagnation?
Yin Tang and Shen Men.
What are the severe consequences of untreated Liver Qi stagnation?
Potential development of conditions such as Liver Yang Rising, Liver Fire, Liver Blood Stasis, Spleen Qi deficiency, Stomach Qi rebelling, and excess fluid buildup (phlegm and dampness).
How does Liver Qi stagnation typically manifest in women?
PMS, breast tenderness, bloating, and mood swings.
What dietary recommendations are suggested to manage Liver Qi stagnation?
Eat to 80% fullness, avoid alcohol, use warm ingredients (marjoram, basil, lemongrass), and include sour foods (apple cider vinegar, lemon, Granny Smith apples, raspberries).
What acupuncture points are used to treat Liver Qi stagnation?
Liver 3 (moves Qi), Large Intestine 4 (LI4, moves blood), Gallbladder 34 (GB34, relaxes joints), Bladder 18 and Ren 14 (back Shu points), Spleen 6 (moves Liver Qi and strengthens Spleen), Yin Tang and Shen Men (stress relief).
What are some general symptoms of Liver Qi stagnation?
Shoulder tension, neck tension, hip flexor tension, ankle tension, impatience, and irritability.
How is Liver Qi stagnation diagnosed in TCM?
By a wiry pulse, particularly on the left side, and a pink tongue.