Transcript for:
Exploring Experimental Research Fundamentals

[Music] good morning students good morning research enthusiasts today we are very lucky or we will be learning a lot from our resources speaker so today i've invited a very good friend who is well renowned in the field of experimental research and she will be having a difficult task and we wish that her motivation towards research will be your inspiration as well in conducting viable researches wherein this will attain our mission of you becoming a research adept in psd so welcome to learning about and learning from an expert so let's get to know our speaker but before that let me just organize you with the objectives of the session one decide on the topic for experimental research two follow the steps of conceptualizing the topic for experimental research three write piece evolve problems four identify testing methods appropriate for the study and number five have a walkthrough of sample experimental research so plus i'm inviting you all to be collaborative be participative so that we could achieve the following objectives so our high caliber speaker is indeed a master when it comes to research or should i say not only a master but an expert well on her thesis she was um acclaimed to be the best in making it for her to have this best thesis recognition during her master's degree then on her doctorate program she was also given the recognition to have the best dice rotation she is also a fellow research advisor when i was in the philippines a winning coach and mentor not only in the division level regional level in the whole nemaropa region but also in the entire philippines national level she is a researcher a writer and a presenter of a research study in an international platform well my dear students let's give a round of applause to our research speaker today no other than doctor glacier m alkiesa from the philippines aurelius national high school hello mom glassy hello teacher elmer's song thank you for inviting me it's my pleasure really it's my pleasure to be with you and to share my cup of knowledge about the research and i hope i could share i could i could give the need of your students with regards to research okay thank you so much doc you know what i am now very a bit shy because of your time there is already 10 and uh thank you for spending your precious time with us okay so let's begin thank you teacher elmerson again so let me start my talk with a saying coming from albertson georgie which states that research is to see what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has thought so this um saying is very um timely for us because we researchers are discovering things that we have not thought about okay some [Music] yeah so why do we do research students my dear students why do we do research so why is research included in our school curriculum so why is research um introduced at a very young age the answer is very simple for you to be part of the best solution to some of the world's problems and what are these problems these are the areas of research that you could dwell and you could be part of this solution okay so these are the areas in which you could choose from for your topic in your research in yours in your subject so let me start with the problems of the environment this is the foremost and one of the uh huge problems of our of our society the problem in the environment which includes of course we know the climate change the um the uh the pollution and the waste management so those are the problems of our environment the degradation of our land the degradation of our water system so those are some of the environments which you could choose to be to be a deep part of solving these problems so another problem in our society is the water supply development so some of the waters through water problems are the sources of our drinking water so you could solve those problems about about um the salinity uh the the [Music] our our problems in the our problems in the urban we have also problems in the navigation in our agriculture in our wetlands so you could be part of the solution of the water supply problems another problem of our society is the water quality management this food includes our ground water pollution it could include the strategies for water quality control for our water quality monitoring and and the best of that is them safe drinking water so those are some problems that you could also sold through your research another one is the multi-natural hazards which includes our um our geological our our the geological our geometric and our atmospheric problems another one is the industrial and chemical hazards these industrial and chemical hazards could include the oil spills coming from our on our ships uh dispos this also include the hazardous chemical leads and the industrial water overflow from our industries so all of these areas could be solved by research and through you as a student so another area in the which could be solved by our research is the human epidemics our top bid 19 which are very very timely for us to have solutions for this pandemic it's very it's very challenging for you it's very challenging for the researchers the diseases of the dengue of the malaria and the influential also cause for the researchers to solve another basic areas that could also need our our solution as a researcher is the value if you will the very few will which includes the bioethanol the biod cell and the biofuel which are being used in different industries so discovering how to make or to develop biofuels is awesome is also challenging for researchers another area is the area of the ict the area which includes the open source and local computing the internet the network the wireless technologies the digital content the small satellites and the the problem on how to improve the internet connection not only for students but also for other uh sectors of our society also calls for researchers another one is the biotechnology which includes the development of the genetic modified crops and also the development of resistant varieties of different fruits of different uh of different um products this is also inevitable for us to solve another one is the production of the herbal medicine of course alternative medicine is very it's very um timely also so herbal medicine includes clinical studies for plants to fewer several diseases like um like influential malaria in akovid19 so those are some of the areas in which basic research could solve another another thing is the area is the area on vaccine so we um the hobbit 19 calls for the cure um coming from not only for coming from not only for industrial vaccines but also boxes coming from the plants or other alternative sources so another thing is the functional food and nutritional studies on the virgin coconut oil in the philippines uh our dosp or the department of science and technology in the philippines in our country is developing a a prada coming from the coconut which is called the virgin coconut oil which is a possible a possible cure for our uh but for our probability 19. and this is in the in the clinical trial now in today they are under last stage of clinical trial and this is um one of the promising promising cure for our coffee 19 coming from our from our local products so another thing is the um problems or the the problems about food essential drugs so we are also we are also researchers also developing some some products in order for us to have to have foods or essential drugs for several diseases okay and another is our personal care products and diagnostic personal care products who includes some medical products or some cure for our skin diseases or our or our development of the development of personal care products from local products like for example ointment for the ointment for the cure of our skin diseases like fungus like um some other diseases so this is very challenging for the researchers so these areas of deserts are the are the possible topics for our research development in our classrooms though we are uh we are not really an expert in terms of on how to develop this um products but then this is the motivation the inspiration that we can that we can have in order for us to think and to to to think and to have some um some way on how to solve these problems globally globally and this is a global issue and this is some uh this is um some ways in some way or some topics that we could indulge in so if we can if we can have select selected one of these areas and we could give ourselves and we could give some some efforts to solve this problems global problems through research then we could do something for our community and for our mother earth thank you so much yes a very good discussion next and then these are the steps of concept conceptualizing the topic for experimental research these are the simplest the simplest step for you to conceptualize a topic for your experimental research this is very very simple so the first one is you have to insert you have to be open open-minded open-eyed and open to all the happiness in your community if you are curious if you are aware you are open-minded to what is happening then you can conceptualize a topic for you to solve a problem for you to solve so the keyword is just observed observe and then later if you have observed those um things that happening the the things that happens which needs a solution in your community then you can have you can conceptualize a topic for your research another thing is you have to identify the problem of your community so you cannot just sit down you cannot just you cannot just observe but you have to be you have to be uh aware of what really is the problem when you identify the problem or the need of your community then you could have the desire to solve it if you have the desire to solve it then you will be a good researcher because you have a um tangible a tangible topic to be solved okay so um for as as an example if your community have pollution have a problem in the pollution and waste management that is the time that you can conceptualize your research problem because you have observed and you have identified the need of your community okay and then after you have researched after you have observed and after you have identified the problem then you will do now your literature search or hand you cannot have you cannot do a research without literature search without intensive reading of what really is your topic so if you have selected your topic you have to uh you have to intensify [Music] the information because you cannot write you cannot conceptualize you cannot start your topic without intensive reading so what time sources of our literature so we could get our data from the books it could be ebooks it could be books from the library it could be coming from the surveys it could be coming from the journal articles it could be coming from them reports are coming from the other sources like um like um documentary it could coming from the from tv or coming from the informative documentary which you can watch from from from any informative shows in the media okay so these are the sources of your literature and i i emphasize this one because literature is very important in doing a research okay and then so if you have um uh i will cite you an example on my personal experience of conceptualizing conceptualizing a topic um this one rambutan is our native native fruit in our community so i observed that in our community we have we have a vast [Music] harvest of this fruit this is known as rambutan with a scientific name of nepelium la passion now with this very um very large harvest from this fruit of course there is um there is a literature that i have read that there is 277 metric tons harvested from twenty one thousand one hundred percent individual bearing rambutan fruits in memorable alone so from this reading i have read this reading from an article which intrigued me which motivates me what could be the research problem or research some topic which i could do in order to solve this problem because this is a waste remember we have 277 metric tons of feelings wasted and thrown in every part of our community so that's give me an idea of what topic or what problem i will solve through research and that is coming from a literature so from that literature i have generated a topic a problem which is solvable by a reason so remember this is coming from a literature so very important is the reading the reading coming from the information coming from the readings so that's that's some example of how literature reading is very important in research now how will you decide on the title that you will do in your research so you have your literature you have your observation you have your curiosity you have your um your motivation motivational so you could now formulate the title of your research so from that literature i have observed that there are ways coming from rambutan and then why did i include antibacterial i do not know that rambutan has antibacterial which give me which they've made the idea that the rambutan have antibacterial property it's because i have read literature so then the literature gave me the idea that the rambutan field has an anti-material which i claimed in my research proposal in my research titled so the literature said that rambutan contains a logic acid corolla gene and geranine which are responsible for antioxidant and antibacterial this is where i get my idea that the rambutan field has antibacterial property i cannot claim that anti that narambutan has antibacterial property through observation alone i cannot claim that i can claim that the ambram has antibacterial property because of roman 2017 who conducted this research who have proven that the rambutan field has anti-bacterial property so from that literature i could now have my title so meaning my title my topic for my literature have validation because of the literature that i have read that i have that i will be citing in my in my paper that i will be citing because remember research is not a research without literature cited so that's them that's the characteristic of a research a paper now since um since i have read remember since i have read literature now i could claim in my study that i will prove of course i will prove again that this rambutan pill has antibacteria but i have my previous information but i have to prove more through my study that rambutan could be antibacterial okay now so that is that is clear okay now how to formulate the problem that is the problem how to formulate a problem so these are the techniques that i will give you in order for you to write a good research problem we have two distinctions of the problem um a while ago i have stated some problems of the community that is different from research problem research problem are those problems that you will solve through your research community problem is the problem that you will solve through your research that's the difference between the two problems so research problems are the problems that you will solve inside the study of your research so how will you start making a problem this is very difficult so the first is they must be in logical order because we have two again kind of research problem one is what we call descriptive problem and another one is what we call inferential problem so in your sequencing of the problem you have to write first the descriptive problem when you say descriptive problem these are not answerable by statistical or mathematical calculations these problems could be described through description that's why it is called descriptive problems so these are through observation through through narration through interview so you could you could solve those descriptive problems through those methods it could be interview survey it could be description only or observation only when you say it is inferential problem that starts now with the question of is there a difference is there a relationship when you see a problem which starts with is there a difference or is there a relation between two variables then that is the sign that you are solving an inferential problem which requires statistical calculations so i will discuss that later okay so there must be in logical order first questions will be descriptive and the the last questions will be inferential another thing is there must be no overlapping sub problems meaning if you have discussed if you have mentioned problems and for number one then you will not mention it anymore in other problems so there must no overlapping another technique of writing the problem is that the questions you will you will ask yourself is this question answerable by yes or no if it is answerable by yes or no then you have to delete your problem why because it doesn't need any more any more investigation because that is very simple yes that is for correct so meaning you don't need to have to have investigation so that is a no no for a research problem if it is uncerebral by yes or no then you should not include that in your research problem okay another thing is that does do all the questions reflect the title meaning the titles should be discussed in your problem if it is antibacterial then you have to come you have to to have a problem with requires the answer as antibacterial you have to prove through your questions that your title is about anti-material no remember this you don't need to have a problem which is not reflected in your title because meaning you are asking questions which are not in the scope of your problem that part it should be that the problem should be on the scope of your title okay so i will discuss that later also okay so the but the question should that reflect my title another one is there a hypothesis hypothesis meaning you are formulating a gas but it's it is not just a guess it should be a scientific guess which later on you will solve true statistical calculations so but but remember this not all not all theses or not all problems or topic in research requires hypotheses a qualitative research do not have hypotheses but a quantitative research like experimental research requires hypotheses okay so is there an output for the study meaning just like my example anti-bacterial so there must be an output for the study because you are doing research for you to have you are doing research for you to have product for other consumers to consume the product of your research so you have to have the product okay there is none there will be no meaning of researching okay so another thing is are they stated in grammatically correct language very simple do they provide a corresponding statistical tool so meaning if you have hypotheses there must be a statistical tool which is appropriate for that hypothesis okay are they formulated to clearly show the extent of different angles of inquiry is there different variables of interest or relationship to be probe especially this is a true with our experimental research there must be difference between the variables and there must be a relationship between the variables and this should be this should be answered using your hypothesis and using your statistical okay so those are the techniques of formulating the problem now i will give you example of how to formulate the problem using a a winning science investigatory project of my student which happens to be my daughter so this is a winning sip of our division which was um which was some uh chosen to be the representative sip of our division to the regional level okay so the title is the antibacterial rambutan so if you can see the title there are no other no other flowery words for this this is very straightforward so what are the what are the variables in this um topic so just by reading or looking at a title you could see the purpose of the study so antibacterial this is the purpose the material is the rambutan field and the end product is the jelly slab so with this very short title there is much meaning in this title though this have the meaning this is the myth now of your study by just looking of the title you know what is the uh research all about okay so now uh another thing is there is no introductory word here meaning is this is there a possibility of antibacterial so we are eliminating other words or other [Applause] other descriptive words for the title we are uh having a straight forward title as much as possible so now how do we uh formulate the problem uh first thing we should prove that there is antibacterial property of rambutan how do we prove that there is antibacterial the first method that we could prove that this one is antibacterial is that we have to test the ph value now what gives us the idea that ph value could characterize the antibacterial property of rambutan it is coming from again from our from our literature this is the literature that tells us that you should test the ph level so we cannot test the antibacterial property of rambutan unless this is this is coming from our literature so uh from partner 2017 he said that ph value of assault plays important role in the overt or reaction of the skin now and as a researcher if you happen to see a reaction of the material in your skin then you could conclude that this is not a good property a good product so therefore we have to test the antibacterial abram button using the ph value because of the literature that we have read okay now these are the variables that we are talking about so we have to test the ph value of the of the product compared to detergent antibacterial and ordinary soap remember in your product there must be comparison there must be control and there must be experimental group for you to compare the results because if you don't have comparison you have only one variable then you could not validate the result there should be there should be options there should be comparison so there must be control and there must be experimental now in our choices what is the control which is the control here is it a b or c it the control variable there is the ordinary so why because this is the tested in the market in the market so if you have you will compare now the ph value of the rambutan this is your first variable you have the the result from the jelly scrub the ph of the jelly strap the ph of the detergent and the ph of the antibacterial contrasting to the result of the ordinary result so this is the control there must be always control okay so you will base your your observation from the results of the four of the form and groups the jelly scrub detergent antibacteria though so this is the the thing that you should always remember that you have to compare that there will be comparison on okay so if you have a result from the ph value then you could now characterize your antibacterial if there is antibacterial in your rambutan field okay another that you have two tests for you to prove that there is antibacterial of rambutan is the ability of eliminating bacteria of the following agents so you have to test the eliminating property of your jellyfish using tap water antibacterial soap antibacterial ram but until this if you have the difference in the ability of eliminating bacteria why do you think that this is a possible problem to your to your topic because you have your in mind you have in your mind that this one have the ability to eliminate bacteria but you have to prove you have to prove that it has really an eliminating property so you have to test them in the tap water use the using antibacterial soap and using your ram button here so that you have two now you have two proof you have two um variables that will be will be used to prove your antibacterial claim for the rambutan field another thing is then you have to you have to show that there is a action of eliminating the colony of bacteria using your rambutan so what will you do you will have a set up with 75 percent solution meaning that is that pure not all is extra coming from rambutan so only 75 percent extract is coming from the rambutan another one is you have to test if the pure rambutan really eliminates or uh it has an effect on the growth of the colony of bacteria and of course you have the control setup meaning control set up you don't have the rambling pill yes okay so with this kind of experiment with this kind of problem you could now again claim the antibacterial property of rambutan if so happen that the colony of the bacteria is eliminated using 100 solution percent solution so meaning you are very sure that rambutan has antibacterial pill if you have 75 percent solution only that you could say that the rambutan has no antibacterial property okay so with this kind of problem using selecting a kind of problem like this you could now you could now uh see or prove that there is antibacterial property of rambutan another thing that you should test in your experiment on your product antibacterial is the level of acceptance so this is very important so you have to expect you have two methods one is the laboratory method and another one is the observation method observation meaning you do not have a laboratory results using those uh first three problems that we have stated this number four problem uses the perception of your of other people other than you so what is their acceptance in terms of order and effect if they have positive acceptance in the ordering effect of the delhi scrum while washing their hands if they have positive responses then again you could claim that this anti-rambutan has anti-bacterial property so you have four tests and if these four tests have positive results then the claim of our literature cited is validated by our own experiment so from the literature that was cited and from the result of our study positive result of our study then you could now have that power or have that uh coincidence that this rambutan field really has anti-bacteriality then it could be um incorporated in a soap which could be used by our consumers yes so that's it so with this problem you could now have the validation of your claim that the rambutan has anti-bacteria okay now this is now a what we call hypothesis the hypothesis is a actually coming from our statement of the problem but you will just select the hypothesis you wanted to solve this includes the significance and the relationship in our particular study on the antibacterial we wanted to prove that there is significant difference in the acceptance of the respondents in terms of order and effect this is very important to prove why because i have said if they have positive if there is really a significant difference between the acceptance then you will claim if the if the jelly scrub is really a a product that you could produce in order for other consumers to to use okay in order for um to fight bacteria yes this is especially during our our um time in which we are using antibacterial hand sanitizer so you have options so you have commercial sanitizers and if you have proven that this rambutan feel is really an anti-bacterial then this would be an option as your soap or i'm sure washing sanitizer wash hand washing sanitizer okay so this is hypothesis and this is uh being solved using the statistical tool which i will present later okay and then now we the testing of hypothesis this is what i'm talking about so the hypothesis the acceptance difference in the acceptance in the in terms of other nsa could only be discussed using these statistical tools what are these is statistical tools it could be the anova it could be the tie square it could be the correlation the independent test the crystal wallis the man with me the party test regression and the wilcoxon so of course this um this is statistical tools will be discussed by your teacher teacher emerson okay so later in your in your subject this will be uh discussed by picture and result okay but these are the statistical tools to be used in order to to answer the hypothesis okay now all right we will now test the problem the problems that we have cited alert earlier can be solved using this method so how to test this are the uh the laboratory methods that are available in order for us to use not only in the the sample the sample study but also in your studies i have here the list of your uh the list of your studies i have um are given by teacher emerson so i will try to um to see what will be the appropriate laboratory methods for your research so let us try some first of all if i just like in our study we are using um rambutan so the rambutan should be uh should be validated or named should be identified by uh unaffiliated um agency so in our study we conducted the identification of the rambutan if it is really a rambutan because you cannot claim that it is a rambutan unless that is identified by an affiliated um department in our government so the laboratory testing centers that we that in our country uh is the department of science and technology this is a um department in which they offer several laboratory methods uh in different researchers of students not only of students but also of the professional researchers okay for example for your cloth and face mask this was a study you are presently conducting right so making of um face masks the making of face mask the making of face mask so if you want to have a problem so you want to conduct a problem or formulate a problem for your uh study about cross-face mass so you have to test their air permeability like for example what is the level of the air permeability of what is your material self or uh for your face mask deeply fiber use update leaf fibers in making environmentally friendly face masks how will you prove that this date lathe leaf fibers could be an environmental face mask so you have to prove that the air of the date live fibers is acceptable as characteristic of face mask air permeability now what are your p repellency or should also be tested in your fabric in your face mask for you to claim that the date leaf fibers is really an alternative for face masks you have also to prove the observancy the observancy what is the capacity this is a sample problem what is the capacity of the date leaf fibers in absorbing moisture that's one if you have proven the observancy of the date leaf then you could claim that the date leaves could be a material for face mass composition what is the composition of the date leaf fibers so you have to prove what is the composition so from this pump what is the fabric type so you have to have your literature of what are the public types which are which are acceptable as a fabric cloth so from here from here you could generate now your correct problem you will test the air permeability water repellancy the observed observancy composition and fabric type if you have tested these articulating in your problem then you could claim that the date lift fibers could be an alternative as face mask you will get your problem from here so another thing because if you have proven this one the characteristics of all of these which are present in your date leaf fibers then you could use that material as your classmate face mask okay is it clear yes another testing uh how to test your problem is using the chemical laboratory the bio biochemical laboratory and microbiological laboratory so from your list you could use this method with the problem the use of turmeric peeling as antibacterial solution you could have your microbiological laboratory to be tested what are this water contain the total coliform content so if you have tested all of this using the microbiological tests then you could prove that the turmeric feeling have anti-bacterial solution so you could generate also a problem from here what is the level of the heterotropic palate content of your turmeric [Music] you will get your problem from here because this will be the tests that you will do yes so you will just formulate a problem using using this one because in the in the process of testing your product you will test this one okay so your problem should be coming from here ayan okay another thing is the use of orange feelings as antibacterial pad the same thing you could have your microbiol biological because the claim is antibacterial so you have to test that in the context of microbiological content okay biochemical laboratory so [Music] young using the visibility of using orange as biodegradable dishwashing dishwashing spuns you can use the biochemical laboratory the presence of this one the presence of this um material so from there if you have solved this one using biochemical because why biochemical because you will be using this as dishwashing sponge this washing sponge uh must be proven that it has no hazardous chemicals because it has a hazardous chemicals that it could irritate our skin yes you have to prove that your product is free from hazardous chemicals using the biochemical tests using the biochemical test okay but why biochemical because you are using plants if you are not using uh plants then you will use the chemical laboratory if you will use salimbawa the nutrients or the non the new videos the chemical but if it is involving plants and the living things and you are trying to prove that there is no hazardous chemicals in it then you will do the biochemical laboratory okay pop is it clear and then another thing is jan for furniture so you have this um furniture you have uh the problem with the title converting food waste into biodegradable furniture yes plastic water bottles are stable corner guards this is a furniture a kind of furniture because this is part of the table right yes so what will you test what will you test in order for you to prove that well plastic water bottles to be a table component yes then you will test the transit testing meaning you transit that from one place to another if that if it does not damage at all then it passed the transit testing environmental testing also the lid contained the heart and cold test the coating adhesion and the stain resistance test staying resistance meaning you will you will put some pressure in it so you will test all of those so you could just select any of this for any of this test if you want to test only that fancy test then it will do then if you will not if you don't want to test the lip content then it's okay for you to to um select this one if you cannot test them all then you could select only for you to problem the properties of the water water bottles as coinal cards if you have tested it in the stain resistance or coating adhesion then be it you could now claim that there is um that is possibility or visibility of water vibe as part of the furniture okay another thing another method that you could use in a performance testing is also important in testing another is biological laboratory so in biological you have so many examples of um a problem here title a research subproject involving uh bio which which requires biological laboratory like for example herbal or herbal so you have here a sample of herbal ah you have herbal may air balkan do you have herbal here making of herbs i know we don't have that ah you have the pala plant pesticide and insecticide so you have here the use of basil as germicide solution this is a kind of pesticide and insecticide so this must have an entomology entomology test and use the basil as germicide solution this is under the pesticide and insecticide you have also your the tomato tomatoes anti-mold anti-mold yes this is also included in the pesticide and insecticide so they are this last study should undergo a what we call entomology tests or biological tests okay so another thing is uh [Music] sample so you have there pharmaceutical another is is the yan you have uh you have some numbers of paper involving the production of paper pulp and paper board and one example is the one example is the anito potato starts as main component in the making of biodegradable plastic [Music] cardboard utilization of eggplant seed extract as cardboard indicator cardboard indicator another thing is young acting paper what are the tests that should uh you include in your methodology so you have to test the pure strength the tension strength the thickness the density the brightness opacity yanyu mangayan for you to claim that that is good for paper making the the flat crust tests test ring cross test if you don't if you will not go to a um to a testing center then you could read how to test from your literature how to test the pure strength we have we have some recommendations in in some articles in the in our literature that could give you idea on how to test the tear test you will not just steer the paper there are some procedures to do that so meaning this is the this is your this is your choices on making the problem what is the theory strength of the tea onion what is that your problem could be what is the tear strength of the t waste as a secretive paper so there must be comparison always compared to the paper oh yeah and one paper extension paper okay you will now have one test now yeah you will now you will now have one characteristic now okay another one is stitchness yes thickness nut and very very simple test on your paper so you will compare again the thickness of your product to other products commercial products dirt down yeah if you have three of this test that's very good now for you to claim that the three ways could be a paper in region yes okay yes another thing is your chemistry laboratory so if you have water of course if you will test if do you have a study about water i think no none okay young fertilizer you have this one young antenna i compost read here young use ion compose making of an improvised micro real fuel cell with the utilization of compost and the parent plant and a all right yes another thing is the okay all right previews okay food and favorite you have extra and banging with nothing and stuff later the extract we have uh basil in making you modify your solution [Music] chemistry you will use the chemistry laboratory okay then another is the the physical and performance testing how we yeah the plastic products we have plastic right yeah we have we are making yeah the young plastic you have the paper you have the another okay so you will undergo what we call physical and performance tests so you will just take note of those tests and then you will you will scan some articles about this then you could formulate now your problem remember the problem are the ones that will prove your claim in your study so the problem must be complete for you to prove the quality of your study okay another is the and how to test your calibration if you have studies about cars so you have to test the temperature the pressure the mass of course humidity torque speed so this this is all about ours the efficiency of efficiency of the parts of the cars or some other details okay you will test the humidity the speed electrical measurement and dimensional measure union then you could generate another problem from there okay auto pass testing again laboratory young if you have man yes uh what's that food hand sanitizer dispenser out of the use drum pedal so you have to prove that the drum pedal is is durable right yes for you to be used in as a hand sanitizer dispenser so what will you do in testing the durability of your drum pedal so you will the endurance whether it is neckties or the endurance of the of the drum the that is the load the load of the drum and then the speed performance the fatigue testing and the vibration testing so you could use this test in order for you to test the durability of your drum drum pedal as uh as material for your hand sanitizer dispenser because so you will test two things here you will test the drum pedal and the uh the dispense the hand sanitizer the food control hand sanitizer young manipulation manipulation of the pedal so what what are the the tests that you will use in order for you to to manipulate the sanitizer using the drum okay so you will have this test okay if you selected three then very good another thing is the mechanical metallurgy so you have i have uh i have listed several uh um projects that you have that you could use the mechanical methodology first is your food controlled sanitizer it could also be tested using metallurgy laboratory you will use the tension test the bend test the vibration in mask net deflection test and the hardness test bili kalanjan for you to solve this one another metallurgy is the making of solar panels out of pentagons they buy you have there so young pin tanks you have to test the hardness of the tin can the bend test and the tension test so with this three pedina you could solve na if it is um if it is possible as material for your solar color example of your problem what is the level of the hardness of the tin can as in material for sauna what is the the bent capacity of the tin can as material for solar panel so you have three problems nah and if you have solved those three problems then your claim us as uh your claim for tin cans to be used a solar panel could be proven okay nepal yes and then another example is the mechanical another is uh mechanic that metallurgical metallurgical contact lens doorbell with the use of an ultrasonic sensor you could just also mechanical little metallurgy laboratory you could um test the compression the flattening the proof load or the breaking load the shear test and the flexion you could use all of these are in the literature you will just read all of this okay and then how if you have this one then you could have your problem okay the burst test also aha another metallurgy you have another methodology utilization of light reliant surge circuit as an emergency lighting system so you could you have also problem uh formulation using this test comprehension test flattening proof of life reliance certified as emergency licenses okay now i hope that you have idea now of formulating your problem you could not you you can if you have no um no resources or no means of of going to the laboratory department or laboratory affiliated department then you could have those tests using your literature okay now i will give you um a um simple methods which we used during our um doing our preparation of our antibacterial rambutan field so you could adapt also these methods if you are if you will be if you will be uh doing the if you will be doing this uh research studies [Music] are the use of basil as german side solution for the young methods that i will be presenting also the uh the use of orange feelings as anti-bacterial fun also you could also use the methods that i would representing the use of turmeric feeling as antibacterial solution the same thing and the same thing and then you have your eto use of tomato as organic anti-mold anti-mold mixture the same thing okay yeah so what are simple laboratory methods that we can use so first preparation the the preliminary preparation meaning these are not yet the uh the way or the method of solving the problem but this is predicted uh preparation for doing the problem first you have the collection and identification now so you will uh in our case we did went to department of agriculture regional integrated agricultural research center in alcatel victoria to identify our rambutan so there must be a certification from them that the rambutan that we use is really a dependent lapacium because we have so many variety of rambutan so the department identified that the brahmatan that we use in the study really is the nepali passion okay another thing preliminary is the uh preparation of brahmital feel extra very simple it is just hand pressing of extra so if you will use turmeric peeling then you will just scrape the peeling of turmeric and then you can have the hand pressing method so we just get the extract of the of the turmeric and of the orange filling same thing the same procedure another thing is um preparation of nutrient agar this agar is very important in in determining the colonies of the bacteria being inhibited by that by the extract so you have to first prepare for the nutrient agar this is the 75 percent solution meaning the other plus 75 ml of the extract you can do also that so you have a 75 ml of orange fillings extract so if you will use the 100 solution then this is pure pure extract incorporate our meaning 10 ml of extra incorporated with the agar agar solution is just a combination of boiling of gelatin gelatine gelatin powder and then water you will just boil a certain amount of gelatine powder plus the water and then you will let it cool and then harden a little and then you will put 10 ml of the extra and that is a 100 solution and then this is our controlled setup in which it has no extra at all okay so this is the uh nutrient agar solution so pedia that could be used in your orange extract or medics also and your thing tomato you could use that in your tomato research or study another is the preparation of bio assay bioassay uh because in the in the in the study using bacteria the prerequisite is for you to culture culture the bacteria you you you cannot get a bacteria right from the source you have to culture meaning you will be the one to produce the bacteria so you have your controlled environment of the bacteria so you you could claim that that is really a bacteria because you are the one who could choose it you you grow the bacteria from the from the petri dish you know so that is a what you call bioassay technique the bio assay technique so how to do the bio assay so you have the agar the agar solution and then the swabbing of the the swabbing of the bacteria coming from the cultured bacteria so i will show you how to culture the bacteria later okay another one is how to culture bacteria very simple you will just get a raw meat and then this raw meat will be cleaned with water water and then you will just um let the raw meat stand for three days then after three days you will notice that there is white growth in the meat and then you will just scrub the the meat and that is the bacteria now that is the less i have a question we don't have much pork here in qatar so can we use beef or chicken yes yes yes yes yes okay then this is the preparation of antibacterial this is the jelly scrub uh we use a jelly scrub not a hard soap why not hard soap because uh in the market we have so many um products of a hard soap so we wanted to to be different from the existing products in the in the market so we decided to to prepare a jelly scrub which is um which is a very enticing for the kids because this is very soft soap so this is enticing for for some consumers like kids so we do we do opted to produce a jelly strap and then yeah and the preparation of the jelly stuff just like this is a preparation of a hard soap but then um there are some ingredients that make that makes it slimy or jelly or soft okay and then uh yan dying of course the the dye the drying of the rambutan pin for us to extract the the juice from it and then we have the yan so we will now test our problem so how to test the problem so we have the first problem that we age so how to test that so we have three setups this one okay so we have here the ph this is the ph the ph paper you will just dip the php paper from the preparation of the detergent soap so we have detergent soap um melted in a water so that the amount of water is controlled so then we have bacteria so uh safeguard but we don't need to name the name of the commercial so that is a very very no in a research paper you don't need to to name the brand name of the product because that is um somewhat uh uh and multi-analytical unethical that's unethical okay so uh we use that uh actually we use the um safeguard because that is uh one of the products which claim that that is antibacterial and then we have the ordinary soap the ordinary ordinary it has no antibacterial claim in the market that's why ordinary and then we have our rada so with the result of this then we can solve problem number one okay the testing is this one so to answer problem number one is it understood so this is the method to answer problem number one okay so we have problem number two what is the method eliminating bacteria then we have how to know the ability of eliminating bacteria so we have here one we have the swabbing of the dirty hands like that we we put that the bacteria from the this is the cr then we put that in our agar and then we wash the dirty hands using them using the jelly scrub and then and then after several days this is the result we can see that this clear one with the bacteria here this is the result the this one are the colonies from this bacteria so meaning uh with this one we we answered question number two using this method using this method okay another problem number three jan difference in the colony when we use 75 this is the result when we use the 100 this is the result when we use the control setup this is the result now by just looking at the petri dishes with the bacteria what can we claim what is the answer for our question number three that that solution the this one with extra of 100 percent rambutan pill has lesser colony appearance meaning in inhibited nasi bacteria meaning 100 percent pure extract from button pill could eliminate the colony of the bacteria so meaning with this result we could claim that rambutan pill really has antibacterial property yeah so yes we solve this problem using this method agar method um swabbing of the cultured bacteria okay so how to sub number number four acceptance level of acceptance so we do invited we do invited uh students to test the effect of the jelly strap from rambutan on the other effect remember when you use when you when you use a human as a respondent and they are under aids you have to have a um waiver labor from them that they are willing to participate in your study and if you will post the picture of this respondents be sure that they don't be recognized the faces are not recognizable that is the ethical the ethics of using human as your respondents so there must be waiver okay so this is the procedure on how to test the other end effect remember the procedures that i have used were coming from literature i have basis on using this one i cannot make a method without any bases no using the bacterial growth the culturing of bacteria they are coming from a jor which are uh which are which was used by other scientists and it was proven and there must uh if there could be a modification it's just a little modification okay that's the secret of using methods all right and the other thing is statement how will you test now the hypothesis since this does not in this that uses laboratory method then you will do the statistical calculation so in this particular study i use the one-way anova in which this is available in our excel in our in our computer so this one and the interpretation will be discussed by teacher elmers okay so from there after you have your procedure after you have um answered your problem then you will discuss the problem in the result and discussion chapter of your paper that is chapter 4 and then you will discuss thoroughly the the results of those methods that i have presented and then you will do the calculations i i mean the conclusions and the recommendations and after these chapters then your research is now finished you can now present your research to the to the expert for validation and to your their school for approval and of course the teacher amazon for the approval and that will be all you will have your bibliography and do not forget um to write your references as a respect to your sources thank you very much if you still have uh some more questions picture elmer's on i i am i am reading very well willing to answer you good luck to your uh research journey i hope that i have imparted some of the techniques which are very important to you as a researcher thank you sir thank you teacher amazon all right thank you so much dr glassy with that i can give you a hard reaction for indeed you poured out your heart into this kind of webinar that we had today so i'm sure the wisdom the intelligence you have imparted to our students will be utilized to its greatest extent because you know i learned a lot from you what about in the case of of my students for sure they will learn to the best because you are indeed an expert so thank you so much dr glassy but i have one more question before i let you go well it's a song before i let you go um is there a need to ask in the statement of the problem like is there a possibility of using tea waste for example in making mud pads or trivets is it necessary to ask you can you can use the word possibility or visibility feasibility you could use also the possibility or the possibility but you have to state the specific variables that you will test in order to prove that there is possibility is there a passive visibility or possibility of using dates leave fiber as us as what environmental friendly face masks in terms of there must be in terms of because that in terms of significance you on what test but if you don't have that in terms of the variables those are the variables and the variables that you have that you will be testing the end you cannot prove the feasibility or the possibility of that product there must be variables to be tested in terms of water absorbent in terms of observancy in terms of um air valuability or permeability yes those are the things that you have to at the test for you to prove that there is possibility but if you will stop there without testing the variables then you cannot you cannot prove you cannot claim that there is possibility okay thank you so much dr blessy that's what i observed in the experimentation it really entails a lot of patience a lot of time at the same time skills in scientific fields no processes and a lot of reading a lot cannot do a research without reading literally without reading yes without reading you have to read first before you sit down in writing your paper there must be a really a file a pile of research journals articles studies that are related to what you will be doing all right thank you so much and you must select you must select a property choices yes yes because there's tremendous uh tremendous sources of information and if you will if you will read all of them then you will waste your time so you have to select yes what oh yes thank you so much dr c for the insightful tips and reminders in conducting research i know for sure you could have more than thumbs up reaction from my students so thank you so much and you know um in behalf of my vice principal dr daddy and my principal dr alexandre sacosta and the entire philippine school doha we are indeed grateful to have you today and with the shared knowledge and intelligence about doing experimental research for sure we could be research adept someday just like you thank you for being our motivation thank you for the appreciation and thank you again for the opportunity teacher amazon i read it i really really appreciate this opportunity thank you so much thank you so much dressy see you next time and our team up will not end here because for sure i will be sending you some of the research studies of my students for you to be you know an expert to see if we are doing the right thing here in philippine school yes i'm very very willing to do that and to be your partner in your journey of research no thank you so much i hope you have um you have successful um venture in the in the research and you could also compete in the international arena yes that's what we import as we that's what we are aiming for yeah but that's great somehow let's pray for that thank you so much okay thank you so much i'll stop recording now