Building a Portfolio with GitHub Pages

Aug 19, 2024

Lecture Notes: Creating a Portfolio Website Using GitHub Pages


  • Purpose: Create a portfolio website for data science professionals without coding
  • Target Audience: Recent graduates and data scientists
  • Problem: Difficulty in showcasing skills without web development knowledge

Importance of a Portfolio Website

  • Aids in job acquisition (full-time, freelancing, consulting)
  • Demonstrates projects and personal branding

GitHub Pages Overview

  • Offers free website generation and hosting
  • No web development experience needed

Steps to Create a Portfolio Website

Initial Setup

  1. Create a GitHub Profile

    • Necessary for using GitHub Pages
  2. Create a New Repository

    • Name Options:
      • [GitHub username] for main website
      • Custom names like 'portfolio', 'data-science' for subdirectory
    • Initialize with a Readme File

Configuring the Repository

  1. Create a Config File

    • Filename: config.yml
    • Content:
      • title: Your name
      • theme: Choose a Jekyll theme (e.g., Minima)
  2. Update the Readme File

    • Add sections like:
      • Data Scientist
      • Education
      • Work Experience
      • Projects

Deploying the Website

  1. Settings

    • Navigate to repository settings
    • Set source to Main branch and root directory for GitHub Pages
  2. Action

    • Wait for build and deployment
    • Use 'View Deployment' to access the website

Customizing the Website

  • Add images to an assets/image path
  • Use Markdown to enhance the Readme file
  • Structure can be cloned and customized

Final Tips

  • Experiment with theme options available on
  • Customize links and images using Markdown syntax
  • Fine-tuning can enhance the final appearance


  • Utilizing GitHub Pages simplifies creating a professional portfolio
  • Encouragement to share this method with peers

Additional Support

  • Open for questions on portfolio building and job searching in data science
  • Invitation to engage and subscribe for more content

Note: This lecture is a guide for data scientists aiming to create an online portfolio without web development skills. GitHub Pages and Jekyll themes streamline the creation process, making it accessible for non-technical users.