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विन्डोजमा धेरै फाइल एक्स्टेन्सन परिवर्तन करने

hello friends welcome to you in this video we are going to see how to change multiple file extension in windows so let's go so here is our new folder and it's contained multiple files with png extension so if your extension is not showing then go to the view and go to the option then go to the view at here and just uncheck hide extension for known file types apply and okay then your dot extension is showing in the window so we want to change this to dot png to dot jpg so first of all copy the path of the folder just click here left click and copy or ctrl c then go to the start and type c m d and open the command prompt then type c p then paste the your coffee path then enter then type r e n space star dot extension is png and your new extension is jpg from png to jpg and hit enter and check your extension then your extension is converted to dot jpg by this way you can change any file type extension so guys thank you for watching this video and don't forget to like share and comment on this video thank you guys