[Music] the next morning Greg showered quickly back in his room he realizes that his room is so messy they are clothes all over the floor and then a thought comes to him but someone go through my things he looked for his passport and his wallet and it's there and then he thinks he looks through his clothes but the book is gone Isla comes in asking are you looking for something Greg lies and says no I'm just cleaning up a bit Xander also comes in and Allah again asked so you're not looking for a special book Greg realizes that he has been caught Xander asks him why didn't you tell us Craig lies and says well I don't think it's important book it's just a burnt book Xander freaks out he gets the book pages to a certain page and shows Greg this picture he says this might be a little unclear but I'm certain that this is the chemical structure for man drugs and these words at the bottom Brody kantha D3 might also be chemicals there's Greek says but I've never heard of this Santa says me neither but we looked for it we Googled it and he asks him do you know what this is Greg says no Sandra tells him it is a list of the most deadliest chemicals a lies funny duetlex the chemicals Greg asks who would use this and Xander replies with bio preparet is a Russian agency that back in the day created biological weapons but closer to home was used for project Coast during the apartheid people use this to kill people it instantly kill people and it is not traceable the smallest ounce will kill someone and another chemical once ingested within eight minutes the first symptoms shows it feels like your lungs are exploding you'd not get air and you go into a coma and you die but no Greg it's nothing important sander is so angry it is very tense in the room just then Planck walks in and says why you guys making such noise Xander says shut up Craig tells him that they found the book oh crap says blank Greg asks Xander sir what about the mandruffs where does that come into everything apparently it was the drug of choice in the townships during this project Coast so whoever's book this is must have worked on Project ghost Isla asks where did you get it and don't lie again Greg tells them I don't know it was just saying to me query it to me with a note saying maybe this will help you find the baker so clearly it must have been the Bakers and he must have been part of project ghost Alexander is angry Craig says I'm sorry I made a mistake I should have told you Xander says I was the whole time wondering if I can trust you but now I know that I can't I can't you need for throney okay guys I hope that this helped you click below here where I landed to check out the playlist goodbye