Transcript for:
Installing OS in VirtualBox Guide

hello everyone I was so dissatisfied with my video on installing something into virtualbox that I'm doing it over again uh sorry for the relaxed attire yeah I'm doing this just before Christmas merry Christmas to you and Happy Holidays anyway you won't be seeing this until afterwards it'll never be applicable in this class but I do want you to be happy and excited about this class all right so let me go ahead and share my screen uh we're gonna share being a virtualbox manager so that's actually all you're seeing there it's just that window which will make it bigger on your screen which is awesome so this is Oracle VM virtualbox you download it and install it and I will once again show you that but that'll be at the end of the video it installs like a standard application it's not very difficult to do just need to make sure that you get the right one and you can see here that I've got a lot of things installed a lot of different stuff and I'm going to show you how to install an operating system so here we go brand new I am going to say this is Linux now the great thing is is as you type something in here if you are specific notice it went to Windows 7 on that screen I put in Windows 10 it'll change that for me it automatically tries to set things the way you ought to have them now I'm going to tell you the honest truth I could say Linux and then install Windows 10 in it there's not this big secret thing that's happening way down low and if you select the wrong thing it'll never work what virtualbox again is doing is creating a base layer that your guest OS will sit on so virtualbox is going to say this is how much RAM this is how much harder space this is how much video memory this is what the CPU is and and whether or not it has a two course or one core or whatever right it's that's what it's doing so it plays this layer of hiding what the host OS which is usually for you windows 10. needs does and continues to do right so this is a hype a type 2 hypervisor as I've said and so it's actually trying to figure things out there so if I just type Linux it's like oh linux234 or it's you know it's generic if I was to type a very well-known version then oh Fedora I know that 64-bit version is the common one right it it kind of picks for you and so you can actually come down here and see all the stuff that's down there and again this is not a compatibility list it's not saying oh well I can't find that version of Linux that I want to install for instance as I've said in other videos I like Linux Mint which I already have installed let me come up here Linux mint it doesn't have anything other than it kind of knows what you're probably it's a derivative of Ubuntu that sounds good right and so it's just general settings it's going to be okay I'm actually going to tell it Linux Min I think I have a the ISO file for that if I don't then I'll be doing something else now for you this would be the standard thing here it's telling you this is where I'm going to put this right this is where I'm going to store it and that usually is in the users folder in the James folder whatever your user ID is right here and then it creates a virtualbox VMS folder right alongside documents and photo pictures and music and so on if you have a notebook and then you may be in a situation where you're like you know I don't have that much space so I don't want you to put it on the C drive I want you to put it someplace else which is my situation I actually want to tell it you know what go to my D drive and I have created a virtualbox folder there and that's where I want to put it is in that virtualbox folder so I'm telling it go ahead and put it over there now it's going to create a subfolder inside of that for me which is nice so I'm going to go ahead and hit next at this point it's like okay well Ubuntu takes right that's what it's going off of that's where that little setting kind of helps again there's no secret magic stuff there's not like a boom 2 file that's sticking in there or Windows 10 it's just saying oh what I know about Ubuntu or what I know about Windows 10 this is the memory you require right so I'm I'm going to install mint and you know I know a little bit about Linux so I'm going to say you know what I want four gigs um and notice it's it started with one but again those are uh suggestions it's not telling you that's what you need to do and often it will be wrong so when you're installing Fedora because that's the one you need to to get download and get um it's going to come up with it and say hey this is what you need to do don't follow that if you got more that's what I wanted to tell you so if you've only got four gigs that's what this conversion is Right 4608 megabytes so we've got four gigs there if you've only got four gigs of RAM then you can't make it for gigs and this little chart this little bar right here at the bottom will help you because right here see it's saying hey you can go all the way up to this green line let's take it all the way to that point so it's saying you can give it 10 gigs that'll leave six gigs for your OS that's what this little nice pink or you could say light green and light red uh area is saying once you say I'm going to be giving it more than that now what it's telling you by the red mark is hey your host OS the OS you run on your computer is now going to have trouble because you're not giving the host OS enough for it to work so we don't want to go into the red and so if you had only four gigs down here it would say four megabytes up here let's say four gigs and in the middle here you'd be around you know a gig and a half or something like that and so you do have to be careful with that it'll definitely run on four gigs but you you want to make sure whatever guest you're installing in there is not taking up that much so for instance it had me going at one gig saying we could do that I could take this down comfortably the two gigs so if you had four gigs you could say let me split that between my Fedora and my windows install it's going to be really slow on your computer but it will still work so remember that when that OS the guest OS is running it's using that amount of RAM so and once this is installed and you click on it run it it goes oh you said I have two gigs two gigs and it takes it and uses it that's the way that works on this system I've got 16 gigs I'll often have students ask me you know to go through these computer programs I've got to have this awesome most powerful computer right no no you're not you're not uh going through game programming um uh the only reason that you would need 16 gigs for instance like I have on this computer here is if you're going to run multiple VMS at a time or you're going to run multiple huge programs at a time so even within Windows right Windows if you look if you go to your task manager and take a look uh it'll run around four gigs and then if you've got 16 gigs or so then it'll up that by a couple of gigs it'll do some other stuff but basically windows will run just fine at 3.4 3.5 gigs of space so that's why if you have four gigs of RAM your windows will run slow because it pretty much needs four gigs of RAM and now you're trying to do something else on top of it and so it's got a flip-flop things around from the storage to the ram to the storage to the ram that's a different story so what you want to do is if you were going to get a computer for our Computing program uh yeah 16 gigs is great if you're going to run a lot of VMS uh eight is just fine right if if Windows is taken for that still leaves you four gigs to run VMS in most people don't run more than one VM at a time but if you were one of those that said hey I'm going to run Windows 10 in a VM and I'm going to run uh tally Linux because you're in the security classes I'm going to run that in the VM and then I'm going to run Fedora at VM and each one of those is saying give me four give me four give me four all right now you're up to 12 gigs that you're using so really virtualization is where having a more powerful computer with more RAM and more storage actually does come in as a benefit as a matter of fact you a lot of students would think you know I'm going to take that ethical hacker class that's a real top-end difficult class I'm going to take that I'm probably going to have to have this super computer no no you're going to run these little tools and monitor Network and Wi-Fi and stuff like that you really don't need anything more than what I would say is standard today which would be eight gigs with about four cores you're gonna run just fine and most of the eight gigs of four cores is just for your windows it's it's not like the applications take that much to run but you take an easier class like cmp-113 or CIS 191 and then it's like hey I've got to run some VMS right now we're taking hard disk space we're taking RAM and we're taking processor power and we're allowing a guest OS to use that as well as the host and then you start to see trouble right if you want to run more than one thing then you're going to start to see a Slowdown again you got an old piece of junk and it's only got four gigs it's okay you could still get it done you can still use virtualbox uh and and everything is going to be okay it'll just be slower now again here at EAC we have all this installed but most students you know they want this they want this on their machines so anyway let's get back to the story so I have a bunch right so I really don't need to stick with two gigs I know that most operating systems are going to take four now Linux Mint is very not very trimmed down it's a very trim it's a trim operating system um it's it's not as big as Fedora is and I like it because of that it's like a good medium for me so it really won't use the four gigs but I'll give it to it because I've got 16. all right then you come up with okay what do we do with the hard disk now the hard disk is not the real hard disk you're not going to take your C drive and make that available inside of any of these VMS you're not going to say oh I better have an external drive that I plug in as e and that's my virtual now you don't have to do that what it's going to do is create a file that'll sit on one of those drives it doesn't matter if it's Mac or Linux or Windows so right here we have do not add a virtual hardness that doesn't get you anywhere so don't select that create a virtual hard disk and it says we think 10 gig will probably do you and then use an existing so you can actually have a hard drive that maybe you used in a hard drive file that you basically used in a different operating system as a different VM you can actually go select that to me I don't do that if I don't want Windows 3 1 here then I right click on I delete all the files that's what I do so I'm going to create a virtual hard disk and then it asks okay well what type okay so the vdi file is the virtualbox format for that file it's going to be a whatever whatever.vdi these two are actually for VMware and they're there because VMware is big and they're used a lot so we're do you have no reason to change this just let it go as a vdi but this one has a few more options here on this screen how do we want to deal with this physical hard drive notice it's got Dynamic selected and they kind of tell you what this means but dynamic means okay you're going to allot 30 gigs for this file dynamic means that when I report the hard disk size to this guest operating system I'm going to tell it it has 30 gigs however I will actually just build that dynamically so the install only took 12 gigs that's how much space I'll take up on the actual hard drive but I'll still tell the OS it's got 50. that's a great thing I usually select Dynamic dynamically allocate because I don't know I've got a lot of VMS here and I don't know what I'm going to use it for and chances are I'm never going to use 30 gigs or 50 gigs it'll be less than that so I'll just let the OS think it's got more space than than it's actually taking up however you might want to select fixed now it sounds strange but fixed would be used when you are low on disk space you think it would be this way right well it could be the problem is is we usually don't monitor that kind of thing too much and when you say look I'm going to use 30 gigs for this guest OS I want you to take 30 gigs for my hard drive and it will create a 30 gig file even though you've only got 10 gigs installed in it from the guest OS it'll still appear on the hard drive it's 30 and the reason why that can be important is if you have a small hard drive you often want to know how much is being taken now because you can get yourself into a problem and this is how say you have um a small hard drive we'll say 256 gigs and so that's hard that's hard to deal with you had a 256 gig hard drive and you you pay a lot of attention to it trying to make sure that you don't use too much but now you got to install this stuff and so you're like okay I'll use Dynamic so I'll tell that go ahead and use up to 50 gigs um and but it'll the install is only going to take 12 and I'll probably never use anymore after that all right so you take up that 12 gigs and then you start doing other stuff and then on your 256 gig drive you end up doing a ton of stuff on it that you haven't planned and you're really not watching and now it's only got 20 gigs free now that 20 gigs free is after the 12 gigs that's already been used but you told the guest OS that it had 30. and you start doing stuff in that guest OS and you start really installing like what's Linux gaming like so you know you start installing stuff in there and then all of a sudden you start getting these weird errors because what will happen is the guest operating system says I've got 30 gigs and the actual physical disk has only got 20 gigs left and so you don't necessarily hey you ran out of space on your host OS it'll actually just start throwing up crazy errors and so the time to use fixed is when you know well I'm not going to really track this and I probably will delete it after this class anyway so if you got a ton of space you can do either one but it's up to you I just want you to understand what is dynamically allocating mean means it's not going to take up that disk space you said 30 gigs it's only going to take what it needs but it will report to the guest OS that it has 30. and if you fill up that 30 then you're going to fill up 30 in the host OS and you better have that space available so I'll hit Dynamic this is where it says hey this is where I'm going to put it that's where I said way back in the beginning go put it in virtualbox and then this is what it's going to create here and then there's my 10 gig file so they said hey I'm going to make a 10 gig file but they give you the option and honestly Linux Mint I would say should take about 25. and we'll give it 26. right so you can may turn this into more and it actually is telling you hey on this drive there's two terabytes so you could be using or you got four Megs down to that so I'm going to say 26. um that is where you can start running into trouble like if you've made that portion too small and you didn't realize that the Fedora install is going to take up 30 gigs right then I don't have enough space and once you start the install process the the guest OS will tell you that Fedora will say well the hard disk's not big enough I got a problem um now I'm going to show you let's just go take a look at a file right now so let me um change my share here do the whole screen all right so here's my here's my share let's go into I've got a bunch of stuff on my iCloud sorry you have to watch me browse installs so I've got a bunch of installs in here and I've got a lot of them under I ISO ISO stands for international standards organization and when they standardized on a CD format they gave the extension an ISO extension and so an ISO means I'm a CD or a DVD image so I'm not a CD or dvd I'm an image of that so let's move on so let's uh see there's hyper-v server and I can look at the file size actually I won't select it because then you can't see it too well but the file size for hyper-v is 2.7 gigs now all installs are compressed shouldn't say all there's going to be something that's not but everything we deal with is compressed so if we come down to something like Windows multiple Edition here um right it's four gigs so it's compressed into that four gigs if that's extracted it's gonna be more than half so it'll be about 10 gigs so if we were to take all that data and say you're not compressed that's a 10 gig space so so to install Windows it's it uncompressed would need 10 gigs so if I make an uh um the size of the hard disk eight gigs for my Windows 10 install I'm not going to have enough space but if I had above 10 I would see where I'm going with this so what I'm trying to say is you can actually come out and you can look at an ISO file like there's also open source leap sorry and that is 4.2 almost 4.3 gigs if we extracted that it'd be about 10 to 12 gigs it's probably going to need a 15 to 18 gig hard drive so I'll have some space you know to do something again the honest truth is is you're not doing a bunch of stuff with this you're not installing a bunch of applications or anything the things you have to do in class are going to be more settings related and finding things in the settings and so on so you don't need to make it huge but if you think you know I'm going to play around with it too make room make some room all right so there's there's quite a few there I've also got a whole Windows 10 folder and I don't see mint in here so that's okay I'll actually just select open soups we'll put I'm not going to finish this install so open Seuss is what we're going to go grab we'll grab that one or maybe something smaller like G part of that's really tiny uh that's in the iso I've also got other things that I could select here that are not in the iso there's Cali there's Fedora Fedora is uh 1.9 gig file and so on there's Ubuntu so Ubuntu is pretty close to my mint my mint's probably sitting in my downloads folder anyway I'm not selecting it from here I just wanted you to see the file size now what we're going to do is take a look at how do we install those okay so let me let me show you what will happen if we just start it up and I probably should change my share to just the screen so you can have that zoomed in so we're going to start that up and it did start up there it is as a matter of fact I don't want anything going wrong here so we'll go back to screen all right so at this point when it starts up it realizes I don't really have anything to boot into so could you select an optical drive where it is or could you select an ISO file where that would be and basically what we have attached already is uh things that I've done before so your screen will come up and there would be nothing here you wouldn't have any of this stuff and so then you have to go through and say well I need to add add one here I need to go out and add one and let's see what happens we'll grab whoops you know what we'll just grab right we had there's insert we had Ubuntu we'll grab Ubuntu we'll hit open on that and then there's Ubuntu right and it actually shows okay there it is it's 286. so choose that go ahead and choose that and then hit start and then I'm going to show you the other way to do it and why I'm going to show you the other way to do it is because you may run into trouble with this way we're not having trouble there it is it's booting up it's starting the install process basically well it's not starting the install process it's loading the OS so that worked just fine let me show you the other way so let's power off this machine and you if that doesn't work for you right if you can't go you might have to rewind so you can see what I did but if you can't go and select that file and have it work then the next thing you do is make sure you selected what you the the OS your the guest that you're going to install into and then come in and look at storage under storage you will have a CD drive now because mine worked you will note need to move something that you can't see on the screen there we go you will note it already says Ubuntu on it if yours didn't work it won't say this so what you would do is you'd hit the CD and you'd say you know what I need to choose right I need to choose and notice I have some stuff here right that's because I've installed other things so you won't have anything there I need to choose a disk file and then I can go and find that this is basically I'm at the same place I was before if you drop this down right here you can choose this is creating a virtual disk that's back where we were so you can choose a disk file okay I'm going to pause for a minute and say what in the heck is this Live CD DVD most Linux installs are live CD DVDs you don't have to have this checked but this will let it know look I have to boot off of that CD and then I'll be in this OS that's running then I'll have to select install from there so it's not mandatory is what I'm telling you this is mandatory making sure that you have chose the correct disk file and I have one uh let me just see if there's something still in my downloads close this firmware hey there's uh Windows 98 . Clonezilla that's a small little file yeah so I guess I deleted it's not we could try to install second edition windows but anyway I'll just cancel this mine's set up to go so if the first way to do it didn't work come in here and set that up later on you would want to come in and remove the disk so once the install is actually finished you really don't want it booting off the CD anymore and that's the bad thing about having to do it this way if you do it this way it may cause you a little trouble that when the install is done it actually still boots off of a CD and I've had students do that and they're like oh I can't change this and I can't change that I'm getting these errors in Fedora and I'll say well chances are in your VM you didn't remove the disk and so it's still booting to that CD and you think you're booting from your hard disk your pretend hard disk but you're not all right so let's go ahead and start this up and I'll show you a little bit about um installing Linux they're all pretty much the same and I'm going to show you two different versions here so this is Ubuntu that we'll be installing all right I you know pause it for a minute so you can see that and then notice these messages make sure you read those messages at the top um I'm not going to take the time to do that now because I've read them many times but make sure you do that so you understand what that's telling you and here we go okay so basically at this point what's happening is it's running the full not the full almost full Ubuntu operating system from a CD from a DVD so it is not installed it is not installed I say that I have people that will not watch this whole thing right they'll just skip through and then they won't have it installed correctly so what's happening is it looks like wow you know it showed me that bar I don't think that was installed uh but here we are right and notice you have these options so this is what they call a live CD you can try it right now if you click this button you can still get back to this menu but it won't be as easy as you think you can try it and this screen will go away and you can just mess around with the OS without changing anything to your computer I'm going to hit install and then that will actually start the install process and I'm I'm not going to actually install this so I'm going to go through and hit continue [Music] normal installation download updates while installing that's always a good idea for any OS but you can choose what you want there it's going to show me my hard disk and that's basically what I'm I will stop the install process at that point and we'll look at the door up so you can see that together still trying after all this is taking some memory as a matter of fact let's take a look let's take a look at my task manager while this is going and just say you know what what's what's going on here uh how much memory yeah so we're using 11 gigs out of the 16. and of course I could stop this it's this OS all together and you can see what's left so erase the disk and install on Ubuntu Fedora does the same thing Linux Mint does the same thing if you're going to install Windows 10 it does the same thing I just want to pause here because people will kind of freak out at this point and go whoa am I going to delete my hard drive remember this operating system as we call it a guest operating system cannot actually see and touch the physical disks it's talking about the file you created so what I'm telling you is we're good if I hit install now away it goes it's starting to install I don't want to do that I'm actually going to power off this machine now notice the option here we can save the machine State send the shutdown signal or power off which we had in the other video I'm going to kill it power off means I held down the power button that killed it now I'm going to show you Fedora so what I'm going to do is come into the settings and I'm going to come back down to storage and I'm going to select that and I'm going to say you know what I don't want that one and again I actually have Fedora right here because I've installed it before but I'm going to say choose a disk file so you can see me do it ISO there's all my windows stuff where's my Fedora it's opensuse you just scroll up through this I don't see my Fedora in there maybe it's back in my installs folder instead of isos sometimes I'm sloppy that way there it is there's Fedora workstation that's what you use in the class so I'm sure students are like why didn't you just show us that that's the one we're going to use yeah but I want you to learn a little more about Linux and and be able to feel comfortable with saying hey I installed Fedora that's what I needed for the class now I'm going to go install Min or Ubuntu or something else just to see the difference all right so I pointed that to a different CD DVD ISO file I will hit start and now you will notice that it doesn't install Ubuntu it says Fedora workstation and I'm actually moving my cursor around in there and they don't have the option of install right from here they say start Fedora workstation live so it's a live CD so I'm going to hit that and we'll let it go but we'll see something very similar that's become more of a standard and giving you that install option along with let me try it get a bunch of Linux going on the screen there that's what it should look like don't worry about any errors if you see any stops or failed on this screen unless it actually affects you installing again if there was a stop on this or an error on that you'd see it in red and you can look at exactly what it is but basically what I'm telling you not to worry so much about it is the fact that it's doing a lot of General things and so you may have something that fails because your PC is just not set up for that and it won't affect the install process the only time you worry about something that stopped on there is when your install is not working right so this too is loading gnome so it's loading the gnome and when I say gnome I mean this graphical interface you see is gnome so when we say it's Fedora we actually are talking about all the packages that are put together that make the Fedora install if we say gnome we're talking about just the graphical interface and if we say Linux we're actually talking about just the kernel just the core of the OS so look at that this virtualbox guest editions update available this is actually inside so Fedora knows enough to look at what's being presented to it goes hey this is a virtual box install this is not actually on a computer and so they're letting you know hey when when you want to get this enhanced follow these instructions and there we are try it or install so if we hit install to hard disk there it actually shows graphically how much room it's going to take up on that hard disk which is cool and again it's going to be slower it's going to be slower because it's only using what you gave it English the fedori install is really nice uh except for this uh that's that's not as easy as Ubuntu so you notice here it's like installation destination automatic partitioning selected and it's got this big exclamation and all you can do is quit what they want you to do is Click and there it is it's saying hey I'm going to install it here on this virtualbox hard disk that hey look at that it's only 26 gigs because guess what that's what we told it and now I can hit done on this this is uh to me The Annoying Thing and it'll take a minute and oh look at that see it was selected and now it unselected it so make sure you hit it make sure you select that and then it goes through a little check process and then says okay now you can begin so if you don't have begin installation come in here and just that's all you got to do is say hey I want that one I want that one and it'll do a little check and then begin installation at that point and here we go now it's doing it it's creating it all it's making it happen and I don't care about this little system that I'm making but at this point that's how you install an OS that's how you get it done now let's take a look so we're kind of doing it in reverse a little bit but that's just so that you know people don't have to waste their time if they don't need to this next section is just to look at where in the heck did you give fedora how did that happen before I show you that I am actually going to show you how to delete these you just right click them you can actually you know go up to a machine here you can do all the same stuff and hit remove right from there or you can right click it and see it's the same menu I'm going to say remove and notice it says hey you want me to just delete the settings portion and leave the hard drive nah I want you to delete it all so now let's go that file I made is gone uh the reference to that DVD is gone just the reference the DVD ISO is still sitting out there it's not part of the install process right on any of these if you want to get rid of that DVD let's go to open source go to settings and down to storage and notice this is like I can't find it yep you can't can't find it at all I'm going to take off live CD oh and it failed to save it because it's in a safe state but I'm so sorry I am actually going to discard that no that's well we don't get into it I don't want to get distracted um let's actually let let's load that up I just double clicked it let me jump over to okay Opera oh look it's got an error it's non-fatal and we're in Opera and so let me go to let me go down just search for uh download yeah of course the only thing you want to make sure of is that you're hitting the right site that you're not getting a hacked version and get is the place to go if you notice on any of these get fedora get for the world right now here's a that's not their site so we're gonna go yeah we want to go and download Fedora Workstation and then you download it on Windows or Mac this will actually create a media for you so if you actually wanted to take one of these files and then write it to a DVD you could but you don't need to and this is x86 so that's Intel this is your Intel sometimes this will say AMD 64. so your x86 is again an old term that's used for the the actual command code that the processor uses so this x86 that's why you I explained that in classes so you may not remember me talking about that but that's saying hey this is Intel compatible a lot of Linux just does not say here's your Intel file it's your AMD file they're listed as AMD 64 or x86 underscore AMD 64 and then you kind of need to know what that means so this is what we've been downloading there's the iso fund uh these are for arm right that's for if you're putting it on a tablet if you're putting it on a phone if you're using anything that's an armed processor so when I hit download on that there it goes and it tells me hey it's going to take a while not too long for me and I don't want it so I'm going to hit excellent that's that's how you get that all right so that's how you and then a little tiny remembrance um let's go to download virtualbox now we use virtualbox I describe virtualbox in class we have VMware installed on some systems for certain things we do in Virtual boxes on everything because it's what people can use at home for free so there we are is the place and there's downloads on there this one takes us to the same place this takes us to Oracle Oracle actually owns virtualbox so there's there's the downloads I would go to Oracle site and do that I'm going to show you both and there you can get a Windows installer the DMG file which is Mac so that's your Mac OS Mac OS and then Sun Solaris or at least not sun solar there's Oracle solar S11 is a version of Unix so you would just download the windows installer and Away you go and then there's guest additions right so you would download that install it then you would go and it would say hey do you want to do any guest add-ons and you would actually run an install from this guest add-ons but you don't need that you don't need that like I said when it came up and said hey you're running for Dora you should right that's where this fits in but I don't get into that because you don't need it as part of the class but you can definitely do it and then of course the extension pack every time you launch virtualbox here let me close that it failed to open install anyway so every time you launch virtualbox let me type that in virtualbox it'll come up and it'll and it's not doing it now that really is not nice for it to do it'll come up and actually say hey there's an update for this so sorry I didn't do that this time it did it the last time I opened it and it'll tell you hey there's an update then you have to go download it again it's not like a super easy process do you need to do that no you don't need to do that at all um you definitely don't you can just run off of not having it updated it's it's Justified I don't want you to get bogged down and all this stuff like do I need to do this do I need to do that so if we go to downloads Oracle VM virtualbox notice they've still got the old web page here so this is their old web page still showing the platform Windows hosts right because it's saying this is going to be the host OS Mac OS and Intel hosts uh and then this is their going for their Mac OS that's for the new M2 stuff and Linux distribution so you can also get it from here I just wanted to show you that's you know two different places I didn't want anybody being confused about that and then you download it install it like a regular regular uh program whatever application you're done all right other things so tidbits that yeah you only needed how do I install an OS in there and get it going I already show you in the others how to change different things but I this is little additional things that you might want to know so here's our memory notice it's dumped down to eight now stem down to eight it was higher and then CPU is at 17 14 so there you go and of course you can go over and take a look at the details of that if you really wanted to so let me lastly back to virtualbox I was hoping maybe it would come up with that and let's take here's Fedora and it's saved um let's once again show you how to take a snapshot so I'm going to go ahead and we will discard that state that's what that does so it was saved I just told it forget it I don't need that saved and the reason why is because I want to come up to the machine here and I want to say um where is it where's my tools snapshots so I want to go to tools snapshots and right after you fully installed something notice it's got current state and notice these icons have changed at the top this is your snapshot settings and so I'm going to take a snapshot and say this is working one again it's important to take a snapshot because you're going to do all sorts of stuff in this Linux Fedora and you want to be able to do that freely you don't want to feel like oh I don't want to mess up my virtual machine I'd have to install it all again well there's a couple of things you can do to safeguard that one take a snapshot then when you go down the road and you're doing all these little changes and you're like this thing's working weird I don't know what's going on with this you can actually come into this screen and say let's start up the snapshot notice there's working one and there's the current state so you'll always be on the current state current state means what you're currently doing working one means this was taken from before right so you'll be able to come in and restore that state now the other thing you can do and I I do kind of recommend this if you've got the room clone it so if you've got the room Fedora clone take a look at where it's going to put it I'm not going to keep the disk names or keep the hardware we don't want that and then go ahead and say next and it's like well do you want to link to no no we want a full clone we want it all all it's all on its own and so if you've got um give me everything not just the current state and now you'll have two separate versions now again if I told it Fedora needs 50 gigs now there's a whole nother file taking up 50 gigs because now I have two of them but that's an Ultimate Backup there right you can now not use that use this one and just use it however you want and then if something goes wrong and go well I've got the cologne down here for when I first started so I'll just use that so that's fantastic it's fantastic to be able to do that let me launch this and watch our memory and our CPU use there goes our memory next let's see it kicking up see our CPU use going up as the thing launches it gets and gets going um just a little proof to try to uh make you aware hey this is going to use what you told it it can password I am awesome you know that's not the password come back we're up to 10 gigs and so on we've got something in the way here so so sorry I have to keep moving that I'm going to Max the screen out so I can see and I'm going to shutdown and Power all right so that's installing I just wanted to show you some of the resources there and on the other side of those resources you can see it emptying those resources out again on the other side of that let's go back get out of our snap shots let's take a look at you know what let's just right click this time could just click settings I guess but let's go back to details and take a look at the system and so it's using four gigs that's what it's using then I gave it and the processors it's only getting one CPU so if I want to make that faster I'll say two CPUs and 100 percent just as a reminder when it's saying CPU it means core so I've got eight cores in this and the reason this says 16 is because it's hyper threaded it's very common so it's got eight cores I can definitely give it two cores and let my Fedora run faster and use more CPU and those are just things you can change so if you have questions about installing let me know and I likely we'll make another video thanks for taking the class this is important to get this stuff set up within the first couple of weeks while the work is not as Hefty as what it's going to be a little later this is again not a super difficult class but obviously there's things to get done and go through and to me they're very exciting things it's stuff I love to poke into and hopefully you do too we'll talk with you later