Leadership and Inspiration

Jul 2, 2024

Lecture Notes on Leadership and Inspiration


  • Discusses how to explain unexpected success and innovation.
  • Examples: Apple, Martin Luther King Jr., Wright Brothers.
  • Key concepts: Golden Circle, Law of Diffusion of Innovation.

Golden Circle Concept


  • What: Every organization knows what they do.
  • How: Some organizations know how they do it.
  • Why: Very few know why they do what they do (purpose, cause, belief).


  • Successful organizations and leaders operate from the inside out (Why -> How -> What).
  • Example: Apple’s marketing is driven by their belief in challenging the status quo.


  • People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.
  • Inspired communication: Inside out vs. Outside in.

Biological Basis

  • Correlation between Golden Circle and the human brain:
    • Neocortex: Rational and analytical thought, corresponds with What.
    • Limbic Brain: Feelings, behavior, decision-making, corresponds with Why.
  • Importance of engaging the limbic brain.

Real-World Examples


  • Communicates their belief in challenging the status quo.
  • Successful in various product markets due to their strong beliefs.
  • Competitors like Dell and Gateway failed despite technical capabilities.

Wright Brothers vs. Samuel Pierpont Langley

  • Wright Brothers succeeded because they were driven by belief and purpose.
  • Langley was motivated by fame and wealth, leading to his failure.

Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Rallied people with his belief in a just world, not just detailed plans.
  • People followed him for themselves and shared beliefs.

Law of Diffusion of Innovation


  • Innovators (2.5%), Early Adopters (13.5%), Early and Late Majority, Laggards.
  • Tipping point between 15-18% market penetration needed for mass-market success.

Business Implications

  • Targeting early adopters who align with your beliefs can lead to broader acceptance.
  • Example failures and successes: TiVo (failure) and the Civil Rights Movement (success).


  • Leaders and organizations that start with 'Why' inspire action and loyalty.
  • Those who lead believe in a cause, and inspire others to join them.