show them from Everett's Israel this is aa B Ben Mordecai this is Torah on location and we're going to study some interesting connections between the Brit hadashah the New Testament and the Tanakh the Torah the prophets and the writings we'll try to understand some of these anomalies and why Yeshua says certain things why certain things are being said in certain ways there are reasons for everything in the biblical text of Hebrew Scripture let's have a look at it together [Music] why you [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Shalom once again for merits Israel the Land of Israel this is aa be been mortified and we're studying Torah on location today we're going to take a look at a few anomalies going on in the Hebrew texts and the Brit hadashah connect the dots so to speak until we can better understand some of these rather interesting statements that are being made in the New Testament in the Hebrew Scriptures and put everything together well we'll try okay we can't understand everything but we can sure get a good beginning okay here in Exodus Shimon chapter 38 verse 22 we are told that Bette's allel the son of Ori the son of of the tribe of Yehuda made all that Yehovah had commanded Moses and remember the tabernacle was shown to Moshe on the mountain we learned that from here in the book of Exodus Moshe was shown how to build the tabernacle precisely everything that was supposed to go into it its doors its gates its curtains its furniture the way everything was supposed to be designed and placed in the tabernacle all the rituals all the functions everything was described in in in the utmost detail to Moshe and Moshe in turn passed it down to Bethel el the son of hor now in Exodus 38 verse 22 Bette's allel means in the image of l betts allel it comes from selim which is an image or a copy BET's ll so in the image of elohim this is interesting because shall rule identifies this in the Brit hadashah in his writings as one of the objectives of the divine work in us that we are being made into the image of you Dave Ave into the image of Yehovah from glory to glory so we are actually growing to become something that is connected to this Tabernacle at a much greater larger level let's have a look here the name bets allel in Hebrew Scripture has a numeric value of 153 153 added up here now with this value of 153 I want to now turn to John Jochen on chapter 21 verses 6 through 13 and have a look at this in the Brit hadashah please now in the context of our research we're going to start at John 21 verse 3 shamone Kepha says to his fishing partners I'm going fishing they said to him we are going with you also and they went out and immediately they got into the boat and all that night they caught nothing nothing verse 4 when the morning had now come Yeshua stood on the shore yet the disciples the Talmud eeeem did not know that it was Yeshua verse 5 then Yeshua said to them children have you any food very interesting in the Hebrew this would be better translated sons do you have any food sons is Bonet now we could call them children but the connotation is slightly different but if we say sons it's going to have a direct reference to who we are to become those of us who choose to walk according to the Torah of Moshe in all Israel we are going to be made into true sons of Elohim and we're going to look at this idea in connect with bets allow in a moment sons have you any food they answer no four six he said to them cast the net on the right side of the boat and you'll find some cast a net literally on the right of the boat the right side the right you'll find some so they cast and now they were not able to draw this net in why because of the multitude of fish this is John 21 verses three through six why is this so important now the first thing we need to do is look at this idea of a net in Hebrew the word net in Hebrew this idea of a rush yet a wretched race Shean Tov this is the idea of a net or a trap something that you're trapping something particularly when you go hunting but it could also be used for fish for a fishing net there's no reason why you couldn't use it for that idea if we take this word net that is or a shot and we look at this in light of Hebrew Scripture it's going to reveal something very interesting race is the 20th letter in the Hebrew out of Beit Shean is the 21st letter of the hebrew out of bait and table is the 22nd hebrew letter of the olive bait so here in the word race yet Kastner arrest yet the net the trap on the right of the boat we have here 20 21 22 so this being said let us now turn over here to Genesis chapter 48 verses 15 through 16 Genesis chapter 48 verses 15 through 16 here we learned that Yaakov from Abraham Isaac and Jacob that Yaakov was going to bless his son Yosef before his death and in the blessing he says this in verse 15 and he blessed Joseph and he said Elohim before whom my father's Avraham and Yitzhak walked the Elohim who has fed me all my life long to this day the Malik the Malik the angel who has redeemed me from all trouble or evil bless the boys bless the lads let my name be named upon them and the name of my father's Avraham and Itzhak and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the land now this is not actually totally correct because it says let them grow into fish in the land here in the Hebrew text we're seeing the word ye goo comes from dog dog is a fish in Hebrew so it's let them be or grow into fish in the land let them come up into the land and grow into fish this is very important let us return now back to John yochanan chapter 21 Yeshua says cast the net on the right side of the boat and you'll find fish and they cast and they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish there was so many there were so many fish they couldn't even bring the net in now that's what we bring in this idea the net again the racial Rochette has a ordinal number of 20 the position in the Hebrew olive bait machine has a ordinal number of 21 in the 22 letters and the table has an ordinal value of 22 being the last letter of the hebrew olive 8 20 21 22 this is the Rochette the net now if you go back into Genesis you're going to see in the genealogy of all of the generations coming down to Abraham you're going to see something very interesting you're going to see that Abraham in Genesis is the 20th in the generation from a dumb he's the 20th generation down line from a dumb that is Abraha eat sock his son he is the 21st generation and Jacob from Abraham Isaac Jacob Yaakov is the 22nd in the ordinal numbers of the 22 Hebrew letters so Avraham represents the race the head of all of Israel Isaac is represented by the sheen okay and the sheen has the three prongs in it and Jacob is represented by the top so we have your Abraham Isaac Jacob 20 21 22 that's the word for the net now let's turn to the prophecy of Malachi Malachi or Malaki and have a look at this understanding from the text here in the Hebrew text of malla he or Malaki or Malachi remember the law of Moshe my servant which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel with the statutes and judgments behold I will send you Eliyahu Hanavi elio the Prophet before the coming of the great and terrible or dreadful day of Yehovah and he will turn the hearts of the father's to the sons or the children and the hearts of the children or sons to their fathers lest I come and strike the land with a curse now here in the Hebrew text verses 22 23 and 24 we have here a picture of the job of Eliyahu elisha his job is to turn all of israel back to the father's isn't that exactly what this text says with Abraham Isaac Jacob that is when Yeshua says to his disciples cast the net to the right side of the boat always in the Hebrew idea we have the concept that the right is always the Merseyside the right is always the mercy not the judgment side the judgments on the left the mercy is on the right the hesed is on the right side so cast the rhetorician on the right of the boat in other words bring mercy and the father's together and you will find fish how many fish did they bring up to the land well they brought up 153 fish how do we know because the text tells us that's what they brought up 153 so that's going to tie into bets allel but we'll look at that in just a moment the bottom line is that abraham Yitzhak and Yakov are the fathers and that's what this prophecy is referring to in the book of Malachi chapter 4 in the English chapter 3 in the Hebrew it's talking about going back to the fathers and teaching the children teaching all Israel to obey the law of Moses my servant which is a beautiful picture of the book of Genesis chapter 26 verses 4 & 5 let's read this together please and I will make your descendants multiply as the stars of heaven I will give to your descendants your seed all these lands and in your seed all the nations of the land of the earth shall be blessed why verse 5 because Aram obeyed my voice and kept my protections my charge in English it's the word protections my protections and he kept my Commandments my statutes and my laws so naturally this is explaining to us why in the prophecy of Malachi Elisha has to come to restore the children or the sons back to Moses back to Abraham back to Isaac back to Jacob because Avraham Yitzhak and Yakov kept and obeyed the laws that were given to us later by Moses Moses was ratifying the very laws and the very teachings that had been given long long before Moses ever came on the scene Avraham Yitzhak and Yakov were obeying the very laws that later Moses gave to all Israel so Elijah comes Eliyahu comes to teach that very thing to restore us back to the father's so let's go back to the concept of the net in the book of John verse 6 chapter 21 Yeshua says cast the net cast Abraham Isaac and Jacob on the side of Mercy where the boat is at show mercy to all of the disciples representing all Israel show mercy and you will find fish in other words it's the mercy that draws us to repentance kindness and forgiveness and mercy draws us to repentance this is what Eliyahu was trying to do and this is what we are commanded to do as a B'nai Israel to show forgiveness to show mercy to show kindness always do that if we withhold mercy and kindness we will be judged measure for measure according to what you sure taught in the book of Matthew chapter 7 verses 1 and 2 and you will find B'nai Israel ready to receive what you have to offer and that is the beautiful teachings of the statutes and the judgments and the laws of the Torah because there we will find a multitude of fish they will come to the land ok what I would like to do now is have a brief look at this idea of bet solo and I'm going to have a look at this man because he was essentially the designer the architect of the Tabernacle in the wilderness Moses told us in the text the following bets allel been Ori the son of my light in Hebrew the son of of the tribe of Yehuda made all that Yehovah had commanded Moses so we have clearly a man that was chosen to oversee all of the making of the furniture and all of the implements and the things that made up the tabernacle and how it was constructed what what is so important about this that's allel in hebrew means in the image of L that is bet Sol L comes from Salem Salem is an image a copy so bets allow in the image of L now this numeric value for the name bets allel the numeric value for the name bets allel is 153 keep that in mind 153 turn now if you would please to john johan in the Brit hadashah chapter 21 verses 4 through 6 in the context we go to John 21 verse 3 she won't Kalfas said to them to his fishing partners I'm going fishing they said we're also going with you and they went out and immediately got into the boat and that night they caught nothing when the morning had now come issuer stood on the shore yet the disciples the talmud dean they didn't know it was you sure then Yeshua said to them sons have you any food I like that idea sons we say children but it's really been a B'nai is sons and this is going to be extremely important to the concept of Bnei aha Elohim the sons of God it's going to be very important because the sons of God Bonet Elohim has a numeric value of 153 which is going to tie in with bets ll watch Yeshua said sons have you any food they said no 4 6 Yeshua said to them cast the net on the right side of the boat and you will find they cast and now they're not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish in Exodus 38:22 the designer the architect of the whole Tabernacle in the wilderness his name was Betts allel been worried that is in the image of L son of my light this tells us that we are being made into the image of elohim and we are building the tabernacle in the midde bar the wilderness but remember the word mid bar in hebrew comes from the hebrew word devar devar dalit bet race Devon is the word that means the word in other words the word becomes flesh and dwelt among us the sajama shocked and he makes the word grow and plant and multiply in us so we in our flesh are becoming like Yeshua we too are becoming the Word made flesh exactly what she all said when one turns to Yehovah you Dave Ave the veil is taken away referring to what happened with Moses or Moshe when he was giving the laws to all Israel verse 17 now Yehovah is the Ruach and where the Ruach of yova is there is Liberty but we all with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of yahuwah are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory just as by or in the Ruach of jehovah his spirit the spirit of yahuwah is transforming you and me each of us collectively individually moment by moment day by day into the image of our Messiah Messiah Yeshua we're becoming more like him so we are becoming like him thus we are becoming like Bezalel because we are the builders the Constructors of the Tabernacle in the wilderness in the mid bar we're constructing this together but then we look at Romans 8:14 for as many as are led by the Ruach of elohim these are sons of elohim what exactly does that mean if we are led by the Ruach of elohim then we are going to be called Benet ha Elohim the sons of Elohim Bonet ha Elohim and very interesting Bonet ha Elohim that - like betsa well in the image of L that - has a numeric value of 153 so this ties in very beautifully with the picture of Exodus or chameau chapter 29 verse 45 I will dwell among the sons of Israel and will be their Elohim and they will know that I am Yehovah their Elohim who brought them up out of the land of Egypt that I may dwell among them I am Jehovah darrell ahim the word among in Hebrew is Bethel bet talk can also mean in or in the midst of just like in the center of the Garden of Eden in the midst of in the middle of the garden because it's in the middle of the garden in Genesis chapters 2 and 3 where the Tree of Life is growing and Yeshua has the Tree of Life for us when we partake were partaking of his words his teachings were eating from the tree of life because he said he came to give eternal life so the Tree of Life is in the midst of the garden it is amongst them and so the tabernacle is amongst all B'nai Israel all the sons of Israel we are tied with the 153 fish coming up to the land because we are tied in with 153 the image of Bette's allel and the image of Bnei ha elohim we are growing into this image of the word becoming like the Messiah and we are the tabernacle we are building the tabernacle we're building the beit hamikdash in the world starting with the center of the Garden of Eden in the book of Genesis chapters 2 and 3 we're taking the Garden of Eden and we're bringing it to the world through us we are the tabernacle we are the Mishkan we are the beit hamikdash and we are therefore represented by the 153 fish thus we learn in 2nd Corinthians 6:14 and following do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what Fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness and what communion has light with darkness what Accord has Messiah with leal or what part has a believer with an unbeliever what agreement has the temple of elohim with idols you are the temple of the living Elohim as Elohim is said I will dwell in them and walk among them I will be their Elohim they shall be my people verse 17 therefore come out from among them don't be like them you Hova told us that in the don't follow the customs of the nations stop doing what they're doing they don't have a picture of what all of this righteousness is about according to walking in the Torah they don't understand it we have been given the opportunity to understand it so let us walk in it come out from among those customs be separate says yahveh and don't touch what is unclean I'll receive you I will be a father to you you will be my sons and daughters says el shaddai these are the promises they're for chapter 7 verse 1 of second Corinthians beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness in the fear of elohim and holiness is walking according to the commandments of yova so we've come to the end of our program today and we've looked at this idea of casting the net on the right side of the boat that very wonderful statement that Yeshua made concerning mercy concerning Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and concerning the the the restoration of all of the house of Israel under the unity in the bond of Shalom of mashiac we looked at that we looked at bets allel the number 153 explaining why the disciples when they did throw the net over on the right they pulled the net up to the land and there were 153 fish inside that net it's very very important to understand why these numbers are being given and so with all of this being said we now have a better picture of what we are in the world we are perfecting holiness we are building the tabernacle the Mishkan the beit hamikdash were building it in the world we are the testimony of all Israel to the world we are the test the third day were the testimony of Genesis chapters 2 & 3 where the testimony of the tree of life with a testimony of mashiach of messiah the word we are and we do have a very important job to do we have an a very very important job to do may we be faithful at accomplishing the job that is set before us this very day I want to thank you for joining us on this episode of Torah on location from Eretz Israel from the land of Israel as we study Torah on location may you be blessed thanks for joining us and if you have any questions just consult us over here at the websites coming home Co al or if you will Torah on location comm you can reach us and we can talk and share some ideas together as we're learning to study the Scriptures together in their Hebraic context be blessed Shalom to you and yours from all of us here at Torah on location [Music] why you [Music] [Music]