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How do you say 'Kisses' in French?
Press to flip
What does 'Répéter' mean?
Define 'Un brouillard.'
A fog
Translate 'L'automne' to English.
Explain the phrase 'Il fait beau et chaud.'
It is warm and sunny.
Describe 'Il fait froid' in English.
It is cold.
How do you ask 'What is the weather like?' in French?
'Quel temps fait-il?'
What does 'Il pleut et il fait froid' express?
It is raining and it is cold.
Translate 'Les années' to English.
The years
What does 'Il y a du soleil' mean in English?
It is sunny.
What does 'Il y a du brouillard' indicate?
It is foggy.
Translate 'Des nuages' to English.
Explain the concept of 'L'été' in French.
How would you say 'Goodbye sir/madam/miss' in French?
'Au revoir monsieur/madame/mademoiselle.'
What is the meaning of 'Au revoir monsieur/madame/mademoiselle.'?
Goodbye sir/madam/miss.