[Music] well we have arrived at the climax of liber novus this journey has truly entered the narrow gate into the beyond we have long called introverted and cleared the way for what is to come thus it is time for this new consciousness open and striving for wholeness to be born the sparks of daily illumination will begin to be known out of this new awareness in what is and what is when born produces a figure mentioned earlier in the series that being the divine child welcome to lecture four the conception and mysterium encounter now throughout the series i've left my opinion aside for the most part but before we join jung in the murder of the hero i want to add one thing that is the idea of the eastern and the western way followed by its connection to the supreme meaning by the eastern way i use it as an analogy to spirituality the mind the self the collective in the western way is an analogy to science the body the ego and the individual think about it in the eastern way it's a way of denying ego denying the eye that's exactly what jung just went through a denial of his ego to open up to the objective depths within himself now the western way is all about this idea of ego it is subjective if you take the two now and combine them you could see this idea of the supreme meaning you're integrating the opposite the inferior in young's case he begins to polar on the western side of his ego living the time which did well to him up to a point one could say since the inner longing he has shifted towards an eastern path of enlightenment what i believe yong does is takes it one step further with this idea of the supreme meaning after the ego death a new ego is born this is a strong and humble ego with a new awareness that is open for growth this ego is able to bear the shadows and clear the way for what is to come let's join young back on this path as he has one last vice to murder in himself that lies being pride pride just like fear keeps one away from this new birthing of awareness this new consciousness the murder must take place or else the hero will destroy the imago dei the self that jung is attempting to integrate through individuation murder of the hero december 18th 1913. while the last lecture we have heard jung about this upcoming murder the time has arrived speaking of that last lecture we left off in yong's black book entries with his plea to the depths calling i want it i want it well as they say you get what you ask for young begins the injury on this day the following night was terrible i soon awoken from a frightful dream now if you're following along in the red book the way the red book starts is on the following night however i had a vision so we went from the following night was terrible i woken from a frightful dream to just on the following night i had a vision in my opinion this is very important first the work that jung is doing is not for the make you could see it was terrible and frightful initially but then after further reflecting this tone shifted from that terrible and frightful vision in the night to just last night i had a vision if you could bear the heat of the depths cool water helps soothe towards a renewal similar to the last lecture this important vision will be glossed over to save time our entire aim is to see how jung went through his individuation and how we can all begin and maintain our own journey on this dream revision jung writes but after this dream i went through a mental torment unto death and i felt i must kill myself if i could not solve the riddle he truly felt this way he says about this dream and what the depths have taught him gradually it dawned on me that the highest truth is one and the same with the absurd this is what saved jung he continued in this moment the enormous tension was released and like rain it swept away everything that was tensed too highly strong and soon sleep returned and brought with it a curiously beautiful image this beautiful vision again will be left for you to explore but on this vision jung did know he thought that this was a vision of the beyond where people are complete and you can see this is the moment where the murder has taken place as that tension is released back in the black books jung writes i have string across the depths and see light but it seemed to me that i am in a new world babbling along where am i through painful guilt a new man a newborn before we get exactly to where jung is first that idea of guilt in 1916 on a talk to the psychological club he said the first step in individuation is tragic guilt the accumulation of guilt demands expiation now where is jung as he was babbling along where am i a new man a newborn as he said it seems to me that i am in a new world well he's been in the depths he's been in the desert he's been in hell where else could he be just as there's a left and a right there's also an in-between a middle where conception takes place young wrote certainly this is an animated world a world of the simplest things no world of will be or must be it seems to me rather a world of maybe with entirely undetermined possibilities a world of colorful twilight no heaven above no hell below a strange world in between everything merges in soft shades a colorful painting harmonically fused in itself now the second layer to this section jung continues with gold beginning we also live in our dreams we do not live only by day sometimes we accomplish our greatest deeds and dreams and a footnote from the giraffe on this young wrote are you smiling the spirit of the time would like to make you believe that the depths are no world and no reality personally especially in the beginning i felt this way on my journey i could say though after time it becomes second nature and that gnosis allows for that self scoring to ease and shrew and her trust to form now this next part needs focus and attention to understand what jung means listen carefully and try to follow the metaphors again everything is metaphorical and symbolic when it comes to the invisible space of the psyche in that night my life was threatened since i had to kill my lord and god not in a single combat since who among mortals could kill a god and a duel you can reach your god only as an assassin if you want to overcome him continuing but this is the bitterest for mortal men our gods want to be overcome since they require renewal if men kill their princes they do so because they cannot kill their gods and because they do not know that they should kill their gods and themselves this alludes to that idea of a self-sacrifice and how we must sacrifice ourselves for the sake of others brothers or sisters now on this idea of god young provides a teaching he preaches if the god grows old he becomes shadow nonsense and he goes down the greatest truth becomes the greatest lie the brightest day becomes the darkest night as day requires night and night requires day so meaning requires absurdity and absurdity requires meaning day does not exist through itself night does not exist through itself the reality that exists itself is day and night so the reality is meaning and absurdity noon is a moment midnight is a moment morning comes from night evening turns into night but evening comes from the day and the morning turns into day while this teaching seems a bit ambiguous i believe that is young's purpose in this he's trying to explain his new sense of consciousness or awareness in what is and this is what is the blending of sense and nonsense shifting gears to jung's inner hero for those who haven't read the skipped vision this hero in yong is siegfried jung described him as his power his boldness and his pride for jung to truly birth a new god a new awareness a new consciousness he could not have any intentions in the way rather than aiming towards a new god here to allow it to be birthed allow what is to be known and on this birthing that's about to take place there's three more paragraphs that beautifully yet painfully summarized the end of this second layer after death on the cross christ went into the underworld and became hell so he took on the form of the antichrist the dragon the image of the antichrist which has come down to us from the ancients announces the new god whose coming the ancients had foreseen gods are unavoidable the more you flee from god the more you surely fall into his hand the rain is the great stream of tears that will come over the people's the tearful flood of release tension after the construction of death had encumbered the people with horrific force it is the mourning of the dead in me which precedes burrow in rebirth the rain is the frictifying of the earth it begets the new wheat the young germinating god the conception of the god december 20th 1913. now before we begin this chapter as it's about to get serious i do want to highlight this idea of pregnancy and birth while we can understand the physical aspect of pregnancy the same essence can be metaphorically described to a psychic pregnancy his new god this new consciousness is something that he has been carrying in him jung has you could say been pregnant since his inner longing of course it's a difficult idea to grasp but there's wonderful texts about this philosophical idea of pregnancy one such text written by philosopher pierre grimes named philosophical midwifery dives into this topic now with yong after the torment and pain of carrying this new awareness around when that time was finally ripe and the grounds have been tended and ready the birthing that is a psychic birth can take place jung begins the entry of the conception in the black books there are many uncertainties not least of which is whether to keep this new life this new world continuing in the red book i spoke to my soul and said this new world appears weak and artificial to me artificial is a bad word but the mustard seed that grew into a tree the word that was conceived in the womb of the virgin became a god whom the earth was subject after young spoke this to his soul the spirit of the depth suddenly erupted jung writes about this eruption of the depths he filled me with intoxication and mists and spoke these words with a powerful voice this leads us to the words of the depths that provide the birthing keep your eyes and ears open as i read this important eruption of the depths word for word the birthing of the new consciousness the new god the divine child is here the depths spoketh i have received your sprout you who are to come i cover it in shabby patchwork embedded down on poor words and mockery worshiped it your child your wondrous child the child is the one who is to come who should announce the father a fruit that is older than the tree on which it grew in pain will you conceive and joyful is your birth fear is your herald doubt stands to your right disappointment to your left we passed by in our ridiculousness and senselessness when we caught sight of you our eyes were blinded and our knowledge fell silent when we received your radiance you knew spark of eternal fire in which night were you born you will ring truthful prayers from your believers and they must speak of the glory and tongues that are atrocious to them you will come over them in the hour of their disgrace and will become known to them in what they hate fear and abhor your voice the rarest pleasing sound will be heard among the stammerings of wretches rejects and those condemned as worthless your realms will be touched by the hands of those who also worship before the most profound lowliness and whose longings drove them through the mud tide of evil you will give gifts to those who pray in terror and doubt and your light will shine upon those whose knees must bend before you unwillingly and who are filled with resentment your life is with he who has overcome himself and who has disowned his self-overcoming know that the salvation of mercy is given to those only who believe in the heights and faithlessly betray themselves for 30 pieces of silver those who will dirty their pure hands and cheat on their best knowledge against error and take their virtues from a murderer's grave or invited to your great banquet the consolation of your birth is an ill and changing star these oh child of what is to come are the wonders that will bear testimony that you are a veritable god jung begins the second layer my prince had fallen that is the idea of the hero the spirit of the depths opened my vision and let me become aware of the birth of the new god his new god new consciousness the divine child is born in yonk the divine child approached me out of terrible ambiguity the hateful beautiful the evil good the laughable serious the sick healthy the inhuman human and the ungodly godly again this divine child is what is which requires wholeness and wholeness and ambiguity are one and the same speaking on this idea of what is yong continues i understand that the new god will be in the relative that is what is in each individual in another attempt to understand this ambiguity jung writes the good and beautiful frees to the eyes of the absolute idea and the bad and hateful become mud puddles full of crazy life now last chapter we concluded with jung speaking on christ's journeying into the underworld after his death this idea is again expanded on as we continue to explore ambiguity the wholeness of this new awareness therefore after his death christ had to journey to hell otherwise the ascent to heaven would have become impossible for him christ had to become his antichrist his underworldly brother in relation to his own journey jung adds no one knows what happened during the three days christ was in hell i have experienced it notice that christ did not remain in hell but rose to the heights and the beyond jung continues to warn to journey to hell means to become hell oneself this is a correlation to the quote in frederick nietzsche's masterpiece beyond good and evil proclaiming anyone who fights with monsters should take care that he does not in the process become a monster and if you gaze for long into an abyss the abyss gazes back into you a wise note for anyone on this journey it does require a dive to the dark side but this dark side cannot become you it must be understood and integrated but not embodied besides the fact that christ rose after his time in hell there's also a footnote to provide further detail about this this footnote provides a quote by jung in 1938 reading the three days descent into hell during death describes the sinking of the vanished value into the unconscious where by conquering the power of darkness it establishes a new order and then rises up to heaven again that is attain supreme clarity of consciousness this is everything we have just went through and the supreme clarity is what just bursts through the depths of jung at this point one could say that this is not the modern soft woke approach to spirituality rather it's a bit much for most to handle is this sacrifice in hell worth the supreme clarity is living in ignorance and easier life to bear than the wholeness in true reality for those on the fence as many should be jung offers more thoughts to ponder if we do not have the depths how do we have the heights yet you fear the depths and do not want to confess that you are afraid of them it is good though that you fear yourselves say it out loud that you are afraid of yourselves quickly i want to add who is not letting us confess this fear that is our pride another reason why this notion is needed that is the murder of the heroics continuing it is wisdom to fear oneself only the heroes say that they are fearless but you know what happens to the hero in this fear of the depths within oneself young adds some words of advice on this descent into oneself with fear and trampling looking around yourselves with mistrust go into the depths but do not do this alone two or more is greater security since the depths are filled of murder also secure the way of retreat go cautiously as if you were cowards so that you preempt the soul murderers the depths would like to devour you whole and choke you in the mud that last line of lose the idea of becoming hell or having that abyss gaze back at you it's a weird pull down there and personally i do advise caution when doing this work young continues he or she who journeys to hell also becomes hell therefore do not forget from whence you come the depths are stronger than us so do not be heroes be clever and drop the heroics since nothing is more dangerous than to play the hero the depths want to keep you they have not returned very many up to now and therefore men fled from the depths and attacked them there is a point where one has to ask how do you bear this journey jung writes therefore on your journey be sure to take golden cups full of the sweet drink of life red wine and give it the dead matter so that it can win life back again the dead matter will change into black serpents do not be frightened the serpents will immediately put out the sun of your days and a night of wonderful willow the wisps will come over you [Music] i must pause and reflect on the past few quotes one must realize that hell is unavoidable in this inner journey why wholeness must be embraced when we are trying to integrate ourselves into consciousness and wholeness of course is a heaven and a hell if what is is our aim then we cannot be a picker and chooser rather we must be strong enough to embrace what is also on these quotes you have to realize that pull of the depths and the importance of having a developed ego in this journey jung has already warned this many of times that we must live our lives we must not look towards an example we must not get in our own way and we must be strong if you're not developed as an ego and by developed i do not mean egotistical but rather strong and humble then this journey is not right for you live and come back when the time is ready while i provide a quote about this idea i skimmed over many this warning and idea should not be taken lightly for those still with me young continues take pains to wake in the dead if you remember from a previous lecture jung's depths asked him to wake in the dead the entire last quote about taking golden cups in red wine to dead matter is playing on this idea in modern terms in my opinion this is activating old memories within traumas limiting beliefs all that you haven't given life are still within you they're ingrained in your consciousness in your depths without you realizing its limiting grip on your reality to provide it life allows it to be activated to be seen and when it is seen it may be healed this is the idea of shadow work on this work young adds dig deep minds and throw in sacrificial gifts so that they may reach the dead reflecting good heart upon evil this is the way to ascent but before ascent everything is night in hell if you've ever truly wondered what hell's like well here it is hell is when the depths come at you with all that you no longer are or not yet capable of hell is when you could no longer attain what you could attain hell is when you think and feel and do everything that you know you do not want hell is when you know that you're having to is also a wanting too and that you yourself are responsible for it hell is when you know that everything serious that you have planned for yourself is also laughable that everything fine is also brutal that everything good is also bad that everything high is also low and that everything pleasant is also shameful but the deepest hell is when you realize that hell is also no hell but a cheerful heaven not a heaven in itself but in this respect to heaven and in that respect to hell from this you could see yet again that language of paradox of ambiguity of the supreme meaning this is the language of reality [Music] on the paradoxical nature of reality young continues that is the ambiguity of the god he is born from a dark ambiguity and rises to a bright ambiguity ambiguity is the way of life after a footnote follows and i believe it is important to the idea of doing this personal inner work we are dealing with the space of psyche and it's not a space we're used to it's invisible and the number two plays a significant part in explaining the psyches nature the footnote reads the language i speak must be equivocal that is ambiguous to do justice to psychic nature with its double aspect everything in this space is two which i can go on forever in its pairs hot and cold good and bad beautiful and ugly positive and negative and it is the work of our ego to separate understand then unite the essence of the opposites if the ego remains judgmental and polar that is using intention to aim then it is aiming for what it believes it needs what it believes things are in this it is impossible to know what is now if the ego suspends judgment accepts the polls in wholeness looks for their inner essence then the ego is then open to what is now living in ambiguity and ego consciousness is easy to discuss but as i love to say talk is shape this work must be lived and young has some harsh words for the players who talk the talk act the act but when it comes to living they're left with just their imagination these words are for the fake and the phony who lie in order to look holy [Music] nothing is easier than to play at ambiguity and nothing is more difficult than living ambiguity he who plays as a child his god is old and dies he who lives is awakened his god is young and goes on he who plays hides from the inner death he who lives feels the going onward and immortality so leave the play to the players let fall what wants to fall if you stop it it will sweep you away there is a true love that does not concern itself with neighbors most if not 99 are tied to some dogma that they read that they were taught some formula that explains the depths but here you see with jung there is no dogma there is no formula there just is with a gnosis of what is this process is all about that knowing of the divine the beyond the depths the psyche this inner knowing of gnosis is a trait that one can work on to build you could say it's an allegory to the idea of a philosopher's stone this gnosis is what gave jung the hint that the hero must die this gnosis again is a powerful sense an extra sense of awareness that most do not know exists and i promise it's in all of us and something that can be worked on and improved as a function but we'll leave that for another day the death was important and since jung received and then willed it the conception was able to take place young adds i must say that the god cannot come into being before the hero had been slain many egos may be wondering why young adds the hero as we understand him has become an enemy of the god since the hero is perfection the gods envy the perfection of man since perfection has no need of the gods this is important this is one who is too comfortable in the times there's no need for inner awareness and what unfortunately happens is this lack of inner awareness comes back to catch you at a later date the self is unavoidable i cannot stress this enough continuing but since no one is perfect we need the gods the gods love perfection because it is the total way of life but the gods are not with him who wishes to be perfect because he is an imitation of perfection if you strive for perfection you are bound to make ego judgments become polar or one-sided never forget this one-sidedness builds shadows wholeness rather than perfection is the aim in life now for those still struggling with this idea of killing the hero an idea that seems a bit off at first glance jung provides more fire imitation was a way of life when men still needed the heroic prototype the monkey's manner is a way of life for monkeys and for man as long as he is like a monkey human apishness has lasted a terribly long time but the time has come when a piece of that apishness will fall away from men the new god laughs at imitation and discipleship he needs no imitators and no pupils he forces men through himself the god is his own follower and man he imitates himself young continues we think that there is singleness within us in communality outside us outside us is the communal in relation to the external while singleness refers to us we are single if we are in ourselves but communal in relation to what is outside us but if we are outside ourselves and we are single and selfish in the communal if we have introverted the libido we are in ourselves in single but if we have our libido outwardly extended then you see how one could become selfish in the communal always wanting always needing always grasping it's a selfish outward society especially here in america continuing our self suffers privation if we're outside ourselves and thus it satisfies its needs with communality consequently communality is distorted into singleness if we are in ourselves we fulfill the need of ourself we prosper and through this we become aware of the needs of the communal and can fulfill them i'll add if one does not give their self attention it will get your attention and you may not like how it does so to conclude about the individual and community if we set a god outside ourselves he tears us loose from the self since the god is more powerful than we are our self falls into privation but if the god moves into the self he snatches us from what is outside us we arrive at singleness in ourselves so that god becomes communal in reference to what is outside us but single in relation to us no one has my god but my god has everyone including myself the gods of all individual men always have all other men including myself so it is always only the one god despite his multiplicity you arrive at him and yourself and only through your self self-seizing you it seizes you in the advancement of your life this idea is the idea that has come up earlier in the series that idea of the god being a circle whose center is everywhere yet circumference nowhere we're really truly understanding and applying depth to some of these earlier concepts now we're almost at the conclusion of this most powerful second layer here young will bring a lot of these items and truly wrap them up in this conception we should become reconciled to solitude in ourselves and to the god outside us if we enter solitude then the life of the god begins if we are in ourselves then the space around us is free but filled by the god selfish desire ultimately desires itself if you haven't noticed jung is on fire he is on absolute divine fire this statement is so important if anyone is selfish they need their self why this is so difficult to notice nowadays is because the self has been a forgotten land the outward material physical comfort world is all that we know it's a sad standstill that i'm dedicated to help raise awareness young continues on fire you find yourself in your desire so do not say that desire is vain if you desire yourself you produce the divine sun in your embrace with yourself if you embrace yourself then it will appear to you as if the world has become cold and empty the coming god moves into this emptiness young adding more depth about what to expect at this point if you are in your solitude and all the space around you has become cold and unending then you have moved far from men and at the same time you have come near to them as never before here i have to pause to add a quick personal note as i remove myself from people the times and enter the depths within myself i never expected this idea of coming closer to people like never before i could feel them in a sense it's like i've picked up an extra sense of awareness back to jung selfish desire only apparently led you to men but in reality it led you away from them and in the end to yourself which to you and to others was the most remote but now if you are in solitude your god leads you to the god of others and through that to the true neighbor to the neighbor of the self in others what this means is when you are with yourself you begin to see the self in another you could see right past their persona their mask their distorted ego all the triggers and projections and you could truly see what is under the surface at first glance it seems narcissistic but it's actually what brings you truly closer to somebody behind the illusion and what's so magical about it is it doesn't take some special being it doesn't take some pope priest shaman all it takes is a decision in you to begin the work of individuation we are taking the place of the medium the mediator and bearing our own self while it can be said that it's dangerous work i believe we're at the point in society where we can bear it we could begin to notice that ability we all have psychically to will this process and while it takes discipline one by one if we continue to move in this direction we may truly bring as they say heaven on earth you jung continues this beautiful second layer if you were in yourself you become aware of your incapacity since you see how little capable you are at imitating the heroes and of being a hero yourself so you will no longer force others to become heroes like you they suffer from incapacity incapacity too wants to live but it will overthrow your gods think about these past passages by young he is truly summarizing where we are in the process why each part as much as we like to avoid some are necessary transformation follows a process and the alchemists truly help provide some structures on these interchanges in alchemy there's many stages of transformation but for this lecture i'm going to stick to the basic four that is black white yellow and red the black was the death and now the white is this renewal or rebirth the next two phases are yellow and red what are they that is applying depth to this new consciousness and then achieving the philosopher's stone now who has been transforming throughout this whole process your awareness your consciousness your subjective ego is that alchemical vessel that has been going through this transformation so let's join jung's ego in his new conscious awareness as the true magic is about to begin [Music] mysterium encounter december 21st 1913. jung begins this day on this night i considered the essence of god the last chapter in the second layer this idea of essence came up again to recap from the first the entire idea of the depths to the times is essence to image the image or times is the manifestation of the underlying essence of the depths this essence of the depths is the force behind everything that is what our ego has been opening up to throughout this lecture series now the essence is one and the same with the idea of archetype these archetypes or essences hold traits that many other forms or images fall under a great example of an archetype is the great mother as we all have our own ideas of who impersonates or forms this image in the last lecture we ended with a beautiful quote it read he who knows god will know his brother also this is the foundation of the true philosophy and the one who observes all this in oneself and frees one's mind from all worldly cares and distractions little by little and from day to day will proceed with one's mental eyes and with the greatest joy some sparks of divine illumination now i want to take this quote one more step further as we have more knowledge from the conception again in the mysterium jung writes in the unconscious are hidden those sparks of light cintilia the archetypes from which a higher meaning can be extracted the magnet that attracts the hidden thing is the self or in this case the theria or simple representing it which the adept uses as an instrument translating this when one removes the bounds of the world and introverts their libido they begin to see some sparks of light in the unconscious which has a higher meaning that is a truth that can be extracted these sparks of light are the archetypes the inner truths which are extracted from the magnet or the self the self attracts the inner lights of truth and if the ego is not aware of that self it will never know truth why this huge introduction before one of our most important chapters jung is about to not only see the sparks of divine illumination he is about to personally interact with the archetypes as young was considering the essence of god he became aware of an image now i'll have to apologize as again i have to stop i do have to mention the idea of active imagination before i continue with his actual imagination jung's style of inner work was enhanced by this practice of active imagination he's able to interact with his inner visions and images entering the scene of a dream so to say consciously the remainder of the red book dives further along jung's personal journey in these imaginations he reveals not only personal truths but objective truths that may help provide keys on your own journey the main point here is to realize jung was able to train himself to the point of accessing the world of visions and dreams the beyond consciously he was not consciously illustrating how he wished the dreams or visions to manifest but rather observing and interacting with what is and then after the observations reflecting on what he experienced this is really important for anyone on their journey just like fake spirituality you cannot just will whatever you wish into reality there is a power above your subjective will whether you want to accept it or not this image jung became aware of when considering the essence of god was an old man after a few sentences of describing where jung's act of imagination led him we begin our first look inside yong's union talis the old man asked jung do you know where you are jung replies i am a stranger here and everything seems strange to me anxious as in a dream who are you the old man answers i am elijah and this is my daughter salome now back to this idea of unio mentalis what is union mentalis it's this new mind separated from body now what is the mind the mind again is thought an emotion or masculine thinking energy and feminine emotional energy here after young consider the essence of god young is left with this image of elijah and salome [Music] before we get to know them we must do a bit of due diligence the footnote on elijah reads elijah was a prophet of the old testament jung describes elijah as a highly mythological personage a living archetype who represents the collective unconscious and the self one can say that this is an archetype of the old wise man in yong signifying his developed thought [Music] now on to the daughter the footnote on salome reads salome was the daughter of herodias and the stepdaughter of king herod she requested the head of john the baptist who was then beheaded comparing the two you could see a difference in experience his thinking masculine side is more developed whereas his emotional feminine side is rather blind as jung questions elijah about salome the daughter of herald the bloodthirsty woman elijah responds why do you judge so you see that she is blind she is my daughter the daughter of the prophet young confused of their connection asks what miracle united to you elijah responds it is no miracle it was so from the beginning my wisdom and my daughter are one young shocked says forgive my astonishment am i truly in the underworld solomi now responds asking do you love me young how can i love you how do you come to this question i see only one thing you are salome a tiger your hands are stained with the blood of the holy one how should i love you salami now foreshadows you will love me after i breathe back and forth jung says to salome leave me be i dredge you you beast salome responds alluding to jung's lack of development on this side of his mind you do me wrong elijah is my father and he knows the deepest mysteries the walls of his house are made of precious stone his wells hold healing waters and his eyes see the things of the future but what will you give for a single look into the infinite unfolding of what is to come are these not worth a sin for you jung responds your temptation is devilish i long to be back into the upper world it is dreadful here how oppressive and heavy is the air tu yong's whining elijah responds what do you want the choice is yours in this act of imagination a powerful one of that yonk cannot seem to do what he has practiced up to this point that is accepting what is and what is is the love salome has for yong yong adds i am horrified who wouldn't be horrified if salome loved him elijah says are you cowardly consider this i and my daughter have been one since time and memorial young stolen confusion you pose dreadful riddles how could it be that this unholy woman in you the prophet of your god could be one what my eyes see is exactly what i cannot grasp you elijah are a prophet the mouth of god and she a blood thirsty monster you are the symbol of the most extreme contradiction elijah concludes we are real and not symbols in this short but sweet line jung's depths through elijah are claiming the foundation of his theory on the collective unconscious again a space alive with archetypes that are not just fun little images and symbols but are real they are what is and there is a force and power behind the image in shock confusion horror and curiosity yo concludes this entry this active imagination it is a lot and a bit sporadic but it will give you a taste of jung state at this point i see how the black serpent writes up the tree and hides in the branches everything becomes gloomy and doubtful elijah rises i follow and we go silently back to the hall doubt tears me apart it is all so unreal and yet a part of my longing remains behind will i come again salami loves me do i love her i hear wild music a tambourine a sultry moon lit knight the bloody staring head of the holy one fear seizes me i rush out i'm surrounded by the dark knight who murdered the hero is that why salome loves me do i love her and did i therefore murder the hero she is one with the prophet one with john but also one with me whoa was she the hand of the god i do not love her i fear her then the spirit of the depths spoke to me and said therein you acknowledge her divine power juan concludes must i love salome before we dip it to the second layer i do advise one to read the footnote at the end of the century with keen awareness give all of your attention and focus to it i went back and forth about putting it in the lecture or not but for your own journey and your own use i'll leave it to you jung ads about this entry in 1925 i used the same technique of the desert but this time i went much deeper the first time i should say i reached at about a depth of 1000 feet but this time it was a cosmic depth [Music] there comes a point where a deep breath is needed at this point we all deserve the deep breath it has been quite a journey we're at a point where young is truly about to flex his muscles young is a master dream interpreter and he's about to interpret his own mystery play before this yong does provide an important teaching about his own play honestly folks at this point if you're with me i can't even introduce it so plainly this stuff is divine as holy is the scripture i read to begin the lecture series i'm going to read this verbatim and add footnotes as well young preaches this my friend is a mystery play in which the spirit of the depths cast me i had recognized the conception and therefore the spirit of the depths allowed me to participate in the underworld ceremonies which were supposed to instruct me about the gods intentions and works through these rituals i was supposed to be initiated into the mysteries of redemption think about that word redemption young through his journey has uncovered a running theme for his psychology in our lecture series that is individuation and what is individuation it is the redemption of our ego from the pull of the world the materials the judgments the times and the connection and growth back with the truth in our self redemption is individuation the difference here is jung is not saying you're saved by a god but you're rather saved by yourself [Music] continuing this play that i witness is my play not your play it is my secret not yours you cannot imitate me my secret remains virginal and my mysteries are invaluable they belong to me and cannot belong to you you have your own he is pleading the same as he did with the way you live your life just like you live your inner dreams and visions you will most likely not witness elijah or salome but you'll witness the essence that provides the archetypes that are in us all young continues in the renewed world you can have no outer possessions unless you create them out of yourself you can enter only in your own mysteries the spirit of the depths has other things to teach you than me i only have to bring you tidings of the new god and of the ceremonies and mysteries of his service but this is the way it is the gate of darkness he who enters his own must grope through what lies at hand he must sense his way from stone to stone he must embrace the worthlessness and the worthy with the same love a mountain is nothing and a grain of sand holds kingdoms or also nothing judgment must fall from you even taste but above all pride even when it is based on merit utterly poor miserable humiliated ignorant go on through the gate if you remember back to the old testament scripture from the first lecture do you see why jung began the red book in this fashion everything is connected with yonk everything has its purpose and i believe the reason for this is that's how the psyche works everything's connected everything is poetic to describe the invisible i continue turn your anger against yourself since only you stop yourself from looking and from living the mystery play is like soft air and thin smoke and you are raw matter that is disturbingly heavy but let your hope which is your highest good and highest ability lead the way and serve you as a guide in the world of darkness since it is of like substance with the forms of that world jung concludes the mystery play took place at the deepest bottom of my interior which is that other world you have to bear this in mind it is also a world and its reality is large and frightening you cry and laugh and tremble and sometimes break out in a cold sweat of fear and death the mystery play represents myself and through me the world to which i belong is represented again i have to repeat this statement so it's understood the mystery play represents myself jung sed that's his own imago dei and through him that is his ego or i the world which i belonged again that's the self is represented this is the great work if you understand this you understand everything continuing thus my friends you learn much about the world and threw it about yourself by what i say to you here but you have not learned anything about your mysteries in this way indeed your way is darker than before since my example will stand obstructively in your path you may follow me not in my own way but on yours what else can i add here all i could say is welcome to the way of what is to come now we're at the point of jung interpreting his own visions of the december 21st entry because i have fallen into the source of chaos into the primordial beginning i myself become smelted anew in the connection with the primordial beginning which at the same time is what has been and what is becoming this is an allusion to that moment where yong was told by elijah that he and salome have been one since the beginning and quickly i do want to add a quote from the gnostic gospel of thomas an ancient gospel discovered rather recently in the non-comani library in it the disciples were asking jesus about the end that is death jesus responded have you discovered then the beginning that you look for the end for where the beginning is there will the end be blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning he will know the end and will not experience death back to young at first i come to the primordial beginning in myself but because i am part of that matter and formation of the world i also come into the primordial beginning of the world in the first place i have certainly participated in life as someone formed and determined but only through my formed and determined consciousness and through this in a formed and determined pace of the whole world but not in the unformed and undetermined aspects of the world that likewise are given to me yet it is given only to my depths not my surface which is formed and determined consciousness you see here this is an allusion to the primordial beginnings that young was missing because of his conscious formed ego he wasn't connected to the essence underneath reality and wasn't connected to the primordial self now from here jung begins to interpret elijah and salome he says the powers of my depths are predetermination and pleasure breathe determination being elijah and pleasure salome pre-determination or forethinking is prometheus who without determined thoughts brings the chaotic to form and definition who digs the channels and holds the objects before pleasure forethought also becomes before thought in the simplest form this is order whereas pleasure is chaos one forms the other fills but pleasure is the force that desires and destroys forms without form and definition it loves the form in itself that it takes the hold of and destroys the form that it does not take the fourth thinker is a seer but pleasure is blind remember elijah is jung's developed concept of logos whereas his eros in salome is blind it does not foresee but desires what it touches forth thinking is not powerful in itself and therefore does not move but pleasure is powerful and therefore it moves forth thinking needs pleasure to be able to come to form which it requires if pleasure lacked forming pleasure would dissolve into manifoldness and become splintered and powerless through unending division lost to the unending if a form does not contain and compress pleasure within itself it cannot reach the higher since it always flows like water from above to below all pleasure when left alone flows into the deep sea and ends in the deathly stillness of dispersal into unending space pleasure is not older than forethinking and forethinking is not older than pleasure both are equally old and in nature one only in one does the separate existence of both principles become apparent you see where jung is leading us not only the importance of understanding the general essence of the figures of elijah and salome but also the importance of their connection their relationship on this relationship jung brings up a third principle found in this vision one i have yet to shine a light on but its appearance is rather important jung says apart from elijah and salome i found the serpent as a third principle it is a stranger to both principles although it is associated with both the serpent taught me the unconditional difference and essence between the two principles in me again the two principles being logos and arrows and the snake representing their unity young adds the serpent is the earthly essence of man which he is not conscious its character changes according to peoples and lands since it is the mystery that flows to him from the nourishing earth mother another two foot notes provides more depth about the serpent the first from the correct corrected giraffe says the serpent is not only the separating but also a uniting principle secondly an introduction to yongi and psychology the serpent is described as connecting above and below in a symbol of wisdom from this one can see this paradoxical nature of the serpent it resembles wholeness and one could say it sort of represents the soul for those that are familiar with alchemy it also represents the idea of macrilius jung wrote an entire paper on this spirit macrylius for those that want a further understanding about this alchemical concept to provide just the snippet of how macrelius presents himself we find a section in jung's alchemical studies mccurlis speaks on his nature my fire and water destroy and put together from my body you may extract the green lion and the red but if you do not have exact knowledge of me you will destroy your five senses with my fire by the philosophers i am named macrylius my spouse is the philosophical gold i am the old dragon found everywhere on the globe father and mother young and old very strong and very weak death and resurrection visible and invisible hard and soft i'll stop there but you can see this connection to the serpent now from the earthly serpent jung is alluding that both principles must be accepted and developed he says one cannot live with forth thinking alone or with pleasure alone you need both but you cannot be in for thinking and in pleasure at the same time you must take turns being in forth thinking and pleasure obeying the prevailing law unfaithful to the other so to speak but people prefer one or the other some love thinking and establish the art of life on it they practice their thinking and their circumspection so they lose their pleasure therefore they are old and have a sharp face the others love pleasure they practice their feelings and living thus they forget thinking therefore they are young and blind those who think base the world on thought those who feel unfeeling you find truth and error in both you see why young is pleading with us to follow our own ways and follow our own mysteries in this example jung's way was a bit lopsided on the side of thought this is why his play was the way it was now back to this serpent the way of life writhes like a serpent from right to left and from left to right from thinking to pleasure and from pleasure to thinking thus the serpent is an adversary and a symbol of anonymity but also a wise bridge that connects right and left through longing much needed by our life on young specific example he says a thinker should fear salami since she wants his head especially if he is a holy man a thinker cannot be a holy man otherwise he loses his head it does not help to hide oneself in thought because i was a thinker and caught sight of the hostile principle of pleasure from forethinking it appeared to me that salome if i had been one who felt and had groped my way towards forethinking then it would have appeared to me as a serpent and coiled diamond if i had actually seen it but i would have been blind the thinker's passions are bad therefore he has no pleasure the thoughts of one who feels are bad therefore he has no thoughts i quickly want to add this concept can be found manifesting in the world of politics since i'm from america i'll use our system but it applies to many around the world those who are stuck in thought a thinker can be seen as conservative this is our red republicans on the other side it is the blue liberals the feelers the liberal democrats believe the conservative republicans have no heart no emotion and no feeling and the republicans believe the liberal democrats have no minds no awareness no thought to this i say there is a truth and error in both maybe they're both needed and the serpent that slithers and manifests political reality back and forth is what keeps the whole system alive now it may seem as if we are playing with the serpent's nature as we go back and forth between thought and feeling but they are extremely important in our understanding of what is that is consciousness he who prefers to think than to feel leaves his feeling to rot in darkness he who prefers to feel than to think leaves his thinking in darkness the thinker feels the disgust of feeling since the feeling in him is mainly disgusting the one who feels thinks the disgust of thinking since the thinking in him is mainly disgusting so the serpent lies between the thinker and the one who feels they are each each other's poison and healing you begin to have a presentment of the whole when you embrace your opposite principle since the whole belongs to both principles which grow from one root [Music] in conclusion young recalls an earlier statement by elijah elijah speaking on salome told yong by her love shall you know her on this reflection jung adds not only do you venerate the object but the object also sanctifies you may the thinking person accept their pleasure and the feeling person except their own thought such leads one along the way there is one final footnote that follows the second layer this final note will lead us along the way in jung's mysterious play with elijah salome and the serpent towards instruction this footnote reads in 1913 jung presented his paper on the question of psychological types in which he noted that the libido or psychic energy in an individual was characteristically directed towards the object extraversion or towards the subject introversion one can easily connect the extrovert with the times and the introvert with the depths the footnote continues commencing in the summer of 1915 he had an extensive correspondence with hans schmidt on this question in which he now characterized the introverts as being dominated by the function of thinking and the extroverts is being dominated by the function of feeling he also characterized the extroverts as being dominated by the pleasure pain mechanism seeking out the love of the object and unconsciously seeking tyrannical power i do have to add it does feel good to get some sort of understanding of what lies under many tyrannical dictators from the microscopic example in the household to the macroscopic actual dictators ruling over peoples and nations continuing introverts unconsciously sought inferior pleasure and had to see that the object was also a symbol of their pleasure the opposite should be evened out in the individual himself seven years later to this letter in 1921 jung wrote in his own work psychological types this model has expanded to encompass two main attitude types of introverts and extroverts further subdivided by the predominance of one of the four psychological functions of thinking feeling sensation and intuition and here we conclude with the four functions of yongi and psychology these four functions born in these moments in these entries with jung and his depths we've hit individuation conscious transformation introverting the libido we've talked about the ego and self shadows soul archetypes the union mentalis the individual and collective the subject and the object and now the four psychological functions in the next lecture the work continues in the mystery play as jung has some more instructions for the brave that are still interested in what is to come [Music] you