Dr. Peter Gariaev: Pioneer Scientist and Discoverer of the Wave Genome

Jun 7, 2024

Dr. Peter Gariaev: Pioneer Scientist and Discoverer of the Wave Genome

Key Points

  • Death and Obscurity: Dr. Peter Gariaev passed away on November 17, 2020, at the age of 79. His passing was not covered in Russian news outlets, leaving the public mostly unaware.

  • Significance of His Work: Gariaev's work has the potential to fundamentally change our understanding of life and existence through his concept of the Wave Genome.

  • Influence and Followership: The speaker has followed Gariaev's work since 2001, inspired by references in J.J. Hurtak's "Keys of Enoch" to future capabilities of genetic engineering through light.

Professional Background

  • Gariaev's early work was inspired and expanded at the Institute of Cosmic Anthropoecology in Novosibirsk, working alongside academicians V.P. Kaznacheev and Dr. A. Trofimov.
  • Electromagnetic Communication: Building on discoveries by A. Gurvich and later expanded by Fritz Popp, documenting how living cells communicate electromagnetically.

The Wave Genome

  • Chromosome Continuum: Gariaev posited that genetic information is stored and transmitted in a wave-like form, traveling throughout the organism along the DNA's geometric structure.
  • Holographic Storage: Genetic information is stored as electromagnetic and acoustic holograms in a quasi-crystalline state within the DNA.
  • Laser Interferometry: Gariaev used laser interferometry to capture the holographic code of DNA, demonstrating the potential for genetic information transfer through light.
  • Implications: The methods Gariaev proposed could theoretically be used for both beneficial and harmful purposes, such as healing or spreading pathogens.

Applications and Experiments

  • Healing Properties: By transmitting holographic information from healthy cells to diseased ones, significant healing effects were observed, such as in an experiment with poisoned rats.
  • Obstacles: His groundbreaking work sometimes faced resistance, evidenced by incidents like the mysterious removal of his lab equipment.

Linguistic Wave Genetics

  • Language and DNA: Gariaev theorized that there is a direct correlation between genetic code and language, suggesting that DNA can be influenced by linguistic constructs.
  • Critique of Current Models: He criticized contemporary genetic approaches like CRISPR for being incomplete and potentially harmful.

Paradigm Shifts

  • Broader Impact: His research, along with that of contemporaries (Kaznacheev, Trofimov, G. Shipov, Hartmut Müller, F. Popp, Luc Montagnier, J. Benveniste, C. Ventura), represents a revolutionary shift in understanding life sciences, the Biosphere, and the Noosphere.

Relevance to Current Events

  • Pandemics and Misuse: Gariaev was vocal about the potential dangers and ethical concerns of misapplying his discoveries, especially relevant given the current global health crises and race for DNA-based vaccines.
  • Nobel Prize Nomination: Before his death, Gariaev was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for 2021, highlighting the monumental impact of his work.

Legacy and Call to Action

  • Educational Appeal: The speaker urges everyone to educate themselves about Gariaev's groundbreaking work and its implications.
  • Spiritual Reflection: Gariaev often connected his scientific work to spiritual principles, quoting the Bible to underscore the intersection of divine consciousness and life.