Transcript for:
MC Birkin Style Mansave Video

after a bunch of Nancy videos with my own twist and loads of requests from you guys I decided to do a good old MC Birkin Style mansave video you all know how this goes I get 5 minutes to kill myself in any way possible while my friends try to stop me I'll meet you we don't know yeah we're gonna we're gonna figure it out later hey can I join your stream of course boys so confused I you didn't even tell me what we're recording oh we're recording this kid has no idea I don't know what's going on I have no idea either hey what's up boys oh so we just got to keep them alive yeah you just gotta keep me alive boys boys I want you guys to watch this watch this guys watch what I hate you so let's just go one zero boy that's so dumb Mega critical let's go again just fishing rod and spam like oh [ __ ] yes get back here you guys are not going anywhere you guys are actually hitting the fishing rods damn it watch this though put me in the cobwebs good boys stop putting me in cobwebs I swear to God yo boys boys swim splash him oh my God I see what you're trying to do myself in [Music] this is bad get him in cobwebs right now [Music] oh goodness no yes don't do it don't do it don't do it guys don't do it don't do it guys don't do it let's go oh my God fishing Rodham now so you can have it for later oh yeah yeah oh my God both [Music] get some slime blocks oh no he's gonna die oh my God guys guys chilling he's really special oh my God somebody has their fishing rod in my face stop having the fishing rod never mind what the hell is this fishing rod in my face oh God [Music] oh no easy dub for the boys I'm gonna run out of cobwebs this is not good guys no not one ender pearl and then sponge sponge it fudge sponge no no no no no no no no no no no SpongeBob no oh my God what are those goodbye boys okay no no no what happened to him what is this guys let's go let's go yo guys you guys are kind of like uh there's one thing though let's go what no he's gonna die he's gonna drown oh no it's a sponge a sponge it sponge it I can't break through it obsidian let's go let's go oh that was that was so close bro you don't know the Vibes here here's the only one oh he's going I don't want to yes you know everyone wants cob weapon everyone just clap open we need to win this round don't come with me heal him where is it going no heal him no no no yes yes right now oh my God it's dead [Music] kill the uh foreign with your heel potions no it's not good kill the skeletons he's right here guys he ran back he ran back okay we're coming wait is that lube yeah I'm here I'm here get him in the cupboards no no no [Music] yeah no don't Cobble him this is trapping don't traps don't trap me no trapping no chopping no trapping guys stop oh too late this is all around to win yeah what is this what is this we need at least one win I'm sorry booster we need all these water yeah we're gonna scummy it's round sorry what just happened he's Frozen oh okay you know you're not leaving he's trying to kill me he got apples though I got apples don't let him out right don't do this oh bubbles got it no no he's making no no no no no no no no no no I'm stuck you can pull through kobubs he's making it back up no oh you do it no some someone plays water someplace water but me please oh my God oh my God oh my God no they're not working no he's out he's out oh my God oh my God okay it's okay oh no where did he go oh no oh so he's not making it anywhere what is this what is this [Music] at the top right there or something or put like double layer sponges so we can't get out yes this is a win how much time's left that's a win 150 150. whoop s what's up all right nope no don't compliment me oh my God I can't get out now I can't get it he's literally trapped I can't get out now let's see you struggle a little bit more let's go it's not even fair we gotta win boys we gotta win the fishing on his face dude did you guys break the block beneath me as well oh no he's not getting out yeah where Bruceville where are you gonna go there's no way he's getting out he can't scrap can't trap no okay okay guys look so sad I got trapped we can't allow this look at that no we needed to win around okay just so we don't look pathetic yeah oh no go back up okay I said don't trap me oh my God this is so you guys are so dirty this is so dirty next round no cobwebs he's up here stop him he can't get out of this no he's out this is I can't get out now I can't get out yeah build a castle he's literally traveling no he's gonna get in there well I don't know what I'm looking at right now let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go come on come on come on no no no no no no no no hearing clutch last second come on oh no he turned around he turned around he turned around cactus cactus cactus fishing rod where's my fishing rod let me have it in my fishing rod it broke potions I don't have any heel potions me neither me neither me neither no yes dude one and a half horse yeah yeah let's go boys let's go we get hay bills oh he took away the cobbler oh no oh no that's not fair water water flash heal him slash heal him Kill The Creeper kill that creeper it's over no let's go that was so stupid yes oh my god do you guys want to do a last round All or Nothing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that was so fast you know what we should do guys oh my God we should do uh uh no he's taking Cactus with him no no we should do guys we should do uh Minecraft edition no that's so easy for you man save Ghost Edition oh you guys can see me yeah yeah yeah yeah that would be impossible what are you doing fortnite no heal him heal him who's fishing running me break it [Music] oh oh no are you just gonna go for every cactuses that's so annoying you're literally trashed you're free so free so easy get boxed 90. oh my God this is so hard [Music] okay oh no okay we need to find a way to get him silver what are you doing [Music] I thought you were heading over here no dude how are your results [Music] [Music] I've got these this is so annoying you're so trash you're so trash you're so free can't break it over here even cracking 90s probably couldn't be being one creative just released oh my God who the hell is the bubble stop [Music] this is just character I think troll at this point [Music] [Applause] someone heal him someone heal him this is the this is this I didn't think about this oh no I'm out of ocean I I got two I got two okay next time he does that trap him in a wall no here you stupid prick whoa okay what's up boys [Music] oh no running along cactus oh yeah this place brought blocks next to them they break instantly oh that's true we're stupid it's over that is [ __ ] humongo brain oh no he's going in the hole he's going in the hole he's not going in my hole he's not going in my hole he went in my hole oh no oh no oh I like that like yep he's using his black switch probably where is he trying to go why do you have so many Cactus break it and don't let him pick it back up oh yeah just place the blocks I forgot yes let's go dude let's go let's go I was focusing so hard dude oh my God it was all yellow's fault four yellow dude oh my God