so watch your body go 22. I actually think that like women like to be cheated on Life's too short to exercise [Music] yeah once again in the center of Europe innocent women men and children are dying fear for their lives [Music] I see people everywhere all over the world that's so demoralized especially young people with their conscience because they've been told since they were little one of my guys Michael Monsour you know that's that's what the medal of honor is to me you know he he jumped on a grenade to save three of our other teammates and [Music] that's the Medal of Honor Source I'm concerned following God is the ultimate red pill in fact this whole red pill Community all it teaches really is traditional biblical values but they just take the god part out of it and then they think they can just do it all on their own they can become their own God and then they assume you know come to realize that hey this ain't this ain't really working out too well now today bro I could care less if I get unsubscribes I could care less if I get bashed for this I could care less if I get called some you know goody two shoes I mean Andre there it is and you know reading this Bible and going to church for anyone who thinks this is all bubble gum just a bunch of mumbo jumbo this ain't bubble gum bro and I can't continue to just build up my Empire year after year while leaving God out of this this platform is because of God straight up and nothing else and check it out you see the world today I know you see it I know you know something is off I know you know this you see that culture is completely Godless and I know you know bro that like something's building up something's building up and eventually things are gonna blow up we can't continue on this path and just keep going on the sinful route that we're on without things going up in Flames I mean look men right now are weaker than they've ever been all throughout history and we know that quote it says if men become weak Society crumbles Society has crumbled so hey check it out bro if you know this if you feel this and you want to embrace your god-given role as a man if you want to embrace your purpose why you were put here on this Earth it's time to listen up I know you know that life is way bigger than just self-improvement progressing bettering yourself becoming that next that best version of yourself right and making more money and hooking up with more chicks come on nah bro there's got to be something more and it's time to step up to the plate so today I want to share with you guys three principles on how you need to live your life as a man of God kicking it off with the first principle you don't have to kiss anyone's butt in order to get what God has in store for you hey look my brother you look all around you and so many of us dudes are so afraid of stepping on people's toes so afraid of offending anyone saying the wrong thing or yeah you might get canceled you look all around you bro and all you see is weak men everybody's so afraid of stepping on each other's toes offending other people and it's like hey look there's respect and kindness but then there's just straight up you know we use that term simping we always use that term for like simple for a girl but you can also SIM for anything you can simp for the acceptance of others you can simp to your own viewers which is something I confess I've done in the past many times you can simp for anything bro anyone you can simp for the world and what simping is is abandoning all your values abandoning all of your characteristics that make you up as a man for the acceptance and validation of others that's all it is and these days we got so many of these simp boys walking around oh you know I don't want to say anything that goes against culture oh yeah there's no way I can stand up for what I believe in because um yeah I might get canceled it's wild dude I see so many of my own fellow YouTuber friends who are saved who say they believe in God and they're just so afraid to speak on their platform that God gave them and I'm not gonna lie I battle with this myself sometimes too I'm not gonna lie bro like I'm being transparent with you the more you catch momentum in life the more you start ragging in those views and subscriptions you just hit a million subscribers like I do it's like okay it feels like you got a lot to lose now it's not like how it was when you first started you could say what you want and what's the worst that could happen you know you only have five subscribers to begin with and so you start getting these thoughts like I'm gonna be honest with you guys this is true dark transparent stuff that I think sometimes you know I literally think like a video like this this video right here where I'm talking about God I'm standing up for my faith and why I believe in I'll think to myself oh well uh maybe I'll just save this message let me get like 20K more uh subscribers first and then I'll drop a video like this and honestly that's probably why I've waited so long to put a video out like this I usually just save my like little Christian Godly messages towards the end of my videos you know or if like if I want to do a full-length video like this I'll do it on my second channel right less risky and it's like come on bro stop being a weasel this is me talking to myself God literally gave you this platform you think he's just gonna take it away you think he's just gonna pull it out from under you just like that so there is this constant battle there is this constant Temptation so there is those you know kind of thoughts that you get like oh man uh my head's on The Chopping Block I'm kind of risking my career here and at the end of the day you know I'm sure a lot of the men who do come on and watch this channel I'm sure they will watch it for about 20 seconds and then click off because they don't want to hear it and they're like uh you know ah I'm good man I don't want to hear this right now what's the uh let me find another video let me find out how I can get a more chiseled jawline so I can hook up with more chicks but I don't know for me this season of my life right now bro it's like come on dude it's time to rise up it's time to be men again all those little like Pretty Boy guys and stuff like I used to be so into that world like that's all I cared about was my looks and having that sharp chiseled jawline chiseled ABS which is all good it's all cool you know and that's how most guys start off their whole self-improvement journey to begin with no shade to anybody who wants to get lean or get better looking whatever like obviously I have a beautiful wife you guys have seen her Bree obviously if I didn't care about my looks I probably wouldn't even have caught her eye in the very beginning obviously but life is so much more than that and everything these days have become so superficial you look at Tick Tock you look at Instagram you see all these pretty boys looking in the camera singing and honestly bro it's just uh it's disgusting it's weird it's not natural masculine behavior and though they think in their heads that you know they're so good looking that they're just on top of the world right but one day bro probably here very very soon they're gonna get weeded God hates a hottie look and I'll just kind of leave it at that so right now right now in this moment in time God is looking for soldiers God is looking for men with these qualities you can go ahead and write these down I wrote them down myself you may want to like put it on a sticky pad or something and like stick it on your wall whatever you got to do maybe like your screen saver on your phone or something whatever God is looking for number one a man who loves righteousness number two a man who is Godly number three a man who has Faith number four a man who loves hard who's willing to sacrifice and lay down his life for those he loves and for what he believes in number five a man who remains steadfast meaning he sticks firm to his beliefs number six a man who can also be gentle a gentle Warrior right we've talked about that here on this channel before we always talk about here on this channel and you know we're always pumping up each other about being strong being masculine being stoic aggressive right which is all great that's all great those are some of the essential things that's the essence of a masculine man right but you have to know and to have that Gentle Spirit come out when to love and when to love unconditionally when to wrap your arms around your brother tell him you love him when to hold your wife and tell her that she's the most precious thing in the world to you when you have your kids in your arms bro it's like me here on this channel that's like almost how I feel about you it is it is how I feel about you guys I got this deep love for you that's why I'm doing these videos in the very beginning when I started this YouTube channel bro I was doing this before I got into like the whole grooming and hair thing for you know a handful of years there before that I was making these videos go back to my earlier videos go way back it's all self-improvement videos and I did that for a good I don't know bro like two or three years and I didn't even get paid for it I don't mean to like throw that in your face like that but it it's proof bro that like I was doing this from the very beginning because I have a deep love for you that's that gentle side of me coming out naturally when I tell you guys to be strong when I tell you guys to be focused aggressive stoic that's all stemming from that gentle heart of mine because if my heart was just hard I just had a hardened heart then I wouldn't care to get on here I wouldn't care to spit facts on here on the camera I would just kind of like go to chat GT GPA or whatever it is the new AI website and I'll just say hey give me five tips on how to get more chicks and then I would just read it read the script and say it to you guys but obviously you guys know I don't go that route you guys know this is all straight from the heart this is stuff I'm learning and reading in the books this is stuff that I'm getting from my own experience this is stuff that God's downloading onto my heart and I'm here I'm sharing it with you guys this is why these videos sometimes are 15 20 minutes long it's not just some quick eight minute video because I need to make sure the video is just long enough so that way I don't have to do as much work but I still get paid still get all my uh AdSense Revenue nah bro like I'm speaking from the heart here this is that gentle side wanting and Desiring to build you up as a man and at the end of the day bro I'm just being honest with you if you don't have a relationship with God that's honestly my goal I'm gonna be totally 100 real and transparent with you all these videos are good and stuff but like the main funnel of this thing at the very root of it I'm I'm trying to get you to follow God dude because following God there's no higher prize there's not a more satisfying feeling than having a relationship with God following him that sense of purpose bro mmm nice and at the end of the day bro like I want to lock arms with you in heaven I want us to be Bros up in heaven and spend eternity with God that's that's the whole core Vision Foundation of this channel so check it out my dude God wants to use you he does but you gotta refrain from the evil ways of the world at all costs the enemy is trying to take you out and he's been doing this for thousands of years and so he's a lot smarter than you think he knows exactly what makes you tick he knows exactly what turns you makes you go in the other direction rather than the direction of your purpose of your path of where God wants to take you so you can't follow these evil Earthly ways it says in Deuteronomy 6 15 it says if you do worship other gods the Lord's anger will come against you like fire and will destroy you completely because the Lord your God who is present with you tolerates no Rivals there shall be no other gods before him and you can make money your God you can make success your God which I've done this many of times I've even battled with this recently you can make women your God you can make anything your God whatever's first top priority in your life that is God it could even be yourself self-improvement you got to be aware of this self-improvement focuses on making you your own God be aware that my brother in God he'll spit you out and I don't mean this to scare you guys I mean this I'm saying this to Galvanize you to get you on track to get you focused that fear of God which I got right here on my shirt bro that fear God it's not to terrorize you it's to get you moving it's a reverent fear right I'm basically saying hey God loves you he literally sent his one and only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for your sins he loves you that much and even if you were the only person on the planet Earth he still would have done that but at the same time he could wipe you out it's a it's a fatherly fear it's the same thing like with me and my dad for instance I love my dad I honor him I Revere him I have a a respectable fear towards him right like I don't want to disobey I don't want to dishonor him my dad can get a little scary sometimes right but I love him I love him with all my heart I'll do anything for him and it's the same thing you're gonna want with your own child you're gonna want him to have some sort of like little fear right you don't want him thinking he can just go off and do whatever the heck he wants like no there needs to be honor there there needs to be loyalty and integrity but at the same time like no matter what your child did right like you would still love them obviously no matter what he did right he would still love him and you would be willing to lay your life down for him but at the same time you still expect that Revere that honor and that's the same thing it is with our relationship with our heavenly father the second principle is to prepare to stand before God now look at the end of the day when you pass on from this life which everyone will you included and when you meet God and you come face to face with him hey bro it's just you and him you got nothing or no one else to blame you got no one else to lean on yes everything's on you so check it out when you live this way when you have that thought in mind because it will happen whether you like it or not like that will happen when you have that thought on your head when you keep that on the forefronts of every little move you make in life you're gonna live more purposefully you're gonna do what you need to do as a man it's like men of the old like when we look back at dudes who were back in World War One World War II these types of men we look back at them and we're like those were real men right and we have respect we have honor for them or at least you know some of us do you know younger guys these days have no respect effect for any honor of the past but most of us here like you and I here on this channel we know we have respect for these guys right and why why do we have this respect why do we see them and look at them kind of like in awe it's because they went out into the battlefield and they they put everything on the line and some of them survived and some of them didn't and most of those men they lived with honor they lived with Integrity they were family men they were Men of Honor they were men of God and that's the thing right there that's it right there that's the key point I'm trying to make men are always their best selves the closer they are to death and I would even go a step further and say men are always their best selves the closer they are to God because if you're out in war and you know at any second you're about to meet God yeah you're gonna be acting a little different you're going to be a little bit more sharper than your average guy that's why men these days are so they're addicted to everything they're immersed into all their addictions they're immersed into culture they're immersed into entertainment just constant pleasure constant dopamine they have no regards to life they have no regards to the you know building up a legacy having a strong family unit they're completely Godless bro and their lives are so good now and there's so far away from Death or at least they think they are that they've become entitled they've become lazy they become degenerate they have no Integrity they have no honor they're immersed into hookup culture they do got a girl they're constantly cheating on them but then on the opposite end you look at the men of old and they're Mission focused they're doing whatever they can to get back home and to see their wives one last time they're doing whatever they can to get back home and hug their children one last time and tell them that they love them and to feel their warmth feel their Radiance and a lot of them didn't get the chance to do that they died right there on the battlefield it's wild bro it's wild when you compare the men 100 years ago to now back then family mattered most now sex matters most these men back here fought and died for integrity they died for Honor love those things were their top priority now the top priority is sex pleasure Comfort lust sin how was this so bro what happened so hey check it out bro this is why I tell you it's time to wake up because there may be a time where we are actually called into physical battle again did you hear what I said there may be a time where you and I are called into bad in an actual physical war and so God is calling you bro we may not be in a physical War right now in the moment but we sure are in a spiritual war the enemy is coming at you not physically but spiritually he's coming from an angle of social media entertainment prom all these lustful evil things it's constant distraction bro and we keep plugging into it every single day so hey check it out God is calling you he's calling you to rise will you answer the call it's like soldiers out in war when they're on the radio and their general or Sergeant whatever is telling them you know giving them some sort of mission giving them some sort of task what do they say Roger that and they do the task there's no no I just don't really feel like it right now I'm too scared no if you disobey orders you are forever labeled a traitor to your nation so my question to you right now my brother will you copy that will you copy God's message in your heart see because everybody's copying something and it's usually either one of two things God or culture which one are you gonna copy it's coming down to the wire and you need to choose these are end times are you gonna copy what everyone else is doing on social media are you gonna copy hook up culture copy sin I hear this all the freaking time bro oh betray you know I'm I'm just a I'm a young guy right now so I need to go out and just kind of live my life and just be young wild and free right now man because that's the message right there bro that's the message that are constantly just embedded in our heads from all these songs and movies oh just young dumb young dumb while I'm free or whatever that's con listen to every song they keep saying the freaking same thing oh you're young bro that's the message you're young go be dumb go be stupid go be degenerate go be sinful go live for Satan I forget God you can do that later on in life forget God those ways are all Antiquated anyways now bro right now you're young so live for yourself yeah that's a good idea the only problem with this bro is if you go this route it's extremely hard extremely hard to get back on track and nine times out of ten these guys don't get on track look at everyone around you look at all the older people in your life are they on track are they following God's will for their life are they living for God or are they living for sin are they living for the world I know for me just being real with you guys even for a guy like me who runs his channel if I kept going down that path because if you guys have you know seen my masculine masterclass videos and stuff in there there you heard my journey it's wild if I would have kept going down that path bro say I never stopped I don't think I would have got back on track I don't know bro I don't know it's a scary thought it's terrifying but God grabbed me he got a hold of me and I was I listened he was actually speaking to me through my wife thank God I had her by my side I was headed down a dark evil path bro sinful path I'm glad I'm back on track I'm glad I'm here talking to you right now so if this sounds like you right now bro you you see yourself veering off track you've got to get it right at all costs a lot of young guys on here they watch videos like this and they're like you know I go to church a couple times a month I do my three daily prayers before breakfast lunch and dinner the sad reality of this is they think by doing actions they think that they're right with God it don't work like that you live your life like that live it how you want it do whatever the heck you want whatever the heck you want you do your little three little daily prayers and you go to church you know here and there you get your little Jesus points but then when you meet you maker face to face you know what he's gonna say to you Deport from me I never knew you it's the same thing if when you're in a relationship with a woman you're married you can't just go off and do whatever the heck you want go sleep with all these chicks go out and party boys night out everything single night but then one day a week just just in the morning you spend it with your girl right and you think okay I got I got my little time in you think that marriage is gonna work you think it's Gonna Last you think that girl is gonna stay faithful and be by your side every step along the way just because he gave her that one little morning every Sunday I'll let you answer that question you've got to spend time you want God in your life you've got to commit to spending time with him every single day this is a relationship bro it's not religion it's relationship so you got to make a decision you gotta stand up you can stand with God and be judged by the world or you can stand by the world be judged by God I urge you my brothers at all costs I wouldn't be making this entire video if I didn't think it was this serious I wouldn't kind of like risk my career a little bit risk subscribers if I didn't take this extremely serious this is the most important thing in my life this is not just like a okay well uh yeah I give my life to Christ and uh I do my little sinner's prayer and okay I'm saved good and then you just go on about your life no bro this is a daily walk this is daily prayer daily connection when you meet your maker face to face he's gonna know he's gonna you can't fake the funk you can't fake him out bro he's gonna know whether you truly desired to have a relationship with him or not so you got to get serious and the third principle is stay humble and make sure that you frequently run to God asking for direction on every move that you make in your life one prayer and I think you guys may have heard me talk about this before and past videos my second Channel One prayer that I do every single day is God help me to be more like you today and less like me show me what honors you and if there's any wrong motive in my heart there's any sin that I'm not even aware of please show me reveal it to me help me to be aware examine me Father God so that I can better honor you that's my prayer bro check this out when you stay chasing God when you run after him daily this is actually when The Temptations start to kind of Fade Away everybody's so worked up about Andre how do I get over my addictions and I want God to love me and accept me but I can't get over all these addictions I can't get over my sin and it's like bro stop focusing so heavily on the sin start focusing on God start focusing on Christ he loves you bro he wants to help you we all know that verse James 4 7 it says resist the devil and he will flee from you but we fail to realize what comes right before therefore submit yourself to God that's what it says you've got to run to him bro you only become your most masculine self when you submit to God and you give up your authority to Christ and check it out bro this is a whole other video a whole nother topic but Christ is who he says he is he fulfilled over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament the chances of even fulfilling one of those bro even that alone even if he did one of them that's enough proof right there the fact he did 300 and then check this out bro read the book of Revelation just do it see what pops out to you everything that that book says would happen is happening right now look up the red heifers that are completely unblemished that they will use and end times as a sacrifice look them up they're here right now haven't seen them for over 2000 years now they're here they just arrived in Israel look up the Euphrates River almost all dried up Israel became a nation One World Currency is coming one world religion is coming look all these up look them up right now people are lovers of self people are lovers of money they are Unholy disobedient to their parents they're proud they scoff at God this is all the stuff that the Bible said would happen check it out talk about Buddha No One's Gonna care No One's Gonna say nothing talk about Zeus oh man yeah if that's what you believe in cool bro and they go on about their day but talk about Jesus Oh trigger people lose their minds how come Jesus said if the world hates you it's because they hated me first now I tell people all the time hey do your research bro watch you'll see that I'm right they don't want to do it they plug their ears they go on about their day they just turn a blind eye but there will come a day bro where nobody can avoid this nobody can keep turning a blind eye and we're in this war right now the spiritual war that I was just talking about and you need to be on the winning side don't be on the losing side my editor June says this do not be on the losing side now to finalize this video and kind of tie up those loose ends there's three things that God is calling you to do right now as a man verse one is love God with all your heart give your life to Jesus commit to number two love your neighbor as yourself number three Make Disciples of all Nations spread the good news and what's the good news the good news is that Jesus died on the cross for your sins religion says make sure you're doing all these things and then God will love you then God will accept you a relationship says done it is finished that's literally the last words that Christ said on the cross it is finished and what he meant by that is you now have access to God because he died on the cross for your sins your soul is now saved and anchored in heaven and when you believe that when you accept it and you create that relationship with Jesus you'll notice bro that your love for him just continues to Blossom it's a beautiful thing there's nothing like it and the more you do that the more you fall in love with him then automatically you'll start doing the works you'll start just wanting to go out and tell people and share the good news you'll start wanting to be a better person all the things that religion says hey do this first and then you'll be loved God said no create a relationship with me first let's build this and then you'll you'll just automatically want to go out and do those things and that's how it is for me that's why I'm here right now speaking to you bro I don't need to make this video I don't need to put my career on the line right but I want to I desire to this makes me so happy right here like this is the content I love doing it just comes out of me bro I don't even have to be asked to do this I just know that Jesus loves me so much he died on the cross for my sins bro I got this amazing relationship with him he's present every single day in my life I feel him and therefore I just I can't help it bro I want to do these works so I look if you want this too all you got to do bro is repent confess up your sins turn the other way start following Christ accept him as Savior build up that relationship with him and do whatever you can to help build up his kingdom share the good moves foreign [Music]