[Music] good morning fire last night we had the very very first for the Hebrew speaker you hear David hi okay so when Shar starts or boai as you all know so a while yeah I noticed little quiet yesterday actually so over 3,000 people joined the Hebrew Shear it's largely due to certain individuals in the room such as Benny and [Applause] it was a we didn't have a see like this in a very very long time as REM who was there said it's not a it's a it's a it's the new start of a new Shear it's a six months six-month old sheer and uh the speeches were and I want to share with you one speech Dave sharen got up there there unprepared because we didn't ask him to speak he got up there he said could I say a few words yes and uh he started saying his story that he he wasn't into learning for he learned inas but he didn't learn in yes he was in Yesa and uh he went to work and he dropped that alerting for many years and uh until he found the shear somehow I'm I'm saying his speech it's a very long speech I cried many times during the speech I think you're going to like his ver though he said that every person says a that represents their name a that begins with their letter and ends with the letter he says MD y me and it finishes with me what POS is that that ever since he went to MD started with MD that's the now in his house the kids talk about MD y the wife talks about he talks about it he changed his whole attitude about learning but not only that M and and all different things that he took upon himself different is different attitude so was a beautiful speech and many other beautiful speeches shapi also wasn't asked to speak but I gave him the H and as he got he said some beautiful words it was just an amazing thing I want to share with you some of this Su from around the world this is actually what inspired me rabie eisenthal I think his name is what inspired me to uh go to Europe to England because he invited me to come to Belgium here it is very very first seeum in Belgium they made the sign here's the table they said beautiful m is beautiful and here the larger than some other places in the world [Applause] beautiful the learning they're learning the morning Bo side next the Mish this is somebody that sent in already about the Kusa program a whole long email I got today that it might bother some people that socially they don't like to be it's not for everybody it's for only people that want to join and want to be part of a a system where you have and people care about you and make sure it it gives you a little bit of a pressure you don't have to if you don't want to know anybody you don't have to know anybody have to be part of the group it's just it's just another tool I don't know if I'm going to read this whole thing it's a very nice email dear belly please forgive for the long email but I want you to know if you don't ready what you and MD do for people I'm 70 years old I suffer from a chronic pain syndrome and do not sleep more than a couple of hours each night two years ago on Monday July 4th having seen the fly for the fourth coming stari for a few weeks on a London site everywhere K I decided that as I don't sleep and I'm up and wide awake at 5:15 UK time every day I'd apply for frear what I have to lose having been a with Jewish organizations I suspected that the free gamar would arrive in a few weeks time wrong Thursday morning it arrived so I was all prepared and ready for Friday morning like nak Seltzer song says and you haven't learned in 37 years well I beat that I was 68 and I hadn't learned in 68 years yes I started a few times but I gave up easily so on Friday morning I tuned into Zoom full of trepidation and ready to fail well rebell almost two years Onis began July 8th 2022 I have not missed one day I've never put my video on just appear on screen as Barry okay maybe things could change I do do I understand everything absolutely not do the sh often go right over my head definitely yes frequently would I give them up no no no it's without a doubt the best and only way to start my day I was attending and looking forward to looking this seeum at London but regrettably because of the pain FL I couldn't travel so Sally sat down for watching football football soccer on there's a massive match in England and 400 people chose not to watch the match and and uh record it what only 20 of them would have G joh the counted and spoke to all 400 and he decided that only 20 of the 400 you don't know how many watch this stuff no I'm just kidding this is England you're talking about this is not uh this is part of the culture after the share you went to watch oh I was attending to and looking forward to attending last night see L yeah yeah yeah I said H with you oh a little oh my gosh what happened there oh so as the game began a YouTube message flashed up on my tablet live I ran literally to my lap switch it on and there it was London I sat for two hours broadcast transfixed a little sad that I wasn't there personally but I was with you I followed every word understood everything you said along with your clear concise diagram sometimes awful jokes I cried a couple of times with you as well I said the with you has M changed my life I don't think it had but I gave up without a second's hesitation a football match totally unheard of in my existence say clearly has changed my life so thank you thank you thank you if I can do it anyone can I've tried to convin several locals to try this year so far one is starting tomorrow I keep on trying I have two goals one is to hold the local SE for Bas in Bor mouth borou V b b on Tuesday there's going to be a B I know it's 6 months away and the other is to visit alive M the she both are achievable kids said maybe I can visit borm a lovely Seaside town it's like two hours away from London thank you for your time and reading this long email apologies again listen to this guy's name my very best wishes sincere regards that's some Hebrew name isn't it Barry b UK we'll read this email different time you know I want to read it because ABI is here so uh did I say this yesterday I don't even know but here it is it isn't Hebrew I know you get tens males I this is from an here and he says that changed his life he saw on a status and he realized right away from the hearing the song they were singing a song the first day he realized he's not involved with a regular Shear this is something special the the stories the and how is it related to the DA my my kids know it okay the beautiful pictures and then he says this line and this line might change something here I think that if this is how they would teach to in kids won't go off the D and why am I saying why am I reading this email because two came to the and one of them learned in p and one of them was they came over to me one of them said I want to tell you something I didn't want to come to the shear but my my my partner here told me that I should come and I'm never leaving go this year and if they would teach like this in kids won't go off the so one day two people told me that and then I started thinking maybe we have to open up mdy Yesa I thought about it last year and I said I don't have time we just need somebody to take over do it we'll fund it we have a building let's go if if it's true but if two people told maybe it's I was thinking and the thought came in as usual and that also okay that's not a Sim sh um okay we'll skip this one I just want to thr you real quickly some pictures from Su around the world this is the Brooklyn we could do a lot better in Brooklyn we had 1500 people at the shear there we could do better Miami unbelievable Toronto amazing this is a nice crowd Cleveland galic Chicago [Music] three4 of those people do not come to my Shear when I'm in Chicago I tell you right now and this is what we need more of get togethers local get togethers in different neighborhoods here this one is in Brooklyn M shabis there is no charge at [Music] man is sponsored for the safe and Speedy return of all the hostages [Music] fellow wire the one who brought me to the DA Nan put him p o t i o m k i n p something I don't know in recognition and admiration OFA and all the r of yeshivas okay galic does that include yeah my re Also may Stern and all them in honor of and finally yesterday we had a we started the and we're deep into the and I found out that it's favorite M and maybe even menb favorite M is it your favorite the first I made my house over there but we made a s before that we made for we made this I got the cheap yeah yeah it's coming around it's a very anyway we had a shil what are you saying I don't hear exactly what I know but in this after this year you could welcome people not I mean if you are you can whisper anyway you hear this is what you missed yesterday Dr Factor but oh you're in cheer today you're going to make it into a video it's unbelievable but only if you behave [Music] yeah sh what is a very important we made a very simple chart here does m mean to divide does m mean a wall can mean both of them can mean the the wall divides the men from the women it can mean to divide and separate men from women but if it's if it's to divide then it means that there's a concept called hea We're dividing and because we divided our property we have a property that we shared together we did everything together once we decide to separate ways go our separate ways then it immediately invokes uh some sort of privacy wall because now we're separate you shouldn't be living in my house I need to build something so even if you don't agree to it I could force it because I don't want you looking into my into my property or it just means that we decided to build the wall because that's what we felt like we're not dividing property we're just building a wall and therefore it comes with certain how do you build a wall but that would mean perhaps that there's no hesa there's no problem of you cannot cause damage by looking I think it's a question even nowadays looking into somebody's property filming somebody is that damaged is it not damag you know these are things just looking with your eyes did you cause damage so today's sugya is actually very easy mostly because we learned a lot of it yesterday it's we're literally repeating word for word just we're starting you know in the opposite way and then we actually have a piece of a what's going onic did somebody take your seat it's okay here sit down over here great or you can sit over there this my son y on top there's another way to to say the Su that we said yesterday means they thought and usually you e you think but then you take it back well we only had two two options either it's a or a yesterday we also use the same word saua we thought so T points out that one of them is not right you can either you could think once make like a mistake sort of and and take it back but only once let's say we thought it means to divide but we decided it's a wall so then you can't say the next day and say oh we thought it's a wall but we we realize it's so one of them was is because of the other one it's just the it's just sling so to speak it's not it's not real now we're thinking that means to divide again word for word yesterday half half the nation and once they decide they want to build the wall they want so then now I can force even if one of them doesn't want it's too bad you are causing me damage by looking into my property I can force you to build a wall so here you see that causing damage by looking is considered damage the says that that the means that if you have everybody has a and when you want to divide want to split separate your from from from your so you go you take the Middle Road don't go extreme don't a lot of people jump into and they go too far then they get burnt out you go you separate maybe after a while and you're used to it you add a little drop perhaps no maybe means a wall here same thing as yesterday I'm just going to show the pictures we don't have to go into it we could just say quickly so so there's iser to plant grapes and wheat together but if you build a wall dividing them it's m the wall falls down the to fix the wall is on who on the guy that owns The Grapes why because he gets that for to work around this thing there's no for armas now it's his [Music] problem Oh the guy that has the wheat tells the other guy with the grapes fix the wall breaks again says the second time if the owner of the vineyard he gives up he doesn't want to build a wall anymore at that point it becomes meaning it becomes since the says we learned the word means you have to burn all the wheat how much he whatever it is he is responsible for that amount and that's because they both decided to build a wall you can't one cannot force the other to build a wall so you see that it's not considered real damage otherwise one could force the other how does it fit into the Mish it says already the first on the first line of the mishna says the word and that's when I said the story about the and that's when some people on the table they started laughing today we remember the word why does it say that they built a already says in the first line it should just say that which we discussed in the first line of the Mna they build it sorry so he's saying that they're not building a wall they're trying to divide a property why does it say that they wanted to make would be more to say they wanted to divide okay over here now this is slightly different we didn't have this yesterday maybe it's a of people that's how people speak like people would say let's let's divide so it's a little off but okay but if in fact you could damage Somebody by looking into his property tsunami oh even if they don't want both of them one of them could force the other one by the way you have to say the famous the famous famous M from B did I say this yesterday I don't remember anymore the Hebrew the English no so inra this guy was making a coffee and all of a sudden his neighbor across starts screaming hey your Flik what are you doing so the other neighbor screams no no no he ate soit he's not fesik that's we're talking about hezekia yeah that's how it goes over there okay got it finally some of you miss is talking about that you don't have 4x4 for each person it's very very it's a small yard it's not something you really divide so I can't force a wall if I decide I want a wall in Middle of a 5 foot backyard I'm going to get 2 and2 ft and you're going to get to like M like in Brooklyn let's say yeah you have this these yards my friend always used to get upset at me when he us to sit there and and garden his lawn and I'm not exaggerating that his lawn was this wide that's it and but it had cabbages you know they had the purple in Brooklyn they have the purple cabbages had six of those and a little grass he sits there with a with the scissor you know you can go like this and you finish cutting your lawn so if you have one of those yeah you know what I'm talking out 13 foot house in Brooklyn sidewalk driveway and right in front little strip of grass like one so if you have that then it's I can't put a wall in the middle even I barely have something you can put a cabbage in yeah has no idea what I'm talking about but the Brooklyn is big into the cabbages I don't know why these purple giant cabbage Chang maybe that's the only thing that people don't steal over there my neighbor on on on Avenue P I saw at night a guy come with a bike rip a small tree out of the garden and drive away with his bike like they'll steal anything because it has some value tree cost 50 bucks rip it out and keep on going sell to somebody for 25 on eBay what where are you okay let's see it doesn't have they could divide it we already learned we learned in all this is when they don't want but if they want they could divide [Music] here wall talking about a wall I think what kind of wall a simple wall no our Mish teaches about that Mish over there that when they divide we're talking about a serious wall on a piece of land in Flatbush a wall a giant maybe five to so now you have a five foot area with a five foot a five wall so now you're left with one foot for each person whatever it is says so if we learn from why do I need this whole idea why do I need to talk about it in the mission if I have everything I need in our mission over I could force you to build a wall and a real wall not a fake wall not a uh something that you could see through and blow down you're right there's absolutely no reason for the mishna to have this whole case that mishna has a special another case when it comes to you don't start dividing it you get saes you get so there is a sh I I wasn't even aware of it at the time I told you that now that I was learning B I think it was B I found an art SC gar in Chicago I think it was I forgot where it was I don't think it's CU it was a large one um that all the pages like a bunch of were ripped out and I remember that it's from two cycles ago I took the kids to Disney World and I brought I figured okay I'm going to learn on vacation that didn't work out very well you know who you leave 7 o'clock in the morning to get it you know get you come back lay on your feet all day I realize wait a minute he's standing in line some of these rides you have to wait for over an hour time to do so I ripped it right out of the gar are you allowed to do that or not now that I go on vacation I A lot of times I'll R out the some of the back of Thea not the front the back with the you know the so I'm going tolip this giant thing with me on the plane everything you allow to do that so there's a discussion one of the things I saw they're trying to bring gamorra into uh Siberia exactly Siberia and the trick was they're going to wrap fish in gamarra you take just Pages out rip out pages from gamarra take the fish wrap it up with with thear and send it to them and the Jews over there will unwrap it and will have T I thought it was very simple but said yeah it's okay because yeah you it's smelling up the gamar but that's the beauty of the gamar you know they're getting to learn but they asked the I thought it was interesting they even went H Disney I would say Disneyland is okay but it's not so Pate anymore this gar is certainly talking about CLA and things like that you know is it a B for safer for sure if you're ripping out pages from saer let's say yeah you start ripping it is B is it I don't know I'm not a Rob I don't know okay so that's that's there what Jan thinks you should get the app on your phone yeah I have it inste I have it I had two I brought a giant one that iron hirs gave me but the battery ran out then I have it on my phone then Avi sent me cuz I didn't have so Avi sent me 422 pictures of the app he he screenshotted the app so I didn't use that so I ended up spacing out watching a movie no I I had to prepare Shear somehow we got it done yeah no but you're right today you could just do the app and just do this you don't have to there's a guy that comes to Shear the the Hebrew Shear has the sock store in in theas every day he comes with torn out Pages he that's his he loves he likes reading like a newspaper that's his thing that's no they don't have photocopy machines anymore that's old news there's different you you don't have to photo no seriously you could take a picture with your phone and you know that's a screenshot not screenshot photos but there people have different things to the when it's ripped and you know you look if people know you see the learning art on line all the think wow no cuz the art scroll preparing sh for art scroll so okay we can read the whole thing they take it out you're ready tell me where it's a very small yard and it's not enough to divide but they decided to divide it I have a much bigger no it's a very large yard not that they wanted they didn't want to make a wall and one of them said I want privacy you can force the other guy if you told me that so then I wouldn't know the other I wouldn't know that if it's a small one even if they want to make I would think maybe you can't build a wall you do build a wall you build itally correct that they could divide it if they want to divide it they could divide it and what we would assume they could they have to build a serious wall says no I wouldn't know that it's a serious wall I think it's this flimsy wall here and that's why we have to have the and say no we're talking about a small property it's not large enough to divide they want to divide it and when they decide to divide it and they build they have to build a serious wall there's a you know what we're going to do something else I'm not going to say the question I'm just going to ask what what safer is this question in right no he's right there safer he says that a on board a table from from the AL not not his Reb not the Reb his Reb bought a Reb's table on auction the Reb's not alive anymore and he wanted the Reb's table he bought half the table and then he found out it's not the half that the Reb sat on it's the other half so what do he do and he says that that the spash it to the whole table and he can't get his money back it's says that's a whole oh list High the same question we had a second ago so to say all this in our why do we need the we need it for this is we need the the last part of that when it comes to you don't divide them ever it's not appropriate for the said is talking about that over there is talking about that it doesn't have so now the is asking a basic question on the whole kind of touched upon it yesterday maybe two people decide to divide the property it's not even large enough to divide and then you say okay but if you're going to build a wall you have to build a six wall a five wall four you know what I don't want to divide anymore I'm done I'm sorry I didn't C have to build a $10,000 wall I thought it's you know for $200 finish you didn't tell me you have to bring Mason and bricks and the whole thing so let him take it back oh obviously we're talking about that there was a Kenyan done over here was made what Kyon was not was made on false pretenses no so let's see what the K was let's see in a second so first so the understands he made a Kenyon they made a they made a up there was the deal between them they're going to divide over here they have a yard and this it's too much for them his kids go in here and this and then the kids are leaving rappers everywhere let's split it okay you want to split yes they take a handkerchief and they go like this like like you do it now it's a Kenyan now you can't take back says they just made a king on words they made a deal that they're going to split it no no no it wasn't just a deal of words they went ahead and they they they literally they took they he said I'm taking the right side and you're taking the left so it wasn't just words we going to divide they already decided how they're going to divide what they're going to divide the actual property the Kyon is in the property this the concept when it comes to real estate you make a you take a lock you lock it up you break something open no go you make a fence so he did something he he made a little fence in in in his side so that's how he already made a keny so now he can't take it back okay now now he's saying well you ready made a Kenyon and let's build a wall tells you have to build a wall like the local custom and if the local Min is to do a six you do so we're just again easy stuff as we we saw yesterday here's the picture actually today we added just the words so the names it goes 3 456 three is leim four is kin is a sandwich there it's Lum it's one and a half and one and a half of lanum lanum is three so you take a Lena you know the Lena is not accurate I agree it's not 100% accurate it's supposed to be three not built staggered but okay Three Stones you take a three stone you can see in the Le actually maybe that's why he did it this is this the half ones so those one and a half you use four the four wall use one and a half on this side one and half on this side that's three and the cement in the middle is one wide and total is four GES is five and is six so the is saying that the five and the six are actually the same type of stone one is smoothed out so it has less of the width it's only five and one is rough around the edges you like that R says is not smooth there here on purpose so we have to see the inside GES somebody made the word GES read probably Dave Shin you did last night thank you they said they in share forgot to do the and I didn't remember this morning what's it says the that Gus is smooth with a with a what do you call those smoothing devices like a a who a plane a planer B not the like you sand a wood floor use some sort of uh rock rock sander um I think it said on the side here that you have to save the yeah why because that's the main part of the P okay fine but a lot of times the does it it's interesting it bring the first part of the P even though the rise is from the second part of the p and what's so if we go back to oh we could let's see this cuz my cuz yall didn't see this yesterday so these are all the types of stones gal and 3D special for mdy but is the one that's four only four wide so the says is a half of a so is Liv meaning three is built out of which are half of the half of three is one and a half so and plus one and a half plus the of cement is four how do you know going back to how do you know that is six and is five perhaps the which is six is reallyu here we go not this one this one so has a very simple question how do you know that g is six it's a solid stone that was gzus but it's a little bit rough around the edges so it's wider at six perhaps it's actually Gil I mean GES which is five cut in half is two and a half and two and a half with one te of cement in the middle maybe G or G is the same exact thing as Ken just wider just like we said is a sandwich maybe Gill is also who told you Gil is a solid Stone that's all he's asking we one plus Oneal 4 also the middle is how do you know who told you that is sandwich that comes from a half ofena ah you know this from from Generations already so we also know that when it comes to it's a stone that is not uh smooth wasn't smooth and that we know from tradition St if you ever thought about it chimpanzee smartest animal in the world right probably when I was a kid the chimpan I knew a chimp Jo from smoked uh sprayed us with water did all sorts of stuff they could ride bikes you know the it's 99% DNA a human DNA so how come chenzi didn't even vent a paper cup a PL nothing zero they're exactly the way they were 5,000 years ago what's because they don't have they don't learn from each other they don't build on on the generation before maybe I'm just throwing this out humans they take okay you invented an oven now I'm going to take it and make it a little bit more make it into microwave not Mish but it's the same size the same you you know what I mean you made a a wheel so I'll take the wheel and I'll make it you know use it for a car this guy he used the stick poked it in took out some thing he knows they use a tool more than other animals but never developed anything on top of that maybe huh yeah yeah I know I know I know but got scking Chipen once in a while he can't be it might be even closer than K story that's all I'm saying so he asks same question I just used Yoshi's picture that he did for I just used had he no is a sandwich one and a half plus one and a half plus the in the middle maybe just a larger Lea that's not smooth out on the edges it's rough around the edges so it equals fourbe it's not it's just wider than Le is three and this is four because you never smooth it out just like we say now he's asking the before we ask the question now we're asking the question from just like we said and GES are the same Stone one is smooth one is not smooth one is maybe are the same Stone one is smooth and one is not smooth how do you know that and and and GES are the same Stone one is smooth one is not you learned from from other fine from the fact that you see this this guy he's a half one one is three but we said it's a total of four how do you get to four because one of cement so that means the the cement is always a if you hire contra contor our contractor he has to provide you with a of cement he can't get lazy and say no my cement is the best and I can give you a quarter of a doesn't work like that that's cement without stones once you add the they call it in Hebrew the the Pebbles whatever it is I think today the the more if you have stones in it's actually stronger I think it makes it a little stronger but the says no in those days the stones made it weaker so if you you you weaken up the the cement with stones you have to add more it has to be wider than that's why sometimes you go to The Old City some of those walls are literally like three feet wide who knows a lot of cement a lot of things going on over there some you only need a when it's with stones but if you're going to use the pure stuff sort of like you know the CER blocks we used today a little tiny bit of cement is enough so our miss that says that there was a of cement must be that it's a cement with stones because without stones you don't need a full says we said yesterday You're Building these walls you have to build it how tall four armas why four armas because it has a g you don't want a tall guy from the NBA looking over four arus is about 8 feet so if you're building a four armor wall you need five with otherwise what's going to happen or fall over so let's you build a eight wall how many do you need to be wide how how wide does it have to [Music] be twice twice the amount so again four you say you have to build a five wide wall so eight it should be 10 the problem is every four you need a width of five and if you don't have that like toles over as here yo bring me this thing please oh okay back to remember this here you have the is the 15 Steps go in over here this is the a we're not going to talk about this part just this right over this small chamber is called go this is the this is where the goes every day to divide these two so nobody goes in here there's a wall called traxon the traxon was anama wide now in the first B MD was made out of stone the second B MD was made out of cloth so it was a let's see here's a picture from K's book here's um our guy did this this made out of stones just to show you like the width it's not it's not it's not real it doesn't open up like that just to show you the side now in the time of the second Bas this was like this there's actually two so you go one sneak in you don't open it up completely okay so this is you can see there's a double layer there great so says so if we're talking about this guy this wall was 30 tall 30 if divided by four amama for every four every four height you need five WI so 30 should be 37 and half wide she need a a wall That's 37 half fck wi I think okay I hear exactly we're going to see soon there different from angles support different walls this is okay let's see but they have a the the wi was only and was able to stand it's one more than the five it's able to stand even taller so so they didn't have the wall made out of stone by the way right it could it could stand and not topple over when it's a certain height 30 30 but it cannot stand more in the second that wall was 40 so to with six how do you know the second was taller than the first by the way if you look over here see that that that building over there that's the I don't know could you see that Gary oh so that tall thing that was 200 feet tall 100 am tall so says the but the was inside but there was there was a ceiling inside only 40 30 how do he know that the second was taller than the first the second is going be the is going to be greater than the first some say that's going to be taller with years in other words the first B was only 410 years second B MD was 420 years you have a sponsorship for me which one turn on the page sponsored by Life share life share is a new crowdfunding initiative where members commit financial support to one another before a tragic death that's initiated byi Rosenstein anybody wants to know about it speak to him so he's the new sponsor of the Turning of [Music] the says the we have both we have both are right first of all the first mikd was only 410 years versus 420 was only 30 vers 40 30 40 says let's do something like this let's see oh we have you see this oh this a on top I'll do it again because there's a here there's a stone wall on the bottom that's all we care right now we don't have to do the animation the white on the bottom on top what's the problem the reason why 30 stood is because it was a a ceiling does anybody remember what the word MAA means from the end of What Not gutter maiva is the that cement I thought people say gut it's the cement that they put on top of remember we said you have beams and they put like laugh strips and on top of that you put a maiva which is a layer of cement so because there's there's something salad sitting on top of the wall so doesn't allow the wall to to to to topple okay so let's say 30 is no good it'll fall down without so so make a 10 wall that would stand 10 and do 30 out of cloth why do you do a 40 made out of cloth instead of some of it in stone like the first the rest should be learn from the it has to be one or the other can't you can't mix two two materials either solid stone or solid fabric we see from from the first until we had a was made out of fabric first what's your name from B from Brooklyn New York for coming who else I saw what's your [Music] name from really you know I like Maro guys oh yeah you are I I just you [Music] know you mean I told you then I like I from Monro also mon Monro yeah yeah yeah I know I do I do recognize I just have a simple picture that I they do this a lot in arrol you put cinder blocks and on top of the cinder blocks there's a layer of whatever some sort of layer of plaster or so I guess in the time of thear they did the same thing so even though Yoshi's pictures don't have this but on top of the stone there's some sort of layer so when the Mish says six does that include the plaster doesn't include the plaster it must be that it includes it we're talking about the real estate in the whole M it says six five four it's talking about how much real estate you have to provide I have to give three you have to give three but if we're talking about six plus let's say another half of plaster so just say each person gives three and a quarter of of real estate why doesn't it mention the plaster amount in the mishna must include the plaster no it's not perhaps talking about without the the Mish only rounds it off tells us real large numbers a foot 5T 8T it's not going to say 5.3 it's not going to say three and a half as that's not true we do say half so we talk about halfs over here one and a half plus one and a half equals three becomes a solid number TMA oh so if you're talking about I just want to point out real quickly because uh no made me think about that for a second when his speech on chabas in Italy when people get married it's actually the Z and are halfs a half and another half is becomes a one whole it's not two whole people getting married because two whole people is 1 plus one equals two that's different wanted that a half and a half equals one one whole unit talking about Ain shabas Ain so over here you could see how the houses empty out into a that's called the front yard and you can notice that there's like three entrances on each side and they all share that one that's what we're talking about today dividing that now from the they go out into like a roadway that roadway is called M and to carry in that roadway because he might go from the gray part to the black part the black part is pavement which is so what do you do so that people could carry there you make a or the is on the side the is the beam on top goes from side to side and just you see it and you remember not to carry into the that KRA cannot be flimsy it has to you can't make it out of this for instance you have to make it out of a solid piece of wood how solid carry a half a stone here's a little bit of a picture showing you half a stone one and a half now over there obviously it's without cement without plaster the size of the stone it's telling the size of the stone it's one and a half says okay not talking about a larger Stone I'll prove it to you it's telling us the the stone that is in ourish it doesn't say it says we know right away Leena is the small one now the small one means together with the plaster but over there since it says we're talking about the large Stone by itself okay obviously there's a smaller one in AR mishna and that's three with the plas a little bit of you have a don't knock it down to build another sh and you know anybody that's Ever Done Construction even a small job knows how construction works you knock something down and then the contractor doesn't show up of course and then when he shows up he says it's going to take two weeks it takes two years $2,000 $40,000 but so it's not a good idea to knock down a sh before you have a new one some people say because you'll be negligent so very interesting rashi rashi says that means you start with Theus but you end up not building it that's the so the same thing with the da there's always Aus there's always a good excuse wedding or a million of dollars nobody should know fromus you know there's a person can't learn he's not allowed to learn what but what happens after that when Robert Early got up from Shiva what happened after that he came to the b m had he not come that day that would have been a it starts over Theus okay I can't learn but what do you do afterwards if you if you jump right into it then you're fine interesting that Rashi says not no because nobody's a you're not gonna knock down a show and say I'm not building a sh no there's some sort of circumstance that we couldn't but what happened after that circumstance during construction where you going to what do you mean where you're going to die D by the neighbor yeah I know you brus over there but too bad today you're gonna have to go back in there knocked down the the so it's beautiful we have here there's two shows said did you know this this is the summer show today we have air conditioning so it doesn't apply in those days the summer sh had giant Windows very tall ceilings so it didn't trap the hot ear and the ear flowed and then they had a winter sh almost no windows lower ceiling Venice today in Venice there two shes one for the summer one really we didn't go to Venice we instead of we were the trip that we paid for included Venice the only person that went to Venice was Abi's wife we were seriously in Venice to go to Manchester in London much better man is much better than Venice and in D you have to you have to go to Manch to understand what I just said I tell you what I said at the the speech over there I said that um one of the it's only 808 one of the uh Mark Twain said bring me to Venice before I die so that my transition to the next world is easier Mark no no to Manchester Manchester sorry Manchester that did not make any sense bring me to Manchester so I said I said it in the Manchester speech and I said he's 100% right because of people like shimmy leafman and then SCH light all these guys that they they bring toyra and you go to Manchester your transition TOS is [Laughter] I said this already so they built this the the the the sumers sh they built it during the winter that makes sense obviously the construction wasn't like today with the with the sprinkler systems and the elevators you build it you put a few pieces of wood together you have a and they build a winter sh in the summer what if they deposited all the money the money is in the bank we have the money for it is that okay could I knock down the now maybe there'll be we have 120 something today you have to you have to be it's a Mitzvah even if you have money for the stroll says so you can't you can't knock down a all the stones are lined up and all the the the beams are already um ready to go here like this and all the the the lumber is sitting there in front of the property ready to build we need the money for so maybe if you built a building so and in place it says you didn't D in it so you'll sell the people never sell their their their sh they're not going to sell that you didn't find any cracks in it but if you find cracks in knock it down even if you don't have another they found cracks in the knocked it down a picture he brought his bed into sh and and stay there why if the Rashi who wrote the G is in a construction zone sleeping so you're going to really move and and get get things going you don't want him to sit sit there forever and he didn't move until they did the very very last I guess the last you know everybody says oh I'm almost dunk construction no no no the finishes the finishes are the hardest thing they take the longest so one of the finishes of the finishes the final finish is is the gutter system the gut system once that was on then he moved his bed out um I guess we're going to stop here it's a got a little bit unfortunately we're behind but don't worry check this out look what's going on in 10:00 have a wonderful shabas the Israeli Shear is 230 today