Hello. Hello, good evening. I am Ismo, and yes, I am from Finland. Yay, yay, yay. I moved to America about a year ago, and it's been great, but I have to tell you that it took a long time to learn the things, like the small, subtle things. It took me a year to figure out that the correct answer to, "What's up?" is "What's up?" It took a long time, but now, I know. If somebody says, "What's up?" I just say, "What's up?" It feels wrong, like I feel I'm not answering a question, but they are happy, so I just keep doing it. It took me even longer than that to finally learn that, "Can I help you?" actually means, "Go away." I'm always learning, but I think the language still has been the most difficult part, 'cause I studied English for years, and I thought I know English, but then, I moved to America. Turns out, no. I didn't really know it, all the things. I think the hardest word to truly master has been the word ass. Ass. I thought it's really easy. It means a butt, but no. Like, yeah, sometimes it can mean a butt, but that's just the tip of the ass-berg. There are so many meanings to the word ass. I think it's the most complicated word in English. I've been trying to write a whole dictionary about just ass. There's so many, for example, lazy ass. That means lazy. Like, "My lazy ass husband." It's the same sentence without the ass. The ass is just optional there. And long-ass means long. Like a long-ass flight, it's a long flight. But if you're gonna make it longer, you're gonna add ass. My definite favorite one, a grown-ass man. It turns out it means a grown man. The entire man has grown, not only his ass. I learned that you can add ass to anything, and then it sounds a little bit cooler. Like anything, "I just bought this blue-ass shirt." "Well, thank you, that was some good-ass meatballs." Anything, but you have to be careful, 'cause sometimes, if you add ass to something, it can actually reverse the meaning of the original word. For example, badass. That's good. Bad is bad, but badass is good. But not always. Like, dumbass is still dumb. How could you know? You have to know specifically which ones are flipped. And then there's the concept of your ass, and your ass, that means yourself. Like, "Move your ass!" That's like move everything. Move your ass and the rest of your body and everything. If you have a car, that's included in the ass. All of them, same direction, just move. So your ass means yourself plus all you have, but my ass, my ass, that means no. If I say that, "Wow, this car is really fast," and you say, "Oh, fast, my ass." It means no, it's not fast. To make it even more complicated, ass can be divided. If you are an ass, that means that you are being stupid, but if you're half-ass- Then, it means that you are not concentrating properly. And if you go even smaller, if you are a piece of ass- Then, you are beautiful. Thanks a lot.