Communication Lecture Notes
Introduction to Communication
- Originates from Latin: comunicaciĆ³n
- Act or fact of communicating
- Encompasses verbal, written, or message exchange
- Current era: Characterized as an era of communication
Claude Shannon's Communication Model
- Information Source: Selects the message
- Transmitter: Changes message into a signal
- Channel: Pathway for the signal
- Receiver: Decodes signal back into the message
- Destination: Final recipient of the message
- Noise: Any external force that distorts the signal
Examples of Noise
- Reading: Motion and light can act as noise
- Radio: Static
- Television: Picture distortion
- Typewriting: Quality of ribbon or keys
Communication in Different Mediums
- Message: "Buy" or "Sell"
- Channel: Electrical impulses
- Noise: Can distort messages but redundancy helps (e.g., "self" instead of "sell")
- Brain as the information source
- Vocal mechanisms code thoughts into words
- Noise can be nervous conditions or external sounds
- Redundancy: Repeating the message to combat noise
- Increasing Power: Boosting signal strength
Information and Bits
- Single decision (on/off) = 1 bit
- Two bits: Four possible conditions
- More circuits lead to more possibilities
Communication and Symbols
Art as a Communication
- Information source: Painter's mind
- Signal: The painting
- Receiver: Viewers' perception
- Noise: Light quality, viewer's biases, painter's style
Symbolic Communication
- Symbols transcend language barriers
- Evolution of symbols: Some become obsolete, others remain
Decision Making in Communication
- Machines and human brains make binary decisions
- Communication systems handle complex tasks
- Responsibility of decision-making lies with humans
Example: Electronic Calculators
- Handle vast amounts of data through binary decisions
- Referred to as "brains" due to complexity, but limited compared to human brain
- Communication involves a series of decisions
- Responsibility of these decisions remains with the communicator
- Understanding and managing noise and redundancy is key to effective communication
These notes summarize key concepts about the elements, processes, and challenges of communication as discussed in the lecture. Understanding this framework aids in enhancing clarity and effectiveness in various communication forms.