CS50 Week 1: Introduction to C Programming

Aug 22, 2024

CS50 Week 1 Lecture Notes


  • David Malan introduces CS50 and the focus on the C programming language.
  • Emphasis on problem-solving and building a toolkit of programming skills.

Overview of C Language

  • Transition from Scratch (week 0) to C, focusing on functions, variables, conditionals, and loops.
  • Introduced concepts like source code vs. machine code, and the role of compilers.

Source Code vs. Machine Code

  • Source code: what programmers write (in C).
  • Machine code: binary (0s and 1s) that computers understand.
  • Compiler: translates source code to machine code.

Writing Your First C Program

  • Example: "Hello, world" program.
  • Boilerplate code: includes headers and main function structure.
  • Importance of syntax and indentation in C.

C Syntax

  • Functions: printf replaces Scratch's say.
  • Variables and data types: int, float, char, etc.
  • Control structures: conditionals (if, else) and loops (for, while).

Using the Command Line

  • Introduction to using a CLI with commands:
    • ls: list files.
    • mv: move (rename) files.
    • rm: remove files.
    • cd: change directory.

Functions and Return Values

  • Functions can return values: int add(int a, int b).
  • Example of using functions: adding two numbers and returning the result.
  • Scope of variables: a variable's context of existence in code.

Working with Floats and Doubles

  • Issue of integer division leading to truncation.
  • Use of type casting to handle floating-point numbers correctly.
  • Floating point imprecision may occur due to finite memory.

Common Programming Problems

  • Integer overflow: when a number exceeds its storage capacity.
  • Example: the 2038 problem with 32-bit integers.
  • Floating point imprecision: limitations of representing real numbers.

Practical Exercises

  • Examples of drawing a grid with loops in C.
  • Using do-while loops and while loops effectively.
  • Incorporating user input and validation to ensure correct program behavior.


  • Encouragement to practice and troubleshoot programming concepts.
  • Importance of understanding limitations and ensuring code correctness.
  • Upcoming challenge: Problem Set 1.