Understanding Neuron Membrane Potentials

Aug 22, 2024

Lecture Notes: Membrane Potentials in Neurons


  • Discussing resting membrane potentials, graded potentials, and action potentials in neurons.
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1. Resting Membrane Potential

  • Definition: Voltage difference across the cell membrane when the cell is at rest.
  • Exists in all cells, with a common range of -70 to -90 millivolts (most textbooks support -70mV).
  • Key Component: Zooming in on the neuron's cell membrane to understand ion movement.

How Resting Membrane Potential is Established

  1. Sodium-Potassium ATPases:
    • Pumps 3 sodium ions out of the cell and 2 potassium ions into the cell.
    • Establishes a concentration gradient and generates a slight negative charge.
  2. Leaky Potassium Channels:
    • Always open, allowing potassium to leave the cell passively, increasing negativity inside the cell.
    • The presence of negatively charged anions (like phosphates and proteins) increases negativity as potassium leaves.
  3. Leaky Sodium Channels:
    • Allow sodium to move into the cell, which can contribute to positive charge, but less significant than potassium's movement.

Permeability Factors

  • The cell is much more permeable to potassium than sodium, contributing to the resting membrane potential being closer to the equilibrium potential of potassium.

2. Graded Potentials

  • Purpose: To change resting membrane potential towards or away from threshold.
    • Excitatory Postsynaptic Potential (EPSP): Moves resting potential closer to threshold (e.g., from -70mV to -55mV).
    • Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential (IPSP): Moves resting potential further away from threshold (e.g., from -70mV to -90mV).

Mechanisms of EPSPs and IPSPs

  • EPSP Example:
    • Use of neurotransmitter (e.g., glutamate) to open ligand-gated ion channels, allowing positive ions (like sodium or calcium) to enter, depolarizing the cell.
  • IPSP Example:
    • Use of inhibitory neurotransmitter (e.g., GABA) to open channels for negatively charged ions (like chloride) or cause potassium to leave, hyperpolarizing the cell.


  1. Temporal Summation:
    • Multiple signals from one presynaptic neuron in rapid succession.
  2. Spatial Summation:
    • Simultaneous signals from multiple presynaptic neurons.

3. Action Potentials

  • Triggered when the resting membrane potential reaches threshold (-55mV) due to EPSPs.
  • Process:
    1. Depolarization: Voltage-gated sodium channels open at -55mV, allowing sodium ions to rush into the cell, reaching +30mV.
    2. Inactivation: Sodium channels inactivate at +30mV, stopping sodium influx.
    3. Repolarization: Voltage-gated potassium channels open, allowing potassium to exit, returning to resting potential.
    4. Hyperpolarization: The cell may overshoot to around -90mV due to slow closure of potassium channels.

Refractory Periods

  • Absolute Refractory Period:
    • No new action potential can occur, regardless of stimulus.
  • Relative Refractory Period:
    • A stronger-than-normal stimulus is required to elicit an action potential after hyperpolarization.

Summary of Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels

  • At Rest: Activation gate closed, inactivation gate open.
  • During Action Potential: Activation gate opens, inactivation gate begins to close at +30mV.
  • After Peak: Inactivation gate fully closed, no sodium can enter.


  • Recap of the processes of resting membrane potentials, graded potentials, and action potentials in neurons.
  • Importance of understanding these mechanisms for further studies in neurophysiology.