Creating a Bird-Friendly Garden Tips

Aug 18, 2024

You Can Do It: 10 Tips to Creating a Bird-Friendly Garden


  • Presenter: Brian Derking
  • Organized by Kathy Kramer, coordinator of Bringing Back the Native Garden Tours
  • Part of the "You Can Do It" series
  • Event recorded and available on the tour's YouTube channel
  • Native Plant Resource Teams overview by Jennifer Durkin

Key Participants

  • Kathy Kramer: Coordinator and host
  • Jennifer Durkin: Speaker and creator of keystone species signs
  • Jeff Minker: Bird expert and experienced ornithologist
  • Landscape Designers: Kelly Marshall, Sandra Neva Lee, Valerie Litman

Overview of Native Plant Resource Teams

  • Emphasis on native plants for biodiversity
  • Teams organized by geographical area and interest
  • Activities include learning, sharing plants, and community advocacy
  • Upcoming events and field trips

Steps to Creating a Bird-Friendly Garden

1. Know Your Customers

  • Understand local birds and their food preferences
  • Types of birds: seed eaters, berry eaters, nut eaters, insect eaters, nectar feeders

2. Choose Native Plants for Year-Round Bounty

  • Focus on plants that provide berries, seeds, nuts, nectar, and support insects
  • Examples include Toyon, elderberry, Manzanita, coffee berry

3. Examine Your Garden Situation

  • Evaluate size, sun/shade, soil type
  • Use for plant selection

4. Design Your Bird-Friendly Garden

  • Use resources like "Designing California Native Gardens"
  • Sketch your garden and consider plant communities

5. Plant in Layers

  • Use ground covers, shrubs, trees, and vines
  • Create visual interest and habitat diversity

6. Provide Shelter

  • Thickets, trees, and other structures for protection
  • Consider bird nesting boxes

7. Provide Clean Water

  • Maintain bird baths with regular cleaning
  • Use natural cleaning agents like vinegar

8. Protect Birds from Hazards

  • Prevent window collisions with safety films or screens
  • Reduce light pollution
  • Keep cats indoors or in catios

9. Maintain a Pesticide-Free Environment

  • Avoid pesticides and herbicides
  • Encourage natural pest control through balanced ecosystems

10. Engage and Inspire Others

  • Share your garden and knowledge
  • Participate in tours and community events

Additional Resources

  • for plant selection
  • I-Naturalist and Merlin for bird identification
  • Local CNPS chapters for further learning


  • Importance of native gardens in supporting local ecosystems
  • Encourage participation in community efforts
  • Consider supporting the Bringing Back the Native Garden Tours through donations

Q&A Highlights

  • Discussion on handling cats and bird feeders
  • Importance of leaving natural elements like leaves and acorns
  • Recommendations for bird-friendly plant species