Learning Socket.IO

Jul 2, 2024

Lecture Notes: Learning Socket.IO


  • Channel History: Previously posted a video on Socket.IO—wrong timing.
  • Purpose of Video: Demonstrate the best way to learn Socket.IO through a complex application.
  • Target Audience: Both backend and frontend developers can benefit.
  • Tech Overview: Socket.IO works on the pub-sub model, suitable for event-based systems.

Application Overview

  • Features:
    • One-to-one chat
    • Message sending and receiving, including images
    • Notifications for new events
    • Group creation and management

Setting Up the Application

  1. Access: Go to freeapi.app to get the project from the GitHub repository.
  2. Download: Use the download zip or Git clone method.
  3. Setup: Open in VS Code, unzip, and create a .env file.
  4. MongoDB: Set up MongoDB (use MongoDB Atlas if necessary) and get a connection string.

Environment Configuration

  • .env File Settings:
    • Copy sample environment variables.
    • Ensure MongoDB URL is set correctly.
    • Adjust the username and password accordingly.

Running the Application

  • Dependencies: Use npm install to install dependencies.
  • Start: Use npm start or npm run start.
  • Frontend Setup: Navigate to examples/chat_app/web, install dependencies, and run with npm run dev.

Fixing CORS Issues

  • Browser Restrictions: Sometimes stricter than settings; specify exact URL in environment variable.
  • Restart Server: Mandatory after changing environment variables.

Application Features in Action

  • User Interface:
    • User registration and login
    • Chat functionality with real-time updates using Socket.IO
    • Group chat capabilities
    • Admin privileges for user and group management

Code Structure Overview

  • Backend:

    • Well-organized with controllers for messages and chats.
    • Nicely commented code for easier understanding.
  • Frontend:

    • Basic Vite app using React
    • Simple components with API clients and pages for chat, login, and registration

Learning Approach

  • For Self-Taught Developers: Ideal for those who prefer a self-paced learning model and want to advance their skills.
  • Contribution Opportunity: Open source invites contributions for further development, especially on the front-end side.
  • Code-Level Understanding: Emphasis on learning from a functioning codebase rather than from scratch.

Final Notes

  • Encouragement: Try the code, share it, and help others in the community.
  • Tutorial Requests: Open to creating focused tutorials based on community feedback.


  • Different approach to learning via a practical, open-source project.
  • Call to action: Share experiences, request for in-depth tutorials if needed.