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Equilibrium Carrier Concentration in Semiconductors
Sep 28, 2024
Lecture 5: Equilibrium Carrier Concentration
Focus on equilibrium carrier concentration in intrinsic semiconductors.
Previous lecture covered wave-particle duality and introduced intrinsic semiconductor model.
Key Concepts
Wave-Particle Duality
Concept introduced to simplify physical analysis.
Relates to particles: electrons, holes, photons, phonons.
Intrinsic Semiconductor Model
At absolute zero (T = 0K):
No thermal vibrations, no free particles.
Each silicon atom bonded to four nearest neighbors.
For T > 0K:
Atoms vibrate due to thermal energy.
Visual analogy: Atoms as steel balls connected by springs.
Tapping the matrix produces traveling waves, analogous to water ripples.
Particle Generation
Electrons and Holes:
When bonds break, free electrons are created, leaving behind holes.
Electron-hole pairs generated in pairs (EHP generation).
Created through vibrating atoms acting as oscillating dipoles, generating electromagnetic waves.
All particles are referred to as "free electrons" when discussing carriers.
Particle Concentration Balance
Generation and Recombination:
Equilibrium requires forward and reverse processes (generation and recombination).
Generation: Free electrons create holes.
Recombination: Free electrons fill holes, restoring equilibrium.
Analogy: Human population dynamics (births vs. deaths).
Recombination occurs after electron moves around for some time.
Detailed Balance of Processes
Photo Generation:
Photons generate electron-hole pairs.
Radiative Recombination:
Electron-hole recombination emitting photons.
Impact Ionization:
Energetic electrons create electron-hole pairs.
Auger Recombination:
Energy given to a free electron or hole during recombination.
Phonon Generation:
Generation and recombination processes involving phonons.
Recombination categorized into radiative (useful for light generation) and non-radiative processes (e.g., Auger recombination).
Concept of Holes
Vacancies participate in conduction, behaving as positively charged particles.
Bound electrons can contribute to current through vacancies.
Analogy: Bubble in a tube represents how vacancies facilitate the movement of bound electrons.
Effective Mass
Effective mass concept helps analyze the movement of bound electrons.
Effective mass of electrons differs from holes, and from vacuum electron mass (m0).
Effective mass is a parameter to simplify calculations of current and conductivity.
Carrier Concentration in Intrinsic Semiconductors
Intrinsic Carrier Concentration (ni):
ni = pi (electrons and holes generated in pairs).
At room temperature (300K), ni ~ 10^10/cm³.
Silicon atom concentration ~ 5 x 10^22/cm³.
Small fraction of silicon atoms contribute to free electrons/holes.
Temperature Effects
As temperature increases, the number of particles converging on an atom decreases, increasing probability for electron-hole pair generation.
Higher temperatures lead to significantly increased carrier concentrations.
Experimental Evidence
Hall Effect Experiment:
Confirms presence of positive charge carriers (holes) through behavior under electric and magnetic fields.
Top phase becomes positive in semiconductors with holes as charge carriers.
Understanding of electrons and holes in intrinsic semiconductors is crucial for insights into semiconductor conductivity and behavior.
Next topic: Quantitative model - Energy Band or Band Model.
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