Transcript for:
Técnicas y Errores al Resumir

hello readers today i'll make a video about summaries a summary retells the main ideas of a passage but in a much shorter version cool great done you can learn anything dave it out sorry i made a goof see i summarized what was going to happen in this video right i took the information i was going to tell you and i shortened it this is what the skill of summarizing is i just applied it to this video instead of to a story when you summarize you have to ask yourself what are the most important facts what are the most important details you're a reporter a stringer a journal your job is to get in get the facts and get out it's the news in brief just the facts ma'am take the three little pigs for instance i'll summarize it now three little pigs live in houses that they built one used straw one used wood and the third pig who worked hardest of all built a brick house along comes a big bad wolf pictured here with a big bad top hat and a big bad house wrecking hammer i don't know and he successfully knocks down the first two houses in order to eat the pigs inside but they escape to the brick house which the wolf is unable to knock down that's the important part of the story and i bet i could even cut that down a little bit but here's what's there all the important characters all their major decisions and the outcome of the story we have the beginning the middle and the end now let me show you what too little information looks like there were three pigs they built houses a big bad wolf tried to get them not enough that's not enough information it doesn't tell us whether or not the wolf succeeded or the important differences between the three pig houses not enough as far as facts go you know it's got it's got to be specific and look it's possible to go in the opposite direction too too many irrelevant facts so there were three pigs one's name was horus another's name was pansy and the third's name was flustafer they had all been friends since middle school and when the market was in a good place all three of them decided to go in for plots of land right next to each other that right like that's that's too much in a summary i don't need the whole story if it were the whole story it wouldn't be a summary it'd just be the whole story all over again keep it simple we need the events of the story in the order they happened in we need the characters and we need the problems they face and for a summary that's kind of it you can learn anything david out for real this time bye