the concept that you have uh the answer is no well they they will they will they they will the answer they no no no they don't that means you have taken their scripture yes before Christianity was in the scene it was the Jewish people in the Old Testament times yes they do not have the concept of Messiah that you have so you have you have wrongly taken in a concept of a messiah which they never held and they never do even to this day no no because because we're told Jesus is the prophet like Moses so that's what we hang on to but he's going to come back and Deliver Us from what well I'd say from our sin but you have a different concept where did you get that from that have you gone to the Jewish people no from need to go to the Jewish people I need to go to our do you know why it's important because your faith is resting on the understanding of the Jewish scripture have your faith without the Jewish scripture No Way exactly so that means you have to rely on the correct interpretation of the Jewish scripture in the Jewish scripture God there is no one other than him you said you etern Christian right what if someone makes a messenger elevated him into almost like God according to God what happens to them okay uh forgive me for saying so can we talk about Muhammad peace be upon him is he your elevated messenger I I'm interested to know he is no more than a messenger if anyone elevates him more than the messenger tries to worship him or so on they will go to hell right if people worship Moses or Jesus or Abraham peace be upon them all those people who worship those prophets and Messengers there will be one ticket to hell because anyone who Associates a partner with God God will not forgive that they have to as a condition die on a state without ascribing a partner so as a Unitarian Christian you should know that Christ came to tell people to worship who one God the Father God right was he the final messenger from God yes why did he say that uh well cuz he's our savior he's our Messiah no no did he come for you or did he come for a specific group of people within a specific group of people so I'm going to explain what I mean no did Jesus come to a specific group within a specific group or did he come from the whole of humanity whole of humanity not according to Jesus he said I have not come but only to the lost sheep of the House of is Israel Israel did he come from the English yes no Israel not did he come for all of the Israelites no which ones the good sheep or the lost sheep The Lost Ones so his mission was so you're missing John 3:16 which says whosoever believes in him yeah whosoever among the children of Israel because his mission was you need to contextualize I his message otherwise it be contradiction so if he said also said but he also said go into all nations nations of Israelites because there is the 12 nations of Israel no he was sent to the Israelites there are 12 Nations so his mission is very consistent a Canaanite woman came while he was sitting with his disciples and she was begging oh heal my daughter heal my daughter Jesus didn't even say anything first it's very important to understand his mission there because of the Persistence of this woman saying oh Lord or Master whatever please help my daughter it became so nuisance to the disciples saying okay send her away oh Lord must have send her away because she's not going then Jesus starts responding to her what does she what does he say do you remember the story that story will tell us exactly what his mission is but you know he did say I was sent only to the the law the house Let Go by step by step but but another part of the story no before you go another part let's start with the story Christians often sorry sorry sorry it's it's very important to go story from the every single response Jesus gives a order because he gives several responses and that you will see that what his mission is what is his first response when the disciples said send her away what does he say he sent to the LA she of is he said he was for the LA she you know what the passage is let's read it I'm not it's very important because this passage tells us exactly how specific and limited his mission mission was that was at that dispensation look if someone came for the whole world doesn't matter if you're a Canaanite or an Egyptian you would all give equal treatment of guidance to everyone but his mission because it wasn't Universal that's why he made an exception that's towards the end we hear the exception he made because she had faith in him to be a Healer and that's the exception because you have faith and so heals her not because oh I was sent for you as well so let's go back to this example what are you looking up this passage I want to read together which one is it so Matthew 15 so let's read the context I'd still like to know yes we can go alh okay here the faith of the Canaanite woman yeah 21 leaving that place Jesus withdraw to the district of tyan sidon and a Canaanite woman from that region came to him crying out Lord son of David have mercy on me my daughter is miserably possessed by a demon but Jesus did not answer a word the First Response he ignored her okay he ignored her we know why he ignored her it wasn't that he did something wrong because it wasn't his duty and role for for for him to do right so his disciples came and urged him send her away for she keeps crying out after us so disciples are now being persistance like come on nuisance we can't hear what you're giving us about Parables and teachings whatever right he answered to who to the canite woman as you said my friend I I was sent only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel so he first ignored her and then he replied affirmatively I wasn't sent to you rather I was sent to the lost sheep of the House of Israel and you are a Canaanite Okay so made it blatantly clear it's not my mission to do all those things that you asked me to do the woman didn't stop there the woman came and knelt before him Lord help me she said then Jesus made another response it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs he's now using a legal term look I told you first it's not my mission to save you or save your children or your daughter now he's saying even legally it is not right for me to do so because take the children's bread to trust it to the dogs I have come to the children of Israel and the Canaanites are what he says dogs okay I'm not going into all these languages could be metaphorical it's not my point but let's let's understand that he's using a legal card now it is not right for me to do so then what happens she says yes Lord even the dogs eat from the crumbs at fall from their master's table she's now making an excuse to a legal Maxim saying but there can always be an exception look if you eating from a table whatever falls on the ground the crumbs I can at least have that even though it's not my right to sit on the table and eat isn't it then Jesus says oh woman you your faith is great let it be done for you as you desire and her daughter was healed from the very hour so he made an exception because she had this faith that this individual Christ had the power of healing as bestowed on him him by God okay but if you think he's only you can have it on yours not to me you can have it on yours if you think Jesus is only for the house of Israel how is he your Messiah as well how come he's he's not my Messiah no but he is but he was the Messiah to the Israelites no but in the Quran Al Al is a title Quran says he was sent Al to B is very specifically and a messenger to the children of Israel he is not my Messiah let's not call him Messiah then is he coming back to deliver Muslims from something so wait slow down so now we establish first of all Christianity in the current conception has got it wrong Christ did not come for hold of humanity he only came to a specific group of Jewish people who were lost not the good ones who were still guided but the lost ones right point one point one I'd like to make an exception I'd like to make an exception to that because uh the scriptures actually say in acts in Acts verse can I put it on here okay I put it on him yeah sorry uh the scriptures actually say in Acts acts 13 verse one now there were in the Church of Antioch prophets and teachers Barnabas Simon Simeon who is called Niger Lucius of sirene man and a lifelong friend of her the tetar and Saul or Paul while they were worshiping the Lord and fasting the holy spirit said set apart for me Barnabas and Saul or the apost Paul for the work to which I have called them that after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off and then if you look further down that chapter uh Paul goes to the Jews but the Jews reject him and he says to them um he says uh he says it says acts 13:46 and Paul and Barnabas spoke out boldly saying it was necessary that the word of God be spoken first to you Jews since you thrust it aside and judge yourselves Unworthy of eternal life behold we are turning to the Gentiles for so the Lord has commanded us saying I have made you a light for the Gentiles that you may bring Salvation to the ends of the Earth and when the Gentiles heard this they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord and as many as were appointed to eternal life believed and the word of the Lord was spreading throughout the whole region so this is the difference tell me exactly what you've read in terms of how it supports you then I'll tell you why it doesn't okay but could you please still answer how is Jesus going to deliver you as he's not delivering me oh is he not is he not coming back no he's not coming back to deliver me I'll tell you why you coming according to Islam Jesus is coming back because every human being is Mortal everyone has to taste death yes yeah every soul shall taste death what happened is many prophets and Messengers many prophets and Messengers they underwent what we called migration from the oppression of the people during their time Noah upon him be peace prophet nisam he was even building a ship on dry land why because people are going to oppress him and so on eventually he had to migrate from them Moses had to migrate from one place to the other the Pharaoh's Army was chasing and of course when the sea was split apart they were drowned these are major migration Prophet Muhammad sallallah Ali wasall had to migrate from Mecca to Medina because the life on him and his disciples and was in danger the threat of annulation from existence that was the problem so Major Prophets go undergo migration Christ migrated from this world to the second heaven because they were trying to totally anate him from existence by crucifying him by killing him but God saved them God did not allow to die like an ordinary thief because crucified people are who the ones that are thieves and Rebels okay God doesn't humiliate his prophet and messenger he saves them so God saved Christ second heaven and he will come back and his mission will be what before the end of the world is going to be established he'll come down as a sign of the end of the world there's two readings for this right there will be a sign for the end of the world so what happens is when he comes there will be no Christian saying I'm a Christian anymore he will dismantle Christianity y figuratively metaphorically totally because everyone has to now believe in what he has to say and he will come as a what we call an umah of prophet mamam as a follower of prophet Muhammad sallahu alaihi wasallam even though he was a prophet because he's not going to bring any new revelation so he will be here he will live for few years 40 years or something like this right and he will die but he will also one of his mission is he will kill the Antichrist theal who is there so rampant at that time in this Society making people to worship Him worship the false Christ Antichrist he will kill the Antichrist and of course after that the major signs will come and the world's going to come to an end so Muslims are not going to somehow feel that been delivered no he will be a Muslim and he will bring people to Islam and he will account for those who really worship him say I don't know you you know who are you I came to tell you to worship God and you worship me when I was absent what any unjust thing you have done can I ask you a question that your friend can answer who was very nice but he can answer it so Jesus going back to Jesus does he have a human father Jesus like Adam does not have a human father and the Quran explains the similarity says the very similitude the parable the example of Christ is like that of Adam Adam was created from dust and God said to Adam be and he was so when when God wanted to create Christ in the wom of Mary be and he was so what God has shown his Creator God son I will explain to you what God has shown his creative power and His Majesty so people will have no excuses not to understand the god being all powerful how many ways can we bring human beings you can bring a human being or create a human being or make a human being from no father and no mother without any father any male and female he did that with Adam no father no mother he can bring a human being from a woman alone [Music] that is Christ he can bring from a male alone that is Eve and he can bring from both man male and female that's us us that's the all four computation and God has demonstrated his power that he can create human beings in every form of computation that doesn't make Adam Son of God like the Bible says the Bible says he's a Son of God and no Christian worships him either Eve I would rather say Eve is more worthy of being worshiped according to the Christian mindset than Christ why women are the ones who are receptical in their wombs to produce babies they have the woms men don't have wombs do we we don't okay we don't women do one one second one second please it's interesting so the wombs are where babies can be developed and so on and so forth okay so think about it creating a human from the ribs of a man or the Ws of a woman which is more miraculous you sound like a which is which is more miraculous more miraculous is producing creating a human being from the ribs I driven out of the garden one second one second let's let's adjust this point we will never we will come to we will come to your examples let deal with this right more worthy of worship than we'll come back I haven't heard but I want to finish this point so it is more miraculous to make human beings from the ribs of a man or a male rather than the womb of a woman logic rationality reason all comes into play and tells you yes rips is not designed to make babies women's are so if Christians were to worship between Eve and Christ they should worship Eve now but because we know you don't worship Eve that means it's not about the miraculous birth that makes one worthy of being called God or whatever is something else so now let's come back to Christ himself do you agree with me the only being who is worthy of worship is the one who is self-sufficient all pray to God self-sufficient by worship you mean worship like God cuz ascribe I don't worship anyone else than God are you saying people can worship God and someone else if I was to approach a king of a country I would kneel down and worship what is it no that's a sign of respect respect it's ascribing word that's what worship no no it's not worship but the word worship do you would you ever intend to go down to a King in a sign of worship never that's never in fact if my friend in fact in fact if a king instituted something like this you when you come to my court you bow down Muslims will go like this will never bow the head ask any Muslim here never even if it's to their detriment what you were saying about being self-sufficient yeah you know the person who's worthy of worship is the one who is God sufficient and that was Jesus because he he followed the father in everything he never did his own will he only did the father's will and that's the reason why he's worthy of worship I'll tell you why I'll tell you why this is totally totally unacceptable in our opinion the one who is worthy of worship has to be one who's perfect free from all weaknesses and deficiencies that means a being a uh that's what you think right that means a being who is absolute independent and self-sufficient anyone else who is not God will have the weaknesses and deficiencies Jesus Christ he is deficient he is not absolute I'll tell you okay let's let's settle this matter once for all can Jesus exist without the father being in existence no no is he dependent on the father for his existence completely then dependency is a weakness no it's not it's actually a sign of servitude and love servitude is weakness oh well in your opinion dependence is a we okay when I need you not do you not serve your um do you serve each other okay I'm not worthy of worship because I serve the woman no let me let me let me explain to something let me explain to you something let me explain something I need air oxygen and water otherwise I will die I am deficient I am not self-sufficient I am dependent such a being am I worthy of worship no because you're no not because of sin the sin doesn't come in that's why you're not wear wor sin doesn't come in I am not self-sufficient the only being think about it the only being that can be worthy of worship is one who self-sufficient Jesus was dependent not self-sufficient have anything to do with the physical need any need does the father does the father need anyone or anything it has to do with obedience it has to do with following the father let's let's deal with it does the father does the father need anything or anyone does the father need anyone or anything doesn't need anything wait wait wait slowly I will take your question is the father dependent on anyone or anything nothing no one so so he has no weaknesses and limitations and deficiencies that will make him perfect but anyone who has weakness and limitations will not make him perfect but imagine imagine if you were 100% obedient to Allah would you be rewarded but I will never be worthy of worship I will be rewarded if God wants me to reward following his law but but but I would never be worthy of worship because the moment you humble to someone else what it means is you are subservient to someone else what it means is you know someone is greater than you what it means is you know someone has more Authority more power than you that means you are the weaker one so how can the weaker one be worthy of worship it doesn't mean weak it just it doesn't mean weak it means you have a different way it means you are worthy of honor at the rank that God has given you you can never equal God and creation creation Jesus was a creation of God or not right you're right yeah creation can never be worthy of worship God has given Jesus honor because he was obedient unto death that's why he's worthy of worship because God has honored then perhaps you need to think rethink about what we mean by worship are you going to worship a potato oh God why not potatoes are good for salads fish and chips I can name start naming the English got you with with English without without potato come on there's no English actually cry for us yeah no we we've come and taken over but anyway that's different but we we look forward to when Jesus comes and he is your savior thank you so much you're welcome fine thank you it's not mine it's not mine think think and reflect about Islam and you will see the difference because only God is worthy of worship yeah thank you card or anything can I watch you can watch me on a DA wise da wise YouTube Channel da wise YouTube channel can I give you this no I don't thank you very much now G