Transcript for:
Christian Blumenfeld: The World's Fittest Human

this is what the world's fittest human looks like don't believe me well listen to this chrisan Blumenfeld is the Olympic champion in Triathlon he has the fastest Iron Man time in history with an unbelievable time of 6 hours and 44 minutes for comparison David Goggins who I guess you all know his fastest ironment time is 11 hours and 24 minutes and as if that alone was not enough to call him the fittest man on the planet he also has the highest VO2 max ever recorded Christian spends a lot of time in high altitude especially now in preparation for the Paris Olympics and that's where he invited me to come meet him to experience firsthand his brutal training [Applause] [Music] regiments so it's currently 6 a.m. we're in Sierra Nevada in Spain and I'm going to train with the fittest guy in the world this is just going to be incredibly hard I'm curious what we're going to do today but I know for a fact that I'm going to be really freaking tired by the end of today Magnus nice to meet you you have the highest is it called V2 yeah V2 you have the highest in the world I heard right yeah ever measured kind of cool I wish I could say this [Music] jeez it's so hot in here I'm not a very good swimmer I think running is my favorite and then swimming and then cycling is probably my worst but it doesn't really matter I'm going to be an amateur compared to these guys anyways because these are like unreal like they're super human I would think that like cycling would be harder or something like even running but uh yeah swimming s is the hardest swimming is for sure the hardest yeah one of the largest differences you will experience is that one swim is actually quite challenging because already there is a reduced amount of oxygen per liter of air I will be ready to jump in if if I see that so the guys are swimming uh closer to 5K 5K okay that's not going to happen um let's see if you get to a 1 1K that's going to be my goal today I think I've never swam 1,000 M before the the question is just if I can swim 1,000 m in the time they take to swim 5,000 or that is actually just 4,7 but you still have to swim almost times as fast as me Y what do you do if you have to take a piss do you piss in the pool be honest uh no comment it depends who's behind you okay so 20 rounds for me I'm going to wear some like really Hightech goggles afterwards but I'm going to start with these basic goggles while old love is setting up the Hightech goggles [Music] [Applause] it's so hard to breathe I can't see anything the goggles didn't fit me at all when I go back here it's 200 200 m [Music] these goggles have a wide range of features inside them because there is a Tracker inside here that not only tracks basically your basically your stroke rate but it also actually can tell something about your head position wow this is high tech normally you would see these masks on with headgear running as he comes in I have to put it onto his face immediately as he comes in because it allows us to use a technique called reverse extrapolation and this way I can know with a fairly High certainty what his view to Max is so basically here now you can see that I get up the oxygen how much liters of oxygen he's using okay his ventilation so so now we have a good reference so then afterwards when you are swimming now we can also see and compare with that as well Christian and Gustav sits in around close to 7 lit in swimming which is the best in the world where you are remains to be seen so I think I have to explain what V2 is and it's pretty simple it's how much oxygen your body can absorb the higher the number the better and Christian has the highest number ever recorded in human history regardless of sport so he's the fittest person on the planet now when he comes in we're measuring the oxygen uptake with this one and at the same time also I would just check his lactate to see a little bit where he is my prediction is that he's uh he's high on lactate already they are swimming now probably around 1 to 2 Mill h of lactate is what we will see here for mnus we will see much higher numbers where it seems like you're sitting in shy of 4 L of oxygen you have to add another 50% at least 50% on your oxygen uptake in order to be more or less the same place as Chris and gusta at least I would say that for average person that are exercising a little bit you would be around 2.8 L okay I'm higher than like yeah yeah yeah absolutely absolutely have you measured lactate before never for lactate and Gustav when they do this kind of set here today we will probably see around 4 to 5 m when it's a hard set the highest values we get for Christian in swimming normally sits around 6 7 m mes Christian is not able to reach these values in swimming so yeah I'm training much order than Christian right now he a lazy people [Music] we're basically clock in more or less at the same now so you're you are pretty you are within less than 50 ml on the previous one and you also sitting in around now just shy of 4 lers as well the faster you can go for the less oxygen the better it is so laed wise where do you think you are uh I think I'm a little bit higher than last time I would say 10.2 he's actually 11.3 [Music] so I just finished 1,000 M swim I feel like so clumsy in the water compared to Christian when I see how like fluid he is and the way he's turning his head just barely enough to get oxygen while I really I swallowed so much water too I thought all the data was interesting the goggles with a headup display showing the the heart rate and also the lactate I'm like way worse than Christian uh and those guys but I'm also way better than the average human I think that's good that uh I was afraid that I was going to say that I'm a lazy piece of and my max heart rate was 185 and average heart rate was 123 but that was just first out of three sessions now there's going to be cycling and running so this is where you eat every day this is uh breakfast lunch and dinner but this is where you consume like 6,000 calories or do you have like snacks and stuff maybe half of it I have snacks in the room so I have some bread and and you live in this place as well right yeah normally like Monday and Friday we have like a rest day so then we tend to go down to Granada and have some restaurant food which is quite nice is it when you say rest day is it like completely resting or is there no it's just like a casual 10k run and uh 5K swim there's nothing uh basically it's like 12 to 15K run and on the a 4K swim typically okay so so it is not actually a rest day really salt and pepper one salt and one pepper right one pepper and one salt okay perfect now we have exactly the same I don't want to take any chances today so when I saw the food I was a little bit surprised I thought there was going to be like all organic fresh food and it was just way more basic than I thought it would be and also way more carbs I thought to be like like salads and fruits and all that stuff but it seems like uh it's very repetitive what they eat uh he said that it's basically the same meal every day and you also have to get a lot of calories in uh in order to be able to train that much so I guess it makes sense like you're the Olympic champion and now you're defending it this year right yep do you know who uh David goggin is yeah stay hard how does his times compared to your times I think it's just funny because he's like the biggest hero on YouTube I don't know what he has done in Arman it seems here that his time is 11 hours and 24 minutes then I was finished with eating showering by the time that he been in my first one I did 721 in your first one yeah 721 in 11 hours and 24 minutes that that that's about enough time to head back have a sleep change do you have the fastest time Iron Man time it's it's difficult to like compare the courses but right yeah that's like I had like a very nice conditions on the swim and flat course on the bike and flat on the run so that is the fastest like Arman ever yeah wow so what's not to commment is to combine it so I'm doing the Olympic is which is like or Sprint distance which is like 1 hour to 2 hours of racing okay and then you have the rmen which is like 8 hours of racing so now it's like running a 5k on the track versus Marathon all right normally it's two complete different yeah at least doing each distance yeah and you try to do both we try to do both so the next session is running for you right mhm you can see over there we have Granada y so we will drive down to the bottom of the big big liim and then uh head back up again all right so second session of the day so this is the main dish of the day like the big one yeah now down in ganada having 26k uphill and it's like this it's so Steep and what do you have on your you look so Hightech what's that in your shoe yeah so this is a power meter like for running and here I have a Moxy sensor on underneath oh my God and a core sensor now we're at 800 M what pace are you thinking it's hard to say it depends on how steep it is but maybe 12 13k per hour and then up to 15 16 K per hour on the intervals so I will do like but interval so you go fast and a little bit slower and fast okay so like 6 by 10 minutes so it's like an hour in total of threshold okay and I'm wearing a lot of clothes that's not because I'm freezing but because I don't want to get a sunburn yeah let's yeah I'm ready let's get going I think I'm not sure okay go this is yeah how long do we warm up for before you start well they you know normally I do like maybe 20 minutes of warm up but because this climb is so long I don't want to be done with my mainset right like I want to get further up and the warm up so maybe like 30 minutes of warm up so ideally the leage should be around two and a half mes means nothing to me but yeah it's what you had on the swim divided by five okay wow it says my pulse is 153 right now 120 here 118 I see where this is going look around beautiful green terrain and before you know it we up in the snow it's going to be good I don't think it's going to be before we know it we just drove down the hallway and it's so far man it's never ending how many kilometers is it again 26 26 but the combination now like the further up we get the thinner the air we get yeah that's true that's going to make it harder yeah but also it's going to get cooler I'm not in a state to talk anymore you know so I just keep that you can do the talking I can pretend like I'm listening to a podcast or something so I've been running for like 12 minutes now yeah almost 2K so soon we only have a half Mar left oh my God shoot me now up here it's going to flattening out a little bit at 1,000 M there is like a flat section oh nice like I don't understand why you do this like every day basis it's so hard and it's like just pain man I was watching uh I think like two years ago I was watching the video where you were fle freak climbing yeah uh and then you know he told like it's just simple every move is just simple yeah I much rather to do that again than to do this oh man I'm really strug it's just getting steeper too watch your heart right now 179 okay go 125 oh my God so it's like getting your say hasn't changed oh my God I don't see the end of this hill Oh Mann this no I can't do it it's stay on for me I don't want to ruin your you can just keep roll okay it's going to get set over here then it's easier then you will catch him with with the bike okay H my so at this point I just gave up following Christian I know that he was just warming up at this point it was going to go way faster it's kind of like when you run uphill it's just when you're finished you're just completely fin like I had nothing left in me I don't know if I looked at tired but there is just no way I can keep that pace up so I basically just had to tell him to keep running because I didn't want to ruin his training [Music] so last time it was 11.2 11.3 on highest I think now it's uh 14 14 let's see okay yeah actually 8.7 8.7 only yeah 88.7 yeah so This Test shows you how much lactate is in your blood and I have about four or five times as much as Christian which means I'm struggling for five times as much um so he's basically warming up or maybe not even warming up at this point I'm really not trying to fake this like this was way more tiring than the swimming okay but I'm going to keep running Christian is probably halfway up the mountain [Music] already so 1,000 M we started at 750 this at not 800 so means I've done 250 M uphill 3 and 1 12 km take off this GoPro this gives me flashbacks to trying to run a marathon in Death Valley it's starting to cool down now but I also feel like I picked up the pace a little bit I don't know I'm so close now kind of want to give up but same time this is the around the same time I gave up last time my Band-Aids are just I need to take them off I should feel equal fly hot guys I've been running for 32 minutes now 4.56 km and my pulse has gone down a little bit cuz I don't have to follow that Maniac anymore I'm not sure how long I can keep going for but like he keep going for a little okay I'm done I'm running for 40 minutes 6 km just going to get in the car see how far Christian's gotten it's like the running video I've done on this channel in the past have not been so successful so it's apparent that people don't want to see me run but hopefully they want to see Christian run so let's get in the car and catch up with him oh my [Music] God he's 15 km in now he still has like 11 to go and the pace is incredible what we did is nothing compared to how fast he's running right now so your lactate now is 2.4 2.4 that's crazy mine was at 8 when I stopped maybe take off this one to save some weight yeah save weight I need all help I can get one easy okay hard easy harder yep okay I read that in so many books now it's almost understood bike is very strange to me the steering wheel is so low feel like it's pretty wobbly oh nice so this is the only downhill section oh man on the climb so enjoy it I should enjoy it then I need to get a little bit ahead cuz Christian is going to come like a [Applause] bullet SE go fly I got saved by traffic lights yeah you did I had like I was like cruising down and I have to wait for a traffic light oh now we're driving again and try to find my number on my FBI file but this bike is crazy though it's so light I don't know it's so much different than like a normal bike yeah those red lights H me yeah oh man it's crazy how fast you are though it's now it's 2 by 10 to go 2 by 10 yeah and we go on the old roads it's a little bit nicer and less traffic cuz I'm feel like iy I'm cycling like super fast and then he's coming behind me like a monster you know it's uh incredible you do one more yeah I can do one more yeah go left in you can you have to do two more two more then we're done two more then three two one [Music] [Applause] go I mean not to come with not to come up with stupid excuses but my calves are cramping up like crazy really tightening I had the same thing when I tried to run a marathon too just feel like a wimp when I like complain about stuff like that but it's is pretty [Music] [Music] painful so we're probably about 17 km into the ride and uh I had to give up there was just no chance he just disappeared I was cramping up the air felt thin I I had nothing left to give and I couldn't see him anymore so it's a little bit disappointing uh I thought I would be able to keep up better on the bike but uh there was just no chance there's one detail on the bike that I was looking at the whole way it hurts more to loose but it didn't help me enough though I couldn't even beat him on a bike so that's says a lot I think so I think we're just going to get in the car and then meet Christian at the top hopefully we can catch him in the car all [Music] right he doesn't even look tired nice is this it this is it good job actually a k longer than uh I remember 1K longer than you remember 27 Oh my God what's the time 223 you don't even sound out of breath or anything it's crazy how many people in the world do you think could have followed you off that mountain to follow my training plan over time is very few yeah so a lot of triathletes even struggle to do the same sessions as I'm doing yeah cuz I I've heard that scientists thought that it wasn't possible to absorb the amount of training that you do right yeah and there is also like the research in the past has shown that it's not possible to absorb the same amount of calories as I'm okay eating as well well I'll see you in half an hour then yeah it's never ending I'm going to eat the same as Christian this is the day in the life of the world's fittest man and uh he happened to have Nutella so I bet you guys didn't expect Nutella to be on the menu today but neither did I to be honest it is really inspiring though to see what his body is able to do you know after hanging out with him I kind of like I want to do the same it just seems so nice to be that fit you know he also seems like a super focused guy like I've met a lot of dedicated people but I think he might be the most dedicated person I've ever met I think most of all is just really interesting to see what the human body is capable of so this is what you ate pretty much yes bread and Nutella that's uh typical pre-ra meal okay like Brad Nella you can find it everywhere in the world it's all of cobs cobs cobs and uh it's simple for a stomach okay but I'm ready that's good let's go the trick is you put the CLE like this and then you get in the hole and then you push down like like push forward and down there we go is it LO yeah and the way to get it out is that you push your heel out oh my God he out like okay okay there go now if you try to get it off [Music] again easy [Music] pey there you go now I'm connected to both I have no idea how I'm going to get off this bike I just have to never stop and the most important thing yeah on the outside that is go it's like a fashion thing looks cooler it's not just about look it's about confidence confident like you have to feel like it doesn't look right to have them yeah yeah we have a lot of that stuff in climbing too you can straight away if like you can see who's a beginner and who's not just from the way they're walking the way they're holding their shoes the way they have their chalk bag attached like there's so many little things and yeah I don't want to look like amateur so I'm going to do what you tell meide there we [Music] go it's crazy the positioning on the bike though it's like so low and and you're even holding here and that's for aerodynamics right yeah and also Comfort okay even like actually sitting like this is often more air damic than being here so it's like it all depends like how how comfortable are you in uh like the power versus the aor gains yeah but doesn't your neck hurt after a while it does yeah should we do one turn with some high speed [Applause] yeah are you ready to run I am under the stairs just remember your clothes on the light in your [Music] head it's so fun how these these bikes are like so fast compared to normal bikes look at this this is how light it is this is the stem on the bike so different stem length means basically we are now extending it forward and forward or back and so on what happens with Christian when he does that is that when you are in in the drop here and you get a longer stem you automatically stretch more forward and more forward on the bottom here you can see now the time saving and here's 1 minute and 52 seconds save oh my God such a it's so massive I think we are too wrestle oriented or too interested in pushing like the peak of performance and we would never go back to the back to Paris Olympics and give it a shot unless we really believe that we would be on top of the podium if we just thought it we would be attending the Olympics we have better stuff to do the goal is to make sure that we have the right to wear this color on the bike again for another four years right well thank you guys thank you I'm excited to watch you win the Olympics make sure that you check out Christian on Instagram and YouTube and I will see you next time [Music]