ladies and gentlemen if you clicked on this video chances are you want to get an academic comeback this semester my name is Colin and I'm a student at Yale University studying computer science and in this video I'll teach you how to get straight A's in all your classes with ease I don't care if it's math English physics acing all your classes doesn't have to be so complicated all you need is the right mindset and the right strategy so the first thing you want to do is reset your little monkey brain and there are three key things you must do the first thing you want to do is manipulate yourself into thinking that you are an academic weapon guys most students don't reach their Max potential because they think they're dumb they think they're not smart enough for a certain class relax you need to trick yourself into thinking that you can learn anything it doesn't matter if it's a long ass textbook in physics or chemistry any class is acable as long as you put in the work and guys once you believe you can do it studying just becomes much more effortless and easy now the second thing you want to do is make studying fun you need to get excited about learning your subject so for example I took psychology last semester in Yale and when I was studying I made lots of different quizlets where I would actually just like tie myself and try to get all the answers right as fast as possible so that way I treat his studying sort of like a game and it's a same way for other subjects like math for example sure maybe the math itself is really boring but if you had printed a lot of past papers and actually time yourself doing each past paper it could trick your mind into thinking that math is actually fun so you want to try gamify you're studying now the third thing you want to do is remove distractions and when I'm talking about distractions 90% of the time it's just your phone most students have Instagram right beside them while they study and they try to check their DMS and scroll and multitask and then without even knowing their study session goes on for like 3 hours guys I would rather you just put your phone on your desk and focus for 1 hour and you'll probably get the same amount of work done if not even more for just that 1 hour so remove your distractions because that's tell you'll study less and get better results with that said the next thing you want to do is learn how to study effectively and there are three stages of effective studying that you need to learn the first stage is note taking when it comes to going to lectures or reading materials I personally like to write my own notes and my style usually on Google Docs so for example I like to use acronyms to memorize certain terms or I also like to make my notes in a form of pneumonics to memorize stuff more easily also if I need to watch YouTube videos as a form of lecture or just doing homework I usually watch them at 2x speed and pro tip is use this website called summary. Tech which is basically an AI summarizer that turns a long YouTube video into summarized text and this tool saves me a bunch of time it's completely free and it's really useful now when you're done with your notes you want to print them a week before your exam and I know this is a little bit more traditional but personally it works like magic when it comes to acing exams so the next stage is active recall and this is basically where you try to test yourself with a bunch of different questions so there are many ways you can do active recall and I have a lot of videos on it but the most simple and effective thing you can do is to finish all the past papers your teacher gave you so if you have three past papers for math try to get 100% in all three of them in the fastest amount of time possible or if you don't have any past papers I have this hack where I create my own practice papers using chat gbt so simply paste your class notes or your readings and then ask AI to make the questions for you and then simply paste them all on a Google doc so this is going to help you study much faster and you're going to ace your exams with ease now the last thing I want to touch on is how to do your homework if you want an academic comeback you can't keep following your old ways of doing your homework guys do your homework first as soon as you get it I'm talking about if your teacher ass signed some homework on Monday try your best to finish it by Monday night or by Tuesday at the very least because when you do this you literally have the entire week off to do whatever you want so do your homework first and don't procrastinate at the last minute to do it this will not only save you a bunch of time during the week but it'll also make your life much more relaxed and easier with that said the next thing you want to do is create your own study schedule you guys already have all the knowledge you need on how to study like a pro now all you need is to time manage and plan your study sessions like a pro so I usually plan my study schedule every Sunday morning where I write down all the upcoming exams that I'm having upcoming quizzes and tests and then for each day I write specific subjects I want to cover so for example maybe I want to dedicate Monday and Wednesday just study math for 1 hour each and then maybe on Tuesday I want to study computer science for 2 hours and so on so you want to do this every single week it doesn't really matter when you do it but for me Sunday works the best and you can also use tools like notion or Google Calendar to do this and sometimes I honestly just use my iPhone Notes to do it the app itself doesn't really matter do whatever works for you now once you have an idea of what subjects you want to study for each day this is where your secret sauce comes in you want to be even more specific when you plan out your study sessions So Below each subject you want to write down exactly what you're going to do during that 1our study session so for example it could be just to finish one practice paper or it could even be to create two practice papers with your class notes the more specific you are the better and once you can do this guys studying just becomes so so easy and much more fun because you don't have to really think about what you want to study during that 1hour session you already have a plan and you're just following it the last thing you should do is to reward yourself for being an academic weapon so a lot of times after I finish my 2hour study session or after I finish taking an exam I like to do things like play basketball so whatever you like to do maybe that's going out with friends having dinner it's really important to reward yourself for your hard work because now you're creating a positive feedback loop where you're going to be much more excited to study so go and do some sports maybe make some YouTube videos or maybe go for a sauna and that's how you make your study routine sustainable and effortless over a long period of time and that is how you're going to get the greatest academic comeback of your life