what's up everybody uh today we're going to be talking about the team Vision what exactly that team vision is what is your vision and the importance of it all for us our team vision is kind of that Northstar that guiding point that we look at in order to figure out where we're going how we're going to get there um each year we set out and we decide a team Vision going into that following year and this year our team has come up with the team vision of that we are going to set the highest standard for Mac Athletics through our commitment to our values and to each other it's not about winning it's not about a championship it's not about things that are measurable it's about who we are our values the Mac 8 our five rules being a person over a player all of those factors factor into our vision who we are and the standard that we set every single day is going to dictate how our season ends up we're committing to not only our values but also to each person on this team we're committing to the idea of what we stand for and who we are every single day and if we could do that I do believe that those wins are going to come a championship's going to come all of those those things are going to happen but that isn't our driving force our driving force is who we are and who we are going to be with each other every single day so now going into this next section we're going to ask some questions uh about our vision about what you see about your individual vision and how we can continue to progress as not only a team but also as individuals towards that same singular team Vision to where we can have the most success and the most fun not only by ourselves but most importantly together the first question is pretty simple what does the team vision mean to you the next question goes from being team oriented for our teams Vision but I want you to think about now what is your personal Vision that can help us achieve our team Vision now you have the ability to think about in depth what you want to achieve and what you want to achieve and how it will help us achieve our ultimate goal next I want you to think about the personal Vision that you just set out for yourself how does that person personal Vision attribute to our team Vision how does your personal Vision help us in our program move forward and towards our ultimate Vision how can you as an individual and how does your vision help us get there as important as our team vision is the personal Visions can be just as important because without our own individual personal Visions we won't have those building blocks that are pushing us all forward with that as a coaching staff it's just as important for us to push not only towards our team Vision but also to help each one of you individually attain your personal Vision so now I want you to think about what can we do as a coaching staff to help you towards that personal vision what do you need from us what do you want to see how do you want to be communicated with think about what we can do as a coaching staff to help you attain that personal Vision secondly I want you to dive in and really think about accountability accountability is key for everything that we do we've got to not only hold ourselves accountable we have to hold our teammates accountable how can we hold you accountable to your personal Vision what can we do what are things that you can think of that can help you stay accountable in this process and towards that goal of your vision overall our vision is a key focal point in our program it provides us a North star every single day every single meeting every single practice every single match we know the direction that we are going there's never a question in our minds on what we are doing or why we are doing it because our team vision is clear we want to set the highest standard in Mac Athletics through our commitment to our values and to each other by doing that we'll not only have a great team environment we will have a ton of success and our culture will continue to thrive now listen to a few of your teammates dive into why our culture is so special and what what the team Vision means to them hey guys I'm Tori I will be a senior here in the fall at Mac uh I am talking about the culture um that we have on our team our culture is super important because it helps us build our character just in general we hold ourselves to high standards um as you supposed to but we actually are able to hold each other accountable with our bond that we create with our culture just in general we do like culture sessions and it helps us be able to actually implement it into our day-to-day life with that when building on our program in general it's kind of like the thing where it's like you see people doing better then you start to want to do that and we want to be an example for the whole Max Athletic program to just be the best version of ourselves that we can be and when we as a team are that example it really stands out and it does have an effect on other people like a domino effect per se um and that is some of the big reasons why our culture is so important my name is celestina everyone knows me as cell but I'm a sophomore labera Diaz and our culture special because it goes past the idea of just being a sport we play it focuses on who we are as people and pushes us to be the best versions of ourselves on and off the court we use this culture to hold ourselves to high standards not only for us but how we represent the college it is important because this lays the foundation for us to grow and achieve the highest goals we set for ourselves while shaping who we are as people hi my name is Elena and I'm going to be talking about our team vision for the fall and our culture here for Mac volleyball so our team vision for for the fall is to set the highest standard for Mac Athletics through our commitment to our values and to each other what makes this so special is that we're all super close as a team and we're there for each other on and off the court and it's because of our culture and the way that we commit to each other we've truly created one big family here at Mac volleyball hi my name is Caitlyn Brogan I am a sophomore currently I just transferred this past spring so in the upcoming fall I will be Junior and today I'm going to talk about what our vision is why it's so important and what makes it special for our team our vision here at mcferson is to set the highest standard for Mac Athletics through our commitment to our values in each other the first part of our vision is to set the highest standard among Mac Athletics to me this means to hold our team to the highest standard and to push each other every day on and off the court to be the best version of ourselves and then next part of our vision is how we're going to set the highest standard and this is through our commitment to each other and our values committing to our team is super important I've been on many volleyball teams and the most important thing to be successful is having trust on and off the court and you can't do that without being committed to every single person when there is no commitment to our values and each other on the team that causes stress and no trust on the court which will lead to nothing good when it comes to volleyball you have to trust your teammates in order to have a good successful team every single person needs to buy into the vision not just 50% not one person every single person needs to buy into the vision and that is why it is so special because here at mcir and I believe that every single one of us has bought into this vision and work towards it every single day so incoming people need to work towards this Vision every single day day and be committed and gain Trust on and off the court