Transcript for:
Water Fasting Insights from Ron's Experience

hi recently i've been releasing a lot of content discussing the science of water fasting from one day to two weeks of water fasting and what happens to your health well on one of those videos i had an amazing subscriber comment that he underwent an over 50 day water fast and that sparked this idea why not interview him and get his experience and beyond even that why not explain the physiology of what happened to him as he describes his experiences so that's exactly what i did this is the first of three videos breaking down my interview with thrag of youtube or ron of real life we cover three topics one how long the fast was and how much weight did he lose two why ron chose water fasting over other methods and three he had the foresight to go to the doctor so what happened to his health during the fast let's begin my water fast was 54 days and i started at exactly 258.3 pounds and on my 52nd day i was 195.8 and then i guess it's fair to say you know considering the average around roughly 0.7 i probably lost an additional pound and a half from the 195 um from the 195.8 so essentially i i essentially soon see simple i went from 106 from 260 pounds to about i want to say probably 192. 193. okay so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why ron lost so much weight if you aren't consuming any macromolecules like fats and carbohydrates that can be used by your cells to generate energy the body is required to burn through what glycogen reserves exist in the muscles and liver known as glycogenolysis as well as promote lipolysis fat molecule release from the fat cells into the bloodstream to be taken out by millions of cells for them to use their fat metabolism capabilities to oxidize or utilize the fat molecules for energy production many hormones change so insulin tanks ghrelin rises leptin drops neuropeptide y increases so much changes we'll discuss some of these coming up but for now suffice it to say that ron's body went through a major shift in hormonal profile and fat metabolism all to keep him alive as he lost almost 31 kilograms 70 pounds next i asked him why he chose a water fast over some other methods of weight loss and health betterment here's ron i gained weight when i fractured my ankle running and at the same time i fractured my ankle pretty bad and and i also dislocated my shoulder on the same fall so i kind of i've always been really i love physical activity and that kind of threw me into a little bit of a hole where it's like you know it's like my mother you know had to help me take a shower you know that's you know that that was pretty hard on me and um yeah i gained a lot of weight because i've always been someone who has a huge appetite for eating so that led to a culmination of just rapid waking you know and considering you know when i was young i also you know i was actually pretty i was a heavyset kid i was pretty fat i i've read multiple books um i actually was exposed to jason fung i'm not sure if you know who dr jason but i was exposed to dr jason fong i think 10 days into my fast and um and i just came across a video by a healthy alternative i just uh i just watched a few of his videos about fasting i found out about angus and i've always been the type of white wall you know i didn't need my saying my exact same well i didn't need supervision to get to this weight you know why do i need supervision to get back down you know so you know it's the kind of screw mentality i have like yes but you know that's i that's how i explained it to myself i'm like you know what i'm like you know our ancestors was probably much worse than this so ron went through a hard time with a tough ankle injury which would be extremely difficult for any of us but after gaining weight he decided on going to the complete extreme into the opposite direction as possible so i think his tough minded mentality allowed him to do something that few people can do which is really admirable that said he mentioned not needing supervision to get back out of this at the time overweight situation again i really admire the mentality but there are some nuances to point out here so actually before i get into them in a future video he'll even mention some of the reasons why supervision or at least guidance might have saved him some trouble during his water fast but we'll save that for the near future the point being is that while our body can regulate excess well excess consumption for example for a long time years even it actually has more difficulty when we lack certain nutrients because not all molecules that we consume are stored so when we stop consuming them our body handles it well enough for a while but eventually uses drastic means to make sure that we don't hurt ourselves so while supervision may not be necessary there are more considerations than going from overeating to doing an abrupt u-turn into not eating anything so we'll discuss that in more detail later in this series next we discussed some of his health markers when he visited the doctor here's ron again here i went to my doctor and i just wanted to see how she would react without knowing anything you know essentially it was almost like a test you know it was like testing like a student like hey here's the numbers here's the questions you know what can you deduce from you know these numbers you know what can you deduce is he healthy or what so i i kind of just wanted to see what her professional opinion was without any sort of bias at all so because i needed to do a physical anyways and so i or i organized that and part of the physical was you know due to the nature of my job you know they have to see almost everything you know so i just wanted to see and all she mentioned to me was that i had a a lower than normal fasting glucose which makes sense because i'm 17 days faster at that point and i had a very low vitamin d level that i'm not sure why i mean it could be that it just wasn't getting as much sun maybe but i don't know if the fast had to something to do with that i'm not so sure i have to admit i love this part especially ron is a really intelligent guy and it made me chuckle when he mentioned that he didn't want to tell his doctor that he was what 17 days into a water fast so he's absolutely right that it would highly likely have biased her advice to him not that i recommend keeping vital information from your physician but for a routine physical with no other health issues i get a kick out of this approach so anyway as you heard everything was normal except his blood sugar and vitamin d levels were low so why might that be well blood sugar always drops from not consuming carbohydrates the reason there was any blood sugar present is because our liver begins producing glucose blood sugar when a hormone known as glucagon is released by the pancreas glucagon stimulates the liver to convert a section of the fat molecule released by the fat cells into sugar and kick it out into the bloodstream without this process we'd end up in a coma as our brain benefits from a certain amount of blood sugar so it being low is normal under these circumstances that said he also mentioned reduced vitamin d levels there are a number of possibilities here so one there are multiple forms of vitamin d so the test could have detected one and not the others meaning the one being measured may be metabolized into some of the others at a more rapid pace leaving the stores low two vitamin d is stored in fat tissue but levels tend to circulate when we consume it and since ron wasn't consuming anything other than water his fat store release may have been minimal to preserve tissue vitamin d levels leaving blood levels low so ultimately ron did an amazing job through perseverance and it clearly worked for him but as you know i believe in focusing on sustainability and ron did a brilliant job of this so in the second video of our series with ron we're going to go into how he got not only into maintaining his water fast results but improved on them massively as well as how he broke his fast after 54 days see you there [Music]