[Music] and until we become people of principles then we're going to be tossed around by every whim that drives our [Music] emotions focus is a distraction to anything that you're not focused on distraction is focus and focus is distraction and I am telling you the stuff that's blocking you in your life it might be bigger than you but that's not why it's blocking you it's blocking you because you're focused on the fact that it's bigger than you don't allow the cultural hypnotic societal mechanism to put a Identity On You by telling you all the stuff you're not I am telling you that it is not God's design for his people to be broke period I'm not going to back in the door with that but my the Bible says the love of money is the root of all you I know it does but see I've studied it and I know what that means it's a perfect cure it's not it's not a kind of sort of good here here's what's fascinating God's not going to be right about heaven and wrong about everything [Music] else and this whole idea that followers of Christ are supposed to be broke is a satanic lie that's been propagated by religion and so a misinterpretation will cause you to miss your blessing what does that mean don't talk about what you're going to do walk about what you're going to do right everybody I'm going to do this I'm going to do that yeah show me then talk about it by the way I can ride a bike 2 miles faster than he can run one mile I can go farther faster and use less energy so what do we learn from that principle the people who are making way more money than you are not making more money than you because they're working harder than you in fact they're making more money than you because they're not working harder than you now you say my why do you keep doing this I keep doing this because the principle is this I can always make up and Leverage What I lack in ability woo it is always easier to make great strides than it is to make great advances small advances it's always everybody say always it's always easier to make great strides than it is to make small advances but because you've been programmed by the cultural hypnotic societal mechanism and you spent the majority of your young life in the government indoctrination camps AKA um child prisons schools whatever you want to call them since you spent most of your life in that Arena what happened was you were programmed to make small advances over a long period of time and nobody ever Ted you how to make great gains over a very short period of Time how youall picking up when I'm putting down wave at me and so what has to happen is if if you're going to make great strides you have to learn to think differently I said I can always make up and Leverage What I lack an ability but here's here's why most people don't do that because they don't understand that leveraged work is better than laborious work yes right it's it it produces more it uses less energy it's more effective it's more efficient it's more it's better in every conceivable way the reason most people never get rich is because they spend their entire life running financially but people who R people who make a little bit more money they get a bicycle people make a lot more money they get a car people make more money than they have time to spend they either have a plane or a jet see if you take that same principle if it's easier to go farther faster and use less energy in transportation it has to be true that it's easier to make more money working less if you have the right leverage so what we have to do is we have to slow down from the running that's all we know is already not working long enough to find some leverage pay for it if necessary take the time to learn how to use it if necessary so we can finally change our lives and so you could literally give yourself a raise just by making a decision not a choice a decision Choice like choose means pick one when you cut yourself off from any other possibility other than the fact this is what I'm going to do this is what my life is going to be about and nothing's going to stop me when that becomes your Mantra when that becomes your decision oh you can't be there no they can't stop you yeah but you don't understand I'm a woman in this man can't the men can't stop you I'm a black man in a white man's world white man can't stop you I'm a white man in a black man's world black man can't stop I there is no excuse the limitation exists in your head and so what you do is you go around acting as if it exists around you when it only exists within you and I am telling you if you will get better at thinking and better at talking you will make more money you can raise the floor and eliminate the ceiling and it'll change your life if you're going to quit quit when it's going well if you're going to quit quit when it's easy if you're going to give up give up at the top of the mountain not at the bottom of the mountain not on the side of the mountain not in the middle of the mountain give up when you get to the top of the mountain if you're going to quit quit after you make it work in Grand fashion quit after you build and sell a successful business don't quit on the journey people will start working on something cuz they have this Grand Vision in their mind and they think when this happens it's going to be great and it doesn't happen as fast or as smoothly as they thought it should happen and then they quit even though they're a risk involved I'm going to work when it looks like it might not work if when it does work it's worth it see if if the downside is limited and the upside is unlimited that is a chance I'm always willing to take and see there are people who are not willing to take a chance on an unlimited upside because they're so afraid afraid of The Limited downside so here's what's amazing the people that have the most to lose are the least afraid to lose it and the people that have the least to lose are the most afraid to lose it it's just like that today yeah man that seems like a scam bro I got some bad news for you you grown and broke you already been scammed there are people who are more successful than you who are less talented than you there are people who are more successful than you that are not as smart as you there are people that are more successful than you who are less skillful than you the difference is the risk associated with preparing to build something scares people away but see unfortunately because we were programmed in a western Society where previous historical business Mogul didn't understand that winning is not a zero sum gain they built manufacturing plants to make the stuff they were going to sell to the consumers and then they built manufacturing plants for the workers to come work in their factories and they call them schools oh that's that's a historic fact that's why the Rockefeller Foundation the Carnegie Foundation all they did they contribute so much money to the educational system here's there's nothing wrong with having a job but it does create a it creates some issues inside of us we become dependent on someone we don't know to make sure that we and our families are provided for that's one but the other problem is we get addicted to a paycheck and we become so addicted to a paycheck that if it doesn't make us money instantly we don't want to do it right and see we want to sew today and reap today that's not the law of the farm the farm don't work like that we we got driveth through restaurants drivethru banking driveth through dry cleaners we got instant microwavable meals instant this instant that everything's instant so we want instant drive-thru microwavable success it doesn't work like that like it's not that the the potential danger is not real like the CH like when you're working on something here's what we're learning from this work has risk associated with it if you don't do the work because you're afraid of the risk you will never get the wealth that only the work can bring time and chance is the intersection between preparation and opportunity so who is the person that wins the race the one that's most prepared when the race starts who is the person that wins the battle the one that's most prepared when the battle starts who is the one that has favor and bread and riches the one who's most prepared and if you dig a hole while you're preparing yourself here's here's what's going to happen it's going to take time preparing yourself is going to take time and some people because of the risk associated with the time that it takes to prepare that because that time that I'm preparing I'm not doing other things that I'd really rather do so I'm not preparing for the rest of my life because I'm existing through this current chapter in my life oh I forgot to tell you be fruitful monop let me go back there first be fruitful what is fruitful a fruit according to Genesis is a living organism whose seed is in itself so the ability to regenerate and replicate and duplicate and multiply is inside of you so when God told man to be fruitful God is telling us that he put an aspect of his creativity the seed of an aspect of his creativity inside of all of us but what we have to do is we have to cultivate the seed of the aspect of creativity that God put inside of us we have to cultivate that seed and let it produce so that that's the B part being fruitful means you make make sure what I put inside of you shows up outside of me that's what be fruitful me make room like you prepare yourself and then you make room for the blessing regardless of the risk associated with making room and so there's risk associated with the preparation there's risk associated with the clearing there's making of room there's risk associated with building something but do it anyway it's not going to be easy it's just going to be worth it it's not going to be cheap it's just going to be worth it everybody's not going to go with you but it's still going to be worth it this is why I keep on working when stuff seems like it's not working for me and so many people don't like the way it feels when the work is working on you so you stop working on it and so because you stop working on it it can't work for you but if you let it work on you long enough you will become the person for whom it can work but between the time you dig the hole and plant the seed and clear the space and move the stone and start building between all of that time there adjust period don't become impatient with adjust I seed the seed yesterday where's my fruit it's not how it works I'm telling you if you will trust the process the if then goto statements the conditional promises and you do the conditions and let God take care of the promises you're going to be blown away you're going to be misunderstood and you're not just going to be misunderstood by people who don't know you and don't like like you you're going be misunderstood by people who love you people who are family members maybe a spouse maybe a child maybe a parent maybe your best friend is going to misunderstand you but you going to be misunderstood do not think for a half of a millisecond that Christ who was perfect in every way shape and form he doeth all things well if he's all that and he's misunderstood why you tripping don't be surprised when people don't understand you be surprised when they do some of yall are really really close but it doesn't feel like it when the farmer plants the seed in the ground he doesn't go out there every day say you going to grow or not he the farmer does what the farmer does and he trusts the soil and the Sun and the water to do what only the Sun the soil and the water can do why because I understand the law of the farm what is the law of the farm every deed is a seed every word is a seed every thought is a seed every do dollar is a seed that I'm sewing into the garden of my future if I seow good seeds it's impossible for me not to reap a good heart it's impossible for me not to re a good harvest I'm just keeping it real and and here's the thing all of us know something that will help somebody other than us all of us know something there's a group of there there was a group of people out there in the world waiting for Miss Homemaker Martha Stewart to write a book on how to decorate your house and now she's a billionaire with a B baby see we think it's some big breakthrough well it is here's the Breakthrough go serve the people he will be greatest among you let him be serving them all care more about them getting their result than you do about their getting their money and I promise you you'll start making sales see I say believing believing believing you will be living what you're believing even though you be lying what does that mean anything I tell myself about a future outcome I made it up up you can say I'm going home but what you really mean is I intend to go home you're not guaranteed to get there and see what we have to understand is we have to understand that we have to become hyper intentional about our work about our thoughts if we're going to become hyper intentional about our thoughts we automatically have to be hyper intentional about our words because the reality is you can speak without thinking but you can't think without using words and so God said be fruitful and multiply why because multiplication is the natural output of the input of fruitfulness so when God said be fruitful and multiply multiplication is the natural output of the input of fruitfulness like a fruit a seed that you plant in the ground does not have the ability to only produce one fruit nothing in nature Grows by addition in nature Everything grows by multiplication which means when God said be fruitful and multiply the word multiply means to increase but it's not just an incremental increase it's an exponential increase it's a geometric increase see there are people in the world who want to act like human beings are destroying the planet but human beings aren't here for the planet the planet's here for the human beings God said clearly pollute not the land in which you dwell but the environment isn't God the Earth is not my mother it is here to serve me I am not here to serve it when he said be fruitful and multiply replenish the Earth the word replenish means to fill up don't make the mistake of thinking that when a beaver uses its limited creativity to build a dam in a Creek in the forest that that's organic when an ant uses its liit limited creativity to build an ant hill in the ground that's organic when an eagle uses its limited creativity to build a nest in a tree that's organic but when a human being uses its Unlimited creativity to build a city that's somehow inorganic a city is as organic as an ant heill a beaver dam or an eagle's nest so when God said be fruitful and multiply what he's telling us to do he's telling us to increase and fill up the Earth replenish means to fill up the Earth with the multiplication of the things that we create that's our job what is God saying God is saying that a human being's life is supposed to be progressively prod what does that tell us we shouldn't be living Groundhog Day today should be better than yesterday this week should be better than last week this month should be better than last month this year should be better than last year and I'm not just talking about better financially but I'm including better financially this whole idea that as you get older you have to get sicker and weaker and broker is hideous but if you believe that then that's exactly how you're going to set up your life I know people my age who talk like they're 100 guess what they also walk like they're 100 they move like they're 100 right they act like they're on death's doorstep I know people younger than me act like they're on death door death death's doorstep I'm only 62 so stop thinking from the past the past is nothing more than your Launchpad for your future treat it like that we have to make sure we don't allow our past to imprison our future and a life of lack and limitation well thinking from the past ofstead of the future that's one thinking that you're smaller than your challenges what does that mean you will never face anything that's bigger than you if you are operating based on Kingdom principles nothing's bigger than you you'll face challenges every step I take is a step in the direction of Victory but my how can you say that cuz we are more than conquerors through him that loved us that doesn't mean I'm going to win I already am already winning I'm already more than winning I expect things to work out in my favor why cuz I'm me and I understand who me is in him so stop thinking that you're smaller than your challenges you're not smaller than your financial challenges you're not smaller than your health challenges I get it I get it you can't fix every problem that you have don't think like don't think negative like if you're going if you're going to put your effort into something and you're going to work on something you cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought I'm going to write a book I can't afford to think that it won't sell I'm going to build a business I can't afford to think that I'm not going to get any clients some people won't get married because they're too afraid they're going to end up in divorce it's a it's that's why boredom does not exist for me in that Arena I can iterate a thousand times 10,000 times a 100,000 times and not get bored because I'm not looking at the iterations most people only know how to come to conclusions that are disempowering but here's what I learned about excuses from Jesus if I don't make them I don't have to take them because everything in life reproduces after its own kind we don't get what we want we get what we are but I got news for you here's what the scripture says in all labor there is profit what does that mean all work works there's no such thing as work that don't work all work Works see work is a two-sided coin how many sides how many sides how many sides two work is a two-sided coin yeah flip it heads it's working for you flip it tails is working on you and what we have to do is we have to be yielded enough to let the work we're working on work on us until we become the person for whom it can work and because we're so we're so feedback dependent we're so addicted to a paycheck we're so addicted to instant results and microwave success when we don't get an immediate payoff for the input that we put in we conclude that we're going in the wrong direction transformation hurts before it helps transformation is painful before the [Music] payoff