last YouTube so I'm going to talk about let's get started hello everyone and hello my dear mg Squad [Music] first of all thank you Squad so thanks to all the mg sad Mal influencer usual one two L followers half follow particular influenc so GR bul Hindus are a minority Community Indians community compl socities for for whatever it is in I think further malan police especially especially outside IND cber bullying the same it's not the only case influen communication Minister Communications Andia be kinder if you don't have something good to say don't say at all blind I'm talking about when I was in schooland some point we start realizing okay so please be a bit more concerned about the opposite you are under some kind of disorder blind so please take care let's not have blind hatred blind abuse on anyone thank you and this video is dedicated to all the people who are living outside India and face some kind of issues like this every day take care and we are proud of you