forever and ever amen very well last week we stopped at this verse which was verse three of chapter 16 where it says then the second Angel poured out his bowl on the sea and it became blood as of a dead man and every living creature in the sea died so the second Angel poured his ball out onto the sea and it turned into a blood as if a dead man and all the creatures who were in that sea they all died as well he said the sea here represents the world people of the world um those who have worshiped the image of the Beast who have taken the mark of the beast and worship the image of the beast when the Great Tribulation Which chapter 16 is talking about it is the Great Tribulation the seven balls and those balls are the wrath of God upon the entire Globe so those people of the world who rejected the Lord Jesus worshiped Satan took the mark of the beast which is the satanic evil agendas of that one 21st century they all died like the blood as of a dead man and every creature in that sea died meaning if any human being follows the world desires the world the pleasures the treasures The Temptations of the world at the end of the day the world a time is coming it will die and those who are swimming living in this world they will die with it as well no matter who you are what you are how rich wise smart beautiful intelligent the world will die because God's Wrath is coming upon it for the world has rejected the True Divine God who is and will always be Jesus Christ of Nazareth all glory to his holy and mighty name so those who follow the world those who chase after the world they will die with it since the sea is going to die then everything that lives in it will die as well because the source of those creatures life was the sea since that source died then whoever lived in that source for that Source will die with it as well what are you going to gain by chasing the world at the end nothing you will lose yourself and you will lose everything with yourself he who has no God in his heart is dead and not just any God Jesus Christ amen amen people can say whatever people can attack the bishop in whichever way they wish that ain't going to worry me I won't answer you yet I can but I won't waste my time on childish behaviors whether you are a Christian attacking or a non-Christian attacking I leave the Lord to answer you all [Music] but I will pray for you now verse four is talking about the third Angel the third Angel it says then the third Angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water and they became blood now the first Angel P out his his ball on the earth the second Angel poured out his ball on the sea the third Angel poured at his ball on the rivers and the Springs of water and they turned into blood now the Earth Israel of the 21st century end of times the Jewish people you see the Great Tribulation is directed at the Israelite Nation our beloved Jewish people in the Middle East whoever is from the 12 tribes of Israel but more so it is Israel Middle East so the Great Tribulation is directed at Israel the Jewish people the Jewish people in the Holy Bible are resembled by the Earth the sea is the Pagan world so the Great Tribulation will strike Israel and by striking in Israel the entire world will be stried as well now we said the Great Tribulation will entail World War III nuclear warheads so nuclear war will happen it's not is it going to happen if it's going no no it will happen it's just a matter of when it will happen but I don't want to scare anyone more than likely I'll leave it at this level more than likely it will be in this 21st century that we are living in so Israel will be stried World War I now Israel will be stried by a superpower definitely not America because at that time America would have been really standing on an extremely Shaky Ground almost Gone With the Wind another superpower will rise more than likely more than likely more than likely the superpower that will strike Israel will be China along with Russia Iran and other countries with them by the way China has a very stronghold in in the Middle East more so in Iraq the country I come from and I'll fix these Chinese Mr zinging Wing don't touch my country I smack you so they will be stried and when Israel is stried it is World War II nuclear they are not going to waste time by sending or exchanging bullets street fighting not going to work there will be Rockets across the continents the world will be struck obviously when a nuclear when a rocket having a nuclear warhead in it land in Australia a present from China what's going to happen to Australia gone America everyone will lose with the nuclear war everyone loses and what's going to happen so the Earth Israel will be stried because the Great Tribulation is directed at the house of Jacob Israel and then the world the sea the second the second Angel pours out his ball onto the sea becomes dead that is the Pagan world the world that is Gone with the Wind they're too busy modifying viruses they're too busy making Rockets they're too busy designing new technology AI artificial intelligence too busy one rocket will fix all your AI and you will be saying I I the Syrian way I I I I ouch in English and then the third ball the third Angel pours out his ball on the rivers and the Springs of waters and they turn into blood the church is the rivers the first strike the land Israel which will affect the sea the whole world the Pagan world and then it will affect the Christians of the end times the church which is the rivers and the Springs of water the church will be stried verse four is talking about the church in the end times Christians by name definitely not by Deeds so they will still be Christians on the face of this Earth when the Great Tribulation comes upon the Israelite Nation but that church would have been dead in the eyes of the Lord because the church will die it will turn into blood dead why it will turn into blood because those Christians at that time they would have denied Jesus Christ totally have we been seeing the denial of the church to her beloved Heavenly groom Christ the Messiah happening in our time and age now have we noticed it my goodness I always say to myself I'm going to rush through him but it's not up to me it's up to the holy spirit so don't ever say Bishop you're taking too long no you need to go and talk to the Lord Jesus himself the church would be absolutely living in total denial Christians by name not by deeds those Christians will be like the following are you a Christian yes when I was born I was baptized as a little baby what do you know about Jesus absolutely nothing why I was too busy looking after my own Affairs my own life I was chasing my own life too busy for Jesus Christ that's why I was only born a Christian but nothing to do with Christ this church will die when the Great Tribulation comes this church will die now why is the church resembled by Waters Rivers Sorry by Rivers I'm going to read you uh this um this verse it's not on the screen but I recommend for you to write get a pen and paper sometimes it's very very good I'm going to read you this verse from The Book of Ecclesiastes explaining to us why the church is the rivers Ecclesiastes 1: 7 this is King Solomon says all the rivers run into the sea yet the sea is not full to the place from which the rivers come there they return again I'll read it again Ecclesiastes 1:7 all the rivers run into the sea yet the sea is not full to the place from which the rivers came initially there they return again where do the where do the rivers come from originally they come from the sea but there is a difference between the sea the water of the Sea and the water of the river the water of the sea is salty but the water of the river is sweet why why because God has a beautiful process called distillation performed by the sun Su n when the sun strikes the water of the sea because of the heat that water at the surface level begins to evaporate when the water evaporates becomes lighter so the vapor is lighter than liquid water so vapor water is is lighter than liquid with water what happens to the vapor starts climbing going up as the vapor goes up the higher it goes the air becomes cooler cold when the cold air hits strikes that Vapor it turns into a cloud full of driplets of water but this water now is sweet because it was distilled from the water of the sea which was salty God changes the salty water into sweet by directing immense heat on it what did the Lord Jesus say to the 12 apostles he said you were of the world but now you are no longer because I have chosen you from the world you belong to me no longer to the world now earlier what is the world resembled by the Sea salty water why the world is resembled by the Sea salty water because the more you drink from the salty water the thirstier you become people of the world are never content with their life whatever they do they are never happy they'll say when I get a million in my account then I'll be happy the million comes they want more when they get a house they'll say I'll be happy they get the house but they want more they want more and more and more and until they die they keep on asking for more why because they've chased salty water the more you drink the thirstier you become it's a NeverEnding Story you're wasting your life your breath chasing emptiness vanity the world where is Michael Jackson where is Mariah KY where is Whitney Houston I come I pray for the comeback of Mariah Ki I pray for that but where are they they gained the world but where are they what did they take with them where is Robin Williams where is Augustus Caesar where are all the kings the presidents those who ruled the world where are they where are all the wealthy people where are they gone gone because they chased something that was never theirs never will be never will be but what happens the Lord directed the sun's heat onto that sea the sun here represents trials tribulations hardships because when the sun burns me it is very painful so many people get skin cancer by exposing their body for too long Under the Sun it is extremely painful when you get stuck by the Sun so the sun here are the trials that that the the tribulations the persecutions you go through for the sake of the Lord Jesus it is not easy to turn your back to the world and give your face to Christ it takes a lot of persecutions tribulations and hardships not easy to give up on the pleasures and the Treasures of the world to gain Christ but blessed are you when you choose to go through hardships for the sake of the Lord for you will turn you will be turned into Sweet Waters no longer salty no longer salty but remember that Sweet Water where is it now high up in heaven God Has Lifted you up from the filth of this world the sea God has raised you from the grave God has raised you from your sinful nature from your sinful status God has taken you out of the pit into the heaven of all Heavens Pure White Cloud and the color white represents righteousness the Lord rose from the the dead on the third day dressed up in white but it takes a lot of hardships because you need to carry the cross it is the cross that purifies you it is the cross that does the distillation process by changing you from worldly the sea salty water into Heavenly Cloud Saints from Sinners into Saints from Earthly to Heavenly from materialistic people to Spiritual Beings spiritual but you need to suffer man it's so easy to go out and have fun downtown it's so easy to go and steal a car instead of working hard to buying one just sell couple of bags of white power powder you'll get the Ferrari how long will it take me by working hard sweating it out in order to be able to buy a Ferrari I'll write in my will for the fourth generation after me hopefully if you're able to get a Ferrari but even then it will be too expensive because prices keep on going up as they are always the church the Lord Jesus came chose 12 apostles then 70 and he chose them from the world they were people of the world like anyone else but look what happened to Simon he became Peter look at the other ones they're all Saints where is Caiaphas where is Augustus Caesar where is King Herod gone because they remained in the world they did not wish to be changed by the Almighty Jesus Christ of Nazareth they wish to remain worldly I can't give up on my Star City Casino for the sake of the church so are you expecting me to come to church and listen to some words being said and being sang in the church what am I going to gain out of this man let me go somewhere out there in the world and make millions of dollars will the church give me this is never but the world does I want to be rich I want to be strong I want to be powerful I want to be famous I want to be known you chase Christ all you get is kicks punches and being sped on ridiculed and then deposed and kicked out this is foolishness to chase Christ let me enjoy life since you only live once might as well enjoy it bro yo what's [Music] up but where are they those who wanted to enjoy life where are they the rivers and the Springs of waters will turn into blood but in the end times the church will deny her sweetheart so sad so sad why did the church deny the Lord honey honey honey make me money in this big wide world not [Music] bad money Mamon the Lord said you cannot worship two Gods you cannot serve two masters it is either the true God or money Muna in our language mamona mam in English they just translated it you know sounding Aramaic almost Aramaic it's not M mamona come I teach you the proper pronunciation mamona money the Lord himself said you can't worship these two Gods the the Lord placed money in the level of being a God not the God but a God so if you're going to worship money then money becomes your God St Paul elaborates a little bit more on what his master Jesus Christ has taught him St Paul says the roots to all evil is the Love of Money the roots to all evil is the Love of Money how beautifully St Paul elaborates on this point because money in its own is not evil when does money become evil a false god when you start loving money because love was only meant to be given to God first before anyone or anything else the moment you love someone or something before God then that someone or that thing becomes your own false god the church denied her Heavenly groom because money became her God and with money there is power there is prestigious life there is Fame there is Thrones what killed the church is the throne church leaders started fighting against one another for the sake of that chair called the [Music] throne for I'm able to fly to China I can make it very cheap much cheaper than making it in Australia we started fighting for positions because every leader wants to be seen they started stepping on one another Brothers became enemies why because they allowed Mammon money to enter the church the false god and that money devoured them because money brings a lot of evil things when you begin loving money we closed the church in the faces of the faithfuls not allowing them to come to pray but we opened the church for being hubs for bous injection being put into the faithfuls bodies and as church leaders we stood on the pulpits on holy places and spoke in public in front of the world and said you must take the jab you are sons of the snake snake you speak lies like your father who is the father of all lies Satan himself I'll step on fisa I'll step on madna I'll step on extraen and all these stupid names and those who made it are the sons of the snakes they are worshippers of Satan himself and I'll step on Satan in Jesus mighty name I'll step on him by the way I'm not angry so relax we're going to go and have a fishburger and a chocolate Sunday baby and we go oh Shel is not here oh no looking for when you when the Lord is the crown of your glory the lord will reveal everything that is happening in the world and in the church he will reveal but why was the church submissive to evilness done in 2020 money became the church's God not Christ very simple very simple I think I'm going to be stoned after this one please go ahead or maybe this way too like St Steven the first M Stone me do you think I care not one little bit but I love you all this is the truth this word is for me before it's for any other Church leader since I'm a church leader I'm one of them so I'm talking about myself I'm not judging but this is the fact of the church and the end of times in the 21st century the church is not chasing the Lord the church has become worldly has turned into a worldly institution you see the world always are fighting they fight they fight each other everyone wants to take someone else's position everyone wants to take someone else's Fame everyone wants to take someone else's picture place star this is the world America went into Iraq and said that they have weapons of mass destruction they lied in front of the entire world I know I am from Iraq I know for a fact Iraq never had weapons of mass destruction so the administration of George Bush Senor and Junior lied and I'll say it in their face in person if I see them they lied they killed millions of people for the sake of what just to be in control in control this is exactly what's happening in the church leaders who are supposed to be brothers in Christ have become enemies because I'm going to take my brother's Throne how dare he be famous and I not I'll do everything to get rid of that brother I will stab him in the back and get rid of him because I want the people to come and bow and worship me not my so-called brother my Throne is greater than yours did you know the great schism that happened in 1,54 was for the sake of the throne please if they tell you it was because of theological implications they're lying the main reason was the throne every division that happened in the history of the church the main main reason was because of the throne nothing else so sad so sad so sad my beloveds I don't want to dwell on it man you're going to sleep here tonight it's hot okay I was speaking to Father Isaac by the way so the the church which is the the rivers and the Springs of water they became blood they died because when the church leaves her Heavenly groom when the church denies her Messiah and chases the World Satan will devour the church Satan will devour the church since the rivers are they represent the church then what are the Springs well what's in the church by the word of the Messiah the Holy Bible the springs is the Holy Bible the word of God the word of God is that spring of water I am the Living Waters he who comes and drinks from me shall never thirst again women you're saying this well belongs to your father Jacob truly I say to you whoever drinks from this water will thirst again because the water of this well comes from beneath but the water that I give come from above not Earthly Heavenly I am the logos the word that descended from Heaven I am the Living Waters drink of me church so that you never thirst when the when you face the currents of the world you never fall but you drink from the wells of the world so um how much did they give you in Grants 5 million 10 million 100 million well I can't say to this government no because they giving me [Music] water so what are we going to say we can't miss out on the water so we'll say to our faithful do what the government says I BR it l that what the government says am I just going to do what the government says blindly even when it's evil and then you come and say the governments are from God what a joke now that was the funniest joke I've ever heard the government is only defined from God when it does what God God wants not when Satan wants thus far government do an absolute evil absolute evil the Lord is the light of the world the Lord is the truth the Lord is the Living Waters the Lord is the Everlasting God his name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth period people of the world there is only one God and you will face him one day sooner or later and you will face Jesus you will not see anyone else you hold on to Moses Moses will do you no good you hold on to Muhammad Muhammad will do you no good you hold on to Buddha Buddha will do you no good you hold on to Krishna Krishna will do you no good I'm saying it with all love and respect please whether you are going to take this and put it out of context change it twist it uh falsify it that's your pro prerogative but I'm not going to go there but I'm saying it to you in a very plain simple English I am saying and declaring confessing and professing that Jesus Christ of of Nazareth is the true divine God who was revealed in the flesh over 2,000 years ago yes he has come yes he was crucified by the Jewish people yes he was placed in the grave in the Tomb but he rose from the tomb on the third day as it is written for he is the Messiah for the Messiah lives forever he will never die he didn't die he died in the flesh but he went as alive into the depth of the Hades and brought out all those who were captive held by Satan who slept on the hope of Resurrection when the Messiah comes he raised them from that depth of the of the shol hies and then he gave life for those who accepted him as Lord and Savior now this is the true divine God and I'm saying it not because I'm a Christian I'm saying it not because I'm dressed up in this outfit and I have a cross around my neck and a ring in my finger I'm saying it because Jesus Christ revealed this truth to this piece of wake and the real I not only believe I know that's why I'm saying it it's got nothing to do whether you are a Christian or not it's got to do with the truth and with your salvation and Redemption Jesus is the only answer to whichever question you have he is the only medicine for every illness you have he's the only one you want to believe up to you you don't want to believe up to you sooner or later you will find out for sure just like the Lord revealed it he will reveal that to you I hope it's not too late I hope it's not too [Music] late so the rivers the church in the end of times which has which will deny the Lord and also the Springs well obviously when the church denies the Lord is the church is is going to deny his word the Springs his word will be push aside hidden you know what they say Don't Preach too much don't keep people too much in the church let your sermon be very short and brief 10 15 minutes max don't put too much pressure on people and don't talk too much about Jesus Christ people are already tired let them live let them be relaxed make it easy let them walk through the wider gate don't give them the narrow door don't make it difficult why are you preaching too much about Jesus something gone wrong with you in your head say a couple of words and let people go where to the bosom of Satan to the world release them from the church don't keep them too long because they've got too much on their plates to do wow wow amazing so make the Liturgy short next time it will be a drive-thru and it happened during the planemic they started going drive-thru to getting the Eucharist one day it will be drive-thru and maybe with the AI it will be AI sitting at home artificially receiving the body at this time will be Satan not Christ listen you come to this good-look bishop say to yourself I'm going to cancel every appointment every meeting whatever you've got because the bishop will make me sleep in the church yeah I ain't going nowhere brother I won't let you I have red belt in karate you go out I smack you the church will deny the Lord so sad and uh we can see that very clearly some who call themselves Christians they are they started already coming out in the open and saying well you know what the Lord is love and we need to love everyone we need to embrace everyone we need to accept everyone and every color including the rainbow you are you belong to Satan you're not a Christian this is not the Holy Bible you liar this is not the Holy Bible this is not the true Christ this is the false Christ which you have made because you chased the world you went after Satan not after the true [Music] Messiah let me tell you one thing with all love and respect and humility Christ came from the East you want to know the true Faith you better go back to the east because that's where it all began go to the east don't seek Christ in the west there is a lot of counterfeit in the west go back to the source where it all began the sun rises from the East this is one of the reason why Jesus Christ came from the East not the West for he is the son of righteousness Su n that's why he Shine from the East to Enlighten the entire Globe especially the west but the West is not learning that lesson yet look at the West so many fake churches so many fake leaders calling themselves Christians teaching absolute poison feeding the flock poison I'll never let go of the East that's my Lord that's my savior he's from the tribe of Judah Judah his name is Jesus Yeshua of Nazareth wow do you have time plenty plenty okay and I heard the verse five and I heard the angel of the waters saying this is the Angel of the waters the angel of the church the angel of the water saying you are righteous oh Lord the one who is and who was and who is to be because you have judged these things and I heard the angel of the water saying you are righteous O Lord the one who is and the one who was and the one who is to be because you have judged these things Your Righteous oh Lord man I wish I have the time amazing the holy spirit is inspiring John the Beloved to write you know when you read the Holy Bible you need to stop at every dot everything has a meaning when the angel of the waters meaning the church when the angel of the church is speaking look how he is referring to Jesus Christ of Nazareth first of all he is saying you are what righteous oh Lord the one who is and and who was and who is to be you are righteous oh Lord the one who is who was and is to be the one who is the Holy Spirit the one who was God the Father the one who is to be God the son currently we are living in the one who is who is the Holy Spirit we walk we exist and we live in the Holy Spirit who dwells and engulfs the Church of Christ the Holy Spirit is it's his time now so the one who is Holy Spirit the one who was the father the father who loved us from the very beginning and the one who's to come the second coming of the Messiah the Son of God for Christianity believes in the tri on god father son Holy Spirit one in nature and one in essence God is one in three persons but in one nature in one Essence but the angel of the church is referring to Jesus as the Lord I'm going to just go a little bit more forward look at verse six I'll come back to the Lord verse six for they have shed the blood of saints and Prophets and you have given them blood to drink for it is their just due the Angel of the waters the angel of the church is calling out to the Lord to Jesus saying you're righteous oh Lord Your Righteous oh Lord because what have you done because you have given them blood to drink why because they have shed the blood of the Saints and the prophets the church when it walked away from her savior lead started killing one another they shed the blood of the Saints all I'm going to say is this I won't go into much details the Medieval ages witnessed a lot of Bloodshed within Christendom within Christendom Christians who are supposed to be brothers in Christ killed each other there was a blood bath throughout the 12 133 14 15 16 all these Medieval ages because you killed the Saints the blood of the saints that you shed the Lord is righteous he will make you drink of the blood which you have shed because this is their just which is due to them what goes around comes around you kill you'll be killed Simon put the sword back in its place because if you take By The Sword you shall be taken by the sword the Lord's sword is not this metal that chops heads the Lord's sword is his word for his word is sharper than a two-edged sword and his word is love Christianity doesn't chop heads Christianity restores heads that have been chopped by Satan when the church chased the world when the church allowed Mamon money the roots to all evil the Love of Money when the church chased the Thrones and power they started killing their fellow Christians the way you kill those Saints and shed their blood you will drink from the blood for the Lord is righteous and this is your Justice or church whom you have denied your heavenly [Music] groom so looks like there will be a lot of blood uh Bloodshed in the end time of the end times Church there will be a lot of killing happening wow for they have shed the blood of Saints verse six and Prophets and you have given them blood to drink just like as you did you will receive as well for it is their just due look at verse 7even and I heard another from the altar another angel from the altar saying even so Lord God Almighty true and righteous are your judgments the angel of the waters how did he refer to Jesus Christ you are righteous Lord the angel of the altar now the angel of the waters is the Angel of the church so who is the Angel of the altar the altar represents the Israelite Nation the Jewish people so what is the altar the Church of Christ of the Old Testament what is the angel of water the Church of Christ of the New Testament because Christ is the Good Shepherd to two branches of his beloved church one branch called the Old Testament referred to by The Altar and the other one is the New Testament referred to by the rivers of water the angel of the rivers of water refers to Jesus Christ you are rightous or Lord who is who was and who is to be why because the New Testament Church who came and reached out to her the Lord this Lord who is he is the logos he is the Son of God who sent him the father and now what did the Lord give us after his Ascension the Holy Spirit who is the Holy Spirit who was the father that sent me from the beginning as the token of love to be your savior and Redeemer if you truly accept me and so God loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that whoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life see the New Testament Church is referring to Jesus Christ as the righteous Lord and speaking the trinitarian language who is the Holy Spirit who was the father who is to be the second coming of the son see the language but look at the angel of the Old Testament Church as the referred to as the altar look how he is referring to the Lord Jesus verse 7 and I heard another from the altar saying now this is the Old Testament the Jewish people but the Jewish people of the end times who are part of the Old Testament Church because they still follow the Old Testament because they never believed in the coming of the Messiah over 2,000 years ago therefore the New Testament to the Jewish people is non-existent they don't accept it they say this is not the Messiah who was crucified according to you Christians our Messiah Is Yet To Come is yet to [Music] come so how is this Angel referring to the Lord even so Lord God Almighty true and righteous are your judgments the New Testament you are righteous oh Lord righteous righteousness the angel of the New Testament referred it to the Lord himself the Old Testament Angel is saying you are what Lord God Almighty different language the other one is saying who is who was and who is to be this what it's saying you are Lord God Almighty Lord God Almighty all three one after the other not Lord and God and Almighty no Lord God Almighty all in one different language you are Lord God Almighty true and righteous the other one is saying you are righteous Lord this one is saying true and righteous not you your judgment what's going I'm going to give you a couple of verses very quickly those who are writing you can write them down actually earlier this evening we read Psalm 100 so Psalm 100:3 look what it says Psalm book of Psalm vers Psalm 100:3 know that the Lord himself is God so who is the Lord God who is the Lord God know that the Lord himself is God Leviticus 182 this is for my beloved Jewish people Le Leviticus 182 speak to the sons of Israel and say to them this is directed to the sons of Israel not us not the entire world the 12 tribes of Israel only Leviticus 182 speak to the sons of Israel and say to them I am the Lord your God Psalm 103 says know that the Lord himself is God and speak Leviticus 182 speak to the sons of Israel and say this that the Lord is your god and I'll give you this verse and we'll elaborate on these three verses Psalm 103 uh Leviticus 18:2 Genesis 38 Genesis 38 and they heard the sound of the Lord God the Lord God and they heard the sound of the Lord God Walking In The Garden in the cool of the day when Adam ate from The Forbidden tree through Eve the good old wife anyone married well done I'll pray for you extra just kidding just kidding um when Adam Our Father ate from The Forbidden tree because his wife Eve gave him to eat they realized they were naked so they both hid behind a fig tree why because why do we say the Fig Tree because they made for themselves out of fig leaves clothes to cover their nakedness so they made out of fig leaves kind of a covering for their nakedness this is why we say they hid behind a fig tree they heard Adam and Eve they heard the Lord God walking in the garden saying Adam where are you cheeky naughty boy he says we're hiding behind the tree why you hiding at DOI because we are naked who told you you are naked naughty ADI aha you must have eaten from that forbidden tree when I said to you don't ever eat from this tree you ate didn't you naughty [Music] ADI good one they heard the Lord God this Angel is saying you are Lord God Almighty true and righteous are your Jud judgments true and righteous are your judgments the angel of the New Testament you are righteous O Lord who is who was and who is to be different language the New Testament was revealed to her that God is Trinity the Old Testament did not accept Jesus Christ of Nazareth over 2,000 years ago they deny it altogether they say this is not the Messiah who came and they are still living in denial of the Messiah who came over 2,000 years how is the Lord going to deliver and bring back the Jewish people of the end times to him through his word how did he bring us back to him the New Testament through the holy baptism through the holy baptism he who is baptized he who believes in the gospel and is baptized is saved so we receive the Gospel and the holy baptism one of the seven sacraments this is our coming back to the lord it's a long story St and it's a kind of controversi controversial to somewhat degree to some of our beloved people with all love and respect but this was the New Birth baptism the new birth so the lord gave birth to us through the holy baptism and adopted us to be sons and hirs to the throne of the almighty God and God became our Heavenly daddy we were adopted as Sons to the almighty God through the holy baptism this is how he brought us out of the world into the Kingdom of Heaven it's a very long story so don't judge me but just not even scratching the surface but the Old Testament people of the end times who are the Israelite the Jewish people our beloved Jewish the Lord will bring them back through his word you are Lord God Almighty the New Testament says you are righteous oh Lord and the Lord God was walking in the Garden of Eden and the Lord is God the Lord is God Psalm 100:3 now when the Lord Jesus rose from from the dead now please pay attention won't be long when the Lord Jesus rose from the dead the first time he appeared to those disciples who were in The Upper Room one of them was not present Thomas the Apostle so the disciples said to Thomas after the Lord went they said the Lord is risen he appeared here we saw him we believe now he is truly risen Thomas said I won't believe until I see until I touch the Lord Jesus came again and this time he made sure that Thomas Is Not absent is present and then he came and he said Thomas come see and touch are all want you to be a non-believer but a Believer but blessed are those who did not see and believed in me but I'm going to give you a chance what did Thomas say to Jesus Christ of Nazareth he said you are my Lord and God you are what my Lord and God when when the Archangel Gabriel went and greeted my sweetheart our sweetheart the virgin of all virgins mother Mary and then he said to the holy mother that your auntie Elizabeth is also though she who was called Baron is also now has conceived there is a child in her womb the holy mother rushes to the Desert of Judea she enters the house of Elizabeth and Zachariah the righteous priest and when Elizabeth greets the holy mother what does she say how blessed am I for the mother of my Lord come to me not my God my Lord Thomas looked at the Lord and he said you are my Lord and my God Elizabeth got was filled by the Holy Spirit she saw in that womb it was revealed to her by the Holy Spirit she saw in the womb of Mary there is a baby boy this baby boy she referred to him as her Lord you are Lord God Almighty the Old Testament the angel of the altar in Aramaic Syriac the word Lord is Mara the word Lord is the word Mara the word Mara actually derives from the word Mar the word Maria also comes from the word Mar now Mar is talking here about Shepherd Hood Shepherd Hood Maria the Lord is my shepherd Psalm 23 now the Lord is my shepherd the word Shepherd in Aramaic syri is the word n is referring to looking after the flock being the shepherd now therefore when you refer to Jesus as the Lord You Are referring to him as your lord your Shepherd can you see the shepherd yes can you see God no the Church of the New Testament called Jesus Lord why because I saw you we saw you we didn't see God we saw a human but when we saw this human we believed in this human there is there was and there is to be there is the father there is the Holy Spirit and there is the son God is in this person so who is the Lord the one you see who is God the one who is hidden invisible Elizabeth said the mother of my Lord came to me I can't believe this I must be the most fortunate woman on the face of this planet why did she say the mother of my Lord because she saw had Baby by the power of the Holy Spirit she saw a human being meaning the Lord can be seen with the naked eye God cannot be seen the New Testament Church her eyes were opened to see this human being the true God and this God is father son holy spirit is Holy Spirit was father is to be the second coming the church is waiting for the second coming of the son father son holy spirit this is the church believe in Jesus Christ you are righteous righteous means all your Deeds were of divine nature all your Deeds were of divine nature you came to give us righteousness and righteousness is you and you dressed up you dressed us up in you galatian 3:27 you who have been baptized into Christ have put on the Christ who is the Christ the righteous one of his father but the angel of the Old Testament you are Lord God Almighty true and righteous are your judgments not you your judgments what are the judgments of God laws a judgment is a set of laws and what is the law words put together so the Lord will deliver the Israelite Nation by his word what is his word which they haven't believed in yet the New Testament the return of the Israelite nation in the end of times is when they believe in the New Testament not the old cuz they already believe in the old but since they mist out on the New Testament they are still misinterpreting the old because without the new you can never fully understand what the old is saying because the new is the Fulfillment of the old as St Augustine puts it this way he says the New Testament is the Old Testament concealed and the Old Testament is the New Testament revealed the New Testament is the Old Testament concealed and the Old Testament is the New Testament revealed meaning in the Old Testament there was the New Testament concealed in it but it was never revealed until the New Testament came when did the New Testament come when Jesus was born since they have denied Jesus first coming the New Testament is still concealed in the Old Testament for our beloved Jews no matter what they interpret what they translate of the old they will never get it right they'll miss the mark Because unless they believe in the New Testament the old will never be revealed in the light truly to them that's why in the end times when they go through the great tribulations they will come back and confess Jesus Christ we have crucified you over 2,000 years ago you are the true Messiah who came we believe in you hosana to the son of David blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord have mercy on us oh son of David Jesus Christ of Nazareth son of Mary son of Joseph have mercy on us when they reach out to the Lord and cry out because of the Great tribulation which will which will decimate Israel then they will wake up and their eyes will be opened they'll cry out to the Lord how is he going to deliver him when they cry out to the Lord they believe they will believe in the New Testament this is why the angel of the altar said you are Lord God Almighty and who is the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth they called him God they will believe he is God but this God is Almighty do you have time tough [Music] luck when you say when the Holy Bible talks about God especially the Old Testament it refers to God Almighty all powerful what is the difference Almighty all powerful all powerful God is whenever something is done wrongly if God uses his power he will wipe that thing from existence so if I make a mistake if I sin if God uses his power to deal with me he will have to wipe me from existence I thank him for also being Almighty he chose to use his mightiness not his power what is almighty God allmighty I destroy things because he's Almighty out of Destruction he brings construction out of a desert he brings an oasis out of the Grave he brings Resurrection out of Darkness he brings light out of a sinner he brings a saint this is Almighty so in the end when they cry out to Jesus Christ they will call him Lord God Almighty we thank you for treating us and dealing with us through your mightiness not through your powers because you would have wiped us if you had used your powers but since you used your mightiness yet we were Sinners you brought us out of sin into saint and sanctity true and just are your judgments because what's going to bring the Jews is the word that's why judgments are his words when a judge passes a a judgment what is he passing words I hereby sentence you to death by lethal injection man I'm harsh death by lethal injection what did I just say that's a judgment but what what is this judgment words now who is the word the son s o n in the beginning John 1:1 in the beginning was the logos the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God you are Lord God because the word is the Lord who is God and this Lord who is God is Almighty Jesus Christ the logos will deal with the Jewish people of the end times with his mightiness because out of their destruction he will bring construction he won't wipe them he will deliver them why because God is love and therefore true and righteous are your judgments now we came to the truth when we accepted the New Testament true unrighteous is the New Testament and when we accepted the New Testament our eyes opened up on the Old Testament can I say one thing about the Old Testament and I hope I'm already being attacked by some of our beloved Jewish people I hope this is not going to add to it I'm not definitely that's not my intention Moses in the Old Testament says when you buy something from a shop before you eat in it you need to cleanse it you need to purify it water fire purification so he said you need to you need to um purify your plates you need to P purify your spoons you need to purify your big dishes until now our beloved Jews use this method they wash them they purify them before they eat because if you buy them from the shop and you eat in them just like that you've just defiled yourself the the New Testament is concealed in the old and the old is revealed by the new when the New Testament came to someone like me when I read what Moses our beloved Prophet had said about the dishes the plates and the spoons because the New Testament I received and I accepted it all open my eyes to what Moses truly was saying in the spirit not in the literal sense but in the spiritual sense Mo the Lord God said to Moses tell the Israelite to wash their dishes their plates and their spoons before they eat in them otherwise they will defile themselves Moos the Lord was saying to Moses literally the dish is your body the plate is your heart the spoon is your deed purify your body purify your heart purify your spoon otherwise you are defiled in the eyes of God what spoons what plates what dishes I'm talking about you Sabbath they don't even press a button L they break Sabbath Sabbath is not a day Sabbath is a person called not a the person called Jesus Christ of Nazareth he is the Sabbath so if you're worshiping God the Lord on a Saturday you're wrong [Music] because because it's light I'll leave you with this the Lord God in the Old Testament when he gave the Ten Commandments to Moses he said to him sanctify Sabbath and come and worship me in it do not work for this is the day of my rest this is when God rested because God created everything in three days and in the next three days he filled what he created see some people say God created everything in six days no the six days are two and two sections three and three the first three days God created the other three days God filled what he created day one goes hand in hand with day four day two goes hand in hand with day five day three goes hand in hand with day six God created in three days and then the other three filled those three days which he created on the seventh day God rested what which day was the seventh Saturday shabbath in Aramaic we call it sh you see Aramaic Hebrew Arabic citic languages they are cousins one family one family so shabath shab literally means rest sh rest so they took the day literally and they worshiped God on Saturday because God said I rested on the seventh day which happens to be Saturday shabbath sh if the days of creation are literal we've got a problem day one there was an evening and a morning day two there was an evening and a morning day three there was an sorry day two nothing I'm getting old no no sorry day two evening morning day three evening morning day 4 evening morning day five evening morning day 6 evening morning day seven nothing no evening no morning but from day 1 to 6 all of them had evening and a morning evening means beginning morning end the day of the world the world gives you its day the day of the world begins with morning ends with evening the world gives you its day with light but ends you in darkness God gives you his day begins with Darkness ends with light your beginning you are living in sin but if you keep staying with God at the end you will be living in the Day righteous saint the world deceives gives you the light wow it's beautiful but then feeds you poison Darkness destruction God never lies he says the beginning of you is a fallen nature you broke my word in the Garden of Eden you are a sinner this is your beginning Darkness because sin is Darkness but if you come and receive my son Jesus Christ through the precious blood which he shed on Calvary he will wipe your sins and turn your Darkness into light this is the day of God evening is the beginning but the end is the light and Jesus said I am the light of the world He Who Walks With Me Darkness never comprehends him [Music] amen but day seven there is no evening there is no morning meaning that day seven is still continuing my beloved it's not literal my question now to every human being when does God those who believe in God when does God [Music] Rest does God rest I mean okay God created the six days he was working working working and then when and then when he finished everything he said you know what I'm going to have a rest doesn't work let me tell you one thing when you build the house this is the process of creation yes you're building the house and you're so excited it's a newly married couple this is their first ever home this is their own man they're excited so they are working hard building the house it could take six up to 12 months maybe more if it's a mansion after finishing the building they give you the keys you say thank God finally I can rest you put the key in that door after one year of hard work you put the key in that door and you open the door and you say hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus now I can rest no now your work is about to begin for the rest of your life it takes a year to build a house it takes a lifetime to maintain it so does God stop working never does God Rest never God created what he needed to create and now he is looking after what he's created forever so so what is God rest then only one thing God will only rest when I and you are sin free when we are sin free God will say finally I have rested for the ones I love are no longer living in sin it is then and then only we can come and be in his holy presence because sin is darkness and God is Holy Light can Darkness mix with light impossible it is either day or it's either night it is either light or Darkness the two can never live together when I am in sin I'm living in darkness I am separated from God and God through his beloved Son Jesus became my dad can Dad be at peace when his children are lost in the street parents I ask you Earthly parents can you ever rest when your son or your daughter is missing out there gone drugs destroyed them alcoholism destroyed them gambling destroyed them wrong wrong friends destroyed them they are in prison can Mom and Dad live sleep comfort ably and their children are in jail their children are in the street lost can they live comfortably I ask you answer me impossible how much more our heavenly father can be at rest when we are lost in our sinful life when will God rest when I receive his beloved Son Jesus Christ by the precious blood which he shed on Calvary he WI wiped all of my sins away now I'm sin free I am now the Son of God sinless because to be the Son of God you must be like your father sinless only one is sinless Jesus Christ of Nazareth when you receive the sinless Jesus Christ through Jesus Christ you become the son to the almighty God God becomes your dad then you're able to enter your heavenly father's house when we enter our Heavenly father's house then the father will say finally I am at rest my son was dead and now he is alive he was lost and now he is found finally I rest this is God's rest therefore what is shabbath Jesus Christ of Nazareth God will rest when Jesus Christ is your lord and savior you with me that's why shabbath has no beginning nor end because the true shabbath who is Christ Jesus lives forever there is no beginning nor end to Jesus who is the true shabbath this is the rest of God his son not Saturday man until when are we going to be like little kindergarten kids we need to mature grow up in spirituality this is the true Shabbat my goodness but you see unless you receive the New Testament the Old Testament will always be hidden because it takes God to reveal his word to you not some te teacher not some Theologian it takes God to reveal his word because his word is infinite and eternal like him that's why this word is God himself who can explain the word which is God Only God because he is the only being that has no beginning nor end to him I am finite I can never understand the infinite being it takes the infinite God to explain himself to me and you and this took place when Jesus Christ of Nazareth was born the New Testament Church was born on Pentecost the 50th day the Holy Spirit descended as tongues of fire he gave us a tongue of fire and with it we Devour the world for the Lord Jesus because fire eats everything in its path he gave me a tongue when I speak it is the holy spirit speaking the holy spirit is that fire that pierce the heart and changes and cleanses and purifies and brings the lost soul back to the father and the father will say finally now since my children are back to me they were lost in the world and now they are found in the church they were dead in sin and now they are living in my son Jesus Christ the righteous one the firstborn and the one who rose from the dead now they are in my presence God the father says this is my rest the Lord placed me in front of Satan for 12 months for 12 months every single moment was hell do you think this useless servant talks because he's a Christian only because he's read the Holy Bible only no I know the Lord I can describe him to you from head to toe personally so this is my cry out out of love people will judge people may judge people may misunderstand people may retaliate in their own ways but that's their choice I'm not concerned I'm not worried I'm not talking to upset offend anyone and far from it judge anyone cuz the Lord is the judge God is the judge who am I but one thing the Lord broke me and made me it is the Lord who is talking who am I a piece of dust a minute piece of dust an absolute nothing it's his voice my beloved for 12 months I lived in hell I saw hell I tasted hell literally not dream so when people come and say is there God is Jesus real or not what are you talking about now Jesus is not God hello anybody home I'm not saying that the Lord Jesus Is God himself because I'm a Christian no because he revealed himself to me I know he is God I know I will never go back on this Over My Dead Body now if people misunderstand judge do that's fine I'll pray for you my dear friend I'm not here to upset you but I'm here to tell you what the truth and who the truth is the truth is Jesus Christ came over 2,000 years ago he was crucified so to my beloved Jewish people this is the truth and to my beloved Muslim people this is the truth he was crucified his name is Jesus Christ and he is God revealed in the flesh whether we believes or not this is the truth it's not about Christians Jews Muslims Buddhists Hindus atheists no we are all humans and as far as humanity is concerned we are all one we need to love one another we need to pray for one another as far as humanity is concerned but when it comes to the truth the truth must be said as is there is no hypocrisy there is no twisting falsification there is no buying and selling it's not because I love you I'm going to try and make it blend in and make it tailored to what you believe and what you perceive and accept no I'll say it even if it offends my Earthly father my Earthly mother the closest most loved person into my heart when it comes to Jesus I give not one penny about no one with all love and respect very simple it's not about these clothes at all it's about the truth the one who created everything that is visible and invisible his name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth the love of my life my sweetheart my sugar bun my honey my sweetness my chocolate my milkshake my fish burger my hamburger even though I'm vegetarian my everything it is him it is him he came over 2,000 years ago from the tribe of Judah one of the sons one of the 12 sons of Jacob who was called Israel by the Lord himself he came from the tribe of Judah and he by birth is a Jew he was crucified at the age of 33 and 4 months he died in the flesh on the cross he was put in the Tomb and he rose from the dead as he promised and as it is written in the Old Testament about the true Messiah who came over 2,000 years ago believe me I went up there by his grace and I saw everything that is written in the old and the New Testament is 100% true there is hell I lived it for 12 months literally no dreams literally Satan is very ugly and very scary by the way you know when when he comes you get like an electric kind of a electrifying sensation going through your body all the hair stands but in Jesus mighty name I step on him I step on him what is happening in the world is Satan 100% Toyota Corona virus Satan climate change Satan all satan AI Satan Apple iPad I iPhone I paid Satan Satan 12 months you know what he said to me that piece of ugly creature he said I'm going to kill you I said yeah he said yeah you do anything against me I'll kill you in my heart in front of him I asked the Lord Lord let me see who's going to win you or this piece of wreck this ugly thing called Satan the Lord showed me five calls of fire Came From Heaven decimated him afterwards he said these five Cs of fire are my Five Wounds that I received on the cross through my wounds I decimated Satan he is 6'1 the Lord Jesus as a human he's got a long tan skin [Applause] you know he's middle easting got a Middle East baby yo bro where is the T he's middle easted 6'1 10 skin long face crispy brown hair split in the middle and comes down so beautifully to the shoulders he's got a bead it's not white because he's still 33 and kicking baby after 2023 years never ages the sweetheart of all sweethearts he will always be 33 well in our church we say 30 is the age of humanity the three years where he where he revealed his divinity let's say 33 is he's still 33 young as ever stunning as ever breathtaking as ever Magnificent the beauty of all beauties you become speechless you become dumbfounded you become a nothing when you see him in front of you in front of you the son Su n of righteousness he is the light of the world so because it's his word but he showed me this truly he is the light the light that em Ates from him the the Sun that rises every day will be embarrassed to shine when Jesus shines forth the sun will go and hide will say my light is filthy is dark compared to your light his light is pure holy pure gold none like it here this this is the truth up to you when a Believer it or not up to you the Lord showed me both heaven and hell they're real be careful of Satan he is he is very cunning oh oh he's so he is so deceptive he'll make it look for you as if this is it and there is nothing else he'll make it like heaven for you this world but in it there is Poison Poison Poison Poison don't fall don't fall for The Temptations of this filth called the world it is filth Jesus Christ is God he is not Catholic he is not Orthodox definitely not Protestant he is God revealed in the flesh wake up Church wake up you need to come back to the truth stop talking out of your empty heads let God speak through you let God reveal the truth for he is the truth to you and to the whole world let him speak all you need to do is bow your head before him enough of you say Lord it is all about you nothing about me oh by the way the Lord Jesus still single and available anyone you know there's time to come back and say Lord will you accept me he will say yes I'm still available till the day he calls it a day is is still available very quickly my beloved um Sunday the 9th of July will be the 40th Day for the departure of my beloved Earthly mother I will be uh celebrating the Holy Mass for her 40th um day uh in the morning at 9:00 a.m. in ass Syrian and in English at 6:00 p.m. so um I ask you all to pray for my earthly mom uh may God Rest her soul in peace and Grant her his kingdom uh amongst all the uh just and righteous PE Saints in heaven uh she was a absolutely wonderful lady she was a a magnificent mother and uh I miss her till this very moment dearly I miss so but I believe and I know where she is that's why I am happy for her definitely Beyond measures I'm happy for her because I know I have a saint in heaven but uh on Earth Still In the Flesh um especially when I go home I've always lived with my mom all my life this is the Lord's choice I tried I tried to go away many many many years ago when I was still very young before this bead became like Santa um I I wanted to go and live somewhere where nobody knows where I am and who I am but uh for some reason the Lord chose to keep me with my mom I tried to leave her I couldn't I was Chained and there was a reason for that may the Lord's will always be done so after uh over 50 years of my life being with my mom always never left her side it's very hard now when I go home and I see it empty and everywhere I look there is um the um the presence of my mom there but I thank the Lord so please pray for my mother my earthly mom but I thank the Lord Jesus because he gave me uh this other mother who remains with me forever her name is Mary this is my mom this is my sweetheart Mariam mother Mary so um so on the on Sunday the 9th of July so it's not this Sunday the Sunday after will be the 40th um we'll be celebrating the Holy Mass for uh my mom's departure um the good sheeper youth ministry meeting the monthly meeting will be held uh Saturday 1st of July I think it's is it tomorrow yes tomorrow is the youth ministry meeting monthly meeting please if you're 18 plus if you haven't enrolled you can come tomorrow and enroll very vital to be in the youth ministry be equipped by the word of God and the love of God there so tomorrow is the meeting um Saturday 1st of July at 12:00 noon it will be held here at the church tomorrow 12: midday the monthly meeting for our youth ministry again a reminder about the fake accounts the Facebook Instagram that are made under my name please uh avoid them report them and and let other people know that they are fake Bishop muray never has never will any social media accounts under his person Lan all it is under the churches so please please please make sure that you tell everyone about this and um a reminder about the um uh the uh the trip to Turkey Lebanon and Syria uh sometime in August um if you those who have been donating money for this cause may the Lord Jesus bless you may the Lord Jesus reward you abundantly I'm not sure we've been getting um very generous donations from everywhere from within Australia and outside of Australia I lost count now I don't want to say the figure but the figure is getting bigger and bigger by the day so keep it coming The More We Get Money the more we can reach out to people and help them we want to go and and visit the people that are literally left in the street this was my my my my life's dream and I pray the Lord Jesus has brought it inition uh sometime in August next uh