If you cannot control your own mind, then you are just a feather in the wind of life. Because your own mind is the only thing you can control. You can't control the weather. You can't control people.
You can't even control whether your heart stops beating. You might have a heart attack tomorrow. You can't control anything besides what you think. If you cannot control your own mind, then you go through life with zero control, zero influence. You can't control anything.
You're just a feather in the wind. Waiting for life to blow you from happy place to sad place to happy place to sad place. Completely hoping on the gods to be fortunate to you because if any genuine discomfort comes your way, you're fucked. When I tell people that you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with, everyone agrees. They go, yeah, that's probably true.
And then they continue to hang around with people who they don't want to be. Why? There has to be a point.
There has to be a point where you sit and go, okay, you're my friends, etc, etc. I love you guys. Yeah, we can talk. Whatever. But I'm on a different life path.
You have to leave some people behind. That self-consciousness would motivate you or they would certainly instill the discipline required for you to change. You don't feel self-conscious amongst your peers.
That's why you don't change. That's life. That's humanity.
So I say this to people all the time. If you know you're the sum of the five people you hang around with, why you hang around people you don't want to be? The world has become exceptionally easy for a lot of men. It used to be a different place.
Most men were cotton fodder. Most of us would have ended up in wars, dying for fucking no reason. Now we don't have to do that.
So because we don't have to do that men think it's okay to just become comfortable now You don't not supposed to be comfortable. You were never evolved to be comfortable You're supposed to be uncomfortable right and if you find make yourself uncomfortable Constructively, it's very easy to be anything you want and some life you get one shot That's but if you get some wall That's what life is is the game. That's what life is is a man. This is one big video game You get to upgrade your character You're not born with any value as a man If you don't make yourself valuable you have no value you have to get up and do it Just like a video game, you start with fucking zero.
You have to decide if you want to complete it, you have to upgrade your character. So I find it amazing that men are going to play video games and fuck about and waste their time instead of upgrading their character. Everyone knows what to do. You know what you have to do. If you had to become the most dangerous, intelligent, respectable man on the planet, you know you're supposed to go to the gym.
You know you're supposed to train, learn how to fight. You know all these things. You don't do them. That's your decision. It's your prerogative.
I didn't make that choice. I made the choice to do it all. I decided all.
And every single man watching this can do the exact same thing. The lions that you see on TV, they weren't just born big lions. They had to fight other lions. They had to fight to get that antelope. They had to fight other animals, hyenas, jackals.
They had to fight to be the boss. We live in a comfortable world now where people think, oh, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. But you know what? To some degree, it does matter.
It does matter, and I'll tell you who it matters to. It matters to your soul, and it matters to God. I stand in the mirror with a pure heart.
I know I am the best version of me that could possibly ever exist. I know that God is proud of me. There's nothing that God hates more than sloth and laziness. If God were to create a man, and that man were to sit around and do fuck all, God will frown upon you. It's why you're never lucky.
Start to work. Start to show God the beauty of his own creations. You'd be amazed how lucky you'll become.
You'll loathe your own weakness. You'll loathe your own laziness. This is what all of these things are.
I don't feel depression. How can I feel depression when I'm the most powerful version of me that I could ever fucking be? The most important thing, obviously, regarding anything you do in your life is your mindset.
We're going to learn something about ourselves. We're going to learn something about how you view the world. How you view the world absolutely and utterly shapes how you react, how you act in the world, how people view you. It's all down to how you view things. There's very few things in this life we actually have any control over.
I've lived an extreme life, more extreme than most. I've been a multimillionaire. I've been a nobody. I've been famous.
I've been a world-level athlete. I've started from nothing to the point where I had to run to the gym because I didn't even have a car to get there. I've done it all.
So I've lived a very extreme life, and this is where these lessons come from. I told everyone I'm going to be world champion. Years before I even had a British title, before I even had an English title, I just started fighting. I was like, oh, I'm the next world champion.
Yeah, yeah. I just started saying it, but I said it with genuine conviction. I knew I would be the best.
Good shot there from Tate! He did save the second round and what a crunching shot! You have to understand that in this world everyone constantly tells you do not be arrogant, do not have an ego. People will constantly tell you to not talk in a way which is full of conviction.
People do not like you to be arrogant and have an ego. This is the worst thing ever. Let me tell you the fact, number one facet of the G-Mindset. Your life is never going to be worse if you walk through the world believing you are the fucking man. And I believe that.
I don't just say these things. I fucking believe them. And when you go through life believing you really, really are the man, you're going to lose a few loser friends. Who cares? What you are going to gain is other people on the same path.
You're going to gain other people who think, yeah, well, I'm the fucking man too. This guy's the man. Let's make some money. That's what's going to happen. You need to start believing you are the fucking man.
Even if you're not the man yet, even before I was world champion, I knew I was gonna be the man. So I didn't give a fuck. And I was happy to say that to anybody.
When people called me arrogant and stupid and deluded, I'd just sit there and look at them and say, Yeah, fuck you. I'm gonna be the man. G mindset. First thing you have to believe you're the fucking man. You can achieve anything.
I'm not saying you can achieve anything easily. I'm not saying it's not going to take a whole bunch of work. I'm not saying it's going to happen quickly, but you have to believe you can achieve anything. Tell you something.
Now I don't give a fuck. It's being an astronaut. I don't care about climbing Mount Everest.
You give me enough time to train. I will get it done. I know that for a fact, because I know who I am as a man.
You need to be perspicacious. You need to understand that in this world, there's a whole bunch of people doing amazing shit that you are not doing. And that. That needs to piss you off. Because if it pisses you off, you become motivated all of a sudden.
I was the only one who was pissed off when that Aston Martin was next to me and I had my sales job. I was the only one who was pissed off when I saw that Ferrari drive past. Other people were not annoyed by it. And they're not annoyed by it. They're not driven to beat it.
You understand? They're not driven to be where that person was. I'm telling you to be angry. Anger is a fantastic force.
You're a fucking man. You're a full grown man. It's perfectly fine for you to be pissed off.
It's perfectly fine for you to look around at your life. Look at the girl you're fucking. Look at the house you live in.
Look at the car you drive. And get pissed off. And go, you know what?
I want a hotter bitch. I want a fucking nicer house. I want a faster car.
There's nothing wrong if you take that anger and you direct it in the correct direction. This is the reason I stopped fighting now. People go, why do you stop fighting now?
Because I fought. And I went through hell to get everything I now have. I had nothing when I fought.
off. I had nothing. And I wanted the life I now have. Now I wake up in one of my three mansions with one of my seven supercars and one of my 15 women.
What do I need to fight for? People have different motivations for different things. There's some fighters out there who fight for other reasons.
My motivation was I was pissed off at the world. Look around you. If you don't own the home you're in, get pissed off.
If there ain't a Ferrari on your drive, get pissed off. If you don't have 10 Playboy bunny level beauties, get pissed off. You need to sit there and realize, whoa, whoa, whoa.
I have a few years of... consciousness and even less than that i have a few short years as a young man because age will damage you if you're a millionaire in your 60s not nearly as good as being a millionaire at my age you need to realize you got a few short years as a young man you're fucking wasting it you just sit there and go fuck shit get angry because getting angry forced directed anger is an extremely powerful force nobody absolutely nobody gives a fuck about you as much as you're going to have to give a fuck about yourself. Nobody cares about you as much as they need to care to fix your life. You are never going to have any of the things you want if you do not get them yourself. Only person who gives a shit about your life truly is you.
And if you don't give a shit, then you're fucked. Have to understand you are out here alone, absolutely alone. When you understand these three things, you start to see how a mindset comes together. Nobody's going to save you. You're fucked.
It's totally down to you. You're pissed off with your current situation and you want to change it. Plus, you believe you can do absolutely anything. This is how I thought at 18 years old.
This is how I achieved so much in the short years. This is how I went from a nobody to a world-level athlete and a multimillionaire. Because at a very young age when I had my prime resource of energy and power, 18, 19... years old.
I understood those three tenets. I believe I can do anything. I'm pissed off.
I don't have the life I want and nobody else is going to give it to me. These are three things you need to understand. If any one of these elements is missing, you'll never have the right mindset.
The G mindset will never formulate. If any one of these elements is missing, all three are absolutely essential. And the sooner you get your act together, the sooner you start to panic and worry and be concerned that you're 24, 25, you're not fucking rich yet. There's 24 and 25 year olds out there who are multimillionaires fucking the hot models. These Instagram girls with 3 million followers, they're getting dicked by someone and it ain't you.
And that needs to piss you off. You need to get concerned. You need to get worried. You need to get shit, I'm running out of time.
You need to get some urgency in your life. So I became a sayer. So my brother used to say, you become a sayer.
And what that means is I made a pact to him that my word was unbreakable, strength and honor. And that if I said something, I meant it. So I'd wake up in the morning and I'd say to my brother, I'm doing a thousand press-ups today. Once I said it, once I spoke it, it's like a genie, it became true. If I said I was going to do a thousand press-ups, I'd do them.
Because if I didn't do them... I'd feel guilty within myself that I was the kind of person who talks shit. Because when you instill these mindsets, when your mindset changes, you start to be extremely accountable for yourself. No one's coming to save you.
You become extremely accountable. So when you realize that your word is one of the few things you have on this planet, If you say things, you're going to start sticking to it. So then it becomes very easy to train.
You say, I'm going to train every day this week. I'm going to train for two hours a day. As soon as you've said it, it's basically done.
If I say something, it's basically done. It's set in stone. And this is another thing you've got to understand what the gene might say.
It's very, very specific with what you say. Because if you instill your mindset correctly and you start to just say things, just start saying things. Then you hold yourself accountable. Say things you don't even think you want to do. Wake up and go up to your friend or your mom or whoever and say, you know what?
I'm going to do a thousand push-ups today. Say it to people. They're going to say, no you're not, so watch me.
And then you have a choice. You're either going to succeed like a G or you're going to be a little pussy. And you're going to quit at 310 because it's hard. What kind of man are you?
That's a decision you need to make. This is another facet of the G mindset. The word has to be iron, unbreakable. You have to start meaning every word you speak. You say to someone, I'm going to get rich.
You better fucking do it. Otherwise, you're a liar. You're a liar and you're a little bitch.
You say, I'm going to put some muscle on. You better fucking do it. You say, I'm going to lift this weight. You better fucking do it. 99% of the people out here talk shit.
They say things they half mean or things they don't mean. If I say something, I fucking mean it. Once you implement that correctly, then you get the ability to motivate yourself to no end. Get unlimited motivation because all you have to do is find the energy to say it. It's literally that easy.
This is the fourth tenet and one of the most important ones because that is the power to unlimited motivation. And that's the power to be taken seriously across all spheres of your life. Be specific with your language. Sound like simple things, but to implement them correctly, truly and correctly in your mind will change your entire view of the world. When you implement these four things correctly, when you say, if I say something, I'm going to do it my way.
The word is iron will. And you say that nobody is ever coming to save me ever. And you say that I'm pissed off. I don't have the life I want to have.
And you couple that with, I believe I can do anything. If you truly believe all of these four things, it's going to change your entire view of this planet. When my most famous tweet is when I said depression wasn't real. I was having arguments with all these people.
And everyone's telling me how dangerous my mindset is. What is dangerous about believing that you control your own? You need to live like God is always watching.
You may have the opportunity to do something bad or you may have the opportunity to steal some money or snake somebody, but in the end you're going to pay for that and the bill will be paid. I think if you do the right thing, in my experience, if you're a person who does the right thing, firm handshake, is on time, doesn't lie to anybody, does what he's supposed to do, is honest with a good heart, is genuinely polite to everyone he meets, if you are that person, you get very far in life. I have yet to meet people who just do all the simple things right, who completely fail at life.
But I've met a lot of people who snake or steal some money and they get really rich then they lose it all or they get rich and end up a gambling addict or depressed or etc. So you have to just understand that God is always watching. He's going to reward you in the end. That's the first thing. And the second thing I will say is that you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with and you need to create your reality.
I think the biggest problem with young people today is that they don't create their realities heavily enough. The people that they want to spend most time with aren't adding any value to their lives and then they end up. Wondering why they don't get here.
When I tell people that you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with, everyone agrees. They go, yeah, that's probably true. The people, the five people you spend the most time with, that's what you're gonna end up like.
They say, yeah, that's true. And then they continue to hang around with people who they don't want to be. Why?
You have, there has to be a point, there has to be a point where you sit and go, okay, you're my friends, etc, etc, I love you guys, yeah, we can talk, whatever. But I'm on a different life path. You have to leave some people behind.
If you were to come hang out with me, and you were in a room with me and my five friends, you'd feel You'd feel self-conscious. You're right. You don't feel self-conscious with your friends. If you were to come hang around with me and my crew, you would be self-conscious.
And that self-consciousness would motivate you, or they would certainly instill the discipline required for you to change. You don't feel self-conscious amongst your peers. That's why you don't change. If you were to get in a room and you're the only person who ain't a f***ing monster, you'd want to become a monster. If you walk through life and feel like you have nothing to prove here, if you wake up each day and go, I don't owe anybody anything, I don't have to prove anything to anybody, then you are a loser because you are absolutely not the incorrect.
You must prove yourself to other people. You must prove yourself to your bloodline. You must prove yourself to God. God hates the lazy.
He can't stand them. If he gives you all these genetic dispositions and these natural God-given gifts, if you have two arms and two legs and you can think, and you're not trying your absolute best, that's the reason you're not lucky. He doesn't like you. He likes the people which show him the beauty of his own creation. He likes to give somebody building blocks and then to build something amazing.
The best thing about being a man, you need to build who you are. God loves to see that. Those people...
For some reason seem to be enormously lucky, right? A person who goes, I don't have to prove anything to God. I don't owe all of my ancestors any effort.
You know, for 5,000 years, people were dodging saber-toothed tigers and catching the plague and running from Genghis Khan just for my stupid ass to be born. I don't owe them anything. But I owe them a thing, because I want to play video games.
These people, you should walk through earth and be forced inside of you. If I walk, as I walked into this hotel, everybody, not because they know who I am, but because as I move, even if it's behind... In their head, people feel something. It's an energy that comes from brutal competence. That's what happens when a predator walks in a room.
You pay attention next time you're in a restaurant. If a man who's truly dangerous walks in, nearly every other man kind of looks up at the same time. Feel it. You need to or you don't survive. We've evolved with that to live.
That's who I am. I couldn't imagine not being that man. I've done that because I've been trying to prove myself to my lineage my entire life.
I wake up every day with something to prove. I have hundreds of millions of dollars. I wake up and think, more.
I'm in fantastic shape, four times world champion, fighting the Matrix out here by myself, more. I will have to be braver. I must try harder.
All I do is prove myself. So when I hear people go, I don't have nothing to prove, then you're a loser. Peasants have never felt like they needed to prove anything.
But kings felt like they needed to go and conquer land. Isn't that coincidental? That the king, who already had it all, felt like he needed to go to some far-flung land and conquer it and take it. and prove he's the king but the peasants oh i don't have to prove nothing nobody you're a loser man you're a dummy i absolutely and utterly completely have everything to prove to everybody all the time that's who i am i will prove anything to anybody if i sit and say x i will prove it to anyone i can be checked anytime and their ancestors who fought in saber-toothed tigers or escaped the the mongol hordes or managed to dodge bombs in the second world war all that they went through just for this cretin to be born and to look at him Look at who he is, listen to his life story, listen to what he does on a day-to-day basis, and they would feel nothing but f***ing shame. Your ancestors did all that, all that struggling to survive, hunting and gathering, avoiding enemies, anything it took, dying at age 30 from a tooth infection, all the crap they went through just for you to be born so you could smoke weed and jack off.
That's what your ancestors died for? That's what they worked real hard for? That's who you are? That's the end of your bloodline?
Do you feel no shame? It's shameful My ancestors will look at me and think everything we went through was worth it Your ancestors will look at most of these people their ancestors look at them and feel nothing but can discuss Well, I guarantee even the living at relatives or living parents aren't even proud of like your own father's ashamed of you And you don't even feel motivated to do it's a shame You're to go and look your father in the eye and said, you know what? I could have been a in I could have been a UFC champion I could have been a multi-millionaire, I could have been a race car driver, I could have been a nuclear physicist, I could have done all these things, but I was busy on f***ing hell. You think he's going to be proud of you? No.
No. And there's men here who will deny it, right? Many will go, no, no, no, no. But those are the ones who are most lost. And they should look in the mirror, look deep in their own eyes and say, yes, I'm f***ing disgusting.
I can change this. That's the beauty about being a man. If you're disgusting, you can change it.
That's the beauty. There's nothing stopping you changing it. You're right.
You must accept it. You must accept it first. Most of these people, what they do is they hang around with other disgusting people. And then there's a little group of disgusting people.
And they think, well, I'm not disgusting. Everyone's disgusting. And this is normal.
It's normal to be a fing goss. Not in my world it isn't. It's not normal to be a fing jerk off in my world. It's the things, it's the denial that's going to hold you back the most.
The people who go, yes, I'm wasting my potential. Those are the ones who have potential. The ones who stand up and go, I am wasting my potential, I could be anything and I am not that yet. They have a chance.
The men who go, well, no, actually, I'm fine. They're f***ed. They're inside the matrix fully slave-minded. They're a waste of time.
But if you sit there and go, you know what? Yeah, I am wasting my potential. Yes, I can be more than I am.
Even if I'm already great, I can be better. As good as I am, I still push myself to the limit every single day. I have every single thing a man could possibly want. I'm still pushing myself. This is your prerogative as a man.
You need to be instilled with a sense of duty. Duty to your bloodline. You must want it. You need to want it deep inside your soul. I can't die as anything less than emperor.
It's my destiny. You're welcome. There are duties that men must fulfill. whether to god or to your bloodline if i feel extremely happy and excited i'm going to use that as motivation or energy to do amazing things and do good and work hard if i feel absolutely depressed and distraught i'm going to use that as endless energy and motivation to do amazing things and work hard it doesn't matter what you give me energy cannot be destroyed it can only be converted and transferred it doesn't matter what fuel you give me give me diesel petrol kerosene vodka doesn't matter what you put inside of my engine hard work is going to come out absolutely that's all i know how to do making the best move on the chessboard regardless Regardless of how losing your position is, it's a life philosophy that most will never understand. Sometimes you look at your position on the board and you're, but still, regardless of how you are, there's still a best move.
There's always a best move and a worst move, no matter how bad things are. Many people, when they get to a losing position, think, ah, it doesn't matter. I don't have to make the best move anymore.
I actually disagree. Maybe nine times out of 10, the best move won't save you. But that one time out of 10, the best move might be just enough to save your life. Remember, in a long enough time frame, if you play the game, repeatedly day after day taking risks always making the best move regardless whether you're winning or losing it will compound into an upward spiral of never-ending success you might end up somewhere near me you might have dinner one day you might stop being a brokey you might stop being a loser if your girl leaves you the best move on the board perhaps is to go to the gym perhaps is to send her flowers perhaps is to never text her again well you should make the best move on the board regardless even if you don't want her back you should still make the best You should always think that way.
What move will give me the best possible strategic position? That's how you think. That's how I think. Best move on the board is how you should approach your life.
Next time you're in a situation, you should sit and say, okay, this is a bad situation. What's the best move I could possibly make? What's the outcome I would like? What's the most likely move to give me that particular outcome?
And you'd be surprised what some of them are. I had a guy email me the other day saying he lost his job. He was the worst salesman.
Well, then you deserve to lose your job. That's how sales works. It's fierce. He goes, well, I don't know.
What should I do? I said, what's the best move on the board? He goes, well, I really want the sales job.
I think I can get good at it. I said, well, then work for free. So do you have another job yet? He said, no. Okay, while you're applying for other jobs, instead of sitting around on your ass at home, keep working for free for the company for two or three weeks.
See if you can turn it around. And he tried that. And he couldn't because he shit sales. But the point is, if he would have sat at home doing nothing, it wouldn't have helped him. The best move on the board was to try and prove to his company that he's actually worth something.
If he was worth something, in those two or three weeks, he might have turned around and got his job back. But he still got to apply for new jobs. He didn't lose anything. That's moving the chessboard.
That's how I want you to approach your life, ladies and gentlemen. It's the mental model in which you should apply to scenarios to deduce what is the best possible action. Because if you're always making the best move and very rarely making the worst move, it's pretty hard to lose. It's player versus player out here.
The world is about winners and losers. And everyone is competing against each other. You are competing against me.
I'm competing against you. You're competing against your friend. You and you're competing against your enemies.
You want a dollar, so does everyone else. You want that hot girl, so does everyone else. You want that house, so does everyone else. What's amazing is the things you want, the main reason you want them is because other people want them.
So you can show off that you have it and they don't. It is competition. Kind of like the age-old adage, if a tiger is chasing ten people, you don't have to be the fastest. You just have to be faster than the slowest guy.
Because he's fast. So, considering that a lot of people are constantly making the wrong moves, if you can just start to make the right moves most of the time, You'll see exactly how easy life can be. I don't even want your energy around me.
Because quitters are the worst people on the planet. You can give a quitter absolutely everything and they will still fail. You can give a, it doesn't matter what it is.
If you go to Ikea and buy a flat pack table and put it in front of a quitter, you will never have a table. He'll look at it, it's just long, and he'll quit. Quitters can have every single advantage. Quitters can have all the information. Quitters can have all the tutelage.
Quitters can have a mentorship. Quitters can have someone who messages them every morning. Hey, bro, let's get it. And guess what they're going to do at the end? Quit.
Quit. They ain't never going to have shit. So if you're a quitter, I don't even want to. want you even inside my organization i don't want quitters anywhere near me because you're never going to be successful people say hey man you need to find your what you're passionate about and do that and what they're trying to say is only do what you like because you have no motivation to do anything else but i'm going to sit here and once again explain to you how different the world is when you have a mind which isn't warped and affected easily by outside influences you are never going to become a robot this is nothing to do with not feeling emotions it's nothing to do with just becoming an empty emotionless void of a person that's not what this is this is about understanding that you're a human being you're going to feel emotions this is a beautiful thing and making sure that you use them in the correct way a and b you do not ever let them stop you doing what you're supposed to do i say to people often i haven't felt like going to the gym in two years i'm wearing my gym clothes right now i just finished training i haven't felt like training in two years i after 10 years of professional fighting after giving my life to exercise genuinely i have not not woke up and felt like, oh, I really want to train.
I haven't felt that way in a long time. That's why I retired from fighting. But I have still gone and I have still trained regardless of how I feel. So this is one of the tenets, and there's going to be a lot of things you're going to learn, of an iron mindset.
It's the ability to not let your feelings affect you and sometimes to do the complete opposite of how you feel. Because you're not going to very often feel like working hard. You're not going to always feel like doing the right thing. You're not always going to be motivated. The idea that you need to be constantly motivated shows how weak your mindset is.
I don't need motivation to go to the gym. I cannot want to go with every fiber of my being. I will still be there because I use my cerebral ability.
I use my mind and I logically decide what I'm going to do with my day regardless of how I feel, regardless of whether I'm motivated or not. Because that's all life is. That's all the world is.
Life is just getting things done, doing the right things, doing the important things, making sure they're done efficiently and thoroughly so that you live the best possible life. It's as simple as that. It's not particularly complicated. I'm not going to be and I don't want to be one of those. guys who's like motivation inspirational that i've never been one of them people I don't believe in motivation inspiration.
I don't believe in that crap. I don't believe that you need motivation to get things done I'm not gonna sit here and just talk a whole bunch of motivational things to make you feel good What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna tell you the things I always did that allowed me to put together the mindset I currently have so if you look at any story Literally any story with a hero in it. They all have one thing in common and that thing is that there's always a villain You cannot have a hero without a villain. It doesn't matter.
You can think of any superhero, any comic book, any book you can think of, any movie. There's always a good guy and there's a bad guy. So for the good guy to exist, there has to be a bad guy.
There's no other way for the duality of the universe to continue without this basic 10th. So you want to be the good guy in your story. You want, and every, I've said this before, actually, as a man, life is going to be difficult.
It's more difficult than being a woman. It's more difficult than anything else. So it's very easy to see yourself.
Life is actually easier as a. a whole you see yourself as a hero because in every single hero story the hero suffers he has hard time and if you understand that you're suffering because you're a hero then the suffering begins to make sense so you can be sitting here right now but my woman doesn't respect me i have no money in the bank this is difficult i'm struggling here i'm struggling there you can feel sorry for yourself or you can say yeah my woman doesn't respect me i'm struggling i can't make money but you know what that's that's because i'm a superhero and my life's going to be hard because i'm a man and as a hero it's going to be difficult these are the tests and the trials and tribulations i have to go through to become someone every single male superhero went through a whole ton of before he became superhero you've seen the Batman movies he was his parents died he was he was locked up in jail all these bad things happen and then they emerge as the hero and this is done for a reason because the reality of life especially as a man so right now you have to understand that you're the hero in this movie and if you're struggling you're struggling for a very important reason and how you handle these struggles and how you deal with these struggles you have to decide the kind of person you're going to be afterwards you're going to be a superhero or you're going to succumb to them and you're going to fail to fail. So be happy that you're struggling because that's important. That's the first thing. Second thing is there has to be a villain.
Now, most people think their villain is someone else. You see this all the time. The villain is the opposite of the hero. So if you're sitting at home and you haven't got much money and you're broke and you're pissed off and you're depressed and you look at me and I have four supercars and all these girls and traveling the world, I go everywhere I want, you may think I'm your villain.
People look at other people and say, now that guy has this, this guy has this, and they become envious. They think that's the villain. That's not true. That's not the case because every single person has different circumstances.
There are things you have that I don't have and there are things I have that you don't have. So, I may have had a genetic gift over you, for example, because I'm a fantastic kickboxer. But you may have been born more wealthy than me. I was born in a very, very poor family. So, I had advantages and disadvantages.
You had advantages and disadvantages. So, comparing yourself to other people is asinine and it's inane because it's not a level, fair playing ground. There are some people who were born to millionaire parents who are gorgeous, model good looking, and have six-packs without trying.
Some people are lucky like that. That's just my opinion. just how it is so comparing yourself to these people is not going to help you your villain is nobody else your villain is someone you're going to create and you're going to create your villain because he's going to motivate you to be the most powerful hero you can possibly be so you're going to create your villain and this is the task for the first week this is a six-week training course and over each week you have a very important task the task for this week is to create your villain to make sure that there was no disadvantages involved your villains going to be a clone of you But what your villain's gonna have is he's gonna have some things you don't have. And your villain is gonna be the person who basically, without requirement for motivation, without requirement, without being, no matter how he feels that day, or how stressed he is from work, regardless of... of what happens to him.
Your villain is going to be the guy who always does exactly what he wants to do. So your villain is going to be the guy who goes to the gym regardless of how he feels. Your villain is going to be the guy who approaches every beautiful girl he ever sees and says, I really think of you.
goes every time he talks to them. Your villain's gonna be the guy who asks for a razor blade. Your villain's gonna be the guy who does everything he wants, regardless of how he feels, regardless if he's not motivated or not, regardless if he's shy to talk to that girl or people are watching or his ankle hurts, he doesn't wanna go to the gym, whatever. Or his boss, he thinks his boss is gonna fire him.
Your villain is that dude who does anything he wants to do. You have to sit and you have to make a list of all the things, you have to sit there and say, if I did everything I wanted to do, if I were to be the best version of myself possible, what would I do? Okay, well, I'd go to the gym every day. I get up at 6 a.m.
and I go to the gym every day. You write that down. My villain is the kind of guy who reads very important books. I say I don't have time, but my enemy, this villain, he reads books. He finds time.
He doesn't watch TV ever. He doesn't waste time ever. He doesn't eat junk food.
He reads books. Writes it down. You have to make a list. Now, this list at first should be easy for you, but then you're going to get to about seven or eight things and you're going to stop. No, this list needs to be 25 to 30 points long, minimum.
This guy you're building, your arch nemesis, you have to write down every single. quality about this guy what he does he goes to the gym every day 6 a.m he doesn't watch tv he doesn't eat junk food he goes up to beautiful girls etc etc etc 25 or 30 points long because this is going to become your enemy for the next six weeks of training you want to become a hero you need someone to battle against this is who you're battling against you're battling against a better version of yourself a version of yourself that doesn't succumb to how he feels but does what he's supposed to do anyway so this is who your villain is going to be And when you're writing down this list, all the qualities your villain has, imagine what this person looks like. You have to put genuine effort into this.
You have to imagine what he looks like. Imagine how he walks. Imagine how he talks. Imagine what people think when they see him.
Imagine how different you would be if you had been going to the gym every single day for an hour and a half, every single day, for the last two, three, four years. Imagine it. Imagine how differently people would look at you.
Imagine how differently females would treat you if you were jacked like that guy would be.