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How do you say 'hello' in Chinese?
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你好 (Nǐ hǎo)
Translate and explain the introduction: 我叫 成龙 (Wǒ jiào Chéng Lóng).
'I am called Chéng Lóng.' 'Wǒ jiào' means 'I am called' and Chéng Lóng is the full name.
How do you introduce your full name in Chinese?
我叫 [Full Name] (Wǒ jiào [Full Name])
Translate and explain the introduction: 我姓 李 (Wǒ xìng Lǐ).
'My last name is Lǐ.' 'Wǒ xìng' means 'My last name is' and Lǐ is the last name.
When combined, what tone pattern does '你好' change to?
Second tone for 'nǐ' and third tone for 'hǎo'.
Combine saying hello and introducing yourself using 'Wǒ jiào' if your full name is Wáng Xiǎomíng.
你好,我叫 王小明 (Nǐ hǎo, wǒ jiào Wáng Xiǎomíng)
Combine saying hello and introducing yourself using 'Wǒ xìng' if your last name is Zhang.
你好,我姓 张 (Nǐ hǎo, wǒ xìng Zhāng)
What is Bruce Lee's Chinese name, and what does it mean?
Bruce Lee's Chinese name is 李小龙 (Lǐ Xiǎolóng), meaning 'Little Dragon'.
Why can you use the phrase '我叫 小龙' but not '我叫 李'?
'我叫 小龙' is acceptable because '小龙' has two characters. '我叫 李' is incorrect because '李' only has one character.
How would you introduce yourself using 'Wǒ xìng' if your last name is Wang?
我姓 王 (Wǒ xìng Wáng)
How would you introduce yourself using 'Wǒ jiào' if your full name is Lǐ Huā?
我叫 李花 (Wǒ jiào Lǐ Huā)
What tones do the characters in '你好' take when spoken individually?
Both characters have a third tone individually.
What is Jackie Chan's Chinese name, and what does it mean?
Jackie Chan's Chinese name is 成龙 (Chéng Lóng), meaning 'To become a dragon'.
How do you introduce your last name only in Chinese?
我姓 [Last Name] (Wǒ xìng [Last Name])
What is the usual structure of a Chinese name?
Last name (1 character) + First name (1 or 2 characters)