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Chinese for Beginners: Basic Chinese Course - Lesson 1

well Shelly please read along with the video when you see bull characters and you can have full access to all of our listens with the Chinese for us Premium Membership Jaime how this is Chinese for a beginners basic Chinese course listen one Wassily today we'll learn how to introduce ourselves in Chinese so when we meet a new person we say hi to them and introduce ourselves so we say meet how to say hello me how me you how it literally means good well or okay me how hello me how you how so Nihao is like saying I bet you're doing good or okay today me how did you notice that the tone for me and how doesn't sound the same when they are together me how they are both pronounced in a third tone when spoken individually and when they are together they are pronounced like this me how so when two third tones are together the first one turns into the second tone but it's still written as a third tone and then we'll introduce ourselves there are two different ways to introduce yourself in Chinese a Chinese name has two parts last name and first name the last name goes first and the first name goes after the last name the last name is more likely one character and a first name usually has one or two characters for example Bruce Lee's Chinese name is li Xiao long li is his last name Shalom is his first name literally it means little dragon and Jackie Chan's Chinese name is Cheung long his last name is Cheung and his first name is lone literally it means to become a dragon and my name is holly how is my last name and Lee is my first name so here are two ways to introduce yourself war soon I last name to be and what gel I to be caught both Shemp and gel here function as the verb of the sentence while war is the subject so this is how I introduce my last name or sumn how war sim how i listening to be how Worsham how my last name is how and if briefly wants to introduce this laughing what would he say war chill li i listening to be Li was simply my last you sleep now can you tell me what your last name is if you don't have a Chinese name yet just say in your own language warship plus your last name very good fit haha and the other way to introduce yourself what gel usually you can use it to introduce either your full name or your first name after it for example my full name is Holly wall gel how we I to be called Holly what yeah Holly my name is Holly and if it's Jackie Chan who's introducing his full name what would he say war gel Chung long I to record tongue long watch out home long my name is Cheung long also you can say what gel wells your first name but there's one exception when your first name is like my only one character you cannot introduce yourself with your first name only so I cannot say what gel D I have to say what y'all how we with my full name or what y'all Lily my nickname which is two characters so Chow cannot be followed by only one character now can you introduce your first name with the sentence or gel you can say it in your own language as well what ciao plus your first name very good pic ha ha so we've learned two ways to introduce ourselves was him and what gel let me introduce myself one more time and then you can introduce yourself me how was Hugh how what y'all really now suppose you're going to China and meeting your landlord her name is Chanyeol she's going to say hi to you and introduce herself can you say hi and introduce yourself and this time no pinging we how was hyun-jin what y'all Chanyeol or she'll your last name what yeah your first name very good feature ha before we finish here's a quick review aw or pl kill Hill shield ha how Nihao knew how was him was him was here or tell did you get all of them right don't forget to do the quizzes for this listen it's on a listen page on our website the link is right underneath this video and in the next topic we'll learn some useful ways to memorize the characters from this lesson don't forget to sign up on our website to get more learning materials and please subscribe like comment and share thanks a lot and I'll see you next time I did