We're going to do something interesting tonight, which I think you'll find. And that's Kundalini. That's a strange word to be a Hindu word.
We were saying this afternoon, it sounds like something you'd go to get in an Italian restaurant. I'll have Kundalini with... Clam sauce, you know, something like that.
But it's K-U-N-D-A-L-I-N-I. It's a very strange word, but it is a most ancient thing that transcends all religions and you know it goes back to the very earliest concepts of the human body and basically if you were to say what it boils down to is the way that you take control of yourself that's Kundalini rather than the lower self controlling you this is the way that you control yourself I mean they're just certain ways and certain things that you do in order to make things happen if you're going to install air conditioning you have to follow principles in order to make the thing thing work. If you're going to install electricity, you have to follow that. In the same way, the ancients, the wisdom that came down from God, left us instructions on what to do in order to control your body and your mind rather than having the effect be the opposite.
And this describes actually seven chakras, which they call chakras, distributed from the base to the crown of the head, from the spine to the crown of the head. The reason that there is seven, I'll be quite frank with you, is because the chakras are distributed from is because most of these ancient people knew only seven planets. They could only identify seven planets, and that's why they identified seven chakras, and there's others who have a various belief in how many there are.
We're not going to go into the in-depth analysis of this. I'm trying just to give you a light understanding or a light familiarization with the term and what it means. But to activate this in your body, and everybody can activate this in their body, but to activate it is to release realizations of spirit. spiritual consciousness and bliss.
That's what it does. Spiritual consciousness and bliss. The only possible way that you can activate spiritual consciousness is Kundalini.
There is no other way it can be done. It is impossible to do it any other way. And that's why it's so important that you become familiar with the term. Otherwise, you're into religion and you're dwelling in consciousness of the lower mind with all of its distractions. You can't work that way.
And we'll show you that soon. But the seven centers that are located from the base of the spine to the crown are known as chakras, C-H-A-K-R-A-S. And that word means wheels. Seven chakras, wheels, they're nerve centers.
But I want you to understand something about that. They're psychological. And that's very, very, very important for you to know. OK, they're psychological, which means if you're doctor was to look and x-ray your spine or open your back and inspect your spine from the base to the crown, he wouldn't find any of these chakras.
What is being said here is that in each place, in each area where a chakra quote unquote is located, there is something to be overcome, whether it be in the base, the sexual area, the heart area, the throat area, the solar plexus, up into the head and up into the crown. There has to be an overcoming, but these are not physical things that you can find where the doctor could find them. could find attached to your body. So understand that. But they are definitely there, and they definitely have their placement.
But they're on the spiritual realm of things and the psychological realm of things. But still, you'll never find fulfillment in your life until these things are overcome, until each of these centers, which are closed off, are open. You'll never find life. You'll never find spirituality. You'll spend your life praying and reading Bibles and reading Bibles and reading Bibles.
But you will not experience that, which is the essence. essence of life. Now, let's look at the premise.
Let's look at the premise of Kundalini. Let's see what the premise is. You have an energy raising itself from the base of the spine inside of you.
The spine, your back. Your spine is on your back. Well, you know, sometimes, you know, I just want to be careful.
Okay, you have seven chakras. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Okay, that's the belief.
We don't go into details about the others or the ninth. I'll tell you about that later. Seven chakras that rise up your spine inside of you, obviously, to generate energy to the right hemisphere of the brain and cause you to start thinking with cells which are located at the right hemisphere of the brain.
And those are the seven chakras of Kundalini. Now, it's a very strong belief. Strange thing, isn't it? To think of something like this, or to talk about something like this, especially in Christian circles.
I happened to watch a program on television at my office in which a Catholic priest was putting this down. And he was saying what the belief is, is that there's an energy that rises up seven chakras to the spine, and then throws energy to the right hemisphere, and this is something you've got to stay away from, this is New Age thought, it's Hindu. and it's something you don't want to get involved in. And I wrote him a letter and I said, Father, you know, nice program and God bless you and everything, but you want to be a little careful as a Christian as to what you say about these seven chakras.
And I showed him something, and I'm going to show it to you right now. Go to page 229 in the New Testament in the book of Revelation, alright? Page 229 in the New Testament in the book of Revelation. And let's look at something together. which is very very interesting now this is a Bible it says Bible on the front of your book King James version which kind of gives it some Western authority some credibility in your life I would assume you know It's used by Christians, Jews, and others who are of our ilk, if you would.
Now, I just told you about this very strange kundalini of the seven chakras going up the spine and opening the right hemisphere of the brain. Page 229 in that New Testament of yours, Revelation chapter 5. Let's take a look at what it says. Listen, and let's read it closely and carefully with me. And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne. immediately we're being led to the right hemisphere of the brain of the higher consciousness okay now watch what this is this is the book of life that all of Christianity is based on my friends and I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside sealed with seven seals it's in your Bible therefore We must be very careful if we get this new age fear creeping into the point that we start screaming against everything simply because it's Hindu.
Definitely it's Hindu, but definitely it's in the Bible. And that, my friends, the description of Kundalini in the Bible is termed the book of life. And all over that every church you've ever been to, they said you want to make sure your name is written in the Lamb's book of life. The Lamb's book of life because the top shot. chakra, the crown chakra, coincides with that which is Aries, the ram or the lamb, which takes away the cold of the winter and takes away the sins and so forth and so on.
Okay? So, I'm not here telling you about a strange Hindu belief. I'm telling you about something that is in Revelation chapter 5, verse 1 of your Judeo-Christian Bible.
A book held in the right hand of him who sits on the throne, written with... within you on the backside indicating the spine and sealed with seven seals, which are the seven chakras. You don't have to be a Rhodes scholar, I think, to determine. That's what they're talking about.
That's what's in the Bible. Now the point here is that kundalini means the coiled serpent and... Laurie, throw that away. The is great. The coiled serpent is kundalini, which rises and must rise through those seven chakras in order to open each area of your spinal system where these seals...
cover up the energies of desire and feelings and so forth and so on. That's what kundalini means. But this is the important thing I'm trying to get to, stumbling a little bit. These seven seals or seven chakras can only be opened by the mind.
by the serpent. It can only be opened by the serpent. Now how do I know that?
Well, of course, that's the ancient belief, but take a look again at Revelation 5 where you are about this. Look at Revelation 5.2. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming, Who is worthy to open the book and loose the seals thereof? With me? Who can do this?
Can you? But look what it says in Revelation 5.3. And no man in heaven, nor in the earth, nor under the earth was able to do this.
able to open the book neither to look therein now what you just the word man in mysticism mean mind the human mind never ever ever ever on any circumstances can take ...part in entering and opening up the seals, the seven seals, which leads up to the crown. It's impossible. It cannot be done. It can only be done by the coiled serpent of Kundalini.
Can't be done any other... and the Bible has just said no man, no man anywhere is able to do it. do that. So, no man is found worthy.
Look at Revelation 5, 4, and I wept because no man was found worthy, blah, blah, blah. Couldn't even look at it. You know why?
Because you cannot enter the right hemisphere of your brain. Here you have a head. Holyw many of you had a head? Look at, everybody has a head, right? In your head is a brain.
Ten percent of the brain you use. That's the ten percent of tithing. That's what God wants you to give. That's what tithing means.
Give that ten percent. It has nothing to do with money. The other ninety percent you don't touch. Ninety percent of your brain you don't touch.
Would that seem reasonable to you? This is telling you, hey, that ninety percent is available to you if you follow the instructions of the ancient. It's including Jesus Christ who said, practice the single eye, which is Kundalini. Go to the upper room, which is Kundalini.
Okay. So who is able to open the seal? Revelation 5.5. And one of the elders said, weep not, behold, the lion of the tribe of Judah is able to open the seal. Okay.
Very, very important. Watch with me. If you go to Numbers chapter 2, verse 2 in the Bible, you'll find...
that the tribes of Israel were set up under the, what you would call the four points of the compass. North, south, east, and west. Now, here we have the tribe of Dan in the north, the emotions, the tribe of Reuben in the south, the physical, the tribe of Ephraim in the west, the intellect, and the tribe of Judah in the east, as it says in the King James, at the point... point of the rising sun. And the domicile of the sun in the zodiac is Leo the lion.
Leo the lion, the lion of the tribe of Judah, the power, the energy of the sun, the power of the spirit at the right hemisphere of the brain, sitting at the east, is all that is available, but it is available to you to open the seven seals. You, in other words, have have to, if you're going to undertake this work and you're into meditation, you cannot rush this. Many people have tried.
Dr. Timothy Leary tried to go up via all of this stuff. What do they take? LSD and all this stuff.
And you can freak yourself out. Yes, you can. Jesus Christ addressed that.
People try to take heaven by force. You can't, except you can burn your mind, you can burn your brain. You can't fool with this stuff. The only possible way. is sitting as a seed, waiting, waiting, waiting, until nature feels you are ready and starts its movement upward to open the right side.
It has to be done according to nature. You cannot plant seeds and then pull up the grass tomorrow. It comes up when it comes up. And everything is done in God's law in you as well as outside. So the lion of the tribe of Judah, the sun, and that's fine out there, but look within yourself.
Where does the lion's domicile within you? It's at the east. It's at the right side.
Because when you look north, east is always on the right side. And there, the power of the right side will energize the activity of Kundalini within you. And that's the only possible place.
And then it says also, the lion of the tribe of Judah hath propelled to open the book and to loose the seals. The root of David. What that means is David is the king.
You must have David within you as well. You must be disciplined. to take the land. You must be disciplined to overlook the land with your army of human spirits saying, I am not going to allow the marauders from the lower Canaanite places to come crashing in.
I am going to keep the land. I am going to keep the right side protected. And I am going to keep all of that which is the lower up. That's what David did. And that's what you need.
That's what you have to do. So within you, the spirit of the right side will cause the seals to open. The kundalini is a rising power, as I said, which comes up the spine, which we read about in the book of Revelation a moment ago. And as this energy begins to rise up each seal, it causes the seal to open and it causes you to overcome that which is a problem in your life because of something that may be in either the lower chakra or the heart chakra or the sacral chakra. sexual prostate area, the throat area, whatever it is, all of them have to be overcome.
And Kundalini means, this is exactly what it means, the coiled one. Okay? The...
coiled one. And it is an energy like a serpent. That's why you see in India, you know, the guy gets the flute and he plays the flute and then the serpent comes up because the ancients said when the flute is on the lips of God, the serpent will rise.
That's related to this. Actually, in reality, the serpent doesn't hear, the snake doesn't hear the music of the flute. He sees the flute going back and forth, and that's why he comes up. But they use that as a symbol. The word is Sanskrit, Kundalini, which is original Hindu.
It's the coiled serpent who sleeps in the lowest of the body's seven centers. Now, Buddha says she lies coiled three and a half times. So let's look at that. I can take this stuff off again. The lies coiled three and a half times.
Now Buddha says she lies coiled three and a half times in the ninth. Because Shakyamuni Buddha said, yes, you go through the seven centers, but then you get to the eighth, which is the harbinger of your memories. And in fact, number eight in mysticism means rupture. That's the place where all of a sudden, you know, when you feel good, and then the memories come back, the dreams come back, the things come back to haunt you. And he says, when you get to the eighth, where all the...
the bitter memories come from that drag you down all the bitterness that's been put into you by either family or religion or church or school or government then he says drill deep down into the ninth because in the ninth she lies coiled and when you drill with your meditation into the ninth she awakens and she rises to devour all of the hurts and all of the fears it's all symbolisms it's all way of uncovering and putting bringing to life the electrical energy and your body to set you free But she rises to devour the hurt. Here's the 3 and 1 half times. And this is why she lies coiled 3 and 1 half times. It's all based on the zodiac of 3 times 360 degrees of the zodiac, which equals 1,080 degrees. And then 1 half of the 360 degrees, which is 180. And it's 1,260.
1,260. in numerology, adds up to nine. Holyw did I do that?
One plus two is three, plus six equals nine. Nine is the number of human consciousness. This is the extremes that they went to in order to be able to hide this from the profane and open it only to those people who are gonna meditate and purge away all of the selfishness and the ego to get to this power.
Three and a half times. Okay? The lies coiled. 1,260. It's very, very important that it's...
The reason why... Why doesn't he just say, you know, why does he have to go three and a half times? You know, just there's another way to get the...
Why do you have to go through all... is why does it have to be 1,260? One is God, two is God in you, and six is that works which you have to overcome, the disciplines, the doctrines that you have to overcome. And it all adds up to nine, which is consciousness.
Let me show you something. Maybe you get a better look at this. Go to page 230. You're in the book of Revelation now, okay.
Go to page 232 and go to Revelation chapter 11. Excuse me. Revelation chapter 11, okay. And you'll see something. And I... Revelation chapter 11, verse 3. And I will give power unto my two witnesses.
The two witnesses of the pineal glands and the pituitary gland. The two witnesses of the pineal gland and the pituitary gland are the same as the king's chamber and the queen's chamber, the pyramid. I will give power to my two witnesses and they shall prophesy 1,203 score.
Do you see that? You with me? 1,203 score. Three score means three times 20. That's 1,260. Do you see why it's important?
They put 1,260, I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they will prophesy 1,260 days. And there you have that very important coded message of one, two, six, adding up to nine. So that's why you have to have this three and a half times. You have to have three.
1, 0, 8, 0, and then one half to make 1, 2, 6, 0. Now, let me show you something else. You're in Revelation 11, 3. Go to Revelation 11, 11. Just a few verses down, okay? Revelation 11, 11, and after three days and a half, the Spirit of God... of life from God entered them and they stood upon their feet. Once again, you see it?
Three and a half, you're seeing that same thing that Buddha was, now remember Buddha wrote a thousand years before Jesus and Buddha was saying she lies coiled three and a half times. Here you're seeing three and a half days and a couple of verses ahead of that you saw the 1260 which is the progression of the addition multiplication of that the reason that this is done like this is to hide this from the profane as Jesus said they look look and look and they don't see, they listen and listen and they don't understand. And what does that all mean? It means that you don't have a person who knows nothing about electricity fool with the wires in here because he'll burn the place down. And God is not going to have people who do not understand and have not had this ego purged away to touch the power that resides in the right hemisphere of the brain.
You can't get at it, no matter what you do. The only way you can get at it is meditation, and when the time is right, Kundalini will rise and open it for you. Now...
This Kundalini activity in your body is a winding activity. It's like a serpent. It's like, okay, just like that. It's like, you ever see the caduceus that your doctor wears on the lapel when he comes out?
You'll see the duality of it like that. What else do you see like this? The basis of life, DNA.
Everything flows. Everything flows in that cyclic serpentine type of pattern. It's a winding activity.
binding energy now Let's look in the bible and let's see how this kundalini energy is described in the construction of the temple now remember it says God lives in a temple not built with human hands And as I said to the people this morning if you take your two fingers and raise them to the side of your head You'll touch the only temples in the universe that are not built with human hands The only temples in the universe that are not built with human hands are right on the side of your head That's where God dwells and we're going to look at the construction of of the temple and we're going to compare it with this winding energy of Kundalini. Let's go. Let's go to page 296 in the Old Testament and look at the book of 1 Kings, okay?
1 Kings chapter 6 because it's very interesting. We're looking at the construction of the temple. Now remember, you're looking at literal words but don't look at them literally.
Relate them to yourself. Holyw do you build the temple? You've got to come in. You've got to sit. You've got to enter into meditation.
to deep within yourself rise your raise yourself above the thoughts of the mind in absolute silence of what Buddha called Nirvana look what happens here let's go to first Kings chapter 6 verse 7 this is the temple this is you and the house when it was in building but being constructed was built of a stone made ready before it was brought there so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house while it was building the temple is built in silence You see it? Are you with me? The temple must be built in silence. And remember, God lives in a temple made without human hands, which means the temple that he's talking about is the temple in your head, saying that that temple where God is going to reside must be built in silence.
Look at me. That's why Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple. That's what he's talking about.
Are you really going to think that this guy's going to get kicked off and go kicking over pigeons and everything? For what? for what?
It was a very normal thing to have money changers in the temple and have dove sellers. He did it all the time. This was showing you a secret that when he comes in, he drives the activity out of your mind through nirvanic meditation.
So we see it's built without any sound. Now look at verse 8. The door for the middle chamber. The middle chamber is the holy of holies. The door for the middle chamber was in the Right side of the house.
Why? You should stop right there and say, why? Why does it have to be in the right side of the house? Because when the sun in your sky rises in the northern hemisphere in the spring, it sits at the eastern side or the right side and spring comes.
Spring cannot come until the universal energy parks itself in the right side. Then spring comes. In the same way it happens inside of you. Because as it is without, which is the macrocosm. it is within which is the microcosm, the energy must park itself at the right side, and then spring comes to your life.
Okay? Now look at the next one. Here we're going to get to Kundalini.
Sound like a little of time. Kundalini! The door for the middle chamber was in the right side of the house and they went up with winding stairs into the middle.
Why winding stairs? Look at it. It's the serpent.
Uh-huh. You see the point is that people say, I'm a cult leader and I'm doing all this stuff and I'm doing all this fakakta and all this. I'm telling you, look, you tell me why.
You tell me why they had to have windings there. Why couldn't I have straight stairs? Why'd I have to put it in the right side of the house? Huh? Why is everything sitting at the right hand of God?
Why not sitting at the left hand? And why does everything gotta come from the east? the wise men come from the east, why don't they come from the west? Why don't you call your egg festival in April Western?
Happy Western, everybody. It makes it easy for the rabbits who speak. Happy Western. Why not?
Why? See, when you look at the Bible, say, why is it like that? Don't you say that's the way it is. Why is it like that? The ancients of Kundalini told you why it was.
The Bible is telling you the same thing. The stairs had to be winding because it can't go up like that. It goes up like that.
It's the same as DNA. Up like that. And look at this.
It went into the middle chamber and out of the middle chamber into the... Third, okay? Now here we go, Kundalini. In the elevation stages of consciousness in your brain, the first stage is earth, that's your carnal mind. The second stage is water, which is your carnal mind.
is God's truth. The third stage is air, which is nirvana. That's where you say we're going to rise to meet Jesus in the air. The fourth stage is fire, which is the Holyly Spirit.
What I am showing you here is baptism. Baptism has nothing to do with sticking your head in water. I mean, isn't that bizarre that we believe? I mean, this is what we took to be so holy, Joe.
This God is not going to get freaked out unless you stick your head in water. It doesn't make any difference if the water is polluted. This has got to be.
You've got to stick your head in the water. And in Hebrews 6, when the apostle Paul says, get away from that. Get away from baptism.
Why? Because you should learn that baptism means taking your lower mind, submitting it to the truth. truth of the second stage rising up to the third stage, which is air. And air is that stage of your mind where there are no thoughts. Okay?
So here then we see Kundalini rising up by winding stairs into the right side and then into the third, up into air, up into that place of bliss, up into that place where there is no human thought. It's pretty neat. It's pretty good. Winding Chamber.
That's the action of Kundalini. Now let's see its effect on a person in the Bible. I'm going to go?
Come on. Let's see the effect on the person in the Bible. Let's go to page 173 in the New Testament, the book of Romans. Let's see what kind of an effect it had on a human being who was a prolific Bible scholar, Bible writer. We'll go to Romans chapter 12. It's on page 173 of your New Testament.
So far, are you halfway? Do you follow what I'm telling you here? Is it fairly basic? and so that you can get an understanding.
And what I'm trying to show you is I'm trying to let you see the authority and the credibility of it in the Bible. Okay, now let's take a look at what Paul says. Romans chapter 12. I'm sorry, and I'm really sorry. It's 2 Corinthians chapter 12. Most of you who are on page 173 are there anyhow, but the others who have the more advanced Bibles, you're probably a little off.
Okay, 2 Corinthians chapter 12. Now listen to what this guy says. You see, this is what I get. You know, people say, Oh, don't go down there.
They got them floating on the ceilings. They're having out-of-body experiences and all this evil cult stuff. You don't want to get involved in that.
Stay out of that place. Watch this one. Get this guy. This is the guy that wrote the Bible.
Chapter 12, verse 2. I know a man in Christ about 14 years ago, whether in the body I cannot tell or whether out of the body I cannot tell. He didn't know. He really freaked out.
This guy really was gone. He must have been listening to a guitar. He just took off. This guy had an experience. Sometimes when you're sitting at the floor, this is where he went.
God, such a one caught up to the third heaven. Do you see it there? Is it in your Bible?
Read it. Was he caught up to the third heaven? He was elevated beyond the domain of the mind into the domain of the third heaven or air where there is no human consciousness. Ah, and all good things happen there. Okay?
and caught up into paradise and heard unspeakable words which it is not lawful for a man to utter. In other words, the things that you come and you say, I don't know what happened, but something happened. I know, I can't tell you.
I don't know how to explain it. That's what he was saying. I don't know what happened. And then the Christians say, you can't have an out-of-body experience.
Ah, well, I don't know what it was. And an out-of-body experience. Is that great? Such a one!
Caught up to paradise. Huh? Okay. So, see, I don't want to get into this right now, but if you want to get into the crucifixion, you've got the two thieves on one side and the other, and Jesus says to one, today you will be with me in paradise.
It's the same thing. Okay, but we'll talk about that another time. Okay. The serpent, then, which is Kundalini, and the serpent portrays this energy. There is no snake in you.
You do not have worms or anything like that. That's not what this is talking about. There's no snake inside of you.
You don't have to go and take pills. and get dewormed, you're okay. It is serpent power. It is a description of an energy which rises in a cyclic type of fashion like a serpent. And the reason that the serpent is used is because, what does the serpent do?
It sloughs off its old skin and becomes born again brand new. That's why they use the serpent. That's the only reason they use the serpent. Because the serpent will crawl right out of its old skin and leave the old stuff behind and go right on, brand new, so wild.
ain't nice. Look at this couple. Woo hoo. You can't do that.
You do. You do kind of like that when you come back in a new one. Because here you are. Look at how, isn't this great?
Here we are, very intelligent, mature people. Some of us are prettier. Some of us are a little fat.
Some of us are a little skinny. And now we're all intelligent. And just think, in a little while, you're going to be a little baby.
Wedding, sucking your thumb, going through this whole thing all over again. You're going to slough off the old one. You're going to take on the new one. And you're going to continue your journey of understanding and visualization.
And it's hard to believe, isn't it? It's really hard to believe. But here, most of you who have lived a thousand different times, maybe more. And it's a beautiful way. What more magnificent way than to allow us the experiences of all aspects of life.
God knows next time you're liable to live in the Alps. Or you're liable to, I don't know, you're liable to be a chariot. I don't know what you would, but you'll be something special.
You know why? Because you're growing all the time and you're learning. You can't learn this in 60 years or 70 or 80 years.
You come and you continue. Like I tell people, and this is something that I feel very strongly about how karma works, you know. It's not like I said, if you're a member of the Ku Klux Klan, karma's got something waiting for you. Because you're going to wind up a little black baby and some big black mama's got you right in the hand.
The's going to straighten your little you know what out real quick. Or if you're happy to be Irish, you know, I'm proud as Patty's pig to be Irish. Oh, big God. to meet God. I'm going to march to the St. Paddy's Day Parade.
I'm an Irish Catholic and I want to talk to any of these other people. Yes. County court forever.
Next time this guy's born in Tel Aviv. And all he hears is his father's first word. Val, I'll tell you, he's a pretty good looking little kid here.
God bless him. Yeah. Oh yeah.
So I mean what I'm saying here is this is the way it works. It's a very beautiful way. But you know what you're you're looking. in that Kundalini as a Hindu thing, I'm showing it to you in the Bible. And I showed you the Apostle Paul who had an experience in the third heaven, in an out of body experience in the third heaven.
And as you read in 1 Kings 6, 8, the winding energy takes you up into the right hemisphere of the brain and then out into the third. So it all is there, isn't it? And so when you talk about the serpent sloughing off its skin, taking on a new body, in Isaiah 61, 3, the prophet says, put on the garment of praise.
for the spirit of happiness take off the old and put on the new this interesting force of Kundalini is a feminine power of God inside of you it's a feminine force it's a life-building force and it sleeps coiled that energy each one of you has that energy coiled within you some of you have had it stir some of you feel I know I feel I certainly haven't gotten to that point but I feel the energy as I go into meditation it's like a vibrating energy it's like like an electrical energy. You may feel it in different patterns. But many have it just coiled, sleeping. But as you practice meditation, profound meditation, this thing wakes up.
The lifts her head, and she begins to climb this mystic interior channel of the spine. And incidentally, if you wanted to write this down, just so when you get some of these metaphysical wizards who come in here, you can say, well, I know all about that. That power and that canal that is followed is called, in metaphysics,.
Let me make sure I can spell this right. S-U-S-H-U-M-N-A. U-M-N-A. Shushumna.
Shushumna. Kundalini stirs, and the power that goes up the spinal canal is called shushumna. Okay? And you know what this means? You know what the word shushumna means?
Rich in pleasure. Rich in pleasure. See, what's this?
Why? Why is this? Because it's not like religion tells you.
You don't drop dead and then have nice things happen to you. That's stupid. That's not a good thing to happen to anybody that should drop dead.
What am I going to say to you? Oh, I got good news for you. Tomorrow you're going to drop dead. So goodbye and have a good time and tell Jesus I said hello.
I don't want to go. You go. Okay. Tell him I said hello. I'm going to stay.
Because how many of you want? Holyw many of you want to drop dead tomorrow? Don't raise your hand.
Nobody wants to drop dead tomorrow, but you can see Jesus. You can be with Jesus tomorrow. This is everything you've ever dreamed for. Joe, you sang all the songs.
I want to be with Jesus. I want to go up to heaven and hit those pearly gates. Drop dead tomorrow. Oh, not me.
No, I'm going to sit here. I'm going to preach. I'm going to talk.
I don't want to go. I don't want to go. Nobody wants to go. Come on.
If it was that what you wanted to do, your natural instincts would have you blown your brains out. That's not what you want to do. You want to stay right here and live forever right here. And you know what?
That's exactly what you're going to do. Isn't that great? And we're all one day going to get this focaccia straightened out in here.
The right side is going to open up. We're going to go to the third. And this beautiful, magnificent jewel in the middle of the universe will become heaven. Why does it have to be someplace else? Why does it have to be someplace else?
See, I don't disagree with Christianity. Yes, you live forever and you go to heaven. Why does it have to be someplace else all the time? Why can't it be here?
We make it nice, right? I like it here. Tiny, whiny, jimmy b---- Buffet, Margaritaville, cheeseburgers in paradise. That to me is heaven.
I don't want to go someplace where they're playing Amazing Grace. I want to sit cheeseburgers. And so rich in pleasure. And Jesus Christ says in Luke 12, 32, fear not little flock for it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
What did he say? Fear it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. That's what Jesus said.
it and he said it's within you the kingdom of God is within you it's given to you and you know what nobody wants it it's like you know it's like it's like you say say for instance you're in a cell and you got six hours and an electric future okay and what happens the warden comes I got six hours. Don't worry. You got a pardon. You can go home.
And you know, it's like we say, nah, not me. I'm going to figure a way out of here on my own. I'll figure a way out.
Close the door. Let me work this out. That's what we do. We're going to work this out ourselves.
I'm going to go to Father so-and-so or Reverend so-and-so. He'll show me how to work this out. We never have worked anything out.
I dare say many of you have never even heard of this stuff. I dare say. I say, many of you have never even seen this. You've read Bibles and had Bible studies all your life, never even thought of seeing anything like this. Never knew that it lines up exactly with that.
Never, ever saw it. And so then you have a right to stand up and say, wait a minute, who the heck has been keeping this from us? And we've been paying you all this money. You should go to those churches and say, I want my money back. I want my money back because you didn't tell me all this stuff.
It's in the Bible. Take them to court. Okay, that's a little silly.
That's okay. So shushumna means rich in pleasure and she pierces each stage of those chakras. We're wrapping this up. And this is how it works in the ancient description of this, what we've seen in the Bible. And what we've seen in talking of kundalini.
The ancient would sit cross-legged. You know what? I want to tell you something.
I have right over there on my foot got real sore I thought I must have some what could the why is it so so there's no there's nothing there and I said to John you don't see shoes you're buying the wrong shoes you're going to the store you bring them back too tight and all of this and now look what happens to me I'm pretty sore I'm gonna be like this and everybody's gonna think this guy's old and I'm trying and I said why is this hurt? Why should this be like this? I couldn't figure this out It took an 11 hour meditation yesterday sitting here all day and I sit cross-legged and my foot is under my knee Pressing down into the concrete floor And I have determined that is exactly what it is So I'm gonna get a little pillow to sit on see and you adapt yourself to these types of things But you you know, you know, they would sit cross-legged for hours You could sit cross-legged for hours and what they would do they would hold in mind one thought.
That's what they would do. And one thought could be Nam Myohoho Renge Kiyo. Blazend in their minds.
What does it mean, Nam Myohoho Renge Kiyo? Reverence for Myoho, which is the invisible within you, which Holy manifests itself as that which is life around you. Renge means understanding the law of cause and effect.
You are what you are because of what has been put in you in the past. And what you are now. now is because of what was put into you before.
And what you will be then is what you are now, and depends on what you put into your life. The Shakyamuni said there is absolutely nothing in the universe that does not react to an impetus. For every cause, there's an effect. You've had fear? You know sometimes, like John Bradshaw says, you can take a little kid, you know how some of these parents scream their brains out at kids?
You can take a little kid and scream and actually cause the electromagnetic fields in that child's brain to change. and it can be irreversible and cause that kid at an age of maturity to be filled with fear and guilt and stress. Just by that. Happens.
What has happened? Why is that child like that? That's the effect of a cause that has been put into that child's mind. And that's what happens. Or he repeats, Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai Sabaoth.
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adonai Sabaoth. You know what it means? Holyly, holy.
Holyly, holy, Lord God of hosts. Say, well, why not just say that? Because G-dosh, G-dosh, G-dosh, Adonai, is suited for the decibels that move the light patterns in the electronic fields within your brain.
You have to use those things that stimulate that because Lord, holy, holy, holy doesn't do it. And then the ancient would look to regulate breathing, inhaling deeply, and he would hold his breath, and then he would exhale. That's why you see Buddha with a picture, big fat belly, diaphragmatic breathing, because you have to get all of the air down into the bottom of the lungs to pour out all of the garbage that's accumulating. accumulated there.
That was one of the ways that Buddha practiced to overcome sickness. They would practice in through the right nostril, out through the left nostril, in through the left nostril, out through the right nostril. Prana to apana, apana to prana. That's life energies circulating in a great circle like the zodiac.
The entire body then would be moved with prana, which is the spirit fire and the energy, the breath of life. The breath of life. That's what's so important.
So important. Buddha said, I will not have you. You sit in this temple and meditate until you do your breathing exercises.
The breath is life. Sometimes a lot of you people say, I can't get these thoughts out of my head. Shut your breathing down for 15 or 20 seconds and they'll go instantly. Because the Shakyamuni Buddha taught the breathing and the thoughts are regulated at the same energy. It's the same thing.
Shut it down. Breath to Shakyamuni Buddha, breath was everything as far as reaching nirvana. Breath was everything as far as reaching a meditative state.
This is the last scripture I'll ask you to look at. It's on page 110 in the New Testament. It's John chapter 20. John chapter 20, okay?
And it's verse 22. Jesus Christ. It says, and when he had said this in the name of Jesus, he breathed on them and said, receive the Holyly Ghost. The breath, the breath of life moving in and out.
Stirring the process and it is said that when the coiled serpent would Rest in the lowest center that your personality would become sluggish and lethargic You know, you know what you when the coiled serpent is resting at the bottom. They'd say the people would be like that The hell with it. I don't I don't really care. I don't care what happens Okay, one way or the other, you know if it does it does what doesn't does Basically, that's the attitude of a person because that's like that all of that energy is just down in the cellar.
Not moving. It's like stale air. It's not moving until it starts to rise through this energy.
And as long as she sleeps, the life is gone. We exist, but we don't know anything. That's why it says in Joe 26, 13, his hand has formed the crooked serpent.
Sometimes you get out, and if you look, and you can find it on that zodiac and that mass of stars, that beautiful thing out there in the hallway, and you look, and you'll see the serpent in the sky. There's a duality to it. There's a negative aspect of it.
of the serpent, which is the lower part. You'll see him reaching up for the crown. In the stars, the lower serpent, which is the negative aspect of this power, you'll see that serpent reaching up and right above him is the crown. And yet there is poised, I forget who it is, in one of the stars with his foot over the serpent, ready to come down on the serpent's head.
You see, let me explain something. You say, well, what about the lower serpent and the higher serpent? It's the same power.
It's God. And God can hurt you. you as well as do you good you say how can God hurt me because if you do not obey the people that he is sent to teach you you will misuse the power if you buy a beautiful new car you don't read the books you don't know where this or that is you can wreck the car you can't blame it on the person who made it he gave you the instructions and how to use it you didn't bother to pay any attention to them if you have a person that does not know what he's doing handle the electricity in this building the same electricity that is lighting the building will burn it down it's the same power it's simply misused so if you misuse God's power it can hurt you if you will use it properly will send you up into the realm of divine consciousness. That's why Krishna came. That's why Buddha came.
That's why Jesus came, to show you how to use the power. And for the most part, they've been totally ignored. Why?
Because people who control you do not want you to know how to use the power, because then you won't come to them anymore. I have no problem with that. Because the day that comes that I...
Say, well, you all have the power. Goodbye. You don't need me.
And off we go to Key West. And that's fine, too. Yes, sir.
You're listening to me. They're not aware of it. Who? These people that you're saying, these other churches, priests and reverends, they're not even aware of it.
They should be. There's no excuse for not being aware of it. There is absolutely no excuse for priests, ministers, and evangelists not to be aware of it because the Lord Jesus Christ spoke of it. the Bible speaks of it it is clear but unfortunately what happens is when you box yourself into a tradition and you take your income from that and you have your social security and your retirement depends on that even if truth comes in stares at you in the face. Even if God Almighty comes, you're not going to be able to change your mind.
You're not going to be able to go back on what your teachings are. Any more than I could go to my boss and say, you're doing it all wrong because he'll fire me. And I can't afford that.
Even if I know that he's doing it all wrong. And so there, it's a very scary thing. But I cannot conceive of the fact that these people don't know because they do know. They do know. And the Apostle Paul said, there's no excuse not to know.
Because the things that are unseen are clearly seen by the things that are seen how do you how can you in your wildest dreams not connect the fact that Jesus is born on December the 25th and the Sun is born on December the 25th how can you connect the fact that the Sun is crucified on December the 21st and when Jesus is crucified there's an eclipse how can you not connect the fact that he calls himself Amen raw how can you not confess that the Sun sits in the tomb of the earth three days and three nights and Jesus sits in the tomb three days and three years and that the burnt offering of Jesus as the land Lamb of God and then spring. Holyw can you not see these things? Holyw can you not see the things? Why should I know this stuff that I've shared with you tonight?
And I showed you in the Bible and you know it. And I matched it with the Hindu Kundalini and you know it. Holyw come nobody ever told you that He Krishna's mother was born of a virgin?
What the heck am I saying? He Krishna was born of a virgin through his mother Devaki and that the angel came and told her, fear not Devaki, the child within you is the personality of God. Why didn't anybody ever tell you that?
Why didn't anybody anybody ever tell you that the child was born in a cave and that when the child was born the stars became more suspicious than one star shone on the cave why did anybody ever tell you that why didn't anybody tell you that the wicked King concert heard that He Krishna was gonna overthrow him and so he set out to kill all the children two years and younger why didn't anybody ever say that what are they afraid of they didn't know that the world knows that it's every book you can go on any book in Waldman or anybody else it's all written there happened seven thousand years before Jesus was born the Valkyrie by virgin birth of the Holyly Spirit gave birth to He Krishna, the wicked king, the whole bit, the exact same story. You read the book about Moses, you read the story about Moses, his mother put him in a little pitch, floated him up the creek. Why didn't anybody ever tell you that 6,000 years before that King Sargon, when he was three months old, his mother put him in a little pitch, floated him up a creek and the princess took out.
Exactly the same. What have they got to hide that they don't tell you this stuff? And it's not hidden.
You know, nowadays you've got the advantage. Go buy books by Joe Campbell. Go buy...
go buy books. They all carry this stuff. Go look it up. You can look it up.
There. It's not hidden from anybody. They know that this isn't the first Savior who was born of a virgin, was crucified and resurrected. This happens at least a minimum of 23 times before that. 23 people are recorded in the history of mythology who were coming down from heaven, were crucified, who were born of a virgin and who resurrected.
Even Buddha. We did the ascension of the Buddha last week. Buddha was ascended up to heaven. to happen nobody ever told you Buddha ascended to heaven why what's the big why what's the big secret because when you're controlling people you don't let them know what's going on outside you keep them in here you put stained glass on your window so you can't see outside don't let them know and and then if you tell don't go to these other churches you'll lose your salvation don't go near those people they'll put bad things in your head Scare the hell out of you. They don't want you going near anything because you're liable to find the truth.
And then when you find the truth, you're no longer going to file in and kneel to their power. Holyw many years? For God's sakes, I mean, the Russians, they wouldn't have.
They'd put up a wall. They didn't put up a wall to prevent people from coming in. They put up a wall to prevent their people from going out because they might see what's outside.
See? It's a disgrace. It's an absolute disgrace that religion and religionists cannot sit down and look at the history of the universe and of all the people that God has dispatched to this planet.
For God's sakes, you have Osiris. Osiris was a god. who came down gave his life for the people he was killed his wife Isis laid on his dead body and she conceived the child Holyrus the Christ and Holyrus would sit and they did this magnificent sculpture of Isis sitting with the little child Holyrus on her lap and the Cathedral of Notre Dame and Lourdes France or someplace like that took that exact sculpture and reconstructed it and made it Mary and Jesus same thing because it's the same story and it's happened over you know it's happened to Adonai it happened to Tammuz it happens all over and over and over again and yet we sit here we don't have the slightest idea that this ever went on not the slightest idea because they've told you and they've scared you and said don't read that stuff you go from this place go to wherever you go to ever a bookstore every book they told you not to read get it read it read it because that's the way you control control people by keeping them ignorant.
You keep them away from the truth. You keep them away from reading. The first thing the dictator does is scare you away from reading things. Take books out of your hand.
Don't allow this book in here. Scares you to death. You know, you've had people say things about what goes on here. They don't know. Ministers, everything else.
You take drugs here. You sacrifice. I don't know.
All kinds of bizarre things. Nobody told me the other night, they say we walk on glass and fire. That. The other one, there's a great one I heard the other night, I'm a mind controller. I control people's, I can't get somebody to even set a chair straight in this place.
I'm a mind controller. Is this a joke? No other place that you know of where you can say, there's 50 people in the room, what's the philosophy? Well, you ask them, there's 50 different philosophies. That's the way it should be.
Control your mind. I can't even control my own mind, I'm gonna control your mind. Geez, isn't that a joke? Listen to what these boobs say but the point that you've got to understand huh if they lie to you about that what else are they lying to you about are they so afraid of their little magic kingdom that is going to come crashing down upon their ears because people would be able to to sit and hear things.
You know, you've seen them. I'm not going to listen to that stuff. We had a guy here this morning. It was a guy here this morning.
And I was a little concerned because he was a little bit out of place. He had a suit and a tie on. Suit and a tie. And he looked like, you know. And I thought, maybe he's here to.
So I said, hey, you know, well, this is a little strange, a little different. And I told him a few things about what we do and what we think. And I turned.
turned around and said, where did that guy go? His name is gone. But this then is the point.
Don't be afraid to learn. You are mature, intelligent people. The Spirit of God, the Kingdom of God is in you.
If you see or read something or see something that doesn't jive with you, you can drop it. But you drop it. Don't drop it because I say or anybody else says you can't read it or can't look at it.
You make that decision. That's when you'll be set free. free.
That's when people all over this universe are being set free. And you see it's happening all over the world today. The worst thing you've got, and it's like Carl Jung said, there is no difference between Christianity and communism.
It's exactly the same. It's collective consciousness, people threatened under fear, made to believe this, because if they don't believe it, they're going to go to hell. I used to hide under, and go to a baseball game and hide under the stands to eat my hot dog. And then I went home, I was really guilty. I know I ate that hot dog.
And that's why I... I think I started getting indigestion from that stuff. I have it every day.
Right, it was on Friday, because I was going to go to hell. I mean, what am I, seven years old, I want to see a baseball game, I want a hot dog. I'm going to go to hell, I got a guilt trip, because I'm eating a hot dog and a baseball game.
I want to see You Berra. I saw You Berra when he first came up to the plate in Rupert Stadium in Newark. And I'll never forget it. My father took me. My father, he liked to go.
And he didn't eat hot dogs. He was up there, you know, he was having this other stuff. And I was down hiding underneath there, eating my hot dog.
I want God to seize me. But I felt. guilty you know then I had to go to confession and tell this guy I ate a hot dog I ate a hot dog I'm seven years old I'm guilty for eating a hot dog no wonder they're all committing suicide in my mind was that I really did a horrible thing I ate a hot dog you know what a terrible thing come on don't ever ever ever ever allow a children child five or six to think they sinned or guilty of anything for god's sake let them celebrate stay out of their affairs let Let them celebrate. Spin and get stuff all over you. Have a good time.
Teach them to be nice to animals. Teach them to be nice to the earth. Don't worry about eating hot dogs. And you know what you want to really teach them? You want to pick up the Bible and say, let me show you something, son or daughter.
I want you to follow Jesus Christ. And then show them what Jesus Christ said. It doesn't make any difference what you put into your mouth. It doesn't make you clean. It has nothing to do with that.
Settles the case. That's what he said. Alright.
Thank you for sharing this.