Transcript for:
Key Points from Lecture on Racism and Islam

when you look at this picture what do you see this image was taken in con Island New York in 1906 this is a human zoo at the center there's a native Filipino child surrounded by people who are doubtful about whether she's even human but there's no doubt that they think they are superior when you look at all the photos the only word that comes out is racism who taught you to hate the color of your skin to such extent that you bleach to get like the [Music] me the year is 2024 we are making great developments in fields like artificial intelligence space travel and many more but at the same time despite all these advancements we still couldn't solve the problem of racism imagine a scenario where thousands of people don't even see you as a human being even your death is is considered insignificant because you don't look like them how did racism emerge what happened about this in history and what is happening today and finally you will look at how centuries ago Islam brought a magnificent solution to one of the greatest shames of humanity if you're ready let's begin let's go back to the images we showed you at the beginning how happy do you think this child is she doesn't even know where she is when you first see it you find this mentality almost impossible to understand you fully deserve all all the mistreatment and cruelty I'm going to do to you why because you're not the same color or race as I am yes that is exactly what they think these people are primitive according to them they can ridicule them because they consider them as Savages they see them as pathetic and worthless because of their different culture they don't even want these lower people to live freely what these people with racist mindset usually do is first compare these people with themselves and then emphasize the superiority of their society what a civilized Act the human zoo is just one of the most tragic examples of how cruel Humanity can be it became very popular in many major cities such as Paris Hamburg London Milano New York City and Chicago in 1906 medicine Grant president of the New York Zoological Society went so far that he exhibited a man from Congo named otaba in a cage at the Bronx Zoo in New York City on top of that he put him in the same cage with an orangutan a gorilla and the chimpanzee Z do you know why because those in the cage were described as the ancient ancestors of human beings so this man from Congo was so called The Missing Ling in evolution and that's exactly how everyone should see him no matter how he feels there but were the things that happened in America only against black people unfortunately not now let's go back to the period of torture of the Native American people the Indian Massacre to the period when America started to be colonized tragically the number of people who were killed is still not known of even today someone comes from across the ocean and makes you a stranger in your own Homeland and tries to ethnically cleanse your race and they don't feel guilty doing this because they see themselves as Superior racism was spreading from continent to continent like a cancer and after a period of time it also found its way to Australia when the British came to this continent in the 700s they saw indigenous people living there Aborigines their skin color was different their dress was strange they didn't look like British people of course this was enough reason for exploitation if they resist then brute force can be used there's nothing wrong with that according to them and then what happens through massacres on the one hand and displacement on the other in 100 years the indigenous population was reduced by 85% it's an unbelievable data what could these people have done to you to be human beings who cannot fit into a world of 510 million square kilm to be ruthless enough to dis place and slow alter others for their own interests the pages of History are full of examples like this don't you think that these racist people whom we still see examples of frequently need a Consciousness that will open their eyes I claim that if those people had a Consciousness that existed 1, 1400 years ago these events would never have happened but what was there 1400 years ago more than 100,000 people are waiting for the words to come out from the mouth of this person whom Allah sent to them as His messenger this event is known in history as the farewell sermon Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him looks at the enormous crowd in front of him and starts both addressing them and the people of all centuries and says all mankind is from Adam and Eve an Arab has no superiority over a non-arab nor a non-arab has any superiority over an Arab also white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over a white except by piety and good action in this speech there are many more messages for Humanity let's stop here and think about it if the people behind all these crimes had the Consciousness and understanding of prophet Muhammad and those who listened to him that day would these events have happened I don't think so in the 13th Ayah ofah huat Allah says oh Humanity indeed we created you from a male and a female and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may get to know one another surely the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you Allah is truly all knowing all away so why are we divided into different nations to get to know to meet one another not to exclude or humiliate each other not to be arrogant not to exploit or colonize the other we are put into different nations to meet each other think about it if all of humanity had the same skin color and the same language would we be interested in meeting other people you would say that they are all the same anyway wouldn't we but Allah created us differently so that we can be inspired by each other in a positive way but why should we have this closeness because the ISS we created you for from a male and a female since we are all descendants children of Adam and Eve it means that we are each other's brothers and sisters we are each other's cousins isn't the logic in the Ayah very beautiful for example imagine you have a cousin but neither of you knows that years later when you finally meet after hearing about each other you would want to be close wouldn't you in the pages of history that are full of racism wherever Islam went it has illuminated those places like a lamp and brought this principle of Brotherhood in every land it reached it reject Ed racism and fought against this mentality there are so many examples of it in history let me give just one of them in the 15th century an unprecedented decree was issued in Spain all the Jews were decided to be expelled from the country we're talking about more than 100,000 people they had lived there for hundreds of years and all of a sudden they were kicked out while they had no idea where to go and what to do a Muslim State welcomes them the Ottoman Empire it accepts thousands of Jews and allows them to settle in its lands of of course after seeing the atrocities they commit against Palestinian Muslims we clearly see how grateful Israel is in return for this great favor but isn't it very sad to see that although Islam is the religion that stands Against Racism the most it is also the most persecuted religion by means of racism in different parts of the world we hear about Muslims being racially discriminated against Palestinians whose land has been stolen by the Zionist occupiers and who have been slaughtered including women and children Muslims in Myanmar who have been displaced from their homes by the Buddhist regime their number is more than 1 million gangs in India in large protests are saying things like if a Muslim works in your shop fire him immediately if any shopkeeper fails to do so we'll put a boycott poster outside their shop the unimaginable genocide and assimilation committed by China to ugur in East turkistan thousands of places of worship were destroyed and countless children were banned from receiving religious education you might wonder don't these people who commit these acts of racism against Muslims or any other group feel guilty for example how can Israel ease its conscience while bombing an innocent baby this is where a concept from psychology comes into the picture demonization in other words to make an innocent person look bad or inferior and by believing this to justify and normalize the atrocities that they commit against them so that they can ease their Consciousness exactly the Israeli government's way of thinking aren't they the ones who drop bombs on civilians after saying we are fighting against human animals and we are acting accordingly but the way how this sick mentality is formed is also explained in the Quran 14400 years ago at a time when neither the field of psychology nor the word racism had emerged the Quran explains this with the concept of original sin when this term is used people usually think of Christianity which is a belief that every child is born sinful but don't confuse this with what Christianity says because when we ask the question what is the original sin to Islam the answer is very different let's remember the story very briefly when God created the first human being Adam there were angels and there was also a Jin called el also known as Satan strangely enough Satan says the following sentence to God about Adam that will sound very familiar to us he said I am better than him you created me from fire and created him from clay it is very clearly a racist statement he bases his superiority on the fire from which he was created and looks down on Adam who was created from dust this is how Satan rebelled against God and this sin brought his end if we focus on that story in the Quran we see the following chain of events as Adam is being created Satan sees a different type of being he thinks of him as a stranger and becomes C towards him then he begins to think that he's Superior than him finally he reveals what he has been hiding in himself in order to prove his superiority he ignores Adam's other virtues and attacks him on the basis of his material qualities all of these are actually the order in which racism is formed so the Quran is actually describing the psychology of a crime that would be Humanity's shame and disgrace for centuries and it is showing this as a quality of Satan who is the enemy of God so that the Believers should see the ugliness of this sin and distance themselves from it how amazing is that isn't it really strange to see that even the first human being our first ancestor was a victim of racism so people need guidance in order to not to fall into this mistake the guidance in the 13th Ayah ofah huat in other words in Islam your value is not determined by the things that are out of your control things that you have no choice over rather you determine It Yourself by doing your best to be a Pious believer when I hear this Ayah my mind goes to only one place in the world to the meeting point of two billion Muslims whether they can physically go there or not Kaa in Mecca we are now at the heart of the Muslim world we are in Mecca Caba here Muslims come from four corners of the world with different ethnicities different backgrounds different cultures different races and they come here with one common purpose men dress the same two pieces of white cloth women dressed modestly and they come here only with one purpose one common purpose worshiping their master and try to be close to him now I'm going to talk about a person whose whole world changed when he came to this Holy Land Malcolm X you may have heard his name before he was a black American citizen who converted to Islam he lived in the mid 1900s and was a well-known figure throughout the country over the years he witnessed a lot of racism and became very disturbed by it so he was looking for a solution to this issue after becoming Muslim when he went to Mecca to perform Haj in 1964 he saw things that he could never have imagined in one part of his letter he expresses his feelings in the following sentences never have I witnessed such sincere hospitality and overwhelming Spirit of true Brotherhood as is practiced by people of all colors and races here in this ancient Holy Land I've been utterly spechless and Spellbound by the graciousness I see displayed All Around Me by people of all colors American needs to understand Islam because this is the one religion that erases from its Society the race problem he says this at a time when racism was far more intense than it is today Islam is the one religion that is able to eliminate the race problem from America Society it is Islam that will end the belief that color is a sign of superiority it is Islam that will end the racist attacks on innocent children don't you think that everything is very clear as human beings there is no limit to the cruelty and injustices we can commit when we are left unattended in this world and many times we tend to justify or normalize our crimes with rationals like demonization you don't even realize what we are doing is wrong but at the same time we are such human beings that we can choose the right thing among countless possibilities of wrong choices I mean human beings are capable of going to extremes both in cruelty and good morals don't you think that the one who created them and sent them into this world will'll surely guide them even when we as humans produce a work don't we want to be the most beautiful so of course the one who created us will also want us to reach the most beautiful level Allah has always wanted to guide us to the best in everything through the revelations he gave to the prophets what we have been talking about from the beginning is just one part of the message that the last prophet Prophet Muhammad brought to all Humanity just one of the 6,000 plus verses of the Quran just one of the dozens of issues that the Quran solves so wisely if even that just one solution is so uniquely powerful isn't it clear that this book is the ultimate guidance that Humanity desperately needs [Music]