Transcript for:
Lecture Notes: Making Money Online

that's it two watches double Time Boom the presentation officially begins now I have two watches to make sure I got my time right because I can afford two we've got the brightening handle at least third in here I'm a G like that if you're late it's your problem if you're gonna join this and go oh I just turned up and all my pen and paper ready don't care your problem right let's get to it I'm gonna tell you all how to make money online and I'm gonna cut the garbage the way I speak is extremely Direct I try and cut out any fluff any nicety I'm directly I'm to the point so pay attention to this we're going to start here with educating you a little bit about how money works and what money is because most people the biggest barrier between them and making money is they don't understand money you understand that money is something that you use to buy goods and services but you don't understand the truth about money so we're gonna talk about money very very quickly how to make money by Professor generate more cash or pgmc for sure that's me we'll talk about how to make money now you'll notice how to make money is crossed out and the reason for this is in fact I've got a headphone in quickly because I think with the headphone you're going to hear me even more clearly just give me one second I'm gonna put the central news wow I think that's a little bit clearer guys if it's if it's not clearer or the sounds worse let me know there you go you can hear me guys is it clearer right how to make money how to make money is crossed out and the reason it's crossed out is because I want you to understand something you cannot make money you can only take money from somebody else most people understand most people have this view of because you work and mo in the in the Average Joe's life they work and they get money so they go to work they make something and then they get money so they think they're making money you cannot make money you can only take money from other people you can only convince other people to give you money that's the only way money can be made unless you're the Federal Reserve and you're not the Federal Reserve the Federal Reserve makes money you take money so when you're going through life I want you guys to stop saying I want to make money you have to start saying I want to take money because that's how you have to think you don't make it you take it so you have to start talking that way you got to take money there's a very smart man who worked in the Pimpin business I can't remember his exact name and his quote and his truth well this is a truth a truthful quote his quote was business is simple it's just other people's money that's all a business is a business is getting other people to send you their money that's what a business is so we're no longer going to say we're going to make money we're gonna talk about how we're going to take money because that's what we're going to do here's me talk about how you can't make it you can only take it which is absolutely true now the Federal Reserve makes money it doesn't matter in America they make dollars it doesn't matter what country you're in you've got your own version of the Federal Reserve they create money from thin air you need to understand something is that money isn't real and it's created from thin air to enslave us you are slaves for money the people who are in charge of the world what they do is they type in numbers on a screen and they turn on the printer they print pieces of paper and then they use these pieces of paper to make you do things you don't want to do and make you a slave for pieces of paper that they make effectively for free now the important thing about this is that this destroys the idea of saving yourself rich I have lots of people come to me and go oh well I'm saving for if I saved for my retirement save save you cannot save yourself rich because you can never save money faster than the Federal Reserve can print money during this coronavirus thing they've printed trillions of dollars trillions team with a key trillions even though much that is let's look it up trillions of dollars have been printed they call it quantitative easing they call it like economy rescue they call all these stupid things basically what they do is they turn on the printing press and they print money and during this coronavirus thing they've printed more than ever so there's no point in you saving this money working hard saving little bits and then they just print more that's why your money that's why you have to deal with inflation that's why your money's worth less every year but my point is if more and more is going into circulation you need to find a way to get more and more you don't need to save the little bits you have like a little squirrel let me get the little bits let me just save them no you're gonna find a way to get more and more more exists every day there is more money remember we're not trying to make money we're trying to take money every day there is more money out there every street you drive down every building is owned by somebody somebody owns that building billions of dollars you drive down one road you see billions that skyscraper that building millions millions millions from Tokyo Shanghai Dallas La everything there's so much money it's everywhere you have to find a way to take you cannot make and you cannot save I want to give a very quick example we're going to very quickly look at my Instagram let me quickly do this and show you my Instagram page pay attention here guys so you can see my Instagram got M5 we've got a Vanquish s ultimate it's only 175 in the world we've got a 992. here we've got a Lamborghini Huracan here we've got McLaren 720s this is a bag with a million dollars in it this is look this is the S63 AMG this is being all these different places traveling the worlds me with Chris Eubank blah blah blah you cannot save enough money to live this lifestyle even if you made ten thousand Euro a month let's imagine you made ten thousand your a month okay let's take I've got three million dollars of cars that's what I've got so let's imagine you make ten thousand dollars a month because everyone says oh if I could make ten thousand dollars I'd be really happy if I could make ten thousand dollars so if you think ten thousand dollars is a good amount then let's do some math I got three million dollars of cars you're making ten thousand dollars a month you are saving 100 of your income you're not spending any of it you're not spending a penny you're eating for free living for free getting to and from work for free not going out with your friends you're not doing nothing each month you're saving your whole ten thousand dollars you're gonna take your 300 months 25 years divided by twelve 300 months is 25 years to save up enough money to buy my cars 25 years of your life you're gonna have to save and work and spend zero dollars to get my cars it's impossible the only way you get my cars is by earning more not by Saving get rid of the idea of saving get rid of the idea of making money now I'm not saying be irresponsible I'm not saying throw all your money away but the idea that you can save yourself rich is a joke it's the kind of lie that the people in charge the slave masters want you to believe oh don't worry just keep working and you keep saving a hundred dollars a month while I print trillions a week that's stupid don't be stupid more money exists every day you have to find a way take more money money is like water is always moving pay attention to the cycle of precipitation it rains it hits the ground it flows down the street goes down the drain goes in the drain down a pipe goes into the river flowing in the river goes into the ocean the ocean is sitting there Sun comes it evaporates goes back into the sky the cloud floats somewhere else it rains again rain is always water is always moving all the time and money is the same money never stays still if you put money in a bank that bank is using it for something if you spend money it's moving from one place to another if you buy a Starbucks Starbucks takes your money pays its employees then the employee goes to [ __ ] the store and buys something the money is always moving so once again we are not trying to make money more money exists every day we are trying to take money and it's always moving now let me ask you guys a question if you were abandoned understand something if you were abandoned and you wanted to take people's stuff like you know the Train Robbers or the old school coach Bandits they wouldn't try and get the gold when it was stuck in the vaults or the banks they would try and get the gold when it was moving they'd wait till it was being transported and they'd hijack it just run up on it pop pop give me the goal so when something's moving it's vulnerable so money is always vulnerable write this down we're not trying to make money we're trying to take money more exists every day it's always moving and it's vulnerable it's vulnerable because it's always moving if you can find and identify a place where money is moving if you can find a place where money is moving and stand in the way then the money is vulnerable so I made money lots of different ways lots of you guys know all the different ways I make money and I don't want to talk about that very much but I will give you a very quick example only fans we don't know what that is I'll give you a very quick example is girls who sell pictures to horny guys I saw girls making a lot of money with only fans so I saw money moving girls guys pictures being sent money I saw money moving so I stood in the middle got some girls I knew who didn't do only fans and said look I'll teach you how to do it I'll take a cup so I put myself in the middle of the money movement and I got some money you have to stand in the middle of the money if you stand in the right place at the right time you're going to get wet if you stand in the right place at the right time you're going to get rich everyone who got rich got rich with some who's this Sebastian that type of [ __ ] don't keep typing [ __ ] Sebastian you have to type you're not sorry you have to be in the right place at the right time to get rich it's exactly the same identify yes kick him out who's this guy now you can't talk anymore Sebastian this is my webinar kkkkk does my message even send now we review it now your message doesn't send who are these people anyway for you who are still paying attention [ __ ] Sebastian you people paying attention you have to identify where it's moving and you have to attack the money just like a goal on a train you gotta run up on it so I saw money moving and I ran up on it that's what you have to do so this is the reframe you don't make money you must take money money is always moving there's more of it every day and it is vulnerable and you must find where money is moving and attack it I'll give you guys a perfect example look at these companies like glovo Global what's global global thought people order food okay well how about I deal with getting the food from the store to the person and I can make some money that's all it is they saw money moving money's going to a restaurant food's going to a person well if I could find a way to streamline the delivery I can make some money it's getting in the way of money moving start paying attention to how money's moving and start trying to get in the way right there are four main ways to gain money you either trade your time for money you trade information for money you give a product or service for money or you put something to work for money I'll say that again we're gonna go through them one by one these are the main ways that money will arrive in your bank account remember what I just told you guys the four main things about cash how it works How You Gonna attack it identify where it's moving Etc these are the four main ways money is made first is time for money now this is what most jobs are and there's nothing wrong with the job a lot of people are going to come and say quit your job no there's nothing wrong with having a job and it's better than doing nothing but this is the first level this is the first level on how to make money so what you do when you have a job is you give up your time to get some cash so a guy will say if you stand here all day I'll give you x amount of money and you agree you give up your time to make money the problem with giving up your time to make money is what who knows the problem with giving up your time to make money I'll tell you the problem the problem is you only have a certain amount of time it's very difficult to get rich if you give up your time for money because you have a certain amount of time you need to sleep you need to eat you got other stuff to do you haven't got the time to sit there and get rich that way so time for money is great and obviously the more valuable your time is the better that's fine you can make more but you still have a finite amount of time and this is the problem with trading your time for money next is information for money now the good thing about getting information for money is that your time is not explicitly linked so if you do something like a video giving information that one video you can film it one time but it can be given out or sold a million times and you get paid every single time but your time is no longer linked to the money so a lot of people make money purely on information and this it could be done lots of ways it can be done with what I'm doing right now I'm making money based on what I know right now I am selling information to you people I know information and I'm providing there are also high level Consultants do the same thing information is valuable we live in the age of information another thing I guys want you to write down your notes some of the two most important things in the world today are information and attention if you can get if you have information and you can get attention you will be rich because if you can get attention people are going to pay attention to you and if you have information to give them you're going to be rich this webinar is an example of how me a person who can attract attention who has information can make money so information for money is better than time for money now every single person sitting here there must be something you know you know something you know something others don't know it doesn't matter if it's how to play guitar it doesn't matter if it's how to play piano it doesn't matter if it's how to fix a car doesn't matter what it is you must have some information that other people find useful that information can be weaponized and it can be turned into money we're going to get into how to do that later but it's not actually very complicated you need to Garner attention you need to produce uh the videos or the subject material or the the PDFs or whatever you want to do explain to people what you know you need to establish credibility so they understand that they can trust you and they will pay for your information this is another way to get money information so keep that in mind write that down because when you write down your piece of paper information you also need to sit and think what do I know that other people don't know so there must be something you know and that information is valuable you have to convince people it's valuable and to come and buy it from you next this is what most businesses do they provide a product or a service for money now this is different from information because even though if you provide a service you have information let's say you fix cars you know how to fix cars you have that information but you're not selling the information you're selling the service which is different the information would be selling me a book on how to fix my own car the service is coming here and to fix it for me so a product or service selling for money this is very very simple that's what most businesses do they buy they get a product or service and they sell it for a markup now this is actually this is the way that most Mega businesses make money but in the modern world it's quite difficult to do and it's difficult to do because most products and services are monopolized they're monopolized because everyone's already selling everything and we live in a global economy now and there's no product you can think of that I can't go to and find cheaper from China and they'll sell it at a one penny maybe two Penny markup so the product route is getting harder unless you're very very unique and you build a brand which is something we're gonna get into service is fine but you know what the problem with service is service is once again linked to your time if you're providing a service you're still giving up your time for money do you understand so the product angle is difficult the service angle is difficult the time angle is difficult so far the only angle we have will allow you to make money scalable out and Beyond is information for money next putting something else to do the work for you now this is what corporations and the mega rich people do they either get people to work for them or they get their money to work for them so to keep their time free they make other people or other things give up their time so a company will come along let's look at the slides a company will come along with a service it will advertise its service it will then hire people number one it will get people to work for them and then those people will give up their time in exchange for a wage give up their time for for a wage and the company will keep money so the owner of that company although he has to manage things his time is not explicitly linked to income now the super wealthy with the super wealthy people do is they get their money to work for them and if your money works for you it's even better than people because people need to be managed a lot more than money your money doesn't need to be managed money just works so if you have millions of dollars and you put them in a 10 you can get 10 return or even a three percent return you're going to be rich on the interest without doing anything so making your money making money is great but you could only live off this money if you already have a lot of money so let's go back through and analyze getting people to work for you is complicated setup because you actually need to sell a product or service to get most people to work for you also you need to people manage so for a long mere period of time you're not going to have your time free this is the first thing second thing getting your money to work for you you need a lot of money to live off the work your money does you need a lot of money to get this to happen most people don't have enough money to put their money to work to live off it now you still should put your money to work I want to talk about that but you can't live off your money working fee far into service for money we've discussed already your time is going to be linked to it it's extremely difficult to sell products nowadays unless you're very very strong with your branding or you find something very unique and services is once going to be linked it's once again going to be linked to your time back again time for money it's finite so once again it's difficult so of the four main ways to make money the best way to make money is information for money because if you can provide information for money you can find a way to streamline it so the information already exists so let's look at a map let's say you're a map company I know this is totally out of date because we have Google Maps now but when a map company made Maps did they sail around the world every time they want to draw a map no they sailed around the world they did it once they drew it on a map and then they sold that map over and over and over again that is selling information for money we know where the countries are we know where the things are we're going to sell you that information for money so when you're selling information for money you need to learn it you need to put it in a format that's tangible he is a map company Perfect there you go you can put in a format that's tangible for Joe schmoe and then you need to provide it over and over and over again so information for money is your best bet at making money especially online because people go to the Internet for information people Google things all day people are sitting there all day trying to get information and there is plenty of free information but still you will be amazed if you can establish credibility and you can get attention how you can get people to not want the free information they want the information from you so let's imagine you play guitar you're a guitar player if I were to Google how to play guitar I'm sure there would be endless free information telling me how to play guitar but if I see you playing guitar and the way you play is really cool and your social media is really busy and you get lots of attention and you tell me that you're going to teach me how to play guitar for the low low fee of 100 bucks I don't want to learn guitar from anyone I want to learn from you I don't want the free guitar I want to know what you know because you have credibility and you have attention so don't worry that the information you know is already free on the internet don't worry about that you need to worry about establishing credibility and attention and information for money is the easiest way now I'm not saying you can't make money the other ways but I'm still saying that that is your best bet at making money and you're instantly online now the correct thing to do is to do all of them if you want to start if you're starting at the very very bottom you need to be doing everything to make money because what is the end goal the end goal is to be like me where number two King pet you're getting your money to work for you I have enough money now that I could take my money give my money a job and do nothing I ain't gonna talk to nobody I ain't gonna do nothing but to get there you need a lot of money so that is the end goal getting your money to work for you so until you get there you need to be doing everything so you should not be wasting time if you have spare time you should be trading that time for money doesn't matter like a lot of people go under the Civil War a lot of people finish their job oh I finished my job now I can relax if you want to relax fine if you want to be rich you ain't got time for the racks you gotta find something to do with your time that will make you more money if you have spare time you should be trading it for money you should constantly be on the eye out for a product or service you can trade for money if you have a product you go you know what I think I could sell some of that you know what okay let me find a way I can sell it without using up too much of my time and they're gonna sell it or service oh this is a good service let me see if I can train someone else to do it so I have to do it myself a product or service again you should be trying to find a way you can trade them for money you should be constantly learning useful information and finding a way to teach people finding a way to be to to display the information you know in a tangible format so that people want to learn for you from you so if you know something that other people don't know can you explain it well can you talk clearly can you explain it in another language you need to find a way that you can have the information in your mind and make it very tangible especially if you know complicated things let's say you know something really complicated like some kind of computer programming can you or another language or something can you explain it in a very simple way so that people will want can can understand so they will want to learn from you yes or no so you need to be doing all of these things beginning they're super important you're doing them all at the beginning now before I press before we move on to the next slide if you don't have any questions on what I've explained such thus far about how money Works how to view money and the four main ways to make money so you don't have any questions before we continue